Apparently, someone very close to my heart was always checking my blog out and reading your comments. He was very impressed with the feedback and my dedication to my blog, so he decided to reward me.
Yesterday, the man-who-loves-me-deeply gave me a brand new 17inch 2006 model Dell laptop. Did I hear a 'wow'? Yes wow!!!
I am beyond thrilled 'cos this laptop is the best in the market. It can do anything and everything. Everything is in-built! I even got Internet connection to go with it....somebody say amen!!! lol.
I've been staring at the gadget non-stop since yesterday. I still can't believe it's mine. I wish you guys could see this laptop.
Before now I was using a Toshiba 2004 model, nice...but meeeen, this new one is a 'Machine'
This is the exact one he got for me...

There's nothing more beautiful than having a man who supports your career and wants to see you succeed. He's always teaching me how to make more money with my talent, my magazine, my writing...he's such a sweetheart.
So yesterday, in appreciation, I decided to do something I'd never done for him before. Cook! Yes I cooked for my man for the first time since we started dating. That's crazy right? He didn't even know I could cook. I'm an excellent cook BTW(even though I don't look the part), and the best part is that I love cooking...I just never got around to ever doing it for him until yesterday. He loved..liked...loved my cooking. lol
Thanks baby. No one encourages and supports me more than you do. I really appreciate it! Love and plenty plenty plenty kisses!!!
By the way Bella, he loves your blog! I don't know which one he reads more, yours or mine lol.
congratulations lady you deserve it! you have a good guy:)
Linda Congrats on your new laptop.BTW the way to a man's heart is through his stomach so you did well by cooking for him.What did you cook?And are you sure it was only the cooking you did to show appreciation?Even though you won't give us full details we already know that you did more than cooking for
Oh! dear, this is sucn great news. I am happy for you ooo.
and say Hi to da 'lucky' guy
It's good to have a man who cares about u and have an interest in ur career. Welldone, Linda's Man.
Make GOD give us our own MAN o!
Linda, congrats o! That's great news... and looking at your blog, I can say you deserve it. That's a very good laptop you got there ...and with Internet too. Do I sense more internet addiction? Hmmm, I'll reserve my comments on that one.
We go wash am o! Linda's Man,weldone. U try! Is Linda's Man Idol W.A./Cool FM's Dan Foster?
U guys send me wedding invitation o!
you deserve that and much more my dear linda.congrats!
@mrs was just the beginning. remember 'did u know - blue background?' that was
Congrats o Linda,when are we getting the wedding invite?
Congrats linda. now thats what am talking about!. i like it when you get rewarded for your hardwork.
By the way i have never seen you cook for any guy since ive known you, this guy must be special. if his name is dan, then he must be lucky.
Congrats linda. now thats what am talking about!. i like it when you get rewarded for your hardwork.
By the way i have never seen you cook for any guy since ive known you, this guy must be special. if his name is dan, then he must be lucky.
niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! good on you!
Good for you!
Hmmmm.. congrats jare
am sure i know the man.. jurry up oh make we come chop.
Well done girl, i'm so happy for you and I pray for more good to come your way.
I liked the fact that you cooked for him. I think that's sweet.
orrrrrr, i'm so touched!
Why should anyone be surprised anyway?
Linda's the best!
i think i know who it is....
.... an author/poet? eh?
all dis xcitement ova a lappy???plsssssssss.let him buy you a car then il get xcited
btw dts d exact lap i use.quite effective.i c bella is loved by all
awww Congrats on your laptop
Its not even the aptop that's got me saying ;awwwww'...its the meaning behind it....the fact that he is encouraging you in your chosen career...Nice one!
Hmmmm....AMEN! AMEN!! AMEN!!!O...i pray dat we see greater things coming out of dis o. I hope we'll see more exciting features here too. Say hello to Mr. F too for me o. Hope he gets to open his own blog soon too. ;)
@bella.he likes ur blog no be small
@wienna.he'll soon start his blog
wow! u're such a lucky girl. and bella naija is right, there's nothing better than a guy that loves u respects u and encourages u in ur career. U go gurl!
congrats Linda! a good and eepable catch right there....I too have acquired a new laptop of my own!!!!! it's a MACBOOOK....i'm sorry PC users, but once u go MAC u can never go back!'s the ultimate mmachine !...i am inlove with has a photo booth w/ inbuilt camera on the top...remote control....super many features to name meen...u can even record/compose music nd share wit friends...and even make a movie/film with the built-in camera at the top...and plus! it's super portable...and white!!!!!....ceramic white. it's so thin and light.....I used to own a 15.4 inch gateway computer wich was okay, but compare to dis, dat was a toy. Yes o...this one also burn DVDs as well as CDs.....ooooh my GOOOOD i love dis baby! For y'all in naija, MAC computers are the ultimate here in viruses, no pop-ups they are super amazing and for the ladies,,,,they are so sheek and fashion worthy....OK, i'm donee ooooo.....hehehe...BTW, Linda i like ur blog alot....u are cool peeps...keep doing u ma'
Its good to have someone who encourages you in all the good things that you do and I find it refreshing that it was your frist time cooking for him after what seems like a long while :D
BIG LOL @ANON 11.58PM. DAT WOULD BE A BIG LET DOWN. MR. F GO DUMP LINDA FASTER THAN LIGHTNING. GOD FORBID. dont worry, mr f and i arent planning on dumbing each other anytime soon.
I pray u last long and dat we'll start buying aso-ebi very soon in diaspora too. lol
Linda congrats on your new laptop o!
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