'The brake pad went off and got stuck between the brake disc & alloy wheel of the car tyres.' This led to the car somersaulting off the road.
While he escaped with slight scratches, two other passengers in the car were wounded, immediately taken to the hospital and are now stable. More photos from the accident scene after the cut

ThankGod for dere lives..dis is so heartbreaking...gift of life is d best
Wishing d injured a quick recovery
I was just lying down on my bed when I just got the inspiration of
writing about this topic. I love Africa and my dear country Nigeria.
We are a unique people, in this post I just want to give an advice.
Let me differentiate between two things, Civilization and madness.
..... Jesus is Lord..... Thank God for their lives.......
........... Liber maniac..........
Thank God for their lives
God is ever faithful. Linda take note!
Oh my God, is my lecturer, thank God for his life,
Thank God for their safety
Pastor KUMUYI LIVE in Port Harcourt
Thank God for their lives! #Saved
Abeg how did he escaped.. Abi na spider man helped him escape?
The vehicle was seriously damaged...
Thank God no life was lost!
Na me talk am!
Long Live Lib!!!
Thank God.
Thank GOD for life o..... #Lindatakenote
They God no casualties.
says, Genevieve.
Thank God for dem
...merited happiness
That's God in action
Awesome God all thanks to u,,oga if u don't know God now is d time to know him more
Thank God no soul was lost
Congratulations for cheating death. But you need to be extra cautious with your car as I believe that it must had been giving a sign that the pad is not in place and MUST have been making some sound which might not be very audible but because you drive your car you should know it and probe into it. Pardon my comment as I believe that the brake pad doesn't remove just like that I believe it must have been removing gradually.
At any rate thank be to Almighty God for saving your life. Congratulations once again and may those injured get well fast. Toks
Thanks to God
wow thank God
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Tnk God
May God Almighty be Praised
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