17 year old Kanyinsola Onalaja was last year's young designer of the year. The young designer's debut collection has just been unveiled. The collection looks at the traditional styles and recreates them into a modern, more avant-garde look. It has also been hand painted and tie-dyed.

I think she should stick to the handmade tie dye fabrics. That's authentic and can be her niche. Those ones are the most beautiful.
Some of the styles appear like every naija designer's stuff. All this copy cat going on. Hmm.
I really like it and the fact that she is only 17 she is still learning.
I really like it...and the fact that she is 17 means she is still learning.
Wow..this is great work..though i would like to see some more of the hand made tie-dye that she does come through..
MESSAGE for ANONYMOUS 1. Get your facts right before you dis the poor girl's designs. Its very obvious you can't read. ADVICE to ANONYMOUS 1, ask a literate person to read this quotation taken from the Original post.
"The young designer's debut collection has just been unveiled. The collection looks at the traditional styles and recreates them into a modern, more avant-garde look. It has also been hand painted and tie-dyed."
i am not feeling this collection. i admire the fact that she's young and all that but her clothes to me is still trying to find its way. she's still hasn't found her niche and her clothes look like something out of a mass production house.
hope she gets there.
there's no need to diss the designs. the designer is only 17 and has most likely not been professionally trained. i think the ideas behind the designs are fabulous though. the colours might be a bit too dull for me. i would advise her to get into a top notch fashion school like the london college of fashion and polish her talents. when she's thru, you'll see the difference. go girl!
Definitely something I would wear!!
You go girl, keep the good work coming!Love to see what you do next.Best of luck
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