According to Newest Rivers, the students were sent during the administration of former president, Goodluck Jonathan.
Writing from the graduation ceremony, Victor Kelechi said:
"Why GEJ deserves red carpet wherever he goes. Through NIMASA, GEJ today made over 300 Nigerian youths marine engineers and marine transporters. Many more to graduate next year and subsequent years to come. I witnessed it today and I have to testify my people."More photos...

Source: Newest Rivers/Victor Kelechi
Awwwwww congrats to them
That's nice!
Nice one
Congratulations to them,but it doesn't change the fact the Jonathan littered the country with corruption, he will be remembered for that too. Congratulations to them once again.
~glo rule your world~ cos I do•
Good one.
* it's well*
Congratulations to d graduates
...merited happiness
I know this is true because I have a friend who is graduating next year by Gods grace
congratulations to the graduantes GEJ deserves red carpet every where he goes... I conquor ....
Congrats to them
Moye says so via BB Passport courtesy LIB
seen...nex post..
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Good Luck all the way! I have always respect him. he has a good heart. God bless Pres. Goodluck he is still my presido!
God bless you my President, Your achievements wil speak for GEJ
hmmm this is impresive.wishing u guys gud luck
Good one! Congrats to them.
Gud one
Congrats to them
These re d one dat benefited from our economic resource. Good one anyway
Thats y GEJ is always the realest
Campus amebor speaking
Please continue to pass this leaked information until every Yoruba, Igbo and all Christian parts of Nigeria gets alerted.
This was planned many years by Fulanis as a strategic way to Islamization of Nigeria.
That was why Buhari continued running for presidency even at his old age because they knew he is the most possible mean to achieve their goal.
In 1804 - 1808. Fulanis came in from Guinea to the Northern part of Nigeria, led by Usman Dan fodio .He lead in jihad against the Hausa kingdoms of the northern Nigeria. The forces of Usman dan Fodio slowly took over more and more of the Hausa kingdoms through war. By 1810, Fulanis had already conquered all hausas.
They formed boko haram sect solely for the process, waiting for Buhari or any of their Fulani brother to come in power but Unfortunately, Goodluck Jonathan came into power and they became annoyed.
They started their violence to distract him and whether it was Yoruba or Igbo that was on the seat during GEJ'S regime. The same thing could've still happened about Boko haram.
Now their dream has been achieved having their brother on top.
Here is their plan.
They started herdsmen war believing that they have the chance to control all parts of the country since they are in power and forces.
If GRAZING RESERVE BILL is passed and achieved, It means that Fulanis will have a place mapped out for them in all 36 states of Nigeria.
The next thing is that, they will start bringing in their wives and children to increase their population.
With time, they will have their Emir installed in every 36 states which will eventually take part in every leadership community gatherings.
They will eat into every community like worms and the place given to them can never be taken away from them again since it has been passed.
Their sect will be ready to strike in every state and community with no hiding place for anyone since they have known every corners of our community.
It is then that we will beg them to stop killing us for we are ready to become Muslims in order to live.
This is the only time we have to reject this because tomorrow might be late for us to act.
Pass this to everyone in your contact,Yoruba, igbos ,others and all Christian alike.
Congrat my sweet guys.
See them,fine guys like freeborn.
I am very very happy guys may God bless the africa No one Hero Chief Sir Dr Goodluck Jonathan the peacemaker.
This is what every good government should be doing than to be traveling around the world as jobless tourist.
Guys my birth day is coming am given out $10.000 to 10 lucky winner.
Terrorist buhari go hit ur head for gutter.
#sad indeed
GEJ was the change. Respect
Goodluck, good work.
Congrats to dem. Linda take note!
No doubt GEJ meant well for Nigeria
God bless GEJ for this.
Good for them.
Congratulations to them. PEACE OUT LINDA!!!
God bless GEJ.
Like say na GEJ papa money he use send them. Good move but that is what your government is there for. Its your right not a previledge. But then again... This is Nigeria
We thank God almighty for leading us this far
A generation of idiots and wastes!...Did Jonathan use his money to send them to that training? Wasn't it my tax, your parents' and even those of you ignorantly praising GEJ here?
It is your constitutional right to get good education. Why didn't GEJ establish such school in Nigeria or provide special grants to selected universities here in the country so that more Nigerians can benefit. How many of those that went there or are still there achieved it on MERIT?!
Do you, fish-brains guys, know of the enormous cash that GEJ and his cohorts stole through this scammed project? How open was even the selection process? How many Nigerian households knew about it in the first place? The man GEJ, left so much misery especially in his last desperate months as the President that it'll take us years to recover from if at all, and yet you guys are here with no job, talking crap as always! You guys should get a life...
Useless Aboki.. You are still uttering shits like this from that pit u call a mouth... How is buhari the tribalistic goat helping us now...
You broke ass. The hate you have for GEJ will choke you.
Such a jobless mofo.
These engineers will train and change that ministry.this will be beneficial to the country for years and years to come...Congrats to them..i'm sure GEJ is proud
You are just a bitter person and sad sad sad person.keep hating while his keeps growing. Pp like Gej are rare. At least he can boldly answer when they say: WU U EPP? Can u?
Do u knw d millions of life by just changing the life of 1 person? Do u knw "possible"(pls note possible in coat) thieves, yahooyahoo boys, prostitutes, depressed lives he has changed by just helping one person? Do u. Knw parents whose tears he has wiped away? Do u know new hope he has given this pp? Do u knw if he has made a possible billionaire, president, inventor, savior frm these set Of brilliant young minds? He has changed the course of their destiny for best! This man you keep calling names tried his best, though not good enough because of his too kind heart and gentle spirit that pp took advantage of! Pls try to meet GEJ, spend a week with him and u'll knw the most gentle soul ever. Just like ur witnessing the strong fight Mr president is waging now with different factions in his camp with ulterior motives, so did gej bt he wasn't built for it and appreciate the fact dt he bowed out graciously cos really he knew deep down in his heart dt he was loosing the war. I love GEJ forever.
Do u knw d millions of life by just changing the life of 1 person? Do u knw "possible"(pls note possible in coat) thieves, yahooyahoo boys, prostitutes, depressed lives he has changed by just helping one person? Do u. Knw parents whose tears he has wiped away? Do u know new hope he has given this pp? Do u knw if he has made a possible billionaire, president, inventor, savior frm these set Of brilliant young minds? He has changed the course of their destiny for best! This man you keep calling names tried his best, though not good enough because of his too kind heart and gentle spirit that pp took advantage of! Pls try to meet GEJ, spend a week with him and u'll knw the most gentle soul ever. Just like ur witnessing the strong fight Mr president is waging now with different factions in his camp with ulterior motives, so did gej bt he wasn't built for it and appreciate the fact dt he bowed out graciously cos really he knew deep down in his heart dt he was loosing the war. I love GEJ forever.
Big congrats to them
Correct man,the man with a good heart ❤ the Jew crucified Jesus Christ how much more u 👍👍
Congrats 2 d new graduates!
the best president Nigeria ever had, god bless u gej
Gd 4 dem
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
How many of us were told about the programme?i guess only there children were selected for it,so what's d good inn what he did when it wasn't for the masses.lets face d reality
Nice one
Hero is an hero anywhere he goes GEJ is an hero
Study in the Philippines to achieve your academic goal. if u av dream of being a NURSE, DOCTOR, PHARMACIST, ENGINEER, PILOT, ACCOUNTANT, HOTEL MANAGEMENT, PSYCHOLOGIST, PHYSICAL THERAPIST etc, you don't need to waste your time nor waiting for jamb to jamb you again there are many opportunities of working abroad after you finish your academic program. Its curriculum is patterned the American style yet far cheaper than US or UK.
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congratulobia is well due...
Rubbish, as if he spent his hard earned money
GEJ used his private purse to fund your programme? See where Nigerians fail everything? Praise your country & not some damned person.
God bless GEJ Amen
There was a nationwide advertorial on newspapers and exams were held in Port Harcourt and Warri back in 2012
Congrats to dem.
Why are congratulating them when they literally abandoned over there;yes they graduated today but the govt didn't even show up for there graduation and alot of them don't know the next step now
Why are yall congratulating them when they literally abandoned over there;yes they graduated today but the govt didn't even show up for there graduation and alot of them don't know the next step now...there allow allowance has been stooped ,the whole thing is a shit show now...congrats to the student graduating wish yall the best
Congrats my ppl, it happened bcos we had Goodluck as president,but now. Nigeria has changed 4rm Goodluck to Badluck. You can't hear this kind of thing rather "Fulani herdsmen"!!, GEJ all the way! I give u 10 kposa 4 giving future to our youth!!!!!!!
Happy for them. Things are rough for those here still studying. Linda publish this to NIMASA please. We have been abandoned. They will not say it because they are graduating
Happy for them. Things are rough for those here still studying. Linda publish this to NIMASA please. We have been abandoned. They will not say it because they are graduating
To start with over 3k people In d country wrote d exam,if u watch d news and concentrated on what's happening in Nigeria instead of looking for the latest phone or human hair and chasing girls or boys upandan you'd have known, most of the ppl in d programme are from normal backgrounds they have no connections whatsoever with government, am in d same school with them so I can prove this to you...if it's only their children they told how come it's over 3k people that came to the center to write exams, moreover the program is not for all d states in Nigeria because if a state wants to join that state would give up a quota of its money allocation towards d program so if it isn't benefitting your state blame your governor for not giving up a quota of your state earnings so u can have d opportunity. I have a friend who wrote jamb endlessly but took the exam when he heard it over the news and he's here now by God's grace. Find out if your state agreed to be part of the programme to start with. And did I mention they give them both pocket money,pay for their accommodation nd food,unfortunately buhari terminated d programme but just in case it begins again keep your ears and eyes on your national news on TV and papers,this ppl are here entirely on merit
Bro,liked your write up!
These fools grinnning from ear to ear think its easy,come home and face the harsh reality of getting a job,do you guys think he is there to place you into choice ministries?.He has been kicked out,the most corrupt president and party Nigeria ever had.
You all should come to your canoes and your fishing nets!
And now on another note i want to seriously ask what became of the national maritime university koko supposedly closed months ago. Has it re opened? It will reduce ghe cost of training marine engineers and naval srchitects oversess. News report last year also said that the imo govt is establishing one. Is this true?
It's all well and good to send many overseas to study using government funds. What are the cost benefits for Nigeria? Will these 300 come back gainfully employed? Let say each student cost NIMASA $30000 a year that's $9millions. How many years will each student study for 3years? In 3 years Nigeria will lose $27millions. Nigeria directly boost the economy boost the economy of the Philippines. This same country has 3 millions gainfully employed individuals allover the world lets say averagely each is paid $12000/year. That means in the last 3 years the $108billions cashflow into the Philippines is further supported by Nigeria's $27millions. What has the Nigerian students and Nigeria gained? What Competitive knowledge and cost effective labour force will these students be? Is there employment waiting for them. Anyone reading this article must remember that Nigerian Universities have epileptic academic sessions and there's a dedicated Maritime institution at Oron established by law but hasn't grown or developed into full potential. Why? Lack of funding resourcing and refurbishment of training equipment and retraining of the staff to graduate and train highly skilled knowledge and cost effective labour force for Nigeria and the
world. NIMASA has a stake in supporting Nigerian Maritime institutions developed to world standard. Spending $27 millions in another country will not sustained maritime development in Nigeria
Congratulations to y'all..but remember buhari will frustrate you guys. No matter any good planned to power nigerian by gej, buhari will destroy them.
GEJ added value to the lives of many young Nigerians, if you disagree go bath on top power transformer.
Buhari government is not even given them allowance again. congrats to the mariners
Be fooling yourself, the guys you see have already gotten jobs outside. Be positive so that positive things will reach you.
Who told you that we are coming back to Nigeria to sail. It's a global Job bro and who what's making you think that an international maritime graduate will come back to do in Nigeria to search for job?
Grow up bro
I heard of this programme from a friend who saw the examination advert on newspaper. Just like everyone who never believed in transparency I registered believing that I will not get the scholarship even if I was good academically.
Surprisingly months afterwards I got a text followed by a call inviting me to Lagos for medical, physical and psychological screening.
At first my parents discouraged on going to Lagos because they thought it was a scam, the fear was because we knew nobody in government etc but finally I made up my mind, travelled to Lagos from portharcourt for the screening and finally I am in Philippines and have graduated.
I don't want to mention how and when but I have affected the life of over 300 self studying Nigerians in Philippines (I am not talking of the scholars)
All we need at this point is your prayers for inspiration to move this country to another level.
You are a fool for what you are saying
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