We had some discussions with people on the issue of excess fat and stretch marks on the body of their partners, and as always, we got different opinions.
Left to you, how do you feel seeing your partner with stretch marks and probably being over weight? Do you find it sexy or irritating? Do you care or do you just ignore?
If you happen to have the marks on your body, how do you think your partner feels about it, can you really be sure his silence means he doesn't really care? Are you even taking the necessary steps to find a solution to it?
Here, we give you public opinion and then the expert solution that works in 2 weeks, we also assist in helping you get rid of excess body fat, plus a FREE Natural Solution to problem of breast sagging for women within all age groups as Bonus (you sure don't want to miss all these)
See it HERE: http://goo.gl/MUqwOq
Here are some reactions...

No one wants a partner whose whole body looks like a broken wind screen and cannot show off some fresh skin
This is another reason why you too should go for the effective solution we have for you here: http://goo.gl/MUqwOq
Generally, people want their partners to look good and desirable even if they are not really saying it or pushing it.
Also, people who find themselves having some of these issues should do more to find solutions to these issues because honestly, it is their partners secret desire. At least he or she wants to see you making efforts to get a solution. Not just sit and do nothing thinking it doesn't matter.
See How to get Expert Solution to Stretch marks here: http://goo.gl/MUqwOq (Cl ick link or copy and paste it to your browser)
See How to get Expert Solution to Stretch marks here: http://goo.gl/MUqwOq (Cl
To this effect, Our Team of experts are on ground to give you expert solutions...
- That wipe any case of stretch marks off from your body in 2 weeks.
- We also have very effective solution to people who would like to shed excess body fat and also belly fat (Especially Women who have had kids in the past) without all those unnecessary routine exercise or diet.
- We’ll give you a free simple home remedy that works real fast in solving the problem of sagging breasts without any surgery…It is a highly recommended for any woman who needs to find the answer to breast sagging or for the one who wants to avoid it. The solution cuts across a wide range of ages from 18-65.
Click link or copy and paste it to your browser to find out more: http://goo.gl/MUqwOq
Can't deal wit such..
ILove women with stretch marks! Add me on LIS @ Ogbunambala Eddy
Their opinions matter not to me!!!
Issokay seen! Linda take note!
And you want ur wife to carry ur baby in her womb ba?
...merited happiness
As a single guy I won't want to have anything to do with lady with strech marks mostly on her tummy, but as a married guy, I don't have a chioce because Iam responsible for that.
Ok seen
Linda mkn money snc 2000
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Seen but I have interest in it.
u cant deal with such but u can watch her get pregnant with ur child , blow up and push d baby between her legs...is it her fault not every one is blessed with d skin that reje ts stretch marks..
and with all ds fake steriod creams dat r cancerous!!!its ur type dat give women low self esteem..yet its such men dat will have lil pricks yet dey can talk
seriouly, i have never comment on your blog linda but most of this man comment really hurt my feelings! am a new mom who just had a beautiful baby few months ago. all this men are crazy, a woman got pregnant for 9month went through all of the ups and down, gain weight and you men think the next thing to compliment her is saying crap! omg, thank goodness one of them is not my husband his dick would have been missing. i cant stand nigerian men with their selfish and unconsiderable mentallity... and to now think of it most of them are working around with pot belly and small dick, even with stretch mark as well...crazy people.
seriouly, i have never comment on your blog linda but most of this man comment really hurt my feelings! am a new mom who just had a beautiful baby few months ago. all this men are crazy, a woman got pregnant for 9month went through all of the ups and down, gain weight and you men think the next thing to compliment her is saying crap! omg, thank goodness one of them is not my husband his dick would have been missing. i cant stand nigerian men with their selfish and unconsiderable mentallity... and to now think of it most of them are working around with pot belly and small dick, even with stretch mark as well...crazy people.
seriouly, i have never comment on your blog linda but most of this man comment really hurt my feelings! am a new mom who just had a beautiful baby few months ago. all this men are crazy, a woman got pregnant for 9month went through all of the ups and down, gain weight and you men think the next thing to compliment her is saying crap! omg, thank goodness one of them is not my husband his dick would have been missing. i cant stand nigerian men with their selfish and unconsiderable mentallity... and to now think of it most of them are working around with pot belly and small dick, even with stretch mark as well...crazy people.
I feel u o not only small dick but low libido as well
Well said
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