Graphic photos: Many feared dead as IPOB members staging rally for Donald Trump, clash with security officers in Port Harcourt | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 20 January 2017

Graphic photos: Many feared dead as IPOB members staging rally for Donald Trump, clash with security officers in Port Harcourt

Some members of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, who took part in the rally they staged in support of US President-elect, Donald Trump in Port Harcourt Rivers state earlier today, were killed after police officers allegedly opened fire.

Meanwhile, the group on its Facebook page, shared a photo of a letter they sent to the state commissioner of police, seeking permission for the rally. More photos after the cut.


Anonymous said...

Fools....Black people have no brains...enslaved by religion and politics

*Linda's Future Hubby*

Okorie Gideon Akachukwu said...

OMG why are this people killing us like fowl


Okorie Gideon Akachukwu said...

God is watching

Unknown said...




OSINANL said...


Unknown said...

not again!!!
y nigeria

Unknown said...

Why is people so happy in taking innocent lives? The police office that shoot those guys or anybody that has hands in the death of those guys will not die better... They will suffer and die in penury..

......... Liber meniac........

baba said...

Godtakeover nigeria

Anonymous said...

Jobless Idiots! Rest in pieces!

Joyous babe,Linda ikeji first cousin said...

Omg! Who send una msg? Nawa o.

Anonymous said...

why all this ppl mumu like this?.......wetin be dia an with trump.....u are just wasting ur live for nothing....

Unknown said...

imagine oo.SO THE REASON WHY TERRORIST BUHARI TRAVEL IS TO SEND HIS HAUSA POLICE AND SOLDIERS TO KILL INNOCENT IPOD HUH?Linda they did not stage any thing against securities officers na hausa and yoruba officers saw them an began to shoot@them. What evil did these people committed huh? So peaceful rally is now ban in Nigeria huh? If they where to be fulani will they be killed like this huh? TERRORIST IMBECILE BRAIN DEAD BUHARI UR CUP IS FULL OOOO SO U SEND UR MEN TO WIPE OUT IBOS HUH? Are they protesting huh? No. Are they with arms huh? No. THEN WHY KILLING THEM HUH? TERRORIST BUHARI U WILL NEVER KNOW PEACE ALL THE DAYS OF UR SICK LIFE UR GOVERNMENT WILL CONTINUE TO BE A JOKE FOR KILLING INNOCENT PEACEFUL IBOS it shall not be well with u as for the soldiers and police boko harams and criminals will butcher them.
Freeborn wept from Washington dc

#sad indeed

Unknown said...

imagine oo.SO THE REASON WHY TERRORIST BUHARI TRAVEL IS TO SEND HIS HAUSA POLICE AND SOLDIERS TO KILL INNOCENT IPOD HUH?Linda they did not stage any thing against securities officers na hausa and yoruba officers saw them an began to shoot@them. What evil did these people committed huh? So peaceful rally is now ban in Nigeria huh? If they where to be fulani will they be killed like this huh? TERRORIST IMBECILE BRAIN DEAD BUHARI UR CUP IS FULL OOOO SO U SEND UR MEN TO WIPE OUT IBOS HUH? Are they protesting huh? No. Are they with arms huh? No. THEN WHY KILLING THEM HUH? TERRORIST BUHARI U WILL NEVER KNOW PEACE ALL THE DAYS OF UR SICK LIFE UR GOVERNMENT WILL CONTINUE TO BE A JOKE FOR KILLING INNOCENT PEACEFUL IBOS it shall not be well with u as for the soldiers and police boko harams and criminals will butcher them.
Freeborn wept from Washington dc

#sad indeed

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Igbo people don start again oo, which kind of wahala be this na. It's because there is no job,which one be Nigerians own with another country president. For God sike,joblessness

Royalty said...

Rip to the dead

Oghenetega said...

They are just toiling with their Lives...
Fighting a Lost battle ..see as they are killed like birds...

Anonymous said...

please can someone tell me what trump has to do with biafra. He probably don't give a shit!!that's what!its so sad our leaders in all fractions are dumb

sweet malo said...

Why stage a rally when you are not even Americans? Trump doesnt give a f**k about you...igbos sorry to say but you guyz are an embarassment to Nigeria. Stop being too desparate in getting cheap sympathy unnecessarily..

Anonymous said...

You guys are just fighting for the wrong reasons fucking Trump does not give a bullock. Nuru ihe umu igbo

Unknown said...

God of mercy...dis is hw dis people lost dere lives

Unknown said...

Jst dnt no wot to say, period

Unknown said...

One thing this people fail to know is that America don't care about you guys so why destabilizing the poor country and with the situation of things now?

Mark Morgan said...

Enter your comment...Useless cretins! Died for nothing! Illiterates buffoons. *spits

Anonymous said...

C Nigerians and stupidity abeg

Anonymous said...

This is BAD!!! This is to show how miluch IBO's are hated in this country. This people are armless ... No even dagger the Fulani people carry along where ever they go freely. They simply went peacefully to support the inoguration of USA new President. Just as the foot ball fance go along the street with their club flag to support victory. Hausa and Yoruba will support this inocent killing. I'm not and Igbo man. But let me advise you yorubas. Its time u start fighting for your independence because u know from your hart that this country is not working as one Nigeria. Pls don't be scard about that because I know yourubas are scard of independence. U people will not suffer you people are also bless like the Biafra's. Me I'm tired of one Nigeria because I know its not working. Even if they pump all the money in the whole world in Nigeria for infrastructures and better life, it will not work. God is angry with this country because we are to bin truthful to yourself.

Global Merit Foundation said...

Is anything wrong in celebrating another person's success, most of you goes to extent of celebrating your football clubs when they lift champions league trophy, premieship and the rest now because this guyz are Biafrans celebrating Mr Trump success as the 45th US elected president...Most of you are here supporting the military for the innocent killing. Nigerians call a spade a spade

JayBoss said...

So far as they wrote for permission (and even if they didn't) and the show was not armed or riotous, the Police or any armed authority has no justification whatsoever to shoot at them!. Whether we support their reason for the assembly is irrelevant! The group, and any group for that matter, have a right to "Peaceful Assembly" under our Constitution. The authorities should be made to answer for their actions!

Unknown said...

You are d complete fool, vagabond .. not my biafran people. We will surely be free, it's just a matter of time. There's nothing good about this zoo country called Nigeria. People are dying and your so called foolish president is on vacation. #FreedomFighter🤘#ProudlyBiafran..

Hrm Paul said...

You people arr acting like wat do u dp to sensless fowl u kill dem.wats you peoples business with trump.Trump does not have time for Nigeria how much ipob to show how stupid u guys are u guys are celebrating trump instead of organizing rally to free detained ipob leaders.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The whole thing was very peaceful till they reached Rumuola then some fools started throwing rocks at army people. Abeg, I'm Igbo, but this wahala is too much. Very counter-productive. All the other tribes in the area have started hating us because we keep disturbing their peace.

Unknown said...

We don't want to be part of you day no matter how many of us this useless muslim gov kill we sure gona free!!

Anonymous said...

It shows how stupid and wicked and hypocritical u are, so buhari can carry Gambia's election palava for his head trying to fix a govt that is not his own, u won't condemn it, but indigenous people of Biafra will want to celebrate with another man who just won election, and the foolish idiotic Nigerian force will kill dem while showing their freelance support for trump of another country, so what the hellllllll are u talking, pls if u don't know what say, u better shut that ur gutter mouth

Anonymous said...

Just like ur name sounds sweet malo sweet COW, It shows how stupid and wicked and hypocritical u are, so buhari can carry Gambia's election palava for his head trying to fix a govt that is not his own, u won't condemn it, but indigenous people of Biafra will want to celebrate with another man who just won election, and the foolish idiotic Nigerian force will kill dem while showing their freelance support for trump of another country, so what the hellllllll are u talking, pls if u don't know what say, u better shut that ur gutter mouth

Unknown said...

This isn't fair.

Anonymous said...

What kind of thing is this this is heartless

Anonymous said...

Thanks a million likes for ur comment, the earlier the yoruba's understand it the better for them foolish hypocrites

Anonymous said...

I don't recall these idle noisemakers staging a rally to support Obama in 2008, the first ever black man to be the President of the USA. It is plain dumb to support Donald Trump, a man who got to the Presidency on the back of racist and divisive ideologies and principles. The sheer stupidity of the IPOB action is illustrated by the fact that 99% of Igbo people in the US(who are citizens) voted for Hillary Clinton!

JayBoss said...

So far as they wrote for permission (and even if they didn't) and the show was not armed or riotous, the Police or any armed authority has no justification whatsoever to shoot at them!. Whether we support their reason for the assembly is irrelevant! The group, and any group for that matter, have a right to "Peaceful Assembly" under our Constitution. The authorities should be made to answer for their actions!

yankhi said...

So u peeps can't protest dat jammeh of The Gambia steps down, at least they are our neighbours n we re all regarded to as AFRICANS. Oh, so u will not be deported along with Nigerians n u will enter d US freely, mumu na una second name, if u guys are serious first protest dat una brothers leave d south west, jobless hypocrites, receive sense joor.

Anonymous said...

After writing for permission, was the permission granted? Wetin concern Agbero with overload?WHO TOLD THE MISGUIDED PEOPLE THAT DONALD TRUMP CARES ABOUT THEM? Imagine dying for a very foolish reason.

Anonymous said...

Please, sir or madam, wat is d meaning of clash? Are they wt guns, CAPITAL NO! Yet u called it clash

Anonymous said...

Because ibos have no brain! I am ibo, and i live here in tbe usa...i am not celebrating trump. But fools like you that have never stepped foot into a plane, thousands of miles away are celebrating a proven bigot. Someone who is ready to deport your so called ibo brothers enmass. Thank God i am a citizen and could care less....Go get a job or trade and be productive instead of wasting your time dwelling on a cause that would never actualize.

Anonymous said...

Madam abeg go and learn English or at least proof read b4 u post..mumu!

Unknown said...

U are a bastard

Anonymous said...

Police that suppose to protect the lives and citizens of his country. Shame to the govt of this nation Nigeria. Buhari shame on you!! Fulani herds men has been killing innocent ppl all this while u never called them to order. These ppl are just jubilating on their own how is dat ur problem? See as their lives re wasted. Ain't u tired of ruling a country u don't even know how to rule? Ain't u tired of the innocent blood being shed every now n then? Let the igbos be. It's obvious dere is no one Nigeria. Why are u afraid of letting biafra go? Bcos of ur selfish interest? Ur govt is so retard, boring, full of wickedness n selfishness. The igbos re tired of u allow them. Let ur useless Fulani ppl go n be killing dem selves. Useless govt!!

Anonymous said...

U people keep abusing those dat died. Have u ask urselves if dey were just passing by and were hit by d bullets?

Anonymous said...

haba let's be real please, is Biafra recognised by law? did they post a copy of the reply they got from the police approving the so called rally? what's the sense in this rally please? does Trump know them? did CNN cover it? or how exactly is Trump supposed to know some jobless people are supporting him with their lives? the police shouldn't have opened fire, it's sad these people died but I think those behind this rally should be held responsible, unless of course they show us a copy of the letter of approval they got from the police. when Hausas start killing people in the north over some silly thing that happens in an Arab country we all criticize them, please is that not what these people are doing? what difference is their so called support supposed to make. RIP to the dead. such unecessary waste of lives.

Anonymous said...

The thing tire me oooo.... Who send dem oooo... Mtchew

Anonymous said...

Nnamdi kanu or whatever you call yourself. You will answer to God for this innocent souls Nigeria police and soldiers are wasting. You have twisted their minds with your selfish interest and they thought you are in prison in the cause fighting for Biafra not knowing you are there out of your wicked and selfish interest. This is the same way Uwazuruike did and when he got his settlement, everything about Biafra to Uwazuruike cools off.

Anonymous said...

May their souls rest in peace. IPOB is a case under study,their leader is in detention. coming out to rally may not be supported by the government of the day. If it was a different group that did that in abuja nothing would have happened.

Anonymous said...

This idiots- trump political agenda is America first. He don't even send, NATO, EU talkess of his neihgbours Mexico talkless of africa.

No more washington visit for buhari or anybody

lami said...

Mtchewww, for Christ sake must Nigerians always display stupidity. Which African country is doing something this stupid. Here we are hating each other saying to hell with Nigeria yet we carry US flag. What a shame, u can never see Ghanaians behave like this,those people love their country despite their differences. Shame, I say shame. If we can't stand together and fix our problems no one will do it for us, and it's not by creating a country called biafra that would solve the ibo's problem. We a bunch of selfish and wicked people who have refused to take into account how much God loves and how blessed we are.

CHERYL (aka FROM GLORY to GLORY) said...

I no fit laugh! Stupid and gullible Nigerians fighting for a lost cause...

Long live LIB

Listen to me! said...

pls do not visit the above link, it contains malicious software that can harm your device. Also, no sextape was leaked, the fool is a liar. Even if it was leaked, Linda should be the first to know

God punish u! u no go die better! @Anonymous19:00

Unknown said...

-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

one thing I'd NEVER try= Protest for this yeye country!
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Anonymous said...

If they are not Americans is that why they should be killed?

Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

As soon as President Bubu travel out..I knew and I wrote that havoc will happen few days after..he has given useless killing orders then travel to cover face..shameless old Fulani President....ur days are numbered

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ibo's may God give you brains...

Anonymous said...

Amen. Nigeria will have no peace

Anonymous said...

You are an embrassment to human rice fool

Unknown said...

Ipob... Imbeciles!!!

Unknown said...

Who send them msg? Joblessness is the root cause of this nonsense. If they were employed i dont think they will leave what puts food on their table to go n do one mumu support... Donald is far away in Us doing his on thing, this foolish ones r here doing what nobody in d us asked them to. Who Donald Trump help sef? And as for d police una nor dey tk eye see ibo pple rally, why d shooting? Well for those dat died n d injured ones, nobody send una msg...

Ijanyimitch said...

Ur English is killing me already

Anonymous said...

I wonder why people don't listen. This is the height of illiteracy. What concerns them with Donald Trumps inauguration. Someone that doesn't even know you exist. It's so unfortunate that people can be so ignorant and allow themselves to be tossed around. Good job to our security operatives. After all they were warned before hand. My advise is that all this jobless boys should get something doing.

Haliburton scandal said...

This is a breakthrough for you guys, share it till Trump ban the so called Nigerian government from entering America

Haliburton scandal said...

This is a breakthrough for you guys, share it till Trump ban the so called Nigerian government from entering America

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. Joblessness is the main cause of this.

Anonymous said...

Any body who supports such kind of killings is a murderer and does not deserve to leave among humans,if you cannot conduct a peace rally (which is not even a protest) Base on what you believe or love,then you are in bondage. The truth is that this government has no respect for the rule of law nor human rights, we are all slave in Nigeria everybody I mean,but there is one thing I like about God or nature which is "everyday for the thief,one day for the owner,my fellow compatriots keep calm and watch,God is in control it will take them by surprise and you all will remember this day and the words I have just spoken,worry not for it has already began (braking new nigeria air force bombing refugee camp by mistake,more is yet to come this is just the beginning then perpetrators of this atrocities will know that JEHOVA,YAWEH, YOSHUA is the mighty God of creation and no being challenges his authority. When it happens in Egypt pheroh saw it like a movie in his eyes but at the end how did it go? You know the rest anyway.

Anonymous said...

You will just wake up and start posting nonsense. It's people like that couldn't get a good and decent education that cause this kind of trouble. You should be ashamed of yourself with all this rubbish you keep posting. You better change and repent. Also possibly go back to school and at least start learning how to construct decent sentences. Bloody internet millipede

Anonymous said...

The letter was not even signed. Or stamped .

Unknown said...

They will kill us but at the end freedom will be ours! ~Nwa_Nsukka

viewer said...

Even the protest dat happened in Washington dc where the inauguration was going on was handled with pepper, d one dat happened in nigeria where it poses no treath to anybody was handled with guns.....whats our problem in nigeria......why are blacks wired this way..... why the protest self..... did anybody call for protest in support of trump....does nigeria's protest have any effect on trend of tins in washington..... many questions in mind.....

Unknown said...

Was the permission granted

Anonymous said...

Neneh Diallo, can't you see that from your name, you are from nowhere? This suggests why you can open your stinking mouth to mention Igbo people.

Anonymous said...

My people perish for lack of Wisdom and Understanding.

afekhade said...

I wonder why dem allow Ojukwu to die like that...he should have been hit by a bullet to his skull bcos his and his cohorts greed started this Biafra shit. Greedy shits...they wanted the oil in niger delta..Fucking Ojukwu! The moment oil was discovered in nigeria they started planning coup. Demonic tribe! What they live for is money...Police please spray dem all until they learn to see that Biafra is all about greed.

Anonymous said...

People are dead and that's all u've got to say. May God forgive u

Anonymous said...

That's how people will spit on you too. Be watchful of the things u say

F8 said...

Kweke! Who send dem?

Martha Sagay said...

So sad....hi people we are a clique away to sharing out thoughts on we can get our voice and make a better world.

Emy said...

So having a peaceful rally is now a crime? herdsmen committed heinous crime by killing innocent citizen in Benue, kaduna, enugu etc yet NPF & FG dint do anything? God is watching you guys and all these illiterate cyber warriors supporting FG

Anonymous said...

I have no word for Nigeria. God is watching..... Nigeria is dead already and we will pay back when the time comes. Records are kept and I don't know why Nnamdi Kanu is delaying us..... Just speak a word and all these rush will stop. Lets see if the frustrated economy and fading peace which Nigeria have will remain. Retaliation in my mind

Egbe Eligwe! said...

May the soul of the dead heroes of Biafra rest in perfect peace amen. All the par takers of this unlawful killings MUST never must never be free from nemesis, may calamities befall them in jesuschrist name amen. RIP BRAVE HEROS

Unknown said...

this is the greatest foolishness i've seen this year

Unknown said...

Oversabi dey kill o!

Anonymous said...

Best comment so far!!!

Anonymous said...

they didn't) and the show was not armed or riotous, the Police or any armed authority has no justification whatsoever to shoot at them!. Whether we support their reason for the assembly is irrelevant! The group, and any group for that matter, have a right to "Peaceful Assembly" under our Constitution. The authorities should be made to answer for their actions!

Omotola said...

The bible says, "pray for Jerusalem"...Anon 21:09, your wish for this country shall be yours in thousand folds...Amen

Unknown said...

It's u who doesn't have brain, not my biafran people.. u can't be an igbo and be hiding under anonymous. Just shut up your mouth there. Ewu hausa...

Blessing Noah said...

The killing of these unarmed people on a rally is disheartening.

FRESH said...

See stupidity? Americans on American soil are protesting against Donald Trump inside America.IPOB is marching in solidarity in Nigeria? Who advises these idiots?

Anonymous said...

They said it was peaceful frm the start but on getting to rumoula some stupid among started throwing rocks on the security, wht do expect to happen to brainless fool.

Small world said...

Please tell them. Fools killing over thrump the dumb who doesn't even know of their existence. Fools with black brains. Omo ale jatijsti

Unknown said...

Shut up.

Anonymous said...

Gham they throw stones at the soldiers and u xpect them not to die.


May their souls rest in perfect peace.

Anonymous said...

But why are many yorubas and Hausas allways surport all this atrocities being commited by this satanic government of APC mostly when it has to do with Igbos. If you guys so hate the Igbos and so jealous of them, why not help them talk to your radical islamist President to let them go. Why are you guys bordered when They talk about living Nigerian federation if not for your selfish interest. Igbos does not rely on oil to built their nation. The oil in Imo, Ananbra, and Abia State is enough for them . Remember after the civil war,Igbos were given only 20 pounds each from all the millions they had but today without any Federal project, visit all the Igbo State and see for yourselves how people develop their communities individually. A typical Yoruba and Hausa person believe that without oil they will not survive. IPOB surport.president Trump because he is comming to destroy radical Islam thats include your Bokoharam because Igbos dont want to be islamised by Hausa/Fulani and yoruba Islamic rascals. We are 80 percent Christians and about 15 percent Judaism and 5 percent traditional religion. I hate hypocrites who shy away from writting anything in Sozial media, when Jihadist are killing Christians in Southern Kaduna in the presence of the Police and Millitary withou any intervention and you call them Herdsmen.and you are here calling people who are rallying for what they believe in and in a peaceful manner without weapons, calling them brainless. So you can now agree with me that you guys wrtting bullshit here in surport of the killings are the brainless one,tauts and Jihadist. From steve Switzerland.

Anonymous said...

Chelsea, Man U, Barcelona, Real Madrid, Arsenal, and more are foreign clubs which somany Nigerians don't know the country they are but we celebrate them here, i have not seen any one killed by police for celebrating on the road that Chelsea won champions league,if this people chose to celebrate Trump i don't think it will warrant to kill some one, this is just ethnic cleansing.

Unknown said...

Look at what you are saying you talk like you don't have Brian at all.

Anonymous said...

Brainless people... always on the wrong side of history..The whole world is standing up against Trump.The stupid ones are shedding their blood for him or whatever reason...Are you people cursed?

Anonymous said...

Linda abeg most of these pictures are from the on going strike happening in the english speaking part of CAMEROON. Those are peaceful protesters being shot dead by de french police. Stop using our pics if u cannot blog abt our on going struggle.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump has not finished dealing with half of the people of America that are protesting against him, na Biafra wey dey do drug trafficking all over countries na Trump wan come help? Rubbish!

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump will soon deport your fellow Biafra brothers and sisters from America to Nigeria and you are here killing yourselves for him. Senseless fools!

Sam said...

I swear, if these Biafrans did this rally for Trump in America, na black Americans for kill them. Stupid lot with no sense!

Sandra said...

Biafra war that Ojukwu that was a stong bold military man could not win, these bloody civilians think they can win the war. When the war was getting hot in 1970, Ojukwu ran away to London with his wife and children like a coward and left innocent youths that he brain-washed to die like chicken. When will our youths ever learn?

Sandra said...

Biafra war that Ojukwu that was a stong bold military man could not win, these bloody civilians think they can win the war. When the war was getting hot in 1970, Ojukwu ran away to London with his wife and children like a coward and left innocent youths that he brain-washed to die like chicken. When will our youths ever learn?

Pascal said...

Why didnt they ask for independence during Jonathan's regime? Why now? They just want to sabortage Buhari's administration. Fools

Akporugo said...

Abeg they should stop holding their useless Biafra rallies and protest in Portharcourt. They should hold it in their land in the East. They should leave South-South alone. South-South is not part of Biafra and can never be part of Biafra. Please next time, hold your protests and rallies in the East.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Please go back to school you talk doesn't make sense

Anonymous said...

y'all fools should go kill y'all stupid ass behind over a white fool that dont give a fuck about y'all asses. kill yourselves fools.........

Unknown said...

Nnenne George do something with yourself Rivers is not biafra and they should take there stupid protest to there land. This is no east. Why will they leave East and come here

Unknown said...

Fuck you

Walata said...

Akporugo fuck u you idiot what do u know u sily bitch nigga, even ur name sounds like igbo name, let me educate you, there are igbos in ur so called fuckin south south which means nothing in geography, better go n read n get knowledge other than talking rubbish here

Anonymous said...

U are the most stupid idiotic human creature I have ever seen, so who told u there's no oil in imo, ABIA n Anambra u r just a devil that's I can say anu ofia ozu nwuru anwu

Zalon kay said...

This is serious too bad

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