VC, IBB University |
The Vice Chancellor of Niger State Govt. owned Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, professor Ibrahim Adamu Kolo, has banned the hugging of female students in the university. The VC said anyone caught 'embracing or hugging' any female student would be dismissed from the school, as he called it immoral and not in line with the provision of the Islamic legal code.
Seriously? The things my ears keep hearing...lol
Look at his HARD face..u know he never had a hug in his entire life..completely different concept to him..of all things to clmap down on!!
Should I assume that only muslims attend this university?!
If not, then ALL muslim girls attending universities in Southern Nigeria should be obliged to receive a hug and kiss from our Southern boys - as part of the matriculation ceremony! abi?
This is nonsense. If HE has a problem with hugging, he should deal with it personally, rather than forbidding everyone from hugging
Hahahaha It is not possible. Maybe the prof is afraid of his shadow
Him name fit am welle... Prof. Kolo.
Let him go and hug transformer jo (I believe that's the reigning insult abi?).
So, does this mean that men can hug up on each other without reprisal from the enforcers of sharia law?
non muslims wey dey go this school...na dem sabi
@ Ade Cool.... lol!
Who goes to those kind of schools sef?
Omg! This University is named or built by Babaginda, I don´t get it and he want to become the President of Nigeria again, abi?
So they want to sharia everybody.
A hug and not cult has now become a crime. Something is wrong somewhere.
LMAO @ Ade and Franni.
2 funny!
lol @ Ade Cool... Kolo needs a hug BADLY
@Anonymous. IBB University Lapai was not built by IBB or named by him. It owned and built by the Niger State Government.
why do we like attaching importance to rubbish,I think he is just being a hypocrite or a sadist..haba oga spread love n not nonsense.what is it with these people sef..very soon they will ban things lyk eye contact!
should we ask aunty dora to rebrand this man and his university? what utter nonsense this man is peddling- instead of focusing on education, he is talking about islam- is this not nigeria? or abi, are we in saudi arabia where most people are muslims? it is educated people like him who are peddling their fundamentalist nonsense and killing poor innocent people in the process
well i have a few muslim friends and i wonder what they have to say about this
This is a good call on the govt to invest in education,and build more federal institute.So as to stop all dis private people from invading on our privacy...Its unimaginable
yeh kpa! Let us bann him from teaching female students.hahahahaha
And bann him from looking at their back sides. Naija i dey hail o!
I guess his latest wife just entrolled in the university and that is the only way of preventing her age mate from hugging her. what rubbish!
The guy might have is laxity but he said according to Islamic Sharia.Truly Islam forbids having too close affairs like hugging with people U dont have marital right on with convincing evidences.If U want to go to school and start hugging,then go with your wife(not girl your friend)no problem with that.Also if U are to b Sincerely with your self,U know the dangers that can emanate from such act.Think about it,If U ve been to high Institution, then U can tell me how it started b4 it lead to fornication.The reason islam forbids such thing is to avoid the dangers that it could cause the entire community).
its funny how these so called upstanding "muslims" do the most horrendous stuff which everyone knows. stuff like hiring prostitutes and doing drugs but then the come up with some of the most stupid rules so that ppl will think they are pious and shit, its just hypocrisy and everyone knows it, btw im muslim n no one (well that i know of) support rubbish laws like these wen poverty is busy killing all the poor people in the state and the whole north
@Anonymous 5:01pm, your English is as rubbish as what you are saying. I don't think anybody here would take you seriously.
Oti ya were!! sorry that's all I have to afdd
this guy looks like a real gambari
NA WA!....what problem would this solve abeg?
the so called VC z backward. infact,i think i should qualify him with the world hypocrisy.
I tink the VC is not socially oriented, may he graduated 4rm Arabic skul. He lacks socialization and he is socially backward.
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