"So many people have wondered who my immediate second sister was. Even friends never met her or saw a pic of her. When she passed away, my mom was so distraught that she burnt all pics and saved only this. Take a good look at this sweet and innocent face. Her name was Grace Chikere Nwosu and she was my sister.I'm about to tell a story that hasn't been told since 1994 not to gain sympathy but to advice and change lives. She never got to grow to leave a mark but I hope with this story, she does. I want her to be the face of children's advocate cos she deserved at least that since her life was cut short at the age of 3 by a 22 year old man named Daniel whom I have never set my eyes on since 1994. This story is the reason I went into talk show- not for personal fame but hope that one I will be famous enough to get people to hear my story but I can't keep waiting so if this will save lives, then so be it.
If you know from my stories, we grew up in the slum of Mafoluku, Oshodi. Then when I turned six, my sister was three and my mom went to the hospital to give birth to a third child. Despite being poor, we were a very loving family and my parents still made sure we attended private schools but starved and drank Garri like for real not a metaphor. My mom used to say, education will change our condition.
This story isn't about me today so I will skip the details of my past. Perhaps someday I will have the courage to tell my own story. So my mom had this house help whose name was Chidinma, she also went to school but lived with us to take care of us after school hours. My mom was a kind soul who took her like her own but Chidinma was blinded by greed. So on that fateful period, my mom went to the hospital with my dad and aunt for some days, Chidinma sold my 3 year old sister for 150 naira to my neighbor, Daniel... I was 6 and had no clue why my sister wasn't home. Little did I know that right in our face-me-I face you compound, Daniel RAPED my three year old sister till she bled. They returned her to our home to cover the act but my mom came home that day with my aunt and saw my sister bleeding and unable to move. My kid sister proceeded to give names then fell unconscious... Needless to say, she died after a week. She died on a Friday right in my mom's arms and in my presence.
My mom dropped the court case and had us move. I never understood why but she said God would enact justice but I wanted court justice. I wanted Daniel to pay for his actions. Pay for robbing the life and innocence of my kid sister. I didn't get that justice but had to live with that pain for so many years before I learned to forgive.
I put up her pic cos she's late. The media doesn't put up pic of rape kids cos they are underage and this perpetrators don't get to realize what they did emotionally. I don't know where Daniel is but I hope he sees this and remembers and apologizes to my family cos he not only ruined my sister but my trust in men when I was growing up. Made me live a life in fear of men until my dad, counselor and pastors gave me courage. She's late since 1994 and she would have been 25.
She was lively and smart and even at three, had more guts than me and always defended me. I have never forgotten anything about her. I loved her and I lost her before we could spend our best years together. Dear rapists, these children are just kids. Helpless, selfless and defenseless. We are to defend them not ruin them. What is sexually attractive about a child? They don't even have developed sexual organs except for peeing. Parents, be careful of who you entrust your child to. The world is dark. Anything is possible.
In five minutes, a rapist can change the life of their victim and loved ones. Just for five minutes pleasure, you ruin the lives of others. Control your five minutes urge. Sex with a child is without consent cos they are ignorant of life. A child can never seduce you. Please let's fight for the lives of children. Let's be Guardians all over the world and weed out perpetrators wherever. Never cover them up in fear of shame.
I put up this pic cos I'm the only legal in age survivor of my family. She's late now for 22 years so I'm within my law. I wish her rest with the lord. Chikere Grace, mommy, daddy and our brother are with you now. You aren't alone anymore. May all their souls rest in peace and may my sister's name be remembered in honor of the lives she will save with her story. Love you all my late family, xoxo
Oh jesus
Its well
Blood of God
God takeover
The rapist will definitely be punished by God.
Eyaaa,it is well wt u,may their soul rip.
**************************Jeeeeeeeez !!!!!! What did I jux read** ??????????? How callous !!!!!!!!! Chineke *******i am only imagining d pain dix little musta had***************ah min ************how can a full grown man rape a baby ???????? I don't understand it****************is dia more to it ????????
I still can't figure why men/guys would rather choose to have pleasure in younger kids than adults. Well is becoming rampant
Long Live LIB
Rape is a crime that should be classified amongst the capital punishment offenses
***************hex even lost hix parents and a brother too******oburu mmadu 4****** chai****** obi na ani ncha !!!!!!!!
***************hex even lost hix parents and a brother too******oburu mmadu 4****** chai****** obi na ani ncha !!!!!!!!
All these paedophiles will never know peace including sanusi
so unfortunate, i share your grief and pains, please take heart, the good Lord will console you and give you the fortitude to forgive you and start a real process of healing in your family; revenge is of the Lord, so release him unto God and he will or had already fought your fight for you, peace my sister, fear not.
This is really sad,innocent child fa! Hope rapists start serving a very strict punishment for this unforgivable crime,this is the height of wickedness,ever! #Evil
God in heaven sees everything,
May God punish that idiot named Daniel and the foolish Chidinma. May they never find rest all the days of their miserable lives
This is too much! May Almighty fill their spaces...
Too wicked & heartless animal. It ll never be well with d man.
This brought tears to my eyes. Rip
You can imagine how desperately wicked the hear of men are. Man has become a cancer to themselves. The dark places of earth are filled with the habitation of cruelty. We must shine the light, we must stand up redeem ourselves. #NoSidonLook
I wish she had a full name of the Daniel or his picture or the house girls name and picture. They need to be burned alive for what they did
Too bad...This David and his likes should be castrated....what pleasure can a man have in sex with a toddler??
I can't wrap my head around dis. The heart of man is desperately wicked. Linda take note!
Too bad...This David and his likes should be castrated....what pleasure can a man have in sex with a toddler??
I am so happy someone had the COURAGE to share this, as most rape cases go unreported mainly out of shame and social stigmatization of the victim and their family.
Rape is worse than murder and the worst part of it is that the act itself is not as painful, gruesome or terrifying as the trauma and torture faced by the victim after the act, especially knowing that the culprit walks free and about, leading a normal life as if nothing happened. In most cases, a rapist, if not caught would want to ply his/ her trade again, preferable with the same victim, or any other.
The truth is,90% unreported rape cases are perpetrated by people well known to the victim and a good number of times, they threaten the victim with "If you tell anyone, I will kill you." Out of fear, victims keep quiet and their silence is what giver "POWER" to the rapist to attempt it again with them or another. Any sign of exposure will see the rapist moving to another location to continue this wicked act not carry the level of damage done to victims. A rapist believes the victim "enjoyed" the act and looks forward to another.
Do no be mistake, rapist live normal lives and their intentions are deliberately premeditated before execution. Rape, it happens right under our nose every but until it happens to you, you will never believe or understand the why or how and why the victim just can't get over it even after 20 years no matter the number of therapy and deliverance.
If you have never been raped, you can never comprehend or talk about rape.
Let us all stand up and say a big NO!!! to rape and rapist. Protecting rapist caught red-handed gives power to other. Expose rapist, stigmatize them and not the VICTIM.
Children, teenagers, women and men are human not animals and even in the animal world, there is no such thing as rape.
Please lend your voice today because it may be you, your sister/brother, mother/father, wife/husband or child tomorrow... Kiki
This story made a cry,I remember how my sister and I were almost raped by my uncle.
May the Lord console you dear,It is well.
Hmmm...so she's gone?even ur dad,mum and ur brother??My God! its well with u dear in Jesus name.May the Lord comfort you dear..
So will their children be rape Amen..accept my sympathy dear
Wow!!! God take control... But y? Wow painful, wicked world
May this writer find peace that only God can give. As for our brothers uncles and fathers as well as any female species aiding rape or perpetrating this acts I wish you madness without cure nor deliverance
Hmmm...I hope dat chidinma of a girl was punished
Hell is a better place
Awwww, so touching. I can't figure out how a grown man will desire a child when there are many grown women all over. It's pathetic.....sis God is your strength, your shield and your butler
Oh my GOD
What a heart-breaking story! I can only imagine the burden of grief you bear in your heart. Life is not fair and you have to stay above that grief. May the good Lord test their souls. Death is an inevitable end! No sin shall go unpunished and the cry of the innocent reaches our creator. omelu me izu ome na onwa. It is well!
Hmmmmmm!heart of a man is so deadly!may their souls rest in perfect peace!
says, Genevieve.
This just brought tears to my eyes...I can't imagine my 3 year old daughter going through such pain. May her beautiful and innocent soul continue to rest in peace.
This z heavy, if he still alive someday, somehow , he will read this and he will never have rest.
What a pathetic story.
This story brought tears to my eyes. It's a shame our government isn't doing enough to end this despicable crimes against innocent souls. And shame on any man or woman who rapes or even thinks of raping a child. May God have mercy on you.
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Please where is the man ooo. He may be a pastor ,priest or evangelist now but He will need to restitute.Cos His Children may suffer for his Suns.Pls if you know any Daniel, please show him oooo, The man should be brown 45-50 yrs now. #Danielcomeouttoapologiseforthesakeofyourgeneration.
Pathetic story
May God forgive him and d maid too
Vinna Saviour, I agree that evil should befall the rapist for the horrible act BUT I'll never accept that their child or children should pay for the sin of the parent.
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