‘You are the reason for the smile on my face, the laughter in my eyes, and the joy in my life.’ See more photos from the engagement after the cut...

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‘You are the reason for the smile on my face, the laughter in my eyes, and the joy in my life.’ See more photos from the engagement after the cut...
Chio! See love o😳
~glo rule your world~ cos I do•
Aww really!god come carry ur creation oo. WHAT STRAIGHT CAN DO GAYS CAN DO IT BETTER. congratulate to una union. I freeborn wishes un long life and protection.NIGERIA FOOLS OVER TO UNA.
#sad indeed
God punish you for covering your ugly face. Shameless dog
End time rapper. Earn cool cash! Get your superb soccer prediction tips for Saturday & Sunday 5th & 6th November 2016 @ www.fortunatusblog.com
Confused species, mtew! #Perverts
Is she hiding her face or shaming shy?
Hiss Oshi
it's not you are the reason for the smile on her face but you are the reason of her going to hell fire
Abnormal people with abnormal behaviour. So kenyan dey give lesbians chance?
Nonsense! Linda take note!
Kenya oh Kenya. see the plastic chairs, the weak table cloth. How forget the wax candle in the malt bottle. The beer parlour cups . Na wa
Why cover her face now? Useless people.
Congrats to them
I wish dem good luck
...merited happiness
Asin end time big time wtf oluwa just come already ...
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm dis is serious
*********************nekwanu anya ******ona ekpuchikwanu aka na iru !!!!!!!!!
*********************nekwanu anya ******ona ekpuchikwanu aka na iru !!!!!!!!!
I wish Christ would come and judge the world, and end it once and for all. The iniquities going on today transcends all human imagination.
Whaoooo!! Na wa ooo
The bible says Thou shall not judge but you should know the truth and the truth shall set you free. For you ladies if you don't change from all this rubbish, you will b condemned for life.its a word of advice
WOW ! What a waste.....
WTF???...so disgusting!
The girlfriend isn't sure if she wants to settle with a woman for the rest of her life.
The friend will jilt her and elope with either a man or a woman. That's what these pictures show
I guess congrats is the word, yeah?
I don't mind to be supplying them Cucumber! But why are they covering face?
Heheheheh! I reserve my comments.
says, Genevieve.
Just negodu their ugly face.. Ndi nzuzu. Mtchewwww!!! Linda keep promoting them.. Weldon!!! If you're a lesbian, plz tell us and set your spirit free. Pls add me on LIS@Nnenne George
Why Una dey hide Una faces na? Una no proud being lesbians why re u lesbians den,idiaaattss
Linda we don't need dis kind posts biko mk our children learn beta tin from u
I just slept with a guy now. Wow sweeter than a girl.
Guys also. I am not surprised at the alarming rate of increase of this gay/lesbian rubbish. It's the End Time
Eva Da Diva...
Lost Souls
So you wanna be a FAGGOT, all well and good. What I don't understand is why a female FAGGOT always goes ahead to be with another female that looks and acts like a male and vice-versa. Why don't you get a female FAGGOT. that looks and acts like a female. These FAGGOTS are so confused. That's why they need to be exterminated.
oooO chi.... just wondering where we are going to???
I used to hold you in very high esteem but with this stupid statement of hers i withdraw it . Linda is only doing her job and if you dont like d post you dont even click on it na by force. Besides people do rubbish everyday it's better to be aware of their vices to protect ourselves and children from dem.
Congrats lovelies. Ignore the hare, remember Africa is infested teddy with bunch of sad hungry ASS ppl
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At least d queue will be less for single sisters.
Lol.... Exactly
Lol.... Exactly.
nzuzu everywhere
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
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