Never seen before photo of Sani Abacha as a doting grandfather | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 19 February 2016

Never seen before photo of Sani Abacha as a doting grandfather

His daughter, Gumsu Abacha, shared the photo on her Instagram page and wrote "Biggest #tbtnever seen before pic. See the resemblance. . My papa na fine man wallahi. With Abdullahi Sani Abacha"


Unknown said...

Keep resting Abacha

LIB ADDICT#just passing#

JOYOUS said...


Unknown said...


So cool

Unknown said...

Taaaaaaa she should shut up..him papa wey destroy 9ja...mtcheww

~Make I go drink one bottle of beer~

Unknown said...

Fine bad man, I pray Allah forgives him all his sins

Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...

Of course, he's a fine man who embezzled Nigeria funds back then


Unknown said...

* it's well*

Anonymous said...

Gumsu, we refuse to insult d dead! His judgement is between him and God.

Anonymous said...

Fine baby

junia said...

what do we do wit it?

Bisola said...

I still love these Family Sha.

Davido's driver said...

Wicked man.

sanrock said...

Ve consoling yourself with throw back smiling picture of the devil himself......sister you papa ba devil

ProudlyDeltan15 said...


Unknown said...

Hmmmmmm why is her son bearing her father's name


SongsOfSUSSAN said...

Excuse me!

Anonymous said...

Still a thief!

Dee Tee said...


sanrock said...

Be consoling yourself with a throw back picture of the smiling devil himself.....sister your papa na late devil

Unknown said...



Demmy said...

Oh really! Some people ar so shameless!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, Maybe fine to you but the biggest thief that ever existed in the history of the nation. I bet he is in the hot place with the devil .

Unknown said...


Nenyechi said...

Fine bt heartless man

Anonymous said...

May His Soul Rest in Perfect Peace! Amen!

CHERYL (aka FROM GLORY to GLORY) said...

Ur papa Na barowo also walai! Continue to RIP

Oshiolo 1 of Belema kingdom said...

Leave that man, he is the Genesis of Nigeria problem..

Anonymous said...

Linda I don't understand you and this family.

Unknown said...

Yeah he is fine!

I'm not just a robot

bomi said...

highest level of moral insensitivity... a daughter who should be in the hide praying for Gods mercy over the wickedness of her father is bold enough to even post the picture of the said father praising him... a man whom 99% of Nigerians can only remember for his open wickedness! Gumsu or whatever your name is, you and your family are eating the fruits of wickedness and you all will surely pay severely for it someday......
Linda, we need some moral sensitivity from you please.........

Unknown said...



NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Dey look alike but black n yellow

...merited happiness


BEAUTIFUL9JADELTABABE .. this is very cutie hmm anyway me am Justsayingmaownohh via ma LATEST TECNO F7.
@lindaikeji d lindus am still waiting ohh

Anonymous said...

Trying despirately to portray her father in a different light abeg go sidon wat we knw abt him still remains wicked ad authoritarian leader shikena.

Anonymous said...

A girl who should be in the hide praying for God's mercy over the wickedness of his father is bold enough to even upload a picture of the same man praising him, open display of moral insensitivity...
A man whom 99% of Nigerians can only remember for his open wickedness...
Linda, we need some moral sensitivity from you pls...

Unknown said...

Y wunt he b fine? Afta all d money he stole?

keke driver said...

What do I care, He still stole our money.

Anonymous said...

Looks Photoshopped, except maybe I didn't get the story o

Unknown said...

Yes he ws, no one is disputing dat.wen a man is fine n has a bad mind den it's nothing

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Abeg carry ur dead devilish papa vamoose from here!

Thunder said...

Mumu her papa na fine Man.She didn't mention how he stole Billions of Dollars from this Country during his Regime.Shameless people.Hin papa na fine Man.By God's grace he will return to this world if their is evolution as a Frog.Big Thief.

Anonymous said...

She is saying,"look at me and my rogue of a father".

Pretty face said...

The dictator

Anonymous said...

Yes, he was handsome as a young man when he had not started his wickedness. But as soon as he allowed evil enter him, that was when his face changed like that of gorilla.

Samira said...

With one of his sons, Abdullahi and NOT his grandchild...

Unknown said...

Awwww handsome man

Unknown said...

Ur papa wicked die! But he was the onnly man that would have made 1 dollar 5naira or 10naira.

Unknown said...

So sweet of the General.
Still loving the Abachas.

Unknown said...

So sweet of the General.
Still loving the Abachas.

Anonymous said...

No matter hw mean u are, you are sift with grandkids- Newyorker ( Linda let's get married )

Anonymous said...

No matter hw mean u are, you are sift with grandkids- Newyorker ( Linda let's get married )

Oluwatosin Ayeni said...


Unknown said...

fine man and also wicked. linda see to that case

Mab said...

He was a cutie, with evil blood

Unknown said...

Unknown said...


Biko she should stop flashing those old distasteful memories of dis man dat almost destroyed d destiny of Nigerians.

Unknown said...

Hmmm,he fine but what of the Mmmmmm he don do

Unknown said...

RIP General

Nkemy said...

Hmm he was always handsome #RIP

Anonymous said...

how dare you post this killer's photo.

your ignorance has no limit

Anonymous said...

I like dis man things dey ok during his time at least dollars dey steady 86 through out his 8years in power with the sanction...nuel

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Kanye na f**

Unknown said...

Cute dictator...the man was really mean.

Unknown said...

Your father is a bloody dictator, blood sucker, treasury looter, criminal mtewwwww, fine man my left ass hiss!!!

Unknown said...

Your father is a bloody dictator, blood sucker, treasury looter, criminal mtewwwww, fine man my left ass hiss!!!

Anonymous said...

All the fine face and "black" heart, God is not moved at all...

Anonymous said...

Fine and heartless

Unknown said...

He was a fine man truly but Na thief! Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Evil man


Anonymous said...

Wicked demon

Anonymous said...

Face of a looter

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how these shameless Abacha family still come out talking. People that are meant to be stoned.
After their father destroyed Nigeria. I hope Buhari and EFCC will soon be on their case?

Anonymous said...

Gumsu, you should be ashamed of yourself and the Abacha family.
Abacha should not be a name to be known with. After all your father did,killing so many father's and denying their children the live of their father's and you come out celebrating your wicked and destructive father.
May God judge you all and may His wrath come upon you all.
I hope Buhari and EFCC visits you all soon.
Wicked, Intimidating family.

PomPom said...

Fine devilish man.

Anonymous said...

Linda, stop encouraging these idiots. We are not interested in the Abacha family issues. Keep them away from this blog.
Evil family, the wrath of God will definitely come upon the Abachas.
Your father took smiles away from so many families, killed father's and denied their children fatherly love.
Your generation will also be visited and rewarded Gumsu.
Go hide yourself cis you belong yo a family who should never be associated with.

Unknown said...

Fathers will always be.


Unknown said...

D man na fine big tiff, tiff of d century

Anonymous said...

Seriously??! He was not a doting dictator.

read my blog -

Anonymous said...

Linda is desperate to make friends with them. Lol! Why not try Zanaib if Gumsu is not forthcoming!

Anonymous said...

your papa na heartless idiot

Anonymous said...

Anything for the money. The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree. Now i know where Linda got that Banana island money.

Moral insensitivity at its peak. Anything for the money, linda and her people would do it not minding the memory this evil family brings to mind.

Anonymous said...

IF you've never see the DEVIL before this what LUCIFER himself looks like.GOD won't even let SANNI ABACHA into HEAVEN.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

May Almighty Allah forgive all his sins, prevent him from the torment of the grave & grant him Aljana Firdaus- Ameen

Unknown said...


JAO said...

I hope he got that forgiveness on his way to hell @Chief Strategist.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Ms Gumsu, you should be glad there are people in this world who have forgiving hearts. If God did not possess a forgiving heart Himself, He would have allowed humans to become the savage being your father was. Meaning that there are strings of families your father caused a lot of distress while he was alive, who would have taken your entire family out to avenge what he did to them. This being so, how I wish you guys could remain quiet, very quiet, & not push your luck. Believe me Miss, there are people out there who get royally pissed at the mention of the Abacha name. Or could be that you are not aware?

Unknown said...

Useless man killing millions of children and making their parents cry, but playing a doting father. Burn on!

Unknown said...

Vanity upon vanity all is vanity.

Unknown said...

Vanity up on vanity all is vanity.

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