Despite his scary appearance, Henry who now calls himself Red Skull insists he is still a loving husband and dad to three-year-old son, Aaron and family photos show that this is very much the case. Pictures show Henry taking Aaron out for meals, carrying him on his shoulders and reading to him in bed.

“He has loved comic books since he was a kid and always dreamed of being Red Skull, but never got round to doing it. “Then he met up with a brilliant surgeon who specialises in extreme body modifications and just knew that this was his opportunity.”

Sick man! Linda take note!
Hian! This man get sense so?
Lib addict#just passing#
misplaced priorities
Onye na way ya!
That his son is strong for allowing him around him. Then the woman is stronger for parting her legs for him. Smh
Cray cray
Oh God! dis is real abuse of money,, chaiii... Yaxxxx
This one is mad but has no one to tell him.
. ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA
Just negodu!
...merited happiness
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This is awful...bunkers!!!
Does he know what that money will do in my life?
Sick nd mad man indeed...see what so called development has brought upon dis idiots life....await Ur comment Free born.
Dis guy is such a waste..if he don't value his life he shuld try nd use rope
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Exactly Onyx, money for better things he just waste.
Chai! The dude chopped off his nose. That's some sick shit.
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He tried.. am very happy for him.
Sick indeed.
Come to think of it that he even has a family. oh my goodness
Help you in transitioning to a woman..no big difference
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Evil man
Some folks are simply stupid!
He looks horrible, i just feel for his poor kido! #EvilDead
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Yes it will give you boobs and a fake pussy
Mad man
Lol. No big difference really.
Onyx, you sef go use am transition so what's the noise about?
I clap for him, well-done.
O kare..
misplaced priority
misplaced priority
celebrity in making
***********************No mba biko******dix retard cannot be bearing my Henry's name biko********
****************asin eeeeer *****strong pass rock
Lmfao ******really happy for him too
Awwwwwwww free born, your comments please..... waiting
wetin man no go see for this Life na wa ohhh
He cut off his nose like Michael Jackson.... So sick!!!
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That son of his should be taking away from him cos this asshole is sick in d head... wtf
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