Speaking about how photographer Bruce Weber encouraged her to embrace her natural side, Taraji said:
'So I'm trying on the clothes and the silk scarf I have on my head slips off, and I say, "Hey, look at my cornrows, aren't they beautiful?"
'Bruce Weber is standing there and he goes, "We'll shoot that." And I go, "What? We'll shoot what?" And he says, "We'll shoot your hair just like that, it's beautiful."'
The actress said she was unsure at first, but Bruce convinced her to do it.
'Part of me was like, "No, no, no, NO!" This is the hair no one is supposed to see. This is like behind-closed doors hair,' she admitted. I feel naked. I feel like a plucked chicken… or a wet one. A baby chicken!
Photo credit: Bruce Weber
Why isn't she naked?
Natural look, real look.
She looks fierce,she tried
Nice cover.
#It WiLL oNLy gEt beTTer
#iT MuSt eNd IN pRAisE
#It WiLL oNLy gEt beTTer
#iT MuSt eNd IN pRAisE
SOOOOOO Miss Linda Ikeji, we're just gonna pretend you didn't just purchase a N500 MILLION mansion in Banana Island? Ok na... let's pretend phhh... nevermind, carry on. I'm so proud of you eh! You are such an inspiration to me.
She looks old and ok with the conrows
good haircut and make sexy and charming and looks very elegant .......Robi Hanson
Ok, seen.
@Carlos via Nokia Lumia
She looks good tho
Ok,you should still be ashamed of this pix. TIMILEYIN BLESSING
Wow she looks beautiful!
I've seen black womem with stunning natural hair and natural afro..I dunno why they are soooo insecure about their natural hair,even major black women too usr weaves!insecurity tho
Flawless beauty dat all I see...
And it's Luvly
Issokay seen, thanks for sharing. Linda take note!
Issokay seen, thanks for sharing. Linda take note!
Issokay seen, thanks for sharing. Linda take note!
You are ashamed of your natural hair? Smh
And I love the corn row more.lovely.
Love the photographer for being open-minded like that.
She looks cool
Must she announce it, biko leave her alone abi na your buying? If she announce am, na the same una go talk say she dey show off.
She is one hot mama...
She is one hot mama...
Looking good though, Get latest Dragnet, KPMG, workforce, delloite, immigration etc past questions with explained solutions
She looks too old for this jooor..wogly
Anonymous 10:24, please kill yourself since you cant take a joke. You sound stupid and make it seems as if I was insulting her. Sufferhead. Nor worry, keep fighting Linda's battles, maybe you will receive 20k on Monday giveaway. Onuofia!
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