BankyW took to Instagram earlier today to wish his
brother a Happy Birthday and a fan who was curious about their different
skin colours, decided to ask the singer why it is so. BankyW felt it
was plain rude and decided to respond. See that after the cut.
Aproko i must ask question, olodo
Ah Ah,the guy only asked a question that is somewhat reasonable.LOL
Thumbs up banky, pple are really sick all up in pples business. Haven't u ever seen family's of different skin colour? Retard
@Banky please give us Hit track.. ..stop being a nuisance after @Giftys Saga with yoi
Talku Talku
Man like woman
U'r rather being paranoid. The young guy just made an observation and not criticism. Abi u still wallowing in thoughts abt wetin Gifty tell u?
I don't blame him for his reply to that lady. In the USA it is worse. Blacks are so skin obsessed that they don't know how to focus on the real issues at hand .
we just unnecessarily concern ourselves with things that are of no relevance to us. How is it any one's problem the shade someone's skin is bleached or not?
Banky don Vex..
He has never been this way b4.
This is not the post vexing Banky Na transfer of aggression. .
No Vex Banky Wellington Jare.
So Mofo will just go on ppl wall to ask silly questions. .
Na question na d guy ask,if person no understand sometin him no fit ask question again? gift is right u are too proud
Plain ignorant of her. A lot of people are different colors from their brothers and sisters. Kinds of questions some Nigerians ask sometimes. It's Luke they never grew out of the dumb child phase. U know the one when we ask dumb obvious questions cus we don't know we're being annoying. Socially inept
Replies not replys. Linda who is in control of your blog now?
Ppl never mind their business, its d recession jor..means of chilling out
Good answer
Ppl will never mind their business
...merited happiness
my brother banky, the thn tire me ooo!
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
I quite agree..its daft...av seen two siblings as diff as night and day...he even has time to be replying! I have seen 2 siblings so dark and dia mum is yellow pawpaw real one...in dat case u go asking for DNA report abi...
ppl and joblessness..some genes r dominant rather dan recessive..wen dey will not face their biology in school oshisko
Thank God Linda didnt call this one EPIC RESPONSE as nothing is epic about this
Good response banky
They are so concerned with shade that they spend millions of dollars on skin bleaching products
My dear I wonder o that was howbone idiot watched my sister's movie and concluded she was bleaching as if she has seen my sister's family members.stupid Nigerians.
I can see u and gifty your sister have the same brain. Someone asked a very stupid question and he addressed it maturely and bringing gifty into the matter.
Banky should shift jor..its a normal thing people say,just like askinh why one sibling is tall and the other short or fat and slim etc...
Banky you could have just ignored. Shade is a phase word which will pass like the others. Real men don't use that word.
E never reach quarrel
I think Banky is free and ready to reply any shades on social media... if his that busy, he won't have that time. Because the guy made an observation and not a shade..
Notice me, beauty without brain!!! I have an extremely fair mum and a dark dad but I can tell you only two of my siblings took after my mum and one after my dad while I am in between. Does that mean the fair ones bleached or are we of different parents? Use the brain God gave you to think properly like an intelligent human being, it's not cotton wool that is inside your skull besides it's not your damn business. Dumb ass!!!
Not bad naah.
Like I be said before now Shades or cyber bullying is not valid until it is given attention to or replied
Ode, the shade he's talking about is skin complexion. Or heave you not heard of shades of something?
There are some observations that you just don't spell out. Will you ask someone why is you bro/sis fat and you skinny? Or maybe why is your mum ugly and your dad sharp? Sometimes just see and shut your mouth because is inappropriate.
I love this! The obessession with skin shade particularly from darker shade people is appallingly disgusting. To them everyone light skinned bleached! The insecurity is just nauseating! The moment a darker skin shade person sees a lighter hue person that ignorant mental disposition kicks in. I'm yet to see a light skin person complain about how dark skinned someone is! Light skin person wins beauty peasant, they complain, light skinned person appears in a video they complain! Get over your insecurities pls! Some of the most beautiful women on earth are both light and dark sinned! We are Africans and posses different hues of skin shade!
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