"This morning at about 7:52am, a resident doctor in FMC Yenagoa was driving to work from the road beside the sports complex, with his wife and 2 children in the vehicle when he suddenly ran into a straying dog. On seeing this, he stopped, came down from the car, only to see the dog running away. He then made into his car to drive away,only to be accosted by an NSCDC officer who came shouting that he had killed a dog, the doctor responded introducing himself and being grateful that the dog didn't die.
"On making his way off, he heard 2 gunshot sounds directed at his car, in shock and disbelief he stopped and alighted once again only to be physically assaulted mercilessly by the same officer. He was thereafter dragged into their office and office and beaten. After much pleas, he was released to go seek medical care.
"The matter has been reported to management, and we are currently engaging the police at the moment."Twitter User @makarios911 confirmed that the man involved is his colleague.
More photos below...
What's going on?
... Merited happiness
That's crazy.Classical case of misuse of firearm.
Gosh, and his wife and kids were in the car! Attacking people who hit stray dogs.... is that the new job description of the defence corps?
Wtf is wrong with some Nigeria's law enforcement officers?
The officer needs to be taken to psychiatric hospital.
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That officer should be dismissed immediately, he is a threat to national security
thank God for your life!
Military and Paramilitary are the same... human rights abusers.
Very bad of them.
God help us
This recruit should be dismissed and the victim should be heavily compensated. And the national assembly should consider withdrawing firearms from these boys scouts who have no business with fireams. It's very disheartening that Nigeria stands out as one country where people who been paid with tax payers money for security of its citizenry are the same people killing their employers who are the tax payers. Nonsense!!!
NSCDC, Customs, Immigration, name them all. They are all guilty of abuse of power and civilian brutalization. I've even seen Man-O-War people harrasing a hawker in Lekki Lagos long before Ambode came out with his controversial ban on street Hawking. Once people don any uniform in this country, it becomes their excuse to maltreat their fellow countrymen. God and karma is watching all of you.
The zoo
Thank God he's alive to tell the story
Long live LIB
Now that they ve given those oga at the top guns there duty is to harrass citizens they are meant to defend gush
beht all ds force people sef are they mad???
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Waiting to hear the other side of the story.
Please follow this story the end. We have complained of impunity ad infinitum. Because some people carry guns, they think that intimidation of ordinary citizens is the way to go. Let us be sure this fellow is treated in a commensurate way to his actions.
It's not his fault o. It is the fault of government that approved the use of firearm for the NSCDC. How much training were they give. He must be drunk or gone nut
They are not properly trained and I think govt should be blame for issuing arms to this guguru defense,in d first place what is their job they are collecting salary for nothing still harassing us we citizens I think d govt need to withdraw all these guns or riffles from them and let go back as they were before if uu mistakenly have an encounter with them u will know dat they worse than d police,let govt do brain evaluation for them all before they start to kill us like police and d rest,I bliv na dat gun they intoxicate them
They are not properly trained and I think govt should be blame for issuing arms to this guguru defense they are collecting salary for nothing still harassing us we citizens I think d govt need to withdraw all these guns or riffles from them and let go back as they were before if uu mistakenly have an encounter with them u will know dat they worse than d police,let govt do brain evaluation for them all before they start to kill us like police and d rest,I bliv na dat gun they intoxicate them
We have a serious and delicate issue abt misuse of power and position in Nigeria. When they were without gun they appeared vulnerable now that they are empowered, they see it as licence to intimidate innocent citizens. Hoodlums in uniform, may God deliver us. Thank God the doctor wasn't killed.
I can verify this story because I was there. This doctor works in Paediatrics dept, FMC, Yenagoa. He was shot at for hitting a stray dog and then beaten up in the presence of his wife, son and daughter who were in the car. That nscdc official is a real danger if left in society.
Wot s going on in ds country? .indiscriminate use of firearms by some overzealous characters shld be drastically looked into.
Wot s going on in ds country? .indiscriminate use of firearms by some overzealous characters shld be drastically looked into.
I was just about to drop a comment of my own before I came across this comment. I hurts me to be referred to as a "human rights abusers" when all I do is put my life on the line for others, most of which I don't even know.. I'm nt justifying what the young man has done, neither I'm in support.. But pls, let's be careful with our choice of words. My comrades die restoring and maintaining peace, and their legacy is what they died for,, how will their offspring and those they left behind feel when they are being referred to as an "abuser".. Just say tho.. I'm a soldier.. I'm a man.. Educated enough to be accepted in so many other career path, but I choose to fight for the helpless, and that's my service to humanity.. what's yours? Meanwhile I already typed this before I realised I'm replying a pervert..
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