Today's news constantly reminds us of where the most blood is being shed. At present, Iraq is a tragically obvious example. From Colombia to Chechnya, there are countries and people being ground under by oppression, terrorism, poverty and death. Here are some places where the rule of law is arbitrary, education is an after-thought and life is cheap.

Zimbabwe's economy has been in chaos since President Mugabe forced the country's white farmers into exile in 2000. Today, unemployment and inflation are out of control. Fuel and food shortages are chronic problems, and as a result violent crime is widespread. Robberies and car-jackings are rife, as are land seizures, political intimidation, and attacks on tourists.

Travellers are at serious risk of capture and execution in Afghanistan. Former Taliban and al-Qaeda operatives remain at large, and ambushes and car-bombings are increasing in frequency. Areas most vulnerable to attack include government centres and the U.S Embassy.

Although Liberia's 14-year civil war drew to a close in the summer of 2003, 15,000 U.N peacekeepers and 1,100 police advisers remain in the stricken country. Crime is a major concern, and the bulk of it takes place after night falls. Murder, sexual assault and theft are everyday occurences.

No district of Iraq is safe for travellers. The Coalition has so far failed to break the insurgents, and international terrorists and former members of the Ba-ath regime remain at large. Each day, civilians die in either car bombings or suicide bombings. Obvious targets, like restaurants, hotels and police stations are to be avoided.

Burundi is a small African republic, famous in the 1980s for its tribal drumming and in the 1990s for genocidal ethnic conflict. Today, roving groups of armed criminals commit muggings and car-jackings with impunity.

Although Indonesia contains exotic resorts like Bali and West Java, some provinces are in a state of civil war. Groups linked to al-Qaeda pose a high risk to Westerners throughout the country. The Bali bombings of 2002 resulted in 23 deaths and left 129 people maimed.

Colombia is the capital of South America's cocaine industry. Rebel groups frequently kidnap Western tourist. The country is currently suffering an out break of fever.

The state of Pakistan has been in conflict ever since it was formed in 1947 when a part of India, at the time ruled by the British, was cordoned off to create a Muslim state. Two bitter wars have followed as India and Pakistan fight it out for control of the disputed Kashmiri territory. Many extremist groups have gathered in Pakistan over recent years. Islamabad and the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan are particularly unsafe, where al-Qaeda and Taliban militants roam

Russia (Chechnya)
Tourists are advised to avoid the entire Caucasus region of Russia, where open guerrilla warfare still rages in a lawless society. Kidnappings for ransom are common, as are terror attacks such as the 2004 Beslan school raid, which saw 186 children massacred.
Nigeria might not be economically buoyant, there might be a high rate of uneployment, bad roads, lack of good infrastructures etc, but we have something more important than all of this, and that's peace. There's no war, ethnic clashes, suicide bombings, earth quake etc. Let's be grateful to God for all that at least.
you never disappoint me.your blog is a must need more on that
I personally cry for Zimbabwe, its so annoying how selfish mugabe is to his people, i hope he gets sorted out like Abacha one day.
Thank God. I must say.
@set.nice of you to check in with u doing?
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