Caster Semenya some weeks back arriving her country South Africa after winning the 800 metres at the 2009 World Championships in Athletics with a time of 1:55.45 in the final, setting the fastest time of the year.

After winning gold, her gender was brought into question and she was subjected to tests to determine her sex.
Semenya later said "I see it all as a joke, it doesn't upset me. God made me the way I am and I accept myself".
Look at her now...
Caster in a nice hair style, a designer black dress, jewelry, makeup and nail polish.
It's the last set of repeating, single-digit dates that we'll see for almost a century (until January 1, 2101).
An extremely special day. Before you go to bed tonight, say a little prayer. I have a feeling God will be working overtime today. *Smile*
May all wishes come true.
people shouldn't have to make dramatic makeovers to be accepted.
oh yea
Thats cool but she still looks like a man though...her jawline is so prominent but she's a darn good athlete though
Caster looks amazing. Im very glad glas that they didnt overprocess/ over style her. She WEARING HER HAIR, not a weave. She took out her braids and is wearing the braid/ crimp/ curl pattern. She looks lovely.
I am also very glad that despite the worldwide disrespect she is facing she is still happy & jubilant.
When the tests r done & confirm you be a lady, they BETTER APOLOGISE to you Caster.
what about 10/10/10
Even with the makeover she still looks like a a womans outfit.... i believe there is a name for
Men, wen i saw this, i exclaimed THE POWER OF MAKEUP. She looks good. All those people that goes about ranting abt being natural can see the utmost power of makeup. Love dis.
well, she still looks like a man..but she dint create herself...they should let her be ...abeg
Even with all the make-over, she still looks like a Man. She's trying too hard.....
@anonymous: Linda said 'single digit date' 10 is a double digit. Get?
As for Caster, glad she dint let all that drama upset her and she's still looking great. How many women can just go ahead, accept themselves and be who they are without going under the knife and all?
Im sure she did that to tell 'em, "dont think im styleless and fashion-blank coz of the way I look. I can be a stunner when I want to" Haha! Go Caster!
@ anonymous 10:14, 10:10:10 does not look like a single digit date to me!,-female-sex-organs?GT1=39002
This is a sad news, and even sad that the world found out before she/he did. I feel so horrible for her... She has testes where her ovaries are suppose to be. That's so not fair that they put her out there like that.
Well the test has reveled that she is a hermaphrodite. She is more of a man than a woman, she has inner testes, she has high levels of testosterone.She also has no womb and ovaries.
She might be stripped and adviced to undergo surgery to inhibit the hormones so she can compete with women.
I feel so sad for her.
She's just been confirmed a hermaphrodite. Too bad!
One Phrase: DRAG QUEEN!
I pity the girl, but SA should learn from this.Afterall, that was how they tested all the Nigerian female atheletes that went there for the All Africa games.
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