Rihanna rocked out her bright red new hair as she hit the stage during Rock in Rio Madrid Festival on Saturday (June 5) in Arganda del Rey, Spain
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Pics thanks to justjared.com
Rihanna needs to go sit down somewhere. It's getting ridiculous. We can't all be lady gaga. What the hell does she have on? That hair is a big NO!
my goodness she looks horrendous! it's been a steady decline since she chopped off her locks cica umbrella
good girl gone bad
bad girl gone mad
uhhhh mummy who is the scary lady??? please make her go away!
she needs to go learn how to sing and dance instead of changing her freaking hair style
hehehehehe...kai! all these celebrities no go fit kill me o! lai! lai!....i won't be surprised when the 'lagos island, mushin & A.J city babes start to fix am....infact by tomorrow, i would be on the look out for them! lol..shio! must lady musicians be half naked when they sing?...
Alicia says....
LOL @ Bukenzo
and wannabewriter, i agree, she is a mess.
Rihanna, I stopped listening to that girl last year. her act is tired! NEXT!
Blogger Bukenzo said...
good girl gone bad
bad girl gone mad
June 6, 2010 1:34 PM
you took the words right out off my keyboard. this girl needs a serious clue.
every time i look at her i feel sorry for her because she and beyonce think that exposing their goodies(I'd prefer to write SAGGIES) to the world would improve their record and ticket sales.
yuck!!! even the STRAIGHTEST of dudes are tired of seeing their SHIT every time on television
I wonder if the 'Chris Brown b**ch slapping' sort of affected her brain
cudn't have said it better, all this has to do with cb, the chic is mad, cb rily bitch slap common sense from her head
She looks horrible....
Plus I think she's lost it!
she has YAWERED...period
i cant wait to see munachi abi with this look!hoo shebi na him idol??
then if not na im be say she no be better follower
@ nitty gritty, yes they have to be naked when they sing especially if they have no singing abilities to begin with! im sure babes in the states will have this hairstyle as well not only the ones in lagos! lwkmd!
Rihanna obviously needs prayers.
I mean, seriously, WTH?!@#%&***
Another lady gaga in making....lol... i guess shes trying to create a new image .... since critics accused her of stealing her former sexy image from Beyonce ...
this girl is seriously lost, she needs advice. i am waiting for the tell all book.
Kilon je be...Abeg d edgy look is turnin way creepy
Same old shit!!!
Rihanna or kolomental is so last season, she just keeps on getting worse, such an embrassment to her family, she is fast becoming an irritant. Hiss.!!!! She has no talent, cant sing, cant dance, the only thing she has gong for her is her body.
eeeh dont like dis one o.
I personally do not know what to say here- this is obviously ridiculous! She is gradually but painfully 'loosing it!"
The hair is not flattering at all and i think she is trying too hard to create her bad girl image.
sincerly, i realy do not know wat to say cos everybody has said it all. is it that she wants to be another lady gaga or wat? she's finally lost it and i think she really needs to check into rehab or somefin so they can fix her up. the hairdo is so wacked. shes a disappointment to womanhood***eeewwww***
sincerly, i realy do not know wat to say cos everybody has said it all. is it that she wants to be another lady gaga or wat? she's finally lost it and i think she really needs to check into rehab or somefin so they can fix her up. the hairdo is so wacked. shes a disappointment to womanhood***eeewwww***
D babe is simply livin ha life d way she wants n like India Arie said in ha song-I am not my hair. U guys shld kindly free d chic rather dan judge ha based on sum haairstyle. Yeah,it luks weird,freaky.,....wateva! Dt's d sole purpose of entertainment n its caught ur attention one way or d other.
nice hair.. u look like boy..
Right.....someone forgot her dress at home
Right....someone forgot her dress at home! Does this girl look at what she used to be before this 'good girl gone bad thing'? and the hair....*speechless*
right...someone forgot her dress at home
Right...someone forgot her dress at home
Bukenzo you are on point!! HORRID!!!!!!!!! Horrible mess!! O bummer!!!
i normally like her hair but she needs to chill and look in a mirror she has really nice but she has just f****d it up big time silly girl!!!
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