By now, you probably have watched the viral video of the town hall meeting organized by the ministry of masquerade dressing (otherwise known as ministry of information) in Uyo the Akwa Ibom state capital. At that event, the mild mannered minister of state for petroleum resources, Ibe Kachikwu, proved that you should not judge a book by its cover as he publicly took on the minister of transport, Rotimi Amaechi and gave him an answer that could not be responded to.
Amaechi, in response to a question on why he appears to want to consign the maritime university Okerenkoko to history, responded thus:
"I am not against the University. I hope you people appreciate that. My argument about Okerenkoko is that the land alone is N13 billion. If you give me N13 billion I will buy half of Lagos. That N13 billion has built the university already so there is no need to spend more money. Let EFCC retrieve the money from them and then release them and we would build the University. I believe the Federal government has no money to continue. When we have money we would continue. The Minister of state for Petroleum has whispered to me that he would look for the money to continue...Minister, bring it to me and I will continue"
In response to this, Mr. Kachikwu said:
"First let me say on Maritime University, I disagree with the minister of transport. Any facility that is placed in the south south, we should work towards developing it. I don’t care the circumstances under which we are placed… It is not my position to determine whether land was valued at N19 million or N10 million or N3 million. The appropriate institutions which are the court systems will determine that. That has nothing to do with the development of the infrastructure. As far as I know, so much has gone into that property. So much fiscal assets are being developed. We are not going to throw the baby with the bath water. We will deal with the issues but the University will be developed. If he doesn't want it in maritime, I will take it to petroleum"
Seated with the duo was the minister for budget and planning, Senator Udoma Udo Udoma. The cameras actually caught his smile as he listened to Kachikwu and I tell you, that smile was worth ₦13 billion.
It was the type of smile you get when you watch an Uncle Tom being given a lecture he so badly needed.
An Uncle Tom is defined as an individual who is excessively apathetic to the group interests of his community while at the same time rabidly crying more than the bereaved in support of the group interest of another community with competing interests to his own community within a state or a nation.
I will leave it to my readers to determine whether this definition defines Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi or not.
But since the minister of state aptly chided Amaechi for attempting to throw away the baby with the bath water, it might be expedient of me to bring my readers up to speed about the origin of the term 'throw away the baby with the bath water'.
In medieval Europe up until the Industrial Revolution, water was scarce. You could hardly get enough to drink, let alone bath with, so people did not have their bath regularly as they do today.
What would happen is that a family would obtain a bath tub's worth of water at great expense and then the man of the house would have his bath right in the bath tub. When he was done, the next ranking male member of the family would have his bath. This would continue until all the men in that household had had their baths according to their pecking order.
Next in line would be the females who, believe it or not, would all have their baths in that very same water, according to their standing in the family.
Finally, the minor children of the household would then have their baths in that same water and bath tub.
As you can imagine, by this time, the water would have become dirty and almost muddy and by the time the matron of the family came to throw away the water, she may not notice that a young child or baby was in the water and in many cases they threw the water into the sewers along with any unfortunate child that was hidden in the water by the dirt.
This historical occurrence is a metaphor for Nigeria.
The precious water in the bath tub represents the wealth of Nigeria, which in this case is largely centered around the oil industry which is domiciled in the Niger Delta.
The bath tub itself is Nigeria.
The men, women and children who bath with the water in the bath tub are the various ethnic nationalities that make up Nigeria.
The man who first enters the bath tub is the Northern gentleman. He is followed in quick session by the Westerner and then the Easterner and the women are the larger minorities.
Finally, the children and babies are the smaller minorities that largely make up the Niger Delta.
The matron who attempts to throw the baby away with the bath water are those people close to power and who rather than serve the people from whence they came, prefer to serve the powers that be.
By that standard, Rotimi Amaechi is a matron who must realize that he was not sent to the Niger Delta by President Muhammadu Buhari. Rather, he was sent by the Niger Delta to President Buhari.
Ibe Kachikwu gets this and I wish more people around President Muhammadu Buhari would get this.
In recent years, there has been an attempt by many pseudo intellectuals to try and revise Nigerian history by peddling the false narrative that prior to the discovery of oil in commercial quantities in the Niger Delta, other regions shared their wealth equally within the Nigeria project.
This is simply a lie.
The fact is that until the infamous Decree 34 (Unification of Assets) was passed by the Major General Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi administration after the aborted Nzeogwu/Ifeajuna (or Ifeajuna/Nzeogwu depending on who you believe) coup of January 15th, 1966, Nigeria practiced a brand of True Federalism known as regionalism.
The 1960 Independence Constitution arising from the 1957 Lancaster House Conference provided that each of the three regions (a fourth region, Midwest Region, was created in 1963) kept 50% of its income and paid 25% to the central government and 25% to a central pool that was then shared amongst the regions.
So in essence, what Nigerians freely agreed was that each region should keep at least 50% of its income (it could go as high as 75% when the central pool was shared amongst the regions).
Now without consulting the minorities, Nigeria's majority ethnic nationalities, through force of military might, stripped the regions off control over their own resources and vested it in the newly created Federal Government and the minorities have been overruled at every constitutional conference since that time as they tried to reclaim their God given heritage.
On my first ever visit to Bayelsa state in 2012, I saw tens of human bodies that had been burned as if in a nuclear incineration. They had been scooping petrol from a fallen petrol tanker which eventually burst into flames and took them with it to other world.
Why did they do this? Because of poverty.
These people are so poor, yet Lt. General (rtd) T.Y Danjuma publicly declared that after he sold an oil block given to him by General Abacha, he made $1.5 billion (yes, you heard me right, $1.5 billion not Naira!) and had so much money that 'I did not know what to do with it'!
Mrs. Folorunsho Alakija is the richest woman in Africa with a net worth of over $2 billion. She can afford to dole out millions of dollars through her charitable foundations because, like Mr. Danjuma, she also got an oil block from a military regime.
Not only has the Nigerian state stripped the Niger Delta of its own resources, the state has also used those resources to enrich a selected few individuals to the exclusion of the region that lays the golden egg.
So if Niger Delta oil has made well connected Nigerians over $13 billion in personal wealth, then Mr. Amaechi, what is the big deal if ₦13 billion is spent on the maritime university at Okerenkoko?
Right in Maitama and Asokoro, there are lands and properties that you can buy for ₦13 billion, yet there is not a single drop of oil in the Federal Capital Territory. As a matter of fact, the infrastructure that has made Abuja one of the most developed cities in Africa was funded by petrodollars from the Niger Delta.
So as my Yoruba brothers would say, kini big deal?
Ibe Kachikwu gets this. One wonders why Amaechi doesn't? The two of them are very unique in that both Amaechi and Kachikwu straddle the world of both the Niger Delta and the Southeast where the Biafra agitation is currently very strong.
They should be telling President Buhari how to resolve both the Biafra agitation and the Niger Delta militancy.
I am not in support of violence and I urge both the Biafran agitators and the Niger Delta militants to advocate for their cause through non violent means.
I do not think secession is the answer. If I had the ear of the President, I would tell him that the federal government's approach to Biafra agitators and Niger Delta militants is wrong. We should do what the United Kingdom did to Scotland. Pet them. Develop their region. Persuade them they are better off in Nigeria.
But I do not have the President's ears so I count on Amaechi and Kachikwu to tell him for me.
Someone like Amaechi should know that abandoning a project like the Maritime University Okerenkoko will only serve to deepen the unrest in an already restive region.
The state that contributes the highest resources to the federal government is Akwa Ibom where Kachikwu confronted Amaechi. That state did not even have an airport until the state government built one with their own money!
Delta state had to build its own airport. The airport in Amaechi's home state of Rivers was named by CNN as the worst airport in Africa in a broadcast on February 1, 2016.
Is this then the region that Amaechi wants to strip of whatever little infrastructure that she has?
Amaechi has this all wrong. He will serve Buhari better by explaining the Niger Delta to him than by explaining Buhari to the Niger Delta.
Amaechi should not get too carried away. Let him ask himself two questions. Where was President Buhari living before he became President? Was it not Daura and Katsina both in the Northwest? Where has former President Jonathan lived since he left power? Is it not Otuoke in the Niger Delta? Where has former President Obasanjo lived since 2007? Is it not at Ota and Abeokuta in the Southwest?
Abuja is sweet to call home when you are in power but when power leaves you (as it does to even the best of us) you will have no choice but to return to your mother's house.
But one thing is clear going forward. Ibe Kachikwu has turned out to be the star in an otherwise lackluster cabinet. He had taught us the difference between a MINISTER and a ME-nister. A minister ministers to Nigerians while a me-nister ministers to his ego!
For him pocket mbok
The way thing are going in naija...sef..may God help
Lol@ a Menister that ministers his ego aka Rotimi. That's interesting to read and laugh about.
Nice. Have never liked that man ameachi for once.
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An interesting read I must say, but are we not paying too much attention to that exchange between the two men? For Reno, anything that can bring Amaechi down should be celebrated. Since "they" couldn't do it when "they" were in power, if someone assists them now, still good.
well said Mr omokri. God will keep us alive and in sound health to see how this Amaechi's Mills and Boon love story with hausas and yorubas (at the expense of his own people) will end....na siddon look we dey.
Reno continue to run mouth. They will soon open your file and give you arraignment date to concentrate. we are still recovering our yam.
One oil well for you
Nah I won't read this piece.
.....But wait Mr Reno, did you just said if you have the president hear; are you not aware of what happend to his hears.well, kachukwu is one person I see I this administration that has a different mindset.he is not into witchhunting and witch catching ideas that is present in this administration.he is there to work and work well.looking back to the period of fuel scarcity few months again you will notice this man comes up to tell Nigeria the truth nothing but the truth.even when APC were presurising him to come and deceive Nigerians.becouse then Nigerians were so curious to hear from the government this man refused rather came nd tell us the bitter truth.
Reno you have said it all, when I aw the long write up I been think say Reuben Abati don bite you for hand. Hahaha.
Very beautiful this script is on point Amaechi need to talk to his brain.
In the end Amaechi is right after all! Linda take note!
This Reno is a very dangerous and manipulative mind and he only writes to create mischief and unfortunately, our educated illiterates will believe him. Am sad that thieving idiots like him can be given audience at all.
Reno I think you should have better things to talk about,rather you consistently portray how uncivilized you are despite all the travels all over the World.You think you can be relevant by all these unproductive and self-seeking attention?
If you are a genius that you claimed,your boss was saddled with the leadership of this nation and you by his side as an adviser,what did you advise differently that moved Nigeria forward?Enough of all these your borrowed write ups in the name of a Journalist.People like you are the ones responsible for our under-development{sycophancy}.
You move with thieves and dined with thieves yet you exonerate yourself as a saint. Ameachi has Nigeria interest at heart collectively,Kachikwu has Niger Delta Interest that is why he said he does not care what it would cost the government in as much an infrastructure is sited in Niger Delta.This is why the likes of you cannot get over the truth that an individual outside Niger Delta is now the president of Nigeria.I am from Niger Delta but I refused to follow a blind path just because I want to impress somebody.No section of this country is more important than the others.Look at the billions required for a university and we cry everyday how the nation is broke,salaries and pension owed.The existing Universities have we equip them enough?
Good write up by Reno
At least Reno Omokri knows that he doesnt have the President's ears.
Excellent write up, but no name.
Plz I can't read this now
Lib addict#just passing#
Sound judgement. I have never heard one like this for a long long while. Am not surprised that it doesn't have comments so far on this from our 'online youths' with strongly aberrated values and ideals that dont lead to true nation building. Do more like this Mr Reno Omokri
Well said. Oya APC blind followers start attacking him even as u r suffering ! Lol
i stand wth Reno on this 1. Amaechi has never & will never be d kind of leader i could emulate. A man who talks before reasoning should be kept away from public offices otherwise they could compound d problems of d govt they serve. Kachikwu will forever be remembered & honoured by many Nigerians for that his landmark response. I've watched that video like 20 times & even wished it could be scripted into a blockbuster movie. All hail KACHIKWU d people's minister!!!!
Amechi the pathetic Fool!
Reno always on point! A word is enough for the wise
*****************************************biko onye vuru uzo gusia omeerem summary************ inukwam long note !!!!!!!!!!!!! Dem teach dix pipo summary for Secondary sch ?????????????
Reno or rhyno how lunatic can you be? when crude oil was selling at the highest price ever in the history of this country what did you and your principal do for Niger Delta? all you do was to loot Nigeria and Niger delta dry. God will pay you guys according to your evil actions while in power. am from south south and hate whatever comes from you and your likes.
I read this, I totally agree with Reno
Nice write up by Reno Omokri.
amaechi is just a politician with a low self esteem.
He is a big fool in buhari's cabinet.
Certainly Reno Omokri has a point. I'm from the western part of Nigeria and I know how we guard whatever resources or income we derive. Niger Deltan must be developed and its people must be empowered. It's unfair that personal non ethic interest supercedes the interest of the Niger delta.
Amaechi does not know when to stop fighting and start working for the betterment of his people. SMH
I just have few words to say- May God bless you Reno Omokri! Ka Chukwu gozie gi!
Wonderful pieces of words. U are absolutely in order sir! Well done sir!
Okkk seen
What a long speech, though it was well said
I reserve my comment
Linda thank you very much. I must confess this is my first time ever commenting on your blog. I am from the Niger Delta region, Delta State to be precise, and I fully agree with you. Am also impressed at your knowledge of Niger Delta, most people close to us, our eastern and western brothers, have no clue as to the hardship or even the states and cities that make up the Niger Delta, yet they say we are one Nigeria. Ameachi is a forgone son from the Niger Delta, I don't want to throw insults, cause that will not solve any issue. But it pains me bitterly to see what is happening right in front of our eyes. I do hope thing gets better sometime in the future, as for now i have lost faith.
Ibe Kachichukwu is just a reflection of the kind of leadership we need while Rotimi Amaechi is just a dsgrace to his father's house. I call him 'Rotimi' not Chubuike because that is what he is... A stranger. He is no son of the Niger delta.
I hope He stays in Abuja after his tenure 'cos there is no space for him in Port Harcourt.
Will read it later
Ibe Kachichukwu is just a reflection of the kind of leadership we need while Rotimi Amaechi is just a dsgrace to his father's house. I call him 'Rotimi' not Chubuike because that is what he is... A stranger. He is no son of the Niger delta.
I hope He stays in Abuja after his tenure 'cos there is no space for him in Port Harcourt.
I dn't wanna read joor....not interested
@Reno reading you has given me an insight to the kind of persons that advised GEJ for six years and why he failed. So any group is allowed to take up arms because they want something and cannot get it from govt. Surely no govt will be able to work inclusive of America where you stay. Ameachi understands the gameplay and interplay of militancy and the so called resource control agitation more than Kachikwu ever would. As governor Ameachi never gave the militants a breathing space and it was for that reason that Ateke told Yar'dua pointedly that he would only accept the amnesty if Ameachi agreed to it. Ameachi knows and has known that any responsible govt must maintain its grounds in the face of insecurity or violent onslaught. It worked excellently for him and this was the reason why Rivers state was the only state in the core Niger Delta that was not paying security fees to militants and criminals. Bayelsa and Delta did and still do. All Ameachi security efforts were rubbished by Mama Peace when she allowed ex-militants to re-enter the state from the fishing ports where they had been exiled to. Ameachi that you claim does not care about the Niger Delta fought for the Calabar-Lagos Railway to be included in the 2016 budget up to the point of shutting the economy is now fighting for his ego when he said the truth. Kachikwu is trying to be political correct especially with respect to his 2019 ambitions in Delta State so he was not doing anything extraordinary. Kachikwu already has co-ordinators in place I must tell you. Ameachi understands the terrain more than him and the truth that he told Yardua that the amnesty program will not stop the militancy is unraveling before our very eyes today. When you mentioned Danjuma and Alakija you forgot to mention Lulu Briggs and Dan Etete who are from " outer space" I would like to call on you to reach out to Olusegun Adeniyi to help you out with the list of the ownership of all the oil fields in Nigeria both marginal and major and we shall all see that there is a Pan-Nigerian ownership. Finally, I can see that thoughts like these gave rise to your boss turning the his eyes away when the brigandage that was oil theft and massive looting happened under his watch. It is called " our own money" syndrome so it does not matter how the money was spent or stolen. No wonder after so many"awards" and " speaking" engagements across the world the major one has eluded him. Oh Mo' Ibrahim why.
nice words
With all fairness, this Reno is right. The military raised few billionaires at the expense of majority poor!!!
Very long Bt quite interesting. Amaechi shoulld end this his beef with previous government and look for way to help develop his region. His ego and pride is too much . Amaechi wanted Apc to win, they have won end your beef and start working.
I reserve my comment
Thank God for Reno Omokri.
Very brilliant write-up. Ibe Kachukwu is well read and is a very intelligent man, you cannot compare him with Rotimi Amechi who reasons through his anus.
Can you compare a 1st class brain,with dat of a 3rd class? Imporsicant.
Hope the Menister reads this...
Reno This is an intellectual piece and a carefully research work. Keep it up.
Wow, I'm very impressed by you Linda, I was beginning to wonder when you ll post something as political nd patriotic like this. Thank you. And of course Nigerians won't comment on something like thiss, if it's stupid gossip now, we would see 200 comments
God will bless your wisdom brother. One finger cannot extract lies from the head. Well meaning Nigerians must work together to make Nigeria Great. I wonder when we meet abroad, we see fellow Nigerians as brothers, and we can't do same back home. God will take control.
Gbam! gbam!! gbam!!! Oh how I wish the whole nation can read dis and comprehend like I just did. Thank u reno, u have spoken the innermost mind of the gods.
Nice one Reno
UNCLE TOM AMEACHI!!!! sounds good!!
A standing ovation for Mr. Omokri. I doff my hat and my respect for you has quadrupled.
Deep write-up. Some people need to go in this man's cabinet, but it will be difficult as some of them dropped money for his campaign.
Yeahhhhh...what an article? Reno Omokri has finished Amaechi...ME-nister Ameachi should resign after reading this article! Gbam!
Nice piece Mr Omokri. Posterity will judge all of you who at one time or the other had the opportunity to change and affect lives positively.
Amaechi goofed big time. he obviously doesn't think before talking.
Well articulated Reno Omokri. Please what does the story of Judas Iscariot portray? How does it relate to Rotimi Amaechi.
Reno Omokri, am ending your article with a FULL-STOP, this is one of the finest write up I have seen in recent time.
Great write up.
Thank you Kachikwu for telling Amaechi the home-truth
And the truth shall set you free!
This is how you Know those that mean well for Nigerians and the people of Nigerdelta He couldn't have said it any better with both historical and contemporary facts and figures!
Lol... dee
Amazing article Reno
Well said. Amaechi needs to put his selfish, petty interests aside and work for a better Nigeria.
Reno, I think,both you,Amaechi and Kachikwu have very strong EGO Issues,move over please!
Good write up
Reno, kudos! Ori e wanbe!
may God bless you for the articulate and educative write-up. you have made my weekend BIKO....
Well said! No matter how and direct this may be, there is truth in everything he has said. Ameachi should not forget his roots!
Supported ,Mr Ameachi abandoned Rivers state during the campaign for the presidency ,I am glad he is being lectured by other niger delta noble citizens but he will learn nothing because he is stiff necked .
Wonderful write up. Thank you Linda. Amaechi is obviously there for himself alone. That is why he even think of buying Lagos with 13bn instead of investing in people. God save us.
Good one sir, keep up the good work
Nonsensical write-up. Yes; Amaechi may have taken the wrong path on quite a number of national issues including the Maritime University, but Omokri is in no way what-so-ever in a position to claim to love the Niger-Deltans any more than anyone else. He and his likes should return all the commonwealth they stole for the greater common good.
The major problem of this country called Nigeria is caused by the people of southern Nigeria. When Jonathan was in power for years , why didn't he promote southern agenda? Was he afraid or what?. Why didn't he achieve any concrete development in the south? Why didn't he immediately take the bold step to redistribute the national wealth to favour the states that produce such,..if their own man fail to do the restructuring of the country , why the he'll do the southerners think it's the northerner that greatly benefits from the present arrangements on ground that will do it? The earlier the southerners develop that genuine and sincere interest in their region and it's people when they are in power the better for them. All southerners clamouring for either resource control or political autonomy now , should stop wasting their time. My advice to them is.. Use between now and 2019,get your best political brains together,let them bring out a blueprint for your political maneuvering come 2019. If they continue the noise only on social media as it is , they will still be irrelevant at the federal level even after 2019. Jonathan had the greatest opportunity to reshape this country to benefit the south he was young and educated but he messed up big time. Finally, people of southern Nigeria... don't expect any miracle from this present dispensation because you contributed little or nothing at all to their success..
Ameachi Kini big deal men? nice one reno
Reno is right in the matter of allocation of resources, but now the thing is when Nigerians hear that the land for a university costs 13 billion Naira, the first thing we will shout is that some in government has stolen the money in the guise of building a university. the truth still remains though that as long as Nigerians continue to get rich at the expense of one particular region then all we are seeing today is inevitable, and until this issue can be resolved only then can there be a sense of normalcy, for the regions and for Nigeria as a whole.
@Paul Imaji you nailed it! If most LIBers, especially the SE and SS youths were half as intelligent as you are, then one could still hope for a bright future for Nigeria. Kudos bro!
reno omokri, pls go and face your pastoral job squarely, and stop all this your online trash.
U just succeeded in saying nothing
Nice write up
Mr. Paul Imaji thank you very much and may God bless you for your comment. I have been living in Rivers State since April 1999 shortly before Odili assumed power. I have seen a lot there. The sore truth is that Amaechi is the best governor they have had so far in terms of security and infrastructure.The things are there for all to see including the stadium and obi wali center Wike is suing to showcase his events (I also commend Wike for continuity of Amaechi projects. I am sure he noticed they were worthwhile except maybe monorail which I am not personnaly convinced).Was it a fluke that PH was voted world book capital at the time? It is because of the effort made in education sector by Amaechi. Amaechi may have is shortcomings but he is human. I have seen people who do not even know anything about him just criticize him for the fact that he has been convicted in the media.To add to all Paul said about Amaechi, in this same issue, Amaechi said he would go on to develop with an already established transport college in Oron. Is Oron in the north? Is it not in Niger Delta?
Yes people say Amaechi contributed to Jonathan "his brother's" loss but has any one taken time to study the role Mama Piss played in turning her husband and Amaechi into enemies. Imaging yanking off a microphone from a sitting governor in a public function. Most MEN will not take that for instance. The woman simply overreached herself.
That said, "our brother" Jonathan, what did he do for us. Anytime I go home and I see the Enugu/Onitsha express, I would cry. Is it the scam of 2nd Niger bridge? I do not want to talk about Bayelsa that doesn't look like they have ever produced a minister talkless of President in terms of infrastructure. The PH airport Reno is quoting, was Reno not part of the govt that left that airport in shambles? And he is here blaming Amaechi for it.
And Reno, you have left power. Why did you not retire to Niger Delta since you say it is the norm? What are you doing in America? And don't tell me you were living there. You had been poor there until you joined Jonathan's regime to corruptly enrich yourself. Truth is bitter. I would never take opportunists like Reno serious.
Linda, not sure you will post this from my observations over time but if anything, you will personally see this. I wish I had time to write more as there are many things to write.
U said it all bro reno. A word is enough for d wise. Ameachi u really need to do a soul searching cos ur always off track. And remember dat APC or pmb won't be in power forever OK. Use ur head ok
Yes I need a suger mummy that can buy me a house in banana island.
Amaechi is an idiot and has always been.
Well said Mr Reno
Rotimi Amaechi, the judas Iscariot of our time. Trying to be more Northern than the Hausa Fulani man themselves, to d total betrayal of the trust of his people.
Simply Put, Ameachi is being carried away believing that he stands for the "True one Nigeria".
Now he needs to learn that being a Minister is very different from being a Governor.Reno has spoken so well... Somebody tell Ameachi.....Home is Home.
Must Reno always run down people he does not consider friends of Jonathan .back stabbing
Well written.
Always talking.
You made some good points anonymous 3:55.
It is always good to balance arguments.
This is one of the great head in GEJ team of greatness. This present adm. Filled wiv recycled old men that should be on medication for for beta retirement.
Julie nwa! Always rushing to comment even when she hasn't read past the caption of the article or understood anything beyond that.
Dear Anonymous, please be objective. You may not like Reno but are you saying the write up is a lie. Let us Bury our differences and pray for the advancement of our great Nation
Yu can read this: Amaechi will serve Buhari better by explaining the Niger Delta to him than by explaining Buhari to the Niger Delta.
When will you start reading???? Seems u are very lazy.
If you are from south south as you claim,you will not remain unanimous
Please Julie read that piece again for better understanding
Ugo please check...there is a huge difference between unanimous and anonymous
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