In a video obtained by Radar Online, Lindsay Lohan who was in the passenger seat of a black jeep, grabbed Egor's phone and threw it out the window. They both rush out of the jeep to grab the phone, but Lindsay got to the phone before Egor did. He tried to take the phone from Lindsay but she refused to give it up. He then pulled her arms behind her and tried to squeeze the phone from her. He kept saying 'Give me my phone' and she said 'No'.
He retrieved the phone from her and she got into the back of the jeep, he told her to get out of his jeep but she refused and you could see him punching numbers on his phone and making a call...maybe to the police.
Hiaaa, are so they insane?
Let her have some flesh a beg.
allergies? Click on my moniker.
U see dis girl
Nawa oooh
Where's ur panties, Lindsay?? This guy is no gentleman at all and I wonder what she sees in him that made ha be with this psycho! Well, i'm gonna mind my beeswax though.
They are jobless.
says, Genevieve.
What kinda relationship is this?
I dnt blame una..una don chop belle ful
I hope she doesnt die soon. She has been knocking on death's door for a while.
Hi. Im 25years old and I was with my ex for 3years after a year of being together we moved in with eachother with my daughter who calls my ex daddy our relationship was great living apart but once we moved in with eachother the arguments started and my trust issues. I always use to get funny about him going down the pub with his mates while im at home and we then ended up falling out and he would be gone all night and come in at like 3-4am drunk. I also use to get funny about him going away on holiday with his mates every year. I know him breaking up with me was my fault but not sure why he broke up with me anyway money was getting tight living together so we decided to move out and he go back to his mums and I get a place for me and my daughter we argued alot at that point because of the stress trying to find somewhere to live he said he wanted to go on a months break after moving out so we can clear our heads 3weeks into our break me text me saying we’re over I was really upset because I love him so much I was always texting him and ringing him saying I love him give me another chance then he blocked my number so I couldn’t contact him do then I message him on fb asking about my daughter as she was going on about how she doesn’t understand why she’s nit seeing daddy anymore he replies with contact me once your over me and I will have contact with your daughter.so I left it a week and even though im not over him still till this day I messaged him saying I was over him so he replies with im glad to hear your over me we will arrange something for me to see your daughter. I still love him and I wanted him back i told my sister about it and she introduced me to the Famous Prophet Akim,who helps in so many ways.i contacted him and he did his thing,before i knew it,the next day Moric called me and apologized that he was sorry for everything and im sure he will never leave me again. i am so happy now,you can also get in touch with akim on his email .(prayerstosavemarriage@hotmail.com) :)
Lolz,each time I see this couple's drama online,I laugh like crazy,2 psychos,had d laugh of my life with this one
U are very stupid , senseless without brains...any guy that ends with u is certainly cursed from village...b reasonable and stop thinking like a child. Cant u c she is a psycho bitch. Use ur brain for once in ur degraded life. Y snatch his fone and throw it away, is she his wife... That's y she can get a real relationship all her life. Insecure bitch
Lindsay Lohan is the psycho. I thought she would grow up as soon as she left America to live in London. She needs mental health evaluation.
Lindsay Lohan is the psycho. I thought she would grow up as soon as she left America to live in London. She needs mental health evaluation.
Lindsay Lohan is the psycho. I thought she would grow up as soon as she left America to live in London. She needs mental health evaluation.
not cool but okay deji olaluwe's blog
She said everyone should leave them alone so they should settle their matters themselves
Wetin be my own inside
No room for being a gentleman when some throws you phone out of the car!
Hmmmmmm linda linda
Nobi by force oh Linda!
Awwwwwwwwwn........... They are so adorable together.
Mad people
Abusive relationship I guess
Hian! Na wa ooo
Sick child....I feel so sorry for this girl
Both of them are obviously drug buddies
Henhen.... This guy is not a gentleman, run for ur life girl.
Whatever... it's their bizz, but he ain't a gentle man & this vid proves it!
Kolo mental couple.
Lolz whiCh kind fight be dis nah...
I don't understand too. Behaving like a lunatic because of man.
What do you expect he is 22. Lindsay should leave home alone abeg
She is 30yr old n he 22yrs old. Enough said!
Mad people.... Linda pls post my comment
Anytime I read bad story about her I get soo weak such a lovely girl back wen drugs has not taking hold of her. U need to watch parent trap her first movie
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
You must be sic(k)
Fight or romance?
Kaiii. So you sat down and typed this much stupidity? Who falls for this sort of filth these days? You and your fake prophet are bastards!
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