The ban order was ratified by Mr Ejike Asiegbu, the national president of AGN alongside his executive members and it took effect from April 17, 2007. A press statement signed by Mr Acho Ugoenyi, the national secretary

no longer eligible to participate in movie productions with effect from April 17.
The press release read..."This measure will serve as a deterrent to others. The petition of Mr Emeka Duru (a production manager) at the instance of his producer and director respectively in conjunction with the disciplinary committees report agreed on the ban…. I have been directed to communicate to you, the

The release further reminded Edo that the Actors Guild of Nigeria, is committed to the sustenance of discipline, and the enforcement of professional ethics among its members. Meanwhile, to ensure the ban has taken effect, the AGN, also officially informed Movie Producers and Marketers Association, the Association of Movie Producers (AMP), Directors Guild of Nigeria (DGN), Nigerian Society of Cinematographers, (NSC), Nigerian Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB) and the Lagos State chapter of the Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN)
Those of you who live in the US, is it possible for a Hollywood actress to be banned for a period of time for whatever reason? Is it done over there? Is this right? Banning actors? This baffles me...
you have got to be kidding on this one! Ini is my favorite actress. Banned ke? where else in the world are actresses banned?
Naija and sentiments.. and they wonder why they r finding it hard to move forward.. She is her own person and can conduct herself how ever way she wants and its up to the producer, director, or whomever is funding the movie to decide if they want such a person in their flick.
I read what Ini did in one of the weekly magazines.The girl is just toooooooooooooo loose!has no self respect, she deserves to be banned.
Is this a joke? Well I guess every industry in every country has their own strange rules. Richard Gere is being issued a warrant of arrest for playfully kissing an Idian actress cheeks. They do not openly display affections. WOW, no disrespect there tho.
Yes o anonymous1:4pm. I read in a weekly magazine that Ini Edo was banned cos she left the set of a movie to attend to some runs business,Hmmm...she was later traced to the hotel where her she had gone to meet a guy she met less than 2 hours a go,hmmm the guy claimed to have arrived from jand and before any one could say Ini,miss Edo was gone.Heard it was fellow actress Uche Jumbo who she had dropped off that gave her away.Heard the producer got angry cos Ini Edo had only met the guy on the set of the movie and was already at his hotel room in Festac in less than 1hour.In anger the producer got to the hotel and was not allowed entry,he was said to have caused a scene before he left and promised to report her to the actors' guild.This is not the first time miss Edo will be caught in the act. Ini Edo has to stop this sort of nonsense life, she doesn't need it!
i've never heard of actors being banned in the US. thats naija for you
@ anonymous #2 at the end of the day it is still her business. If the producer did not like it he should have fired her. Who and who she does not screw and how long ago she met them before screwing them is none of their business. She is a grown woman.
Now if they banned her because she broke some rule pertaining to movie making money etc. i.e the producer lost 1 million naira because she left, then its still dumb but understandable. Like I said, sentiments, If in fact the producer did report her(sounds childish to me), he should have grown some balls and just fired her instead of crying to mummy aka the guild. Then again you cant always believe everything u read in the weekly..
They should get a life and worry about the output quality of their movies and piracy and not Ini Edo..
what do they mean by ban. our people sef. na dem know. what was d crime she actually committed cos me i dont know grammar.
yes indirectly an actor can be banned. lots of hollywood starts are not casted anymore because of misconduct. that in a way is a ban. then again, an actor CANNOT misconduct his or her person on set. contracts are signed and agreements with lots of clauses are entered upon. the actor could be sued for the total budget if their misconduct causes damage to the production.
Again, it is hard for that to happen because there is a special design to filmmking in hollywood. Nollywood has thousands of miles to go before getting there.
yes indirectly an actor can be banned. lots of hollywood starts are not casted anymore because of misconduct. that in a way is a ban. then again, an actor CANNOT misconduct his or her person on set. contracts are signed and agreements with lots of clauses are entered upon. the actor could be sued for the total budget if their misconduct causes damage to the production.
Again, it is hard for that to happen because there is a special design to filmmking in hollywood. Nollywood has thousands of miles to go before getting there.
edo is full of shit.she derves to be banned.asewo
I love Ini edo. She's a brilliant actress.The ban issue is totally a load of rubbish. like Toni said, Ini is a grown woman and is in control of her life. However, leaving the movie shooting to catch some runs was sounds very unprofessional to me. She should not have been banned as a result though. I mean what has happened to caution and warning? Ejike asiegu has got to be the worst leader of the actor's guild till date.
Ini Edo is so full of shit.Pls lets stop talking about her!girl is too wayward and this is a fact!
Ini and i putup in thesame hotel at owerri,and boarded the same flight (aero)to lagos.Somehow,i had to drop her off to her crip.Ini is beautiful and down to earth she could be with anyone,that does not make less of her.I'm very certain someone paid that president guy to put ini out of the way.She is so so sweet,and does her thing very well.She should better watchout a collegue of hers could be bedding the president or paying him to put her off.My son and i are her greatest fan.though she hung up on me when i called.The stress i suppose
I wonder she must have done to be banned.However people must know that humility is a great spice in life.Hope by the time she comes back she would be more correct.Moreover,i love her movies a lot.
You people no get better things to dooo?
I beg.......
it is complete nonsense for banning the girl for that reason. I am sure the producer is also fuckin her too.
I love Ini's movie, please she should be corrected and call back to the movie industry before next year April. Ejike Asiegu! please i beg you and your co-members in the name God to forgive Ini.Ini should be caution and call her back before this year runs out. i beg una! i bey all of una!!
i beg una to bring back Ini beacuse since i got this news i have not been watching movie anymore.
Nigeria movie industry is a disappointment itself. im so ashamed that all the movies they make are their best. they should work hard on improving on the quality of movies they flood our market with rather than channelling their whole attention to very unimportant issues. lets not be biase here, ini is good on the job and as for her lifestyle, its solely her own business and nobody's. this is business and pls lets try to be more mature and handle this situation more maturedly by letting sentiments not play a major role. thank you.
ok all of u calm dwn it is new year let the past and let the future start let ini start acting plz warn her to be good and lay good example ok but truly she acts like a slot and hu ever hu sed that maybe the producer if fuckin her den u av no respect at all tell ur mum to give u more traning and disipline
If being banned is what u get 4 not adhering to rules & regulations so be it and lets stop comparing nollywood 2 hollywood-this is ow it works in nollywood- end of story.I believe there must have been some set rules dat the actors needs 2 abide by and they shouldn't be allowed to juggle business with pleasure.I personally do not av anythin against Ini if anythin i think she's brilliant but lets not be sentimental and call a spade a spade, if she breaching the rules let her face the consequences & another thing i think there should be more classy and talented babes on our screen if these girls know there are competions in d industry they'll sit tight, work harder & stop taking the piss.
marcial:no i dont think i will ever be able to wach any nigerians movie again since edo has been banned
i'm nigerian as well but, damn nigerains sumtimes are thick. leave da gurl alone. all u idiots talking r certainly not saints if we truly search. just leave her da fuck alone. gosh. fucking hell. people irritate me. just cuz she a celeb does not mean she cant make mistakes. get a life and leave her alone.
wow, some of u on here are loosers. Whatever, shes a good actress but if she misbehaves den she has 2 face d consequences. Also, whatever she does in her spare time is her business even though can be disgraceful at times. People need 2 lay off her business cuz none of us are perfect. i aint defendin her, am jus being real!
Seriously. U must be kidding
Ini Edo is a great Nollywood Actress. I`ve just finished watching a movie starring her. She mostly plays innocent characters. What did she do wrong.
Please i begging u forgive her and bring her back. You shouldn`t less ur best character Thts nonsense. its so disappointmenting
hello mr.management of nolliwood.i am beging for God sake.pls do call back ini edo. because she is my favorite actress.nobody is perfect as u may know it not even u or me.ever since i read the magazine i had not be watching nigeria movies because she is not there.she has done alot for nigeria why do we denied her this time.please lets be realistic she is my fatacy girl,i know the way she behave was totaly wrong but we have to atleast consider something here,or warn her of next miss did,she is a ganlant girl to nigeria, even in spain were i live an actress is a very big pride,thanks that is my comment
any way to ban is to correct, to correct is to discipline, to discipline is to make better, to make better is to move forward, to move forward is to progress, to progress is to get to the next level. so therefore any thing right and legal auto be done. as for Ini- she must have the good side of her but all the same the bad side deserves discipline in order to make all things right and positive. so I support the one year banning. discipline moves people to positive levels but to stray to misconducts is the beginning of destruction.
Point of the matter is..... she left the set. I am sure if she had gone to meet whomever when not on set, there wouldn't be any problem. Same thing goes for any one of us, walking out of the office when we are supossed to be working.... trust me, u will definitely get a write up if not terminated. So let's call a spade a spade. Ini, next time don't leave the set to go conduct ur own personal business. Finish what u got to do then go do ur stuff. I'm sure that guy would have waited till u can make it...yea, u got like that.
Ini Edo is a grown ass woman and she can do the hell she wants. it's her privacy. as a matter of fact, whose so ever is perfect shud cats the first stone
ini should be banned for what she did, afterall she is not the only beautiful girl in nigeria.she is a digrace to womanhood
Hi darl. Ini,
its quite a while dat ive spoken to you. Just to say hello. How is life in your new home? I trust the Lord dat everything WILL be alright with you and your loving man. Please be nice and faithful to each other. My Lord will uphold your home (amen).
Lots of love from:
Comfort Folayan
Hay look my dear life is full of ups n downs,so wat u think is right for u,go ahead.To be frak enough,u are my best actress keep it up n believe one thing,all can't love u at the same time n all can't hate u at the same time. God bless you n your family.
please allow ini to continue she is my favourite actress
please allow her to continue
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