Ruth Gakii was savagely beaten by her ex-husband and father of her 3-year-old son on Wednesday, October 21. The woman is now receiving treatment at the Nairobi Women’s hospital, Kenya.
The ex, Alphose Kambua, a computer Programmer, has been reported to police
for assaulting Ruth but hasn't been arrested. Women’s
rights activists have threatened to take to the streets if
Kambu, who is said to enjoy diplomatic immunity, is not arrested and
charged. See the photos after the cut...

What a sight..
Shameless Agbaya Man. Linda take note!
Shameless Agbaya Man. Linda take note!
I hope something gets done
I've always said it,only cowards beat women.What rubbish!
They should serve him the test of his own medicine.....
Evil man
#It WiLL oNLy gET beTTer
#iT mUsT eNd iN prAiSe
What an ass he is...stupid animal.
May God punish him
Too bad
Diplomatic immunity my foot. He shld be arrested and charged joo
He went on beast on her, I would like to see him try that on someone his size.
I just detest any man that brutalise woman,he should be dealt with accordingly. TIMILEYIN BLESSING
Hmmm what are the police over there waiting for to arrest the he goat? Is like their police over there are very wick or they are corrupt two.
Chai! Same similar news about Kenyans Em belike say most keyans get hot temper and fast in beating up someone. Kenya is a no go zone for people like me wer like to dey look for trouble o.!
Dis dude is a half man and is only irrespinsible men dat hit women. ...
He should b punished accordingly so dat dis wil serve as deterrent to others.
Dis dude is a half man and is only irrespinsible men dat hit women. ...
He should b punished accordingly so dat dis wil serve as deterrent to others.
I pray she recovers wt out any physical challenge ooo. Than sue the hell out of that "not man enough"
Abegi!!!!!!! Never ok to hit a woman but some of these fucking women out there can move one to murder.
That guy is a monster and shouldn't be roaming the streets freely.
Awww. But what did she do to deserve this? She's really pretty. Even with her bruises..her beauty still shows!
This kian fine woman?!
Real men don't hit a women
A beast is a beast is a beast..............
What did she do?
She won't be battered if she is a nice woman.
Daz y to marry dey fear me.I hate men with passion. I see them as beasts.useless men.all of u are iddiiiooootttttssssss.
Dere is no justification for violence. It was wrong yday, it is wrong today and it will be wrong tomorrow
And some Bastards say Marriage makes a woman complete. It is better to be single living the will of God than to be married to an evil man. My husband is wicked I just ignore the devil, make my money and live my life. If I should beg him for I naira, I will hear it. Yet his sisters are hopeless females depending on their husbands for soap to bathe.
All women have your own money and self respect. Never descend to an abusive mans level. NEVER!
He is a bastard. Stupid man. God will punish him.
He is a bastard. Stupid man. God will punish him.
I like this,evil women,
Stupid he-goat..triple ew ew ew...
Coward man.
This man should be crucified
Dude is an animal and so should be caged..10years...maybe 15... PERIOD!
women's rights activists are jobless all over the world,they should protest for gender equality instead of all this two quarrel matter.
This pic reminds me of Kafila Sogunro's beat down by Gori couple of years back.. hahahaahaha. .. Adewunmi Yesufu u are next oooo, watch your back. Ama beat you down only that the headline will be married woman beat up her hubby's Lil cheap slut Adewunmi Yesufu
Oh my! Its never right to hit a woman. No matter what!
So called fine girls,so so troublesome.wait and her from both parties first. Beijing conference outcome steadily causing problems.
I just wish that the man is strong enough to have avoided dis show of shame and the woman is wise enough.
Damn! This is too much now. He nearly blinded her. I hope she sues the hell out of him.
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he should be sentenced to 10yrs imprisonment with SEVERE hard labour
he should be sentenced to 10yrs imprisonment with SEVERE hard labour
Too bad to lay hands on women.
His an animal #singinavemaria
you need to report to the area boys to beat the hell out him , because the police would not do anything
Brutality of the highest level. Weldone bro, u r the baddest Man ever liveth.
Men don't beat women, boys do
Young, pretty girl married to old donkey and this is what she gets. These women beaters never will start a fight with a man, because they only have woman strength. I hope she has some brothers and cousins who will dole out justice on her behalf.
Why should he beat the woman? As a matter of fact, the man looks hungery, old and poor. He should be punished severely for his offence!
The guy must be mad.
Oh my Oh my. ADEWUNMI YESUFU of TLCLOTHIERS. .. this babe no dey tire. Na who curse the girl sef, she's been like this for a while now o. Other people's hubby is what tickles her fancy. Abeg decorate her face
What did she do in first place? Som women can be be very provoking sha!
Too who battered women should receive stringent actions against them,no matter their status in the society,Diplomatic status so NT state he has the right to batter his wife to these extent,he should be made to face the wrought of the law.
She must have done something to trigger the man's anger,but still that's not Enuf excuse to beat up a lady like this
Hahahahaha Adewunmi yesuff na yellow or obodo wey like egg plant
What has this incident got to do with Adewunmi Yesufu. . Make you na free her abeg. She be ashawo with brains o
When a wonam is feed up,there is simply nothing you can do about it....just live with it,if you cant then let it go....he should have worn a wife-beater to complement the looks?
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