Permit me to begin this contribution with an aside. It is only a weak, insecure, paranoid, wicked, heartless, ignorant, lawless and callous government that refuses to identify, apprehend, prosecute and hang the bloodthirsty, psychopathic and murdering Janjaweed Islamist Fulani militants and herdsmen and instead arrests an innocent and accomplished young man like Audu Maikori who simply had the courage to cry out to the world about...the barbarous genocide that the people of Southern Kaduna and members of his ethnic group and religious faith are being subjected to all over the north.
I am convinced that my old friend Governor Nasir El Rufai has lost it. He has literally been driven mad by the power that he now wields. If he wants peace in Kaduna state and in the entire country is this the way to achieve it?
Does he really believe that locking up his critics and those that have expressed concern about the mass murder and crimes against humanity that are being perpetuated in his state by his Fulani friends and kinsmen who he publicly admitted that he sends public funds to is the way forward?
Does he not know that the suppression of dissenting voices and intimidation will only lead to more anger, resistance, violence and dissent?
Can he not build bridges rather than burn them? Can he not make friends rather than make enemies?
Here is my message to him: the people of Southern Kaduna are NOT your slaves and neither are the northern minorities, the people of the south or the Christians of Nigeria.
You can kill and lock up as many of us as you like: our faith will only continue to grow, we shall continue to go from strength to strength and we shall oppose and resist you till the bitter end.
At the appointed time the Lord will strike back at you for your power show and sheer wickedness and He shall deliver His people.
I will not beg you to free Audu Maikori but instead I will strongly advise you to do so.
This brings me to the meat of this intervention.
One of the qualities that a Prince must have is the ability to speak truth to power no matter the price, no matter the consequences and no matter whose ox is gored.
Today I will share a truth which many may not like but which, as a leader and a Prince, I am constrained to share.
Some have suggested that every Nigerian is compelled by God to pray for our ailing President. I disagree. I do not wish him ill or wish him dead but at the same time I do not subscribe to the view that I am compelled to pray for him.
I would rather save my prayers for the thousands of Audu Maikori's of this world who are suffering persecution and who are languisjing in dingy cells all over our country for doing absolutely nothing wrong.
I would rather save my prayers for the souls and families of those that have been cut short by the guns and bullets of government security forces, the bombs of radical Islamic terrorists and the matchetes and knives of the Fulani militias and herdsmen.
When the Holy Bible says we must pray for our leaders the author was referring to God-fearing and Godly leaders and not usurpers and tyrants.
The Bible says we must 'resist evil' and few would dispute the fact that with the economy in shambles, with the naira at its lowest value in its entire history, with the level of impunity and corruption in government and with the amount of brutal persecution, politically-motivated arrests and prosecutions and the massive shedding of innocent blood that goes on in our countrt today, Buhari and his Federal Government are pure evil.
As a matter of fact they are a cursed government that have come to do nothing but spread death, disease, poverty, tears, hardship, suffering, division, hatred, persecution, injustice, destruction and wickedness.
To those that insist that even evil tyrants are worthy of our goodwill and prayers I put the following questions.
Would you have prayed for Herod, Pharaoh, Belshazzar, Nebuchadnezzar, Jezebel, Ahab, Athalia, Nimrod, Adolf Hitler or Idi Amin?
Again would you have had night vigils or made passionate supplications for Emperor Bokassa, Josef Stalin, Pol Pot, Nero, Caligula, Sennacherub, King Leopold 11 of Belgium, Count Vlad the Impailer of Transylvania and Tsar Ivan the Terrible of Russia?
Would you have conducted Holy Mass or rolled your rosary for Osama Bin Ladin of Al Qaeda, Muhammed Al Baghdadi of ISIL, Abubakar Shekau of Boko Haram or Usman Dan Fodio of the Fulani Caliphate?
Again would you have fasted and prayed for Atilla the Hun, Genghis Khan, Kaiser Wilhelm 11 of Germany, the Inca and Aztec Kings of South America, the Borgias of Spain, King Darius of Persia and so many more of history's monsters and beasts to remain alive and to continue to torment and rule their people?
Do you know that those listed above collectively killed or caused the deaths of over 500 million people between them?
Do you really believe that they were God's choices and that it was wrong to pray them out or remove them from power?
Did God make a mistake when He killed Pharaoh and slew Herod for their wickedness and evil against the children of Israel AFTER their victims rose up in prayer and cried to Him to deliver them?
Did you read anywhere in your Bible that the holy Prophets and believers prayed for the wicked Kings and rulers to continue to rule?
Did Elijah not oppose Jezebel and did David and Samuel not renounce and stand against Saul?
Do you not know the difference between a righteous ruler whom God loves and whom He installed and a blood-sucking demon and vicious tyrant whom the devil is using?
Do you know the number of people this government has killed whether they be Biafran and IPOB youths, Shiite Muslims or Christian refugees?
Do you know the number of Christians that are being slaughtered in the north on a daily basis by Government-backed and protected Fulani militias and herdsmen?
Do you know that Buhari shares some of the barbaric sentiments and evil goals and objectives of Boko Haram?
Do you know that he once said that an attack on Boko Haram is an attack on the north? Do you know that he once said that he believes that sharia should be spread throughout the federation?
Do you know thay he once said that Muslims should only vote for Muslims? Do you know that he once said that Christians should not be concerned about sharia because it is the limbs of Muslims that are being cut off and not theirs?
Do you know that he once went to Oyo state and accused Governor Lam Adesina's "people" (meaning the Yoruba) of killing his own Fulani people?
Do you know that the Minister of Information of his Government, a serial liar by the name of Lie Mohammed, once said that it was wrong and unconstitutional to proscribe and ban Boko Haram?
Do you know that about one year ago the same Liar Mohammed said that Boko Haram had been "technically defeated" and that a few days ago he said that it was "a fallacy" to say that Muslims killed Christians in Nigeria?
This was after 808 Christians were slaughtered in cold blood on Christmas eve and Christmas day a few weeks ago.
Do you know that Buhari is the third Mahdi of Nigeria? The first was Usman Dan Fodio, the second was Sir Ahmadu Bello and Muhammadu Buhari is the third.
Do you know that their vision and dream is for the Fulani to be the "first amongst equals" and to conquer, rule, dominate and subjugate the people and numerous ethnic nationalities that make up Nigeria in perpetuity and "dip the Koran in the Atlantic ocean?"
Do you know that they have gone very far in this quest and almost achieved their objectives? Do you know that restructuring the nation or, failing that, a complete break up of Nigeria into two or more pieces is the only thing that can save the people of the south and the Middle Belt from serfdom and slavery?
Do you know that Herbert Macauly, Bode Thomas, Obafemi Awolowo, Kaduna Nzeogwu, Emmanuel Ifeajuna, Victor Banjo, Fajuyi, Emeka Odimegwu-Ojukwu, J.S. Tarka, Isaac Boro, Solomon Lar, Josiah Olawoyin, Paul Gindiri, J.D. Gomwalk, Silas Janfa, Zamani Lekwot, T.Y. Danjuma, Jolly Tanko Yusuf, Gideon Orkar, Ken Saro-Wiwa, Tony Nyiam, Saliba Mukoro, MKO Abiola, Bobo Nwosisi, Franklin Atake, Alfred Rewane, Abraham Adesanya, Ayo Adebanjo, Olaniyonu Ajayi, Bola Ige and so many others that saw this satanic agenda coming and unfolding many decades and years ago and resisted it with every fibre of their being have now been vindicated?
Do you know that the principle of self-deterimination and the concept of Biafra and southern and Middle Belt liberation is more alive today than ever before?
Do you know that there are millions of youths all over this country today that are prepared to sacrifice their lives for this principle and concept and resist ethnic and religious bigotry, subjugation, domination and tyranny with the last drop of their blood?
Do you know that those that have been subjected to genocide by the usual suspects for the last 56 years of our existence as a nation are now saying "enough is enough?"
Do you know what northern Christians have been and are still being subjected to over the years and particularly today?
Do you know that Igbo youths and Shiite Muslims have been subjected to crimes against humanity by the Nigerian state in the last one year and seven months?
Do you know that Nigeria under President Buhari is a failed state which lives on lies, thrives on deceit, breathes on persecution, feeds on supression, energises on intimidation and is fuelled and propelled by the most basic, crude and primitive form of Goebellian propaganda?
Do you know anything at all? Do you know how many people are being locked up and persecuted in the name of a fake and selective anti-corruption war in this country?
Do you know the level of wickedness and injustice that is being perpetuated by this government?
Do you know how many families have suffered and been destroyed by them? Do you know about the abuse of power and the gross violation of human rights and civil liberties that is going on?
Do you know how corrupt and deceitful thiis government is? Do you know how much blood they have on their hands?
Then you say that we should pray and support such people? There is nowhere in the Bible that we are called to pray for liars, cheats, sadists, anti-Christs, cold-blooded murderers and pyschopaths as our leaders.
Rather the Bible says we must resist evil and injustice and stand up for the weak, the persecuted, the hungry, the suffering, the vulnerable and the poor.
There is no where in the Bible that we are enjoined to support and encourage genocidal maniacs, the killer of believers, the tormenters of the faithful, the persecutors of God's servants and the destroyers of the Church.
Nigeria has no place for quislings and psychophants that are trying to curry favour with or impress those that are desperately trying to enslave our people and islamise our country.
My position is simple and clear. I will never pray for those who I consider to be evil and I will never allow myself to be subjugated, silenced or turned into a second class citizen in my own country.
Whatever the consequence is for my defiance, if the Lord wills it, let it come. Let us finish this thing once and for all. I would rather be a free soul in heaven than a quivering and gutless slave on earth.
I speak for millions when I say that we will NEVER bow to those that believe that they were born to rule and that seek to impose their faith, their values and their way of life on us.
Unlike others in these shores, those of us that are prepared to stand up and say "no more" are captains of our ship and masters of our soul.
We either forge our own destinies, chart our own course and free our own people or we shall die trying. God wills it. And so it shall be.
Baba well done. Well said and it shall be well with you and your family.
Oga have cleared you images in court or returns your loot. Please enter lecture hall in University and stop lecturing us in Linda blog. Ole.
God bless you for me FFK.
FFK is simply a mad man. Who all these clueless write up epp? Na today we don dey hear you. So you don't know all these the time you were advocating for Buhari and APC, how sudden you became a professor of history and theology that you want people to know? How sudden did you FFK became a lover of the biafra tribe when you publicly came out to tell the world that you slept with lady Bianca the wife of the Biafran leader Ojukwu. We didn't hear u make a single comment about the latest findings of Efcc on Andrew Yakubu and Deziani property in Banana Island but u are quick to make comments on Audu and Dss as if that affects us more than the economic challenges these criminals of your party. FFK pls go and take your drugs and sleep, you and your write ups are absolutely irrelevant. If Alli Modu Sheriff give you some cash you'll suddenly start advocating for him. We know you
Why hiding under the Anonymous u idiot,suffering and smiling, keep hiding! Ffk ride on sir.
Look at the stupid thief preaching. Ole alaini ironu ara galatia. U can only deceive d gullible ones. We know know u too well. Like father like the fucking idiot son.FFK....Fool
Look at the stupid thief preaching. Ole alaini ironu ara galatia. U can only deceive d gullible ones. We know know u too well. Like father like the fucking idiot son.FFK....Fool
May God bless @realFFK. More of u is needed in this struggle
Anonymous Fool.. ....
Linda pls why are my comments not usually visible even after I'm told that my comment will be visible after approval
This man is just trying to cause anarchy in this country. Bring your baby mama and that bastard of yours to the war front and other fools will follow you.
Don't really understand why my comments r not usually visible. I've been trying to comment on this blog for like the past 2yrs now......really pathetic
Linda pls why are my comments not usually visible even after I'm told that my comment will be visible after approval
We need more of the big shots in our society who still have a conscience, fear of God and good moral standing to speak up for all of us whose voices cannot be heard. Nigeria must not be islamized, no matter what! This government has turned Nigeria into am unrecognizable skeleton of its former self, all in the name of change. Please let's pray that God remembers Nigeria for good, and changes this wretched government to the one that will truly take us forward.
We need more of the big shots in our society who still have a conscience, fear of God and good moral standing to speak up for all of us whose voices cannot be heard. Nigeria must not be islamized, no matter what! This government has turned Nigeria into am unrecognizable skeleton of its former self, all in the name of change. Please let's pray that God remembers Nigeria for good, and changes this wretched government to the one that will truly take us forward.
FFK I have no doubt you've spoken well. passion and conviction run through every word of yours. However when you had the opportunity to influence the nation what did you do? I leave you to answer. I say no more.
God bless your soul!
Tyrant? Maybe Buhari was the one who sent for the music producers arrest.
Okponu ni okurin yi shah....shameless bastard.
Tooooo long sir. Linda, dey summarize too nau.
Your plan will never work, stupid idiot like you. Go answer your case in the court and refund all our looted fund first.
Dude... Your not speaking for me please... Go refund our money first...
Evil that men do live with them. By the God's grace it shall come to pass. The Egyptians we see today will no longer be nigerians proplem. Hunger hunger is killing nigerians and no solution in sight except corruption at high places.
Mumus like you will also hide their faces behind anonymous and be plain stupid, God bless u ffk
Well said. God bless you sir.
Nigerian Youth will not read and research the truth, they will not even read and pray for revelation about what he has written, many will read it and still make their psychotic comments here because of their psychopath for party . Christina are the worst morons even if you are peaceful having sense and being watchful is it a crime? Nigerian Youths are so foolish but may God continue to have mercy upon their wretched soul. only few of us understands so well what this guy has written
ezigbote tyrant!!!
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Thief..go n clear ya name for d kudi Wey u collect n drop whipping up religious sentiments here.some mumu go dey hail u NW.ole nla.u said ds b4 election.kip sayin it till u die.
This is a REVELATION. This is too detailed and very well worded. Call FFK any names you like, this guy is a champion of freedom. God bless and protect you and your family.
As for you Mr Governor EL Rufai, your cup is full. The Christian forces are coming for you, and it won't be long
Oga talkative weldone sir
Thief or no thief, is d write up factual and realistic? Does it make sense? Let's stop all dis useless sentiments and b real to ourselves for ones.
U may hate him for all u wabt, buh truth is, d he's just on poibt
Y not counter factually Dan resign into senseless abuses
U just sounded like d biggest fool
People grow and people learn remember
Do u have money? Wen humans say our our money, anuohia too will also join mouth
Ur money of how much?
Only mumu lyk u go react this way
Brilliant and factual write up...may God protect u from d tyrany of d tyrant president
God be with you man. Bless you Sir FFK.
"Do you know that he once went to Oyo state and accused Governor Lam Adesina's "people" (meaning the Yoruba) of killing his own Fulani people?"
Buhari also did threaten retaliation against the Yorubas around the country as reported by nigerian newspapers following detailed accounts of the drama given by gov Adesina's aides. Few years later, the Yoruba came out en masse en voted for him; Buhari.
The same Buhari Afenifere (Yoruba's apex organisation) had once released a well-researched report detailling the bigotry in Buhari's administration of the PTF agency under Abacha. Buhari, according to Afenifere's researched study had massively invested the PTF's in the core North and VERY LITTLE in the South and even more little in the South-West. A few years later, they, the Yoruba came out en masse en voted for the same Buhari.
Did the Yoruba do this out of lack of ethnic dignity or because they had a vice-presidential candidate backed by Tinubu ? From the tragedies Nigeria is now going through, HISTORY has judged the Yoruba guilty of SELLING out their conscience and their dignity for PEANUTS.
@El Rufaï:
El rufai will go down in history as a piece of shit !!!
How dare u called that twart a big shot instead of a big fool. Check out about his stewardship.That idiot of a guy finding or seeking refuge with low think tanks like ur type. Abeg wake up dude. These are the same set of people sponsoring attacks and conflicts. Do u know what the stupid idiot said when he was in APC.FFK has diarrhoea of both the mouth and the brain. Looking for myopic thinking nigerians to brainwash. The idiot suddenly turned Pastor after a failed attempt. Nice job of him for employing a cleric man who does his write up for him. Had he known all these verses of d scripture,why embezzling d masses wealth while in power? God punish u once again FFK
It seems Audu really looks like Shekau or Is it just my eye playing pranks
May the Almighty God bless and protect this brave Man FFK. One of the few brave Yoruba man alive.
All this simply means Tinubu should be killed, he is the Goat that has landed us where we are today isn't he? Nigerian youth better arise! #theblackone
Femi Fani-Kayode is a talkative and hypocritical transgender. I keep saying it that no man talks as much as Femi Fani-Kayode does (therefore he cannot be a man).
A good write up and eye opener. But, i would have respected the guy more, if he writes to revolutionalize the peoples' spirit, rather than infuse more hatred...
Linda, u must post this comment, bikko...ffk or whatever his name is...we know your way, u're just making mouth because of 2019 elections... Nothing for u brah. Nigerians don wise up. Even if u quote all the verses and chapters of the bible, u're a fake xtian. I no fall for ur write up... Shame on the people who still thinks u're making sense. Salas says so
Who is the mother fucker cypher insulting public sensibility. Is he deaf and blind
That he can't discern that Buhari and his evil cohorts are destroying Nigeria with their satanic agenda of islamisation and power tosm foolish person
Who is the mother fucker cypher insulting public sensibility. Is he deaf and blind
That he can't discern that Buhari and his evil cohorts are destroying Nigeria with their satanic agenda of islamisation and power tosm foolish person
If you call him a fool, then you must be the chairman of fools. You better go and continue with your suffering and smiling lifestyle that your Baba h!ad given you. Chief fool
FFK, you write-up is apt but the problem of Southern Nigeria and Christian in Nigeria today is not Buhari and the North. It is the Yorubas, your ethnic group for their penchant for sell out. They are the Judas of the South and they do it repeatedly. Awolowo sold out and betrayed Ojukwu, Obasanjo and the Yoruba Obas sold out and betrayed their son Abiola. the list is endless. Once a few of them feel that their interests are not protected, they will play the ethnic card. They started tribalism and they hold on to it till today. They are the ones that give every other tribes names. During the National conference convened by GEJ, the Yorubas sold out again. OBJ introduced the onshore and offshore dichotomy just to spite the southern minority. He single-handedly give out Bakasi to Cameroon to spite the southern minority. The worse devil we have in Nigeria is OBJ so go preach to him if he will change. Can you compare the numbers of Southern Nigerians kill in Odi and Zaki biam to what is happening in Southern Kaduna? A whole community was wiped out on the order of OBJ. Nigeria is indeed a monkey village and the chimps are the ones rulling.
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