On Friday,
Hushpuppi went on a rant about how club-goers in Lagos were staining his
expensive white designer shirts with their hands. This didn't go down
well with some Nigerians, who reacted and dragged him, even taking
swipes at his supposed style (See here).
based Hushpuppi has now responded, saying the trend is here to stay and
society will not dictate to him on what is fashionable. See his posts
after the cut...

I talk am say this guy na the advanced vasion of bobrisky hiding underneath a cloth hmm he's coming out gradually just watch out
The current vacuum currently existing in the collective medulla of the Nigerian populace makes it permissible for this trash to be new worthy.Last ever open of this reprobate's news.
He is soooo gay.
did u guys notice the size of his nipples in the first pix?
He is an asshole. A mind jaded by poverty cannot be redeemed by all the money in the world.We would know in less than a year whether this foolishness is a style that has come to stay or not. I'm sure the idiot is only wearing the rubbish just because it has a designer name stamped on it.
It's seems Linda is in love with this boy, he is not the only rich, flamboyant yahoo boy on the gram. So kilonshele gan gan?
This boy is so gay
come na one belt this guy get?
Hmmmm this guy is truly a gay
If this dude wear smelly clothes, people will still have some ill things to talk about. His mode of dressing is not in any way offensive. So you stop nagging.
Lol...fits him tho!!
Lol...fits him tho!!..d last
I'm not homophobic. I have gay friends and I can tell this guy reeks of..💃💃💃...
He is gay and so what??? Did he Eva borrow ur ass to do gay? He wears feminine clothes and so fucking what? Is your sister looking for her own?? Odiegwu o... Una go carry gala for tray dey sell on top anoda person market! Nnaa sell ur market jooor!
Seriously nigger has gone bonkers.....
He looks horrible in it anyway.
So stupid.
Why do society and people's popular opinion have to tell one how to live his life?
Let him live, let him live... Only God can judge him... Let him live.
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It's so obvious his gay,that's why his close friends with Bobrisky.
What is Hushpuppi doing for a living?
I smell gay.
This guy is just sick
You do not need a prophet to tell you that his ni**er is Gay
Why is this man always cursing, who does he think he is better than, you get money for your pocket you no fit feed Nigeria
So true
So true
Moving away from his style. I agree with him on why society should dictate what we should do or not do. If this is desired style, why get mad? If you don't like it step away, personally, I think he wears them well. End of.
Hmnn the real rich will not complain about stained clothes sha.. They will just buy another..
we would know in less than a year whether this style that
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has come to stay or not. i'm sure he is only wearing the rubbish just because it has a designer name stamped on it.
Bia Cindy he is not a version of bobrisky he is bobs lover a certified gay homosexual. This guy wears thongs and female undies castrated sob
Bia Cindy he is not a version of bobrisky he is bobs lover a certified gay homosexual. This guy wears thongs and female undies castrated sob
Exactly how I feel. He is so poor!!! Poor people jump at every trend, they don't own their fashion. See him looking like EJ Johnson. Ara oko buruku. Omo aijobe ri ti nja epo saya
If not for Money d guy ugly die.
I go like put my d**ck into his bum and slide gracefully. Wow. LGBT
Is he homo?
Yahoo boy....they will soon catch you!.....#holylifegirl#
The westerners are trying to effeminate our black men to make them less of a man to promote their race agenda. This why there are more black gay men than any other race. I can see its working
The westerners are trying to effeminate our black men to make them less of a man to promote their race agenda. This why there are more black gay men than any other race. I can see its working
Big mouth bitch
You guys should be able to read between the lines, when he is dressed like a woman he crosses his legs too. This guy(woman) is getting paid by being gay and that is why he has money that no one knows the source, just give her a few more years and she will be completely out of the closet.
Why were you looking at his nipples like that 😕
Ayam not undastanding again o, diz days men want to be women, wetin dey happen?
Idiot because say you go Malaysia go turn gay olosho, does not give you the right to imsult people
Chei upon all the money he doesn't know the difference bw feminine and masculine clothes?? 😂😂😂. I'm sure people around me think I'm mad. I've been laughing so hard.
This world is officially upside down. Just negodu
Hi guys just discorvered this new site www.shopsportfolio.com turns out one can create a personal shop and manage a personal inventory, exactly what i have been looking for
Hi guys just discorvered this new site shopsportfolio.com where one can create their personal shop and upload items yourself..
Even bobrisky is even more intelligent than this fool , money miss road way think say him get money . mugu, mumu onye ara
Go and read up what is "News" any thing strange or bizarre like this is news
When this rich fool posted a lengthy, misleading piece supposedly meant to inspire the NIgerian youth to "hustle" some NIgerians praised him to the high heavens. Now that he is insulting us for daring to question his views and for criticizing his comical outfit, I hope those his fans still think he is cool. I don't know why it's so hard for our society to spot fakes in time.Hushpuppi is a fake, he will fizzle out very soon. For now, let's be tolerant of his tantrums while his brief moment in the sun lasts.
He looks dirty wit all his expensive cloth
I'm looking for help to raise 31,000 naira to start up a baking business. so I can save up for a better tomorrow and at least put a smile on my mums face. Thank you my email address is vvivian778@gmail.com
Yeah I did.. The devil is waiting for them and constructing their mansion.
Local Breed!!! He is already attracting Haters seriously.Amoeba with PUSSY LIP, heard he stinks of body odour mixed with Gucci perfume(his wretched mum no use palm oil baff am hehehe) and he doesn't give his siblings and mum kobo and they are all still wretched. From a reliable source, he DOES NOT have a single property of his own, be it house or land anywhere on the surface of this earth maybe he has in the other world, you know he said he climbed barb wires and pass through forests to get to where he is today, ORANGUTAN OSHI!!! OGBANJE!!! Hehehe. I pity those that beg him for money, if this kinda money touches you, your destiny is ruined! His "god" told him to spend the money on Gucci clothes (as per Gucci Ambassador), clothes (male and female), drinks, patek and to rent cars till he takes his last breath, the RARE FOOL has NO LIFE!!!...CURSED GAY!!!
Local Breed!!! He is already attracting Haters seriously.Amoeba with PUSSY LIP, heard he stinks of body odour mixed with Gucci perfume(his wretched mum no use palm oil baff am hehehe) and he doesn't give his siblings and mum kobo and they are all still wretched. From a reliable source, he DOES NOT have a single property of his own, be it house or land anywhere on this surface of this earth maybe he has in the other world, you know he said he climbed barb wires and pass through forests to get to where he is today, ORANGUTAN OSHI!!! OGBANJE!!! Hehehe. I pity those that beg him for money, if this kinda money touches you, your destiny is ruined! His "god" told him to spend the money on Gucci clothes (as per Gucci Ambassador), clothes (male and female), drinks, patek and to rent cars till he takes his last breath, the RARE FOOL has NO LIFE!!!..CURSED GAY
Husshpuppy are u gay
It takes more than money to make men rich
I tire oh.with his dog face!
They've been deceived by the devil. In addition, they refuse to be responsible men. Looking for the "easy way out" to make money. May God help you'll...
FFK is this u??? Same style of abuse
Feel like throwing up on you right now. Sick fuck.
Hmmm,anon:10:43,12:35,nd 16:14. You pple just made my day. Even though I was so tired from all the stress of 2day, i hv become energized by your comments. This guy is so shallow, it's almost troubling.
Enough with the conspiracy theory.
Chai. Savage, but true.
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Looks good on him shea
Your comment showed that you are not only too negative but bad hearted and ignorant plus unrefined on top of it all.
So because your mind is too small to grasp the fact that him saying that he climbed barb wires and ran over thorns may mean that he jumped over boundary fences as a migrant to a foreign country and you chose to consider him an ogbanje and write other hateful things about him. You are terrible, you know. You seem worse and more dangerous.
I don't like homosexuality, these pictures of Hush makes me think that he is gay even though I like him for every good effort he made to leave poverty behind. I am one of the people hailing his letter to the Ghetto kid as inspiring. Now that I realized that he may be gay after all, I have no hatred or bad energy to send his way. I only feel sorry for him that he may develop health implications from gay sex etc. Why do some of you guys only know how to send hatred to others. Hush is chilling happily and you are allowing bad energy to flow through you over him. Hush a bit,nah man.
Hush puppi or no hush puppi he don dey achieve his dreams you you stay there criticizing you better look for job at Alaba and beside the designer na unisex check it online
Hushpuppi has a poor mentality..
Clothes no matter what they were made from are made to be washed when dirty.
I wonder y d cursing for his self acclaimed expensive shirt.. #Rubbish
I'd forever dig Legit Earnings... #LegitLife..
If e too get level n link make e Go U.S n try live Dis kind life..
Na jail e go end as e go need to prove d source of e F*cking earnings.
With his faggot ass....hes coming out gradually....watch
I don't know why Nigerians are quick to make people feel like they are sh*t. They are following him like he's going to transfer thru snapchat and instagram to dem. He's not a singer,actor or anything and he even insults people. Who does he think he is?
I have seen all ur rants..NIGERIANS cannot stop hating..If He decides to give all of una 50k each, ur comments will be different. I am not in the position to say if his money is LEGIT or not..So bcos He doesn't have females in his snap, HE IS GAY..If He has, He is "USING GIRLS TO MAKE MONEY" ...I'm not surprised -- BROKE ASS PEOPLE RANT a lot.. ALL I CAN SAY IS.. Work hard!..live ur life!!.. enjoy ur money!!!..and plan for the future!!!!.
Aunty hushpuppi,.. dee
@Internet news freak...you see how DAFT u are...Continue loving him while he keeps insulting you and your type. This is a guy that constantly insults and mocks people on social media and you are there "liking him"..I'm not a BOOT LICKER dear!!! If money Can FOOL you, money can't fool me.
@Internet news freak...you see how DAFT u are...Continue loving him while he keeps insulting you and your type. This is a guy that constantly insults and mocks people on social media and you are there "liking him"..I'm not a BOOT LICKER dear!!! If money Can FOOL you, money can't fool me.
Nigerians you can hate for Africa, his life style how does it affect you? He wears trendy blouses how does it affect? Nigerians learn to mind your business!!!! You all stay behind your phones/laptops and bully people. I bet if given the opportunity una go do worse.
You are fucked up and full of bad energy and No! I ain't stooping to your level. Which money is fooling me? Money of someone I don't even know. I don't support it if he is actually gay, after reading his Letter to the Ghetto kid I chose to open my heart and like that kid that suffered hardship, that was once homeless and even jumped over thorns and climbed barbed wire to get to his dream because I can relate to his story and has equally pushed the seams of an envelope like he did. You don't know extreme hustle, you can't relate to what he has been through. All you can give him is hatred because you allowed bad energy to flow through you onto others.Please brighten up your outlook to life,be positive.
He pays for PR. For her to post mumu. Linda loves ke...
When the world talks of inspiration.its almost always about how "he/she" got there...if he is a fraudster, then he has no business being trying to motivate..
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