Did you see what Linda wore to Nigeria's Next Top Model on Friday?
Yes I did, wasn't she fabulous?
She looked gorgeous...and that dress, wow!
Did you see the shoes? lovely! She's gradually becoming a fashionista.
I'm telling you. Everyone at the show couldn't take their eyes off her...
What a lovely lady!
Wow, thanks ladies, for the kind words. See, I've been praised by... erm...it doesn't matter who they are, the rest of you can say whatever you like...lol. Another pic when you continue..:-)
Awwww...how cute...:-)
linda i have to say this is one of the few times u look hot..you've got some legs on u girl and i love ur shoes..the dress is not bad...it suits u but i don't really like the fringe but u look good i'll give u 85% very good..we r getting there!
Linda, you are beautiful with statistics. You are classy, chic, sexy and fabulous. honestly this pics revealed how beautiful you are naturally, a beauty that can make Men fall-over themselves..... long hands, smooth and curvy legs.....IS GOOD TO BE BEAUTIFULL. I wish you all the very best.
A good thing you praised yourself first becox you know quite alright SOME go lamblast you sha....lol
1] Ha! you changed your hairstyle.... looks good
2] I like the shoe colour combination; red & black....unique.
3] Don't like the neck design...what are the ruffles for?
OVERALL EFFECT;...you look simple & elegant....& what straight legs! [am green here o...*grinning*]
Lol... I love u babes
cute dress.
don't like the shoes though, should've gone for some killer heel pumps. the strappy thingy is not working for me.
don't like the hair too.
wow... love the dress
Hehehehe! Funny girl!
Linda, not so cute. You should have gotten a size smaller.
Linda a touch of red lippie and you would have gotten a 9/10...u getting there sha..keep doing you!
sorry Linda but the dress reminds me of a cows horn but I like the fact that you have gained some weight and you have great legs
Good, very good..though could be better but all plus, no minuses..the frills, the length, no ba wetin all them designers dey charge for? Fierceeeee!
linda...the dress is cute but u have no taste in shoes....hate those shoes with a passion
Apart from the ruffles... you look damn.. hawt!!!!
Go Linda!!!
Linda looks great in this.
just one tiny bit missing...
earings, a longer earing would have complimented her beautiful face and enhanced her neckline.
great legs!
Ahn ahn Linda I want to be like you when I grow up o! :) you look great lady!
the outfit, shoes, legs are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but the HAIR........mmm mmm mmm #SMH#. i love you Linda but that hair is just aah.......sis, i don't just feel it. its not you.its just depressing really. its good you changed your hairstyle but i think you should continue with the experimentation till you get the hairstyle that truly suits you and then you should stick with that one. apart from that you were FAB. so tell me, just between the two of us..........how many men toast you? talk true oh!
Yea Linda, you look great. Ur a beutiful damsel.
There is nothing fantastic about Linda and her dress; Just saying.
well, you've got the beauty...i give it to you. keep it up.
Linda why did u not put up my post...it appears u cant deal with the truth..just bcos i said the dress was too short and u are over 30..that is constructive criticism..u are losing credibility a true blogger deals with the good and not so good..so u only want praise singers..well that is not the reality of the world we live in..i wasnt being mean..i made an honest statement i would make to myself..i have fantastic legs, but as soon as i turned 30..i kept my clothes to knee length and below...
Linda, the dress and the shoes are fab. Please next time wear chandelier earrings for the oomph factor! I've noticed that you have ashy knees, next time please use your brown powder or foundation so it can blend with your legs. I'll give you a 7/10.
nnenne stop telling people how to dress. if you want to dress like a granny at 30, why do you want the whole world to do the same? Linda carry go biko. 30 ni 80 ko.
@nnenna darling, sometimes it's not what u say, its how u say it. i upload negative comments about myself on this blog all the time, i'm sure u've seen a few. u just sounded hateful and i wasn't in the mood. And lol at me being over 30...i look that old? no darling, i'm actually not!
at the rest, kisssssssses! u know me i like praises...lol, thanks my people...
The is a cute dress, i don't see the "wow factor" in it though... tighter shoes would have pulled the whole look together. Try investing in some more classy shoes...Christian Louboutin, Dolce, and Prada makes some fierce shoes. i give the whole thing 6.5/10
besides Halle Berry is 44 and she wears short dresses all the time..wth? :-)
@anon8:57 6.5/10 is a nice score...appreciate...:-)
@tata, u wey fine pass me well well...i'm looking up to u...
@wienna, hmmm, this ur qquestion...dem plenty sha...ha ha
Linda this is the Best you've look in 2010 you can take that to the bank!!
linda,u look fantablous...dont mind them haters make them show their face may we see how dem be...
love the legssssssss
r d shoes christain louboutin?
Linda, the dress is better than average but not fantabalous but you are on the right track. Those shoes don't work, I think I've seen them on here before but it's time to retire them biko. Overall though you did well!
Now to my main reason for commenting. Nnenne, go get a life! What right do you have to dictate how someone shld live their lives. If you choose to wear long clothes now you are 30, so every 30yr old shld do the same??? Better get a life o and don't let me catch you making such idiotic comments. Hiss!!!!!
Chi m o. People sha. Linda you look good. You cant please everybody. Someone will always have one thing to add or subtract. If you felt comfortable and hot that day, then biko carry go (in a positive way).
@anon 11;29, u've never seen the shoes here o, just got it...my first time of wearing it. and someone wanted to know if its louboutin...ermm...NO! it's carlos or something like that...
......looking good,nice legs,.cute butt too...didn't know u hv ikebe,...lol
Linda, you went an extra mile for this outing. It pays off anyway and I love it. Somebody is talking about being 30 and bla...bla, abeg how old is Cher? Your best ever, do keep it up!
Wow I know the internet has some ignorant people, but please stay off Linda Ikeji if your life views are so freakin' limited.
1st off Linda looking fab girl. Your legs are to die for. Pure fiyah!
2d lady with the over 30 not wearing short dress comment, your life must be so bleak. So everybody over 30 should keep to a certain length?
To the other person with the Christian Dior, Louboutin comment, you are a complete idiot. You have bought into a marketing hype simple as.Don't get me wrong these designers make great shoes, you are missing the point 'GREAT SHOES', DON'T HAVE TO BE DESIGNER or cost £200 - £1000. When I'm sure Linda has better things to do with her money. If you want to purchase and send her a pair, I'm sure Linda won't mind sending you a forwarding address.
People read your comments before you post them up, yes there is freedom of speech, but because you think you sound intelligent or love to express your opinions, doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. If all else fails K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple stupid).
Linda darling
You look fab
I tried to get the type of your dress a while back on ASOS but my size wasn't available. I was so happy to see it on you.
Don't mind the haters, you can't please everyone.
You are a beautiful lady
God bless you
"Body smoking, cigarette. Shape nice, figure 8" lol You got a cute ass... *wink*
Linda i can tell you are very thin skinned for u to say i sounded hateful..is really really a stretch and in fact i am really disappointed i guess i gave u way too much credibility..why did it hurt so much? is ther a tinge of truth in it? the dress is way too short what is hateful in that statement..can't u see it for ur self..well its your prerogative to draw whatever conclusions u want..as for u chinwe so wearing clothes with the appropriate length is ur definition of dressing like a granny...how ignorant and irrational...what's the point? a word is enough for the wise! Halle Berry does not wear clothes that short..why not be ur own person..as for anon@ 11:29 i can see u are smoking something..i cant even respond to u since u are anonymous and therefore invisible..i guess otimkpu nwelu share!!!
Linda this is a step in the right direction. love the dress, not crazy about the shoes. maybe silver shoes would have worked better. also per the hair, maybe try wet and wavy to see if that fits your face better
overall, good job
Darling you are so brave to let all these random idiots have a go at you..
My take: You're too cute..
pls ignore negative comments darl.
Annoymous 12:45, you are a standard bastard for thinking by suggesting those shoes, i in any way form or shape shoved the idea down lindas throat. you dumb arse wipe of a slut. there is nothing wrong with buying couple of designer shoes here and there to compliment your wardrobe. everyone does it. You buy a nice $200 dress at nordstrom and BAM! you jazz it up with $850 pumps from YSL or Fendi...i so hate your dumbass for your razzz comment. you think everyone is broke and wretched like you and can't afford these ordinary shoes that's so much of a jawdropper to you it;s making your blood pressure rise? dumb fork, if i didn't think Linda can afford them, would i have suggested it? it's just shoes you nut job and she can damnn afford it. omo ale
Linda...don't get me wrong u are. Very beautiful girl u just need something that will take u to the next level....I personally wanna send u some shoes...I believe some red or blue killer pump will have made everybody go wow....I'm dead serious I wanna send u some shoes from here....what's ur size and send me ur addy or any postal code..ariestoogood@yahoo.com
lol @ comment about being over 30 and wearing a short dress... WTH?
Linda, do you abeg!
Love Love Love the dress!! Not feeling the bangs though, but it looks pretty from behind. 8/10.
sorry misposted...
You look really nice Linda..your figure is to die for o!
@cici, hope u are not playing with me girl. shoes yeeeaa!!! oya, i've sent u a mail...respond kia kia
@doll and everyone else, thank u so much
I always knew u had it in u. Keep it up.
Linda, u look so much sexier now that you gained a little bit of flesh. I'm totally feeling you!
Linda Baby gal...you looked sweet,hot and lovely.dont care what people say....let the haters go Hung(twakowa..meaning we a tired).
you inspire me gal truly...GO Linda..GO Linda.heheheh lol
Linda, I love your sense of humor honestly, you are so refreshing its not even funny.
This is not my favorite look on you, I think you need to give colors a chance and leave the black alone. I think the chignon doesn't complement your face and the shoes are hot, but too much going on it clashes with this dress.
As for nnenne, you sound pathetic and generally dissatisfied in life. The thing about people like you is that you fail to realize, that no matter how much you try to put others down, that action will never elevate you. I think I speak for alot of people when I say eat a d..., you sorry b!
Linda dear, no time! How'r u? sure u'r doing great. As for me, I don't have any problrm with the shoe or the dress. What I have problem with is the hair! The hair, no no no. Capital NO. Please, u need to do something about the hair. That hair style kind of took the beauty of the whole thing away. we have a saying Yoruba land that "Irun ni ade-ori (crown) obinrin; ade ori de lafi nmoba". Plaese, try half parting (long weave-on)and let's c how far it goes. u know we'll kuku comment. Linda, two killer legs u have dear...and I love that booty!!!
Lol, you are freakin' hilarious @ Anon 3.46AM. Your comments just go on to show your stupidity knows no bounds.Honestly it isn't a problem, we are not perfect.
You obviously can't read,Welcome to the Blowing Money Fast Generation! Where broke people live like they're rich & rich people work like they're broke.
P.S. from Anon @ 12.45
Linda my love,you look lovely but let me give you my 2 cents on this matter....you should do more colours. you like black and it does not bnring YOU out like that. If this dress were in silver for instance that would have ben diofferent, try other colours. The dress is lovely sha then shoes...red would have been great with no straps sha. All in all, you are beautiful but maybe you should get a stylist to help when you go for all these glam occassions you are a celebrity oh dont downplay it. I love you and dont mind negative haters what will life be without them....no challenge! Kiss kiss
Linda you are not wearing a bra, i don't like it.
I love you Linda!BUT
Yet another safe safe outfit.
Wear some lip colour red or pink smokey eyes.
half part your hair in curls or slick all to the back and make that lovely face work.
Again your outfit is nice but only because you got a body to die for....the question is do you make that body work for it?
NO darling!
You are too scared
i was live and direct at the NNSM i honestly thought linda got it all wrong cos i kept on wondering wot kind of a dress she was wearing her hair do was something else she wrapped her hair to the left of her face and coulnt stop dragging her frock up and fidgetting in it sitting next to omowunmi akinnifesi didnt help matters as people didnt quite understand wot omowunmi was also wearing the colour of lindas frock was dull it didnt bring out her shin colour making her total outfit a bit bland the only thing i fancied was actually her legs.try harder next time. xxx
CC u are indeed quite despicable ur self. saying that the dress is short is being hateful and dissatisfied what a stretch!!! how ignorant can one get??..why cant u come up with something more creative using words u dont understand? so u are not being hateful by commenting on her appearance telling her too much is going on?? hunh!! what a double standard
@anon 2:18, ha I'm wearing a bra oh...with breastises that small, i must wear bra, padded sef...lol
@anon 5:17...i suspect u...i think i know who u are...:-)
linda m u look great, even if you are over 30 and you still wanna rock your teenniest outfits rock away, its ur body! ...........haterz cant be pleased either way.
the hair makes u look a bit older but you are still a hottie ;) and what rubbish am i hearing about your shoes clashing with your BLACK gown? hmmmmm some people want to do joan rivers fashion police with their eucharia anunobi fashion sense *evil laughter*
Linda, i like your dress. YOu look fab but please could you try other colors but black. Always wearing black
You look bomb Linda!!
Though i feel a lot is going on with the dress, you still ooze sexiness:)
u cud try black color 1b or 1a hair. bt i like.
@linda a little amebo here, did cici get back to you on the shoes
u r beautiful
u r just there
u r beautiful,u r beautiful u r beautiful...its true
lindicious,i gbadun ur style gbogboaramically...
@anon 10:21...i sent her an email immediately, she did get back...new shoes for xmas, yessssssss! lol
Tacky dress and shoes if you ask me. You are a pretty girl but you don't dress the part and it is hard to see the beauty!
This is for all those who think Linda is above 30. Pls u guys should go wash ur brains with awe soap or fuel cos I knw Linda personally n she is just 30, not OVER!!!!!!!!!!!
Urm Linda you have fantastic legs... keep showing your legs...but i have seen you look better...i am not really feeling this your look.
Hi Linda, Nice dress but not reli feeling tose shoes @ all oh.
Am into styling and i think we can work 2ghther drop me a line on thingsbygarnets@yahoo.com.
ldkmfco **laf don kil me for comments o**
**thinking, shouldn't I say my own?**
Ok, this is it.... Linda oooo, OUN TI O BA WUN ELENU NI KI O FI ENU E SO! lol... abeg abeg WOREVA rocks ur world o jare, cos it won't alwez WERK fr evri1 anyway....
Hey Linda, i think i could help u a bit by styling u 4 an event.Buzz me on thingsbygarnets@yahoo.com if u interested
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