Enyinna Nwigwe is a closeted gay pastor in LGBT-themed movie 'Hell or High Water' | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 2 April 2016

Enyinna Nwigwe is a closeted gay pastor in LGBT-themed movie 'Hell or High Water'

The Initiative for Equal Rights (TIERs) in partnership with Asurf Films Limited are pleased to announce the trailer release of the highly anticipated short film Hell or High Water starring Enyinna Nwigwe, Daniel K. Daniel (AMVCA winner), Ashionye Michelle Racah, Tunbosun Aiyedehin, and Adedayo Davies.

Directed by the award- winning filmmaker Asurf Oluseyi, the short film is themed around the traumatic experiences arising from socially constructed expectations imposed on persons with different sexual orientations. The short film humanizes the discussion on sexual orientation and gender identity through everyday realities in the Nigerian society where heteronormative expectations are the norm.  This is important for educational and information purposes.

Watch the movie trailer above and below: 


Pretty face said...

Nice. I think I'll love to watch it

waffymercyjohnson said...


Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

Hmmmmm! Seen, next pls!


Yetty k said...

Love danil k daniel

Unknown said...

Good one they should act more please thou nigerians are hypocrites.

#sad indeed

Unknown said...

Issokay seen, thanks for sharing. Linda take note!

Rosamaria Mclouis said...

Now NOllywood is promoting homosexualism?

Anonymous said...

so Nigerians have now joined in justifying this madness. Indeed God's judgement is not far from us. God have mercy on us

Unknown said...

Wud love to watch it.

Anonymous said...

My dear Linda I think you meant closet* instead of closeted in your headlines???

*Linda's Future Hubby*

Ebube said...

Stop promoting nonesense in this country.

Anonymous said...

You are senseless? Don't they portray rituals, prostitution, murder and corruption in movies? Does that mean they are promoting it? Oponu ayeraye!

Anonymous said...

If only you could stop promoting your stupidity.

Gays are here to stay, if you like, you can go and live in the ocean.

What are women afraid of? That you'll have no more men to use and abuse?

You better do yourself a favour and find something better to do with your life, than looking for ways to encourage the persecution of your fellow human beings.

10 years from now, Nigeria will become the gay capital of the world, whether you like it or not. It is after all, the origin of the first Prince of the Gay People.

Mama said...

This is soooooooo wrong on every level!!!! Must they bring God into this foolishness????
Please stop spreading Homosexuality it is of the Devil!
My body just cringes watching 2 full grown men touching themselves.

Unknown said...

Ok seen

Anonymous said...

I will definitely pay to watch this

kacee said...

Yay can't wait

Unknown said...

Trying to sell the gay agenda to Nigerians.
Sha don't leave your kids around gays. be warned.

Esther Dangana said...


Anonymous said...

I don't have mb to waste! Dead on arrival movie.... If this movie is going to premier then they will need a lot of security on that day! Freaks and Extremists will show up

chommy said...

Seen. Linda observe!

Unknown said...

Hmmmm!... dee

Unknown said...

Not interested.. More Instagram followers for you

Anonymous said...

I will love

seamless said...

And the agenda to make the gay lifestyle an accepted in the christian community continues...This is becoming boring..unless the transforming power of Christ changes this man in the movie, its not worth the movement of my iris.

Anonymous said...

so now we are telling our children that it alright to be gay? Why do people just make senseless arguments trying to enforce Western Culture because it is seen as alright in West so it should be here? African societies are not secular societies. You cannot preach religion or morals and preach secularism. Western countries are secular societies that is why it is ok in the west to go out naked and your child really belongs to the state. They are unable to correct, discipline or scold the child. Then they believe it is alright to get pregnant at 18 and govt should pay for the baby. The westerners themselves are regretting that they did not speak up against it.

Gay people should not go jail and their human rights should be protected. BUT WE SHOULD TEACH OUR CHILDREN THAT IT IS ALRIGHT TO BE GAY, OR IT IS ALRIGHT TO HAVE A TATOO OR HAVE SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE. Everyone does these things and no one cares but we must retain the right to affirm what is right and what is wrong. We cannot allow africa to be polluted by Western bad culture. Let us take the good ones and throw the bad ones away. IT IS NOT ALRIGHT TO BE GAY. AND THERE IS NOTHING LIKE A GAY PASTOR.

When you get to the part where it says "God made Eve for Adam as a companion" what do you do? Flip the page or ignore? That seems to me like selective hypocrisy to suit ones agenda. You either accept religion or not. You cannot be a pastor and be gay. That is a Western delusion.

Before I get called names, I am only 23yrs [not old], I am a catholic but can't remember the last time I went to church and I schooled in London for over 10 years. During my time there, I so much appreciated the values I had, African.

Unknown said...

Id sure love this... Hoping to see more movies like this.

Unknown said...

Nice..i love dis concept

360musicng said...

Heavenly thunder Warming up for them...

Unknown said...

Odiegwu linda

Anonymous said...

Is it also okay for your child to be a killer or ritualist or armed robber? It's a bloody movie, if you don't want to watch it, don't.

Mx said...

Hello anonymous, what's ur criteria for calling a culture bad? If u go all religious with me then i'll like to let you know that religion preaches love, tolerance for all humans irrespective of one's sexual orientation. If you use d african norms and value card then i'll tell you that gays and lesbians have always been around but was able to put up with the hate and intolerance they were getting from the so called African society but criminalising them is just inhuman and gross infringment and their fundamental human right, hence the need for little enlightenment that LGBT people are totally harmless and are literally your son, daughter, brother, sister, uncles, auntie's, cousins and even your dad or mom....so lets stop the pretence like LGBT are invisible and worse than the economy looters, ritualist and murderers. #there's enoughroomforeveryone.

Anonymous said...

Enyinna Nwigwe is a fantastic actor!

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