I have tried delaying the writing of this piece in the honest expectation that someone probably misquoted Chief E.K. Clark, when he reportedly publicly disowned former President Goodluck Jonathan. I had hoped that our dear father, E.K. Clark, would issue a counter statement and say the usual things politicians say: “they quoted me out of context!” “Jonathan is my son”.That has not happened; rather, some other Ijaw voices, including one Joseph Evah, have come to the defence of the old man, to join hands in rubbishing a man they once defended to the hilt and used as a bargaining chip for the Ijaw interest in the larger Nigerian geo-politics.
If President Jonathan had returned to power on May 29, 2015, these same persons would have remained in the corridors of power, displaying all forms of ethnic triumphalism. It is the reason in case they do not realize it, why the existent power blocs that consider themselves most fit to rule, continue to believe that those whose ancestors never ran empires can never be trusted with power, hence they can only be admitted as other people’s agents or as merchants of their own interests which may even be defined for them as is deemed convenient. Mercantilism may bring profit, but in power politics, it destroys integrity and compromises otherwise sacred values.
President Jonathan being publicly condemned by his own Ijaw brothers, particularly those who were once staunch supporters of his government further serves the purpose of exposing the limits of the politics of proximity. Politics in Africa is driven by this particular factor; it is at the root of all the other evils: prebendalism, clientelism and what Matthew Kukah has famously described as the “myownisation of power”. It is both positive and negative, but obviously, more of the latter than the former. It is considered positive only when it is beneficial to all parties concerned, and when the template changes, the ground also shifts. As in that song, the solid rock of proximity is soon replaced by shifting sands. Old worship becomes new opportunism. And the observant public is left confounded.
Chief E.K. Clark? Who would ever think, Chief E.K. Clark would publicly disown President Jonathan? He says Jonathan was a weak President. At what point did he come to that realization? Yet, throughout the five years (not six, please) of the Jonathan Presidency, he spoke loudly against anyone who opposed the President. He was so combative he was once quoted as suggesting that Nigeria could have problems if Jonathan was not allowed to return to office. Today, he is the one helping President Jonathan’s successor to quench the fires. He always openly said President Jonathan is “his son”. Today, he is not just turning against his own son, he is telling the world his son as President lacked the political will to fight corruption. He has also accused his son of being too much of a gentleman. Really? Gentlemanliness would be considered honourable in refined circles. Is Pa E.K. Clark recommending something else in order to prove that he is no longer a politician but a statesman as he says?
As someone who was a member of the Jonathan administration, and who interacted often with the old man, I can only say that I am shocked. This is the equivalent of the old man deleting President Jonathan’s phone number and ensuring that calls from his phone no longer ring at the Jonathan end. During the Jonathan years, Chief E. K. Clark was arguably the most vocal Ijaw leader defending the government. He called the President “my son”, and both father and son remained in constant touch.
There is something about having the President’s ears in a Presidential system, elevated to the level of a fetish in the clientilist Nigerian political system. Persons in the corridors of power who have the President’s ear- be they cook, valet, in-laws, wife, cousin, former school mates, priests, or whatever, enjoy special privileges. They have access to the President and they can whisper into his ears. That’s all they have as power: the power to whisper and run a whispering campaign that can translate into opportunities or losses for those outside that informal power loop around every Presidency, that tends to be really influential.
Every President must beware of those persons who come around calling them “Daddy”, “Uncle”, na my brother dey there”, “my son”, “our in-law”: emotional blackmailers relying on old connections. They are courted, patronized and given more attention and honour than they deserve by those looking for access to the President or government. Even when the power and authority of the whispering exploiters of the politics of proximity is contrived, they go out of their way to exaggerate it. They acquire so much from being seen to be in a position to make things happen.
Chief E. K. Clark had the President’s ears. He had unfettered access to his son. He was invited to most state events. And he looked out for the man he called “my son”, in whom he was well pleased. Chief Clark’s energy level in the service of the Jonathan administration was impressive. Fearless and outspoken, he deployed his enormous talents in the service of the Jonathan government. If a press statement was tame, he drew attention to it and urged a more robust defence of “your boss”. If any invective from the APC was overlooked, he urged prompt rebuttal. If the party was tardy in defending “his son”, he weighed in.
If anyone had accused the President of lacking “the political will to fight corruption” at that time, he, E.K. Clark, would have called a press conference to draw attention to the Jonathan administration’s institutional reforms and preventive measures, his commitment to electoral integrity to check political corruption, and the hundreds of convictions secured by both the ICPC and EFCC under his son’s watch. So prominent and influential was he, that ministers, political jobbers etc etc trooped to his house to pay homage.
In due course, those who opposed President Jonathan did not spare Chief E. K. Clark either. He was accused of making inflammatory and unstatesman-like statements. An old war-horse, nobody could intimidate him. He was not President Olusegun Obasanjo’s fan in particular. He believed Obasanjo wanted to sabotage his son, and he wanted Obasanjo put in his place. Beneath all of that, was an unmistaken rivalry between the two old men, seeking to control the levers of Nigerian politics.
Every President probably needs a strong, passionate ally like Chief E. K. Clark. But what happened? What went wrong? Don’t get me wrong. I am not necessarily saying that the Ijaw leader should have remained loyal to and defend Goodluck Jonathan because they are both Ijaws; patriotism definitely could be stronger than ethnic affinities, nonetheless that E. K. Clark tale about leaving politics and becoming a statesman is nothing but sheer crap. If Jonathan had returned to office, he would still be a card-carrying member of the PDP and the “father of the President” and we would still have been hearing that famous phrase, “my son”. Chief E. K. Clark, five months after, has practically told the world that President Buhari is better than “his own son.”
It is the worst form of humiliation that President Jonathan has received since he left office. It is also the finest compliment that President Buhari has received since he assumed office. The timing is also auspicious: just when the public is beginning to worry about the direction of the Buhari government, E. K. Clark shows up to lend a hand of support and endorsement. Only one phrase was missing in his statement, and it should have been added: “my son, Buhari.” It probably won’t be too long before we hear the old man saying “I am a statesman, Buhari is my son.” I can imagine President Obasanjo grinning with delight. If he really wants to be kind, he could invite E.K. Clark to his home in Ota or Abeokuta to come and do the needful by publicly tearing his PDP membership card and join him in that exclusive club of Nigerian statesmen! The only problem with that club these days is that you can become a member by just saying so or by retiring from partisan politics. We are more or less being told that there are no statesmen in any of the political parties.
It is not funny. Julius Ceasar asked Brutus in one of the famous lines in written literature: “Et tu Brutus?” President Jonathan should ask Chief E. K. Clark: “Et tu Papa?” To which the father will probably tell the son: “Ces’t la vie, mon cher garcon.” And really, that is life. In the face of other considerations, loyalties vanish; synergies collapse. The wisdom of the tribe is overturned; the politics of proximity dissolves; loyalties remain in a perpetual process of construction. Thus, individual interests and transactions drive the political game in Nigeria, with time and context as key determinants.
These are teachable moments for President Jonathan. Power attracts men and women like bees to nectar, the state of powerlessness ends as a journey to the island of loneliness. However, the greatest defender of our work in office is not our ethnic “fathers and “brothers” but rather our legacy. The real loss is that President Jonathan’s heroism, his messianic sacrifice in the face of defeat, is being swept under the carpet and his own brothers who used to say that the Ijaws are driven by a principle of “one for all and all for another”, have become agent-architects of his pain. The Ijaw platform having seemingly been de-centered, Chief E.K. Clark and others are seeking assimilation in the new power structure. It is a telling reconstruction of the politics of proximity and mimicry.
Chief E.K. Clark once defended the rights of ethnic minorities to aspire to the highest offices in the land, his latest declaration about his son reaffirms the existing stereotype at the heart of Nigeria’s hegemonic politics. The same hegemons and their agents whom Clark used to fight furiously will no doubt find him eminently quotable now that he has proclaimed that it is wrong to be a “gentleman”, and that his son lacks “the political will to fight corruption”. There is more to this than we may ever know. Chief Clark can insist from now till 2019 that he has spoken as a statesman and as a matter of principle. His re-alignment is curious nonetheless.
• Dr. Abati was Special Adviser, Media and Publicity to former President Goodluck Jonathan.
Whatever! These guys are politicians, their statements are always configured on personal interest.
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all this politicians with basket mouth..mstweeh
Glowyshoes's blog
Oga Reuben. Abeg no disturb ur self. Clark Na mumu tay tay . Am I the only one who coded?
hnmmmmm,nemesis is catching up with them
Oh, they shld spare us
#It WiLL oNLy gEt beTTer
#iT MuSt eNd IN pRAisE
Oh, they shld spare us
#It WiLL oNLy gEt beTTer
#iT MuSt eNd IN pRAisE
Abati has ressurected.
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But Clark said the gospel truth about jonathan, anyway they are all birds of dame feather so na dem sabi!
But Clark said the gospel truth about jonathan, anyway they are all birds of same feather so na dem sabi!
Who will read dis long thing? Lol
My friend, its called politics.The winner takes it all.It takes only a solid man to have loyal supporters like Arsenal fans to stand through by him in power or in ordinary days lol
Leave Edwin alone.The old man is a player
Farm For Your Farm...
Indeed his re-alignment is curious nonetheless and dis write up is so lovely devoid of incentive words.
I bet I could get a degree just focusing on reading and re-reading dis write up and also mak my English superb.
I wish him all d best and may d Lord abundantly bless him for dis wonderful write up. Thumbs up and more power to his elbows.
Am learning...
Be Warned! Every President must beware of those persons who come around calling them “Daddy”, “Uncle”, na my brother dey there”, “my son”, “our in-law”: emotional blackmailers relying on old connections. They are courted, patronized and given more attention and honour than they deserve by those looking for access to the President or government. http://www.bummyla.com
Abati, the yesterday man! What is the difference between you and Edwin Clark? Did you also not forsake and forget your stand on good governance and all we thought you stood for before entering Aso Rock? You remember how you fought dirty with anyone who perceived as threatening your very rich pot of soup in Aso Rock? How you turned your back on your old colleagues and tongue/pen lashed them? Your defense of Jonathan now is just so that you may be taken as loyal. Your antecedent has shown you are also not loyal to a course you may given impression you believed in. If two years to this time, Buhari makes you chairman of an agency, you say worse things about Jonathan than Edwin Clark. You are also an opportunist.
Abati Abati!
You should know truth can not be suppressed forever. The old man finally realized himself and confessed the truth, which is that Jonathan is not a bad man, but a very weak President.
If you had been true to Jonathan, things might not have turned out this way. You want the old man to die with deceit?
Abati Abati!!!
Well said Reuben. It's better for a friend to betray one than for a father/brother to do that. E.K Clark and the other ijaw people saying negative things about Jonathan, just goes to show the caliber of people they truly are and why they will never ever be taken seriously by Nigerians again. Traitors......
Hypocrite of a man
Lol....Politics is a game of permanent interest.
Lol....Politics is a game of permanent interest.
Reuben! You have hit the nail on the head. We are in a system where to become relevant, we must sacrifice and kill even our own.We have Governors, Ministers and other top politicians in the North who were part of the Jonathan Administration. Some were in the opposition ANPP, ACN and CPC doing hideous things. Their folks have wrapped a cloak around them and kept them covered. They are heroes before their people. Today in Kano and other parts of the North, Ababcha's family is celebrated. Babangida is celebrated. Others are celebrated. Shame on Edwin Clark indeed. Again I say, shame on him.
Indeed his re-alignment is curious nonetheless and dis write up is so lovely devoid of incentive words.
I bet I could get a degree just focusing on reading and re-reading dis write up and also mak my English superb.
I wish him all d best and may d Lord abundantly bless him for dis wonderful write up. Thumbs up and more power to his elbows.
well said abati, may our loyalty never be tested, shame to clark, this was the same clark that was an assistant president when gej was in power, now he is spewing trash, to what end? that is why i dont blame pmb for surrounding himself with those who have been with him when the going was tough, as their loyalty can never be questioned. fossil clark should go and sit down and leave gej alone. treacherous man.
all dis people are favor seekers.
Dr. Reuben Abati, I have respected you right from your time at the Guardian Newspaper, I will always respect you. God bless you.
C'est la vie my brother Reuben.
Clark is a sycophant all for the sake of money. He flows any where the wind blows. No form of character, loyalty or ideal. All politicians in this country are not serious minded. That is why the western world do not trust us and why Obama sent troops to Cameroun instead of Nigeria. He knows that all our leaders are not sincere. No matter the propaganda they try to spin America will not fall for it. Enwistle is just doing photo ups trying to deceive the govt. Into believing that the US is with them and the stupid govt. Is falling for it hook, line, sinker. The white man and his diplomacy. If you don't know them well, you will fall for it.
Help me tell them alloy.
By the way he was right.
Jonathan was weak.
Clark backstabbing cow.
~D great anonymous!
People like this Clark makes me stay away from friends more ,they are only there when you are loyal
Chief E.K Clark you most be a funny old cargo, your action toward our former president Dr Goodluck is wrong, why did you not say all this in the last 5years old man go and sit down, I promise you the so called APC lead admisitration will not permitted you in any thing meanful, so you just fooled youself, Oga Clark
Abati writes as a trained journalist should.Articulate and well scripted words.
That is however the only compliment he'll get from me.I'm ashamed to say he grew stupid in his sojourn into politics.I do not wish to be rude but for want of a more descriptive word,stupid it is.
Mr Abati has further exposed his former principal.In defending him,Abati has put the halogen lamps on him.Its as I and a whole lot of people said,the former president Dr Goodluck Jonathan was too weak to be a leader.If he could be taken in by the sycophancy of an old man that's known for his gimmicks.Chief Ibori cried out severally before and during his prison incarceration; Chief Clark cannot be trusted!!!
what did Dr Jonathan think?That he was different or has two heads.He wasn't only weak,he was very naive.Those two characteristics aren't needed in politics.Infact,they are dangerous attributes for a leader to possess.A leader with the characteristics displayed by Dr Jonathan would only lead his or her followers to their doom.
That's what Dr Goodluck has done to us.He was either too weak to reign his thieves in or even worse he was too naive to even see it.Any which way,he did us wrong.
a lot of people betrayed President Jonathan shaaaaaaaaaaa
The summary of the article is that Clark is a money-driven politician which well described him as a 2-faced old man.
All politicians are fair-weather friends
That's the game mr Reuben. You of all people should know there are no permanent enemies or friends in politics. You suddenly had kind words for mr president when you started receiving money from him, just like your friend FFK. So like someone already said, I think you're justifying your last pay cheque
Thanks to royal priest,nice write up from him, the truth must be spoken. TIMILEYIN BLESSING
u are a glorified pig abati and u deserve no mention. ode, so u still have mouth to talk you traitor. hope you are enjoying your loot
Waoo.. Just few days back we were all praising a woman who expresses joy about the death of his own son becuase the son was a killer, terrorist.. We even offer prayer of well wishing to her for been truthful... Today, we r here saying Edwin Clark was wrong for saying the truth about a man he call his son, (triber man).Take it from me; "Whatever must ve been his (Clark) reason to say that is not needed. What is fixed is the fact that all he (Clark) said is nothing but the bitter truth about whom GEJ was" go ahead a kill Clark his words ll forever be remembered.. I ve never been a suporter of PDP but i praised Godswill Akpabio when he built that mighty international Stadium. Its not even in my state but i love it cus its in Nigeria. Lets put aside party difference and work for the good of our Nation. Thanks
The old man was just an opportunist...its so sad that even people you look up to can betray your trust...
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Na wa ooo. Each time I see Oga Reuben's lamentations, I remember his write ups when he was the in Guardian Newspapers and it is a pity that Nigeria system and whatever took him to politics has rurbish his image. I hope when u are called back to join them u will think well before u jump into unknown terrain. Enough of preaching and lamentations.
I hope it won't be Femi Adesina's turn to be writing article like this after they've left power.
Good talk with sense of humor .
E be like say betrayal dey some ijaw people blood. It reminds me of one of Nigeria's finest colloquial songs- "when the going is good and fine many many people will be your friend".
Sir, may I remind u dat in politics, there's no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, wat we have is permanent interest. Yes, dat is wat has played itsef out here.
Of all the faults Olusegun Obasanjo may be accused of, he can never be accused like Edwin Clark. Olusegun Obasanjo maintains perpetual loyalty and solidarity with his friends unlike most other Nigerian leaders. It looks like the Ijaws are fickle minded people. What a shame.
I love this write u.
I love this write up
The old man said the truth. People like Abati should have told Jonathan the truth but was busy enjoying the perk of office.
"The center can no longer hold bcos, things has since Fallen Apart". Linda take note!
"The center can no longer hold bcos, things has since Fallen Apart". Linda take note!
Reuben u hv said it all,what a write up,thank you
You are very stupid
Love this article of Eu Eu Papa. LOL
Okay, Oga Abati we have heard you, Clark betrayed Jonathan. The real question your epistle failed to tackle is - Did Jonathan truly lack the political will to tackle corruption as insinuated by "his father" Edwin Clark? I thought you would have defended your ex boss (GEJ) with facts and figures detailing his anti corruption stance then round up by criticizing the "disloyal" Clark. Your entire premise was based on the fact that Clark is an Ijaw man who benefited from the GEJ government hence he should not speak against him. The truth can not be suppressed, it will always come out whether it is from Clark, Okonjo Iweala, Femi Falana or whoever. GEJ ran the most corrupt government in the history of our nation.I dare say Edwin Clark for once spoke the truth.
E.K. Clark that is not weak, what has he done for the Ijaw people? Useless old man that has been in the corridors of power even before Jonathan was born. What can Clark boldly say he's ever done for the Niger Delta? He should better keep quiet before the younger generation disgrace him.
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Guys check this out...phones at a very affordable prices. http://goo.gl/uosgDT .its real.
Shut that Aboki mouth!
Nigeria politics is base on selfish personal interest and greed. I just can't believe that it's the same Edwin Clerk was a strong supported of GEJ second term bid and also campaigned for him. It's so shameful that our politicians don't have integrity. Make God help our dear country
ABATI!!!!!!! U are also a deceit .....chop and rob my back....pen robbers like u.
What an irony of life! Big shame to Edwin Clark!! If he likes he can lick buhari's ass frm delta to daura he ain't getting shit.uselees old man.
I doff my hat Dr Reuben Abati! U belong to a special class.what a beautiful piece.
I doff my hat Dr Reuben Abati! U belong to a special class.what a beautiful piece.
Mr Abati, you're worse than Edwin, you are the epitome of deceit and betrayal. You deceived millions of people who genuinely believed in you and what we though you stood for. Nobody is disappointed in or believes Edwin Clarke for he has no soul but you my friend spent a life time moulding souls in your own image, you were a god to some. I hope all your worldly acquisition in the last 5 years or so can replace your loss.
Ur head dey there.........abeg help me tell dem
Gbam Gbam.....u nail it
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