Maybe we'll make 'fun post!' a Sunday tradition.
Like the last time this is a post no one should take serious. Let's just have fun with it. And no insults this time please :-)
It's my list of Naija's power couples - not just in the entertainment industry - this list cuts across all sector.
A power couple is a popular or financially wealthy pair that intrigues and fascinates the public in a very intense fashion. They have high-powered careers or are politically influential. They also have tremendous influence over people around them. Some of them have devastating good looks!

In the USA, their number 1 power couple is Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Though there are those who believe it's Barack and Michelle Obama. I agree!

In India, it's Ashwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan.
In Nigeria, which couple would you pick as the number 1 power couple?
There are so many of them, but I'll only include the ones I can remember at this time.
Check it out...
Fela and Tara Durotoye
Austin and Nkechi Okocha
Sunny and Betty Irabor
Bola and Oluremi Tinubu
Rasaq and Shade Okoya
Jide and Uche Balogun (Nee Odogwu)
Tunde and Wunmi Obe
AY and Mabel Makun

Tosin and Raymond Dokpesi

Ituah and Ibidun Ighodalo

Bolajoko and Kenny Ogungbe

Obaro and Heirut Ibru

Donald and Onari Duke

Charly Boy and Lady Di

Nomoreloss and Phoenix Child

Ali Baba and Mary

Kanu and Amarachi Nwankwo

Ali Baba and Mary

Kanu and Amarachi Nwankwo

Deola and Dare Art Alade

Dorothy and Eyimofe Atake

Victor and Funmi Okigbo
The list also includes...
Olu and Joke Silva
Richard and Jumobi Mofe Damijo
Frank and Catherine Edoho
Nike Oshinowo and Dr Soleye
Gloria and Norbert Young
I know I missed out a lot of names...please supply more names.
Now let me choose. In terms of hotness, I'll go for Obaro and Heirut. In terms of influencing people around them, I'd go for Fela and Tara Durotoye. In terms of politically influential, I'd go for Bola and Remi Tunubu. In terms of high-powered jobs, I'd go for Sonny and Betty Irabor. And in terms of financially wealthy pair, I'd go for the billionaire couple - Rasaq and Shade Okoya!
But who would you pick as the ultimate Naija Power Couple? Which couple has it all? Or are you of the opinion that we do not have a Nigerian version of Angie and Brad?
Let's know what you think...
Personally I am adding Will & Jada Pinkett Smith as per U.S...
Linda you will soon kill me...this is why i can never study..m always on ur website:) This website is like crack I swear.
ok...I didnt know more than half of the names out of this list..but i love the okocha's, igbenedion, tinubus, and the Duke's
what about forgot eldee
what about pete edochie and his wife now....ini edo and her new beau...ill be back with more
so..i dont know why i tot charlie boy was divorced...
Half of these people are just celebrity couples with no 'impact.' Don't think they are power couples yet especially the new couples- Ay, 9ice, Ton, etc.
actually brad and angelina are not the most powerful couple in the US..just googled it..its beyonce and ajyz..they are also the richies celebrity couple in the world.
that said..i love tunde and wumni obe..theyve been around for so long.
Sorry, but to be a power couple, don't both parties need to be achievers? That would weed out a fair number of your nominees, no?
Wat kind of stupid list is dis?
How can u include d likes of nomoreloss, 9ice and julius agwu??
R u kidding me?? Wen u talk of a power couple I think it means husband and wife who r very influential and powerfull at large!!
So think again before u name those ones o
I think some names are not meant to be here at some mini-celeb like NO MORE LOSS and co. they dont do it for me at all!!
if these are the only couples in naija that can me compared to angelina & brad and the obama's. then we aint got no power couple in naija.
Linda please include pastor paul and ifeanyi adefarasin
Power couple,
this is hard....
the Dukes
Linda, some power couples on your list are not power couples as much as they are women who married rich/famous men (see Shade Okoya, Ibiere Agwu & Amarachi Nwankwo etc.)
Other couples listed are just long-suffering wives with philandering or abusive husbands.
As far as the naija Brangelina... I don't think we have an equivalent, but I don't think we need one.
i don't think d meaning of power couples is well understood...cos people are married to a celebrity or socialite or appear constantly in the media does not make them a power couple. maybe the Dukes could have been considered a power couple about 2-3 yrs ago but not now. none of there ppl exert any power.
since you said no comment then...............................
You left out Steve and Yetunde Babaeko.
Am sorry but Rasaq and Sade Okoya don't fit the billonaire couple!!
You stated that the Husband and wife must have influenced the soceity one way or the other!!
Sade does not enable the Okoya to qualify!! How has she influenced the society?? except by spending millions on her 'masquerade like' outfits and jewellery!!How can an aristo, opportunist and gold digger chic be termed a billonaire??? you are kidding right?? Let her make a name for herself first!! although it appears it might be too late.
Besides Rasaq has got numerous wives so should not be on that list??
trash list.
Linda seriously do your research before you put up some stories on this your blog.
You are really pushing it with some of these folks you are suggesting as Naija's "power" couple!
ireti doyle n her husband..
There is no power couple in Nigeria because of the Nigerian man's ego. Nigerian couples are a mix of an abusive philandering control freak husbands and a long suffering unhappy patient and enduring wife who is in the marriage for a) the sake of the society and image b) the children, since she cannot take care of them by herself c) lucky to be married to a rich man who she can live off d)any other miserable reason.
Mrs Ibru is hot. Meanwhile mrs Nwankwos picture did not do hr justice o.I love the Irabors.
Finally me and my Mrs whenever we getmarried
This list is so so so wrong... no one in the list qualifies, cos ur a married celebrity doesnt make u a POWER COUPLE. Power couples r people that r making waves and are both making a difference, not just married celebs..... dont even know some people up there, NO ONE QUALIFIES PLEASE.....
power couple?based off what? power couple my ass!!!
gosh linda your thinking is so stupid!!!
her thinking is not stupid, its a fun post dont take it so seriously.
thats true power couples should give back to the soceity in some way, make a difference as well as looking amazing and all those things we regard as beautiful
can u imagine linda posting tosin and raymond dokpesi,raymond is an aristole for God's own sake,okoya is also an aristoleeeeeeeeeee.
Tara and Fela are my favourite
I think if people dont agree with the list, you just have to state ur reason and not insult Linda, its unfair!
But really, Linda, the list does not qualify as powerful couple (except Tinubu maybe).
Your blog id d best in the whole worlddddddddddddddddddd. God bless.
Pls overlook the insults and continue to be the good girl you are.
Most in ur list EXCEPT Bettty & Sony Irabor dont qualify!!
Haba, most of them are just ppl we know. There's a difference btw celebrity couples and power couples. In the case of power couples both have to be influential and rich in their own rights!
Most in ur list EXCEPT Bettty & Sony Irabor dont qualify!!
Haba, most of them are just ppl we know. There's a difference btw celebrity couples and power couples. In the case of power couples both have to be influential and rich in their own rights!
I think Fela and Tara Durotoye qualify. They may not be in the same league and Bee and Jay but I think in terms of achievements...they do on some level. Maybe Sonny and Betty Irabor as well.
Some of you guys are so rude! The girl was clearly messing around and even if she wasn't going as far as calling her thinking stupid is a bit much no?
This is a joke right? At the very start of your post, you defined a power couple and yet you still came up with that joke of a list. From your own definition, what impact have those women have in their own careers save from being the wife of so and so. Apart from a few like Tara and her husband, even my husband and I are more of a power couple than half of the pple on your list.
This is a joke right? At the very start of your post, you defined a power couple and yet you still came up with that joke of a list. From your own definition, what impact have those women have in their own careers save from being the wife of so and so. Apart from a few like Tara and her husband, even my husband and I are more of a power couple than half of the pple on your list.
nonsense list............
To the anonymous cretins that posted hurtful and rash comments calling the list stupid & Linda herself stupid, you need to learn to read! She obviously posted it as a FUN POST, not some researched article for Forbes magazine.
Chill the F**K out snitches!
I am sorry Linda you failed with this list, you put powerful men with wives. Which we see a lot in our society, because men don't see women as their equal. But regardless there are still power couples with both the husband and the wife contributing to the society. You should look harder. If you need a list, I can send it to you. Also to the person that said that Beyonce and Jay-z are the most powerful celebrity couple in America, please look again. Maybe in the hip hop world. But those two could not even generate half the star power as Brangelina. Not in America or around the rest of the world. Outside of America they call Jay-z, Beyonce's husband.
Hi Linda, u had stated in one of ur blogs that u had no desire to travel out of the country, well maybe u should cos that will give u a different perspective on a lot of things. Travelling, is definately educational, and might do u well. I enjoy reading ur blog but it sometimes lacks substance, cos u want to blog about the western world of which u are not well informed about. Just my one cent!
hahahaha this is a joke Ms Linda you need to do your homework on who the power couple of Nigeria are......majority of this people you have here are just your normal bloody celebrities or business tycoons kids who would not know what power is if it bits them in the ass. People like Ibrahim and Mariam Babangida, Femi and Nana Otedola, Mike Adenuga and wife, Michael and Cecilia ibru. The list goes on and on
You all crack me up,that's why i keep coming to linda's blog.Cant think of any couple for now,meanwhile i'll keep reading the you linda,love your blog ,love your comentators too!hehehehe!
You people are obviously very dumb. It show U DONT EVEN READ.
If you ignorant fools had read the beginning of the post you would have seen that Linda said this is just "Fun post" when will Nigerian develop a reading culture...........???dumb assess
You know Linda does not live abroad like you guys in the US or UK, hence lack of exposure.
The only comment I take issue with is Kanu's wife, this was a girl Kanu went out to marry, if you read their story. Kanu actually said when he saw her before even talking to her, he said that was his wife (*ok, dont bite my head off , i know the girl had the opportunity to turn him down when he eventually opens his mouth - that I cant defend). Anyways wouldnt like to categorise her as a gold digger?
Even most of you here will go for a financially secured man before love esp the youths of today.
BTW I am married, enough said!
Linda pls dont mind all those ppo that called u stupid....I like wot u do.
To all of u that think the list is trash, she gave us all an option of coming up with our own list.
The poor girl has just entertained us one way or the other. I dont also subscribe to most of the names on the list, but i wont call Linda stupid for entertaining me/us.
Welldone babes.
You guys are so nice coming to my defence like this. awwwwwwww, i feel so lucky.
those calling me names...i said it was a fun post, not to take it serious...but its ok... if i took ur insults to heart i wouldnt have uploaded it.
Be good!!!
That's right Linda....loooooves your style jare no mind them.
Linda and other bloggers, I don't know how you endure. Sometimes I wish blogging never was as it is misused and serves to be the internet's excuse for extremely rude humans to be inhuman to one another. What is wrong with people. Even if people on the list don't qualify ehe? can't we all just see the humor in it and laugh? all of you just come and vent your frustrations. Frustrated human beings.
clear road jare!!!!
lol. the post is funny.
The only power couple in naija I can think of is atleast that have the swaga of brangelina is Fetara or Felatara.. lol j/k don't kill me guys.
Fela and Tara durotoye. That's sad, we need more people.
We don't have any power couples in Nigeria. The people on your list are merely celebs and socialites as opposed to being power couples.
Now the real power couples are the likes of Brad/Angelina, Jay Z/Beyonce, Barack/Michelle, Bill/Hillary and David/Victoria Beckham.
Linda, I enjoy this post and love reading comments posted by your fans. Readers, we need write ups like this to relax. The lovely photographs are therapeutic in nature. So enjoy. Linda more of this please. My vote goes to Pastor Ituah and Ibidun. I think you left out Chris Okotie and Stephanie better known as Chrisstephanie. Cheers
Linda, where have you guys placed Moji Dokpesi. I'd rather vote for Moji and Raymond Dokpesi.... Well let's leave it at that.
Did pple read this part at all?
Maybe we'll make 'fun post!' a Sunday tradition.
Like the last time this is a post no one should take serious. Let's just have fun with it. And no insults this time please :-)
Linda no mind dem bo, dey are all just frustrated human beigns.
Abeg people,enough of all thiz power coupe dis and dat,even una so called Brangelina aint married a bi?na so we de hear 2day 2gether 2morrow no more!beyonce and jayz got married just abt a yr ago,u can say they ve got money in show biz and nothing more!power couples are people that ve been married 4 atleast 20 yrs and they re still happily married with evidence and still making waves ,talk of Kenneth and gloria copeland ,David and faith oyedepo and the likes worthy of emulation ....letz go
again if u read lindas blogg and u dont like her write upz better go and write ur own or hang doesnt warrant any insults.itz either u like it or not ,no 1 cares
Nigerians can be so illogical and very ignorant at times. That's the reason the country is the way it is. If you have problem with someone or something, you don't have to go and insult the person and act stupid about it. If you disagree or agree, present your case or reasons with respect, common sense, maturity, and be rational about it.
I don't agree with the list, or think any of the couple mentioned on there fit into power couple, but I will not be rude or insult Linda for posting it on her blog. It's not even that serious. Some Nigerians seriously need to grow up, and learn how to apply common sense. We just enjoy fighting and insulting people, and always talk bad about one another. That's what we are known for, and our strength, that's pretty sad.
Here is my reason, Brangelina are named the power couple in the U.S. not because of their money, but their humanitarian work. Adopting children from all over the world, and giving half of their income to help others who are in need, and going to different countries to help.. If you want to talk about richest, then it will be Jay and Bey. I'm not looking for power couple in Nigeria, I just want Nigerians to start thinking outside of themselves, and think about others. I'm not talking about how you can make money from others, but helping others who are in need and don't have basic necessities. I will say the couple that I know of, that are close to that is Donald Duke and wife, and then Mr and Mrs Ibru at least they try to do something, and I appreciate them for it, because it's not easy. Even the ones who are trying to do something, all we do is just bash on them, no encouragement at all. Do people think if Brangelina or the Obamas, are surrounded by some of these Nigerians, they will be where they are now, no.
Linda, just ignore the stupidity and foolishness of some people, and continue to do what you are doing. I'm proud of you.
The only couple that fit description in Nigeria are D'banj & Genevieve Nnaji even thoug it is on the down low. But while it lasts, they are a power couple. Used to be D'banj and Ini Edo.
i vote TARA and FELA
and linda, u have a heart of gold to be able to still smile at some of these comments
these are not the worst sef
Dunno if u just wanted to make a list of all ur married celeb friends r u really had in mind stating a power couple? but u got it really twisted anywayz!! The naija batch need to have many of their names crossed out with red ink!! smh..
2 year ons on and I know at least 3 of these couples have separated. Na wa o.
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