Trying to send a message to Kourtney's baby daddy, Scott
Disick? Kylie Jenner revealed that she set Kourtney up on a dating
website (Bumble) after she secretly got a hold of her phone. After
putting up a profile, she revealed it to Kourtney who didn't seem to
have any objections as at the time Kylie shared this via Snapchat..

Linda I old pass Kylie, today sef I wan set my sis up for dating sites but you no gree blog about me, wetin I do u?
Hmmm, funny though
Dats what families do! Linda take note!
Mother of three looking for love and coming into the family fold? Good for her.
Move on dear
Kylie should also go and get herself a guy.
good for her.
Okay so we're all supposed to go check out bumble.com now.
Nice buh I don't think it will even affect scott
LIB ADDICT#just passing#
That's nice
Ok let the application begin
#cryingmyeyesout lindiway give us break on kardash family nah.....lolz
Lol..another baby loading! She and Scott should get married already, i mean,they have 3 kids together!
Kourtney shud just be careful cos some of dose guys r heartless
Kourtney shud just be careful cos some of dose guys r heartless
Instead of them to help work things out with her baby daddy...mtcheew
Dis is really funny and....
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Mtchewwww! Mtchewwww!! Mtchewwww! !!
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