To answer that, the Youtube sensation decided to leak a sextape and it’s already been viewed by millions of people. If you want to join those millions, watch the video HERE
News, Events, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Inspiration and yes... Gossip! *Wink*
Some weird shit 😷
O chim ooo.
Indeed the weiredest thing ive seen in my life
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Linda oooooooooooooo,is it right for this to be here?ur children come on this page o
WTF? watch the full sex part HERE. imagine she was giving the guy blow
Really weird. Happy her sex life is active and its a good thing
Men get mind pass devil
What is this? What if she became pregnant? Nawa o.
This is a man please not a woman a drag queen didn't you see his dick? Linda you and what you post. Well that's what your audience wants to see and it puts money in your pocket.
Na wa! With this deformity?
Real fuck...
So non of you noticed she had a penis
What the hell did i just watched?😡
Sorry to some men because his type can fuck animals for sure.
What the hell did i just watched?😡
Sorry to some men because his type can fuck animals for sure.
Oh mehn... See something oo..
As in Dnt know wat to say...tnk God her sex life is very active..
She not a female it's a male transgender.
Omg!!!!! Am even dazed by d guy doing it...As in.....See erection!!
So Linda's blogg is now a porn site?
Hmmm.. 'Lie' Mohammed has been looking for reasons to shut you down, don't give him one
Unbelievable....some guys are wicked...very wicked!
Unbelievable....some guys are wicked...very wicked!
Chai Nigerians that's a transgender it's boy abi man didn't you guys see the video please google her name. Why are you people so misinformed!
Fkin click bait. U are a big fool
Real weirdest stuff.
What is weird about that? Sweet steamy Sex joor. Sweet $ enjoyed fully by both adults
Double your hustle with www.2sure.net .. Every donation nah double double
It's two men ooo linda look properly
She was actually born a he. She is transgender so this is even more disturbing.
This is hilarious
Oh gee can I please unsee thisðŸ˜ðŸ˜
Wow, so happy for her.
nawa beht why???
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
My dear,u talk true...fear catch me!
Blood of Lucifer this image is stuck in my head for awhile to com tufiakwa
I don't know what to say to this
def no comment.
She is not a woman,can't u see d man under him.
Ds s a man now
I can't possibly watch rubbish just as I can't imagine myself watching bigbrother naija.
Common aunty Linda this is even fair to compare the one i watched here
Common Linda this is even fair to compare the one i watched here
This is disgusting
EWWwwwwwwwwww!!! Some Men can Eat Shit Mehn, See Bj. What an eye Sore...
In case u guys didn't notice, she's a he she aka gay, She got a dick. 😂😂
Na wa oooooooo
Na wa oooooooo
This so inappropriate some of us have kid who are still under 18, they visit your blog regularly, I don't think as a parent this is what putting up. Please show some decency.
Many Thanks
After going through the comments no need of watching..... Am done
So that was all (she) can do with (his) life? This one follow for transgender group?
She was being banged from her butt hole, can't you guys see she got a duck? She's a physically challenged transgender.
Hmmmmm..... Shit!
What!!! Exactly!!! Are!!! U!!! All!!! Talking!!!! Here!!!? Linda? You just officially closed your blog! You have been in our watch list for a while now.
Obviously, he's a paid actor. Why else would he?
Linda children watch your blog this is very bad of you to be showing nonsense sex and even promoting gay and all the things you show ....look God will ask you tomorrow rember you will have children tomorrow
I'm so disappointed.
I got to know of this blog through my 17 year old daughter. I can't imagine that this is what she's been learning from here.
Linda, may God forgive you for the damages you are causing the young and old. But you need to check your ways, values and motives.
O you just sharap there why should children have unrestricted access to the internet . You must be a very lazy parentif you allow your kids visit f internet anyhow
Linda, "she" is a man. Living as a woman but definitely a man with a dick. Watch the video closely closely and observe. That's gay SEX right there.
Pleas shut the fcuk up! Why should an underaged kid have free access to the Internet without you as her parent monitoring what she has access to. Blogs like this are usually 18+. So please go sit your moral self righteous ass somewhere and take care of thet daughter of yours!
Hry! That's a man and not a woman!!! Watch th a video well
It's a MAN
way a min.....
You must be the biggest fool on earth if you think you can Police a 17 year old 24/7.
This comment just shows your age and lack of home training to insult a person old enough to have a 17 year old child.
As you are spewing rubbish here too has your God forsaken parent seized your phone?
I hope you live long enough to have the experience of having a 17 year old child so that you can understand life better.
Hopeless worthless child who can say sharap to his or her parents age mates. No wonder your life has no meaning except on Linda's blog. It's because you are cursed.
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