"Truth be told, it's not something we wanted to promote," said the singer. "We're a collective power together because our private life is sacred. But you know what though, maybe it's time. Maybe it is time for the world to know that I have a very secure situation and a loving woman supporting me the entire way." he said

The former Voice judge, who was previously married to Christina Johnson, says he has found a "very genuine and honest" partner in James.
"I appreciate her openness and willingness to love unconditionally," he said. "She's been so sweet to me through a number of different trials that come to test the resilience of a union to deem whether it's worthy or not, whether it's durable or strong enough."
Congrats to him
My man Cee Lo!
do you want to upload your songs online @ a cheaper rate contact me on 08133745932
Big congrats
21 gunshots into the air! GBOZA! GBOZA! GBOZA! GBOZA! GBOZA! GBOZA! GBOZA! GBOZA! GBOZA! GBOZA! GBOZA! GBOZA! GBOZA! GBOZA! GBOZA! GBOZA! GBOZA! GBOZA! GBOZA! GBOZA! GBOZA! Finally there is hope for every overgrown bachelor in the house.
Congratulations to her
Congrats to them. Linda take note!
Ok o, good luck.
Congrats to them. Linda take note!
Congrats to 'em
Congrats to 'em
Igbayi laro
So, you all on this blog feel it's okay to insult celebrities.
You have the platform(this blog) to throw shades, call celebrities all sort of names and when they hit back at you, you tell them to be the bigger person and ignore. Why? Because they are super humans or from another planet?
I've noticed how some of you here on this blog are quick to hit back at whoever insults you.
You insult whoever insults you here but feel celebrities shouldn't.
Almost all the active commenters on his blog are insulting. Bitter people who got no positive words. All I see are negativity.
Today, if you are not hiding behind the #Anonymous to insult celebs, you are using your name.
How do you feel at night insulting people?
How do you feel when you call these celebs names?
You diss the unmarried women.
You call them sluts and whores.
You call the guys broke asses.
Pls explain to me how it is any business of yours?
Those set of people that just feel it's okay to tell single/unmarried ladies to go find a husband. How do you sleep?
When has marriage been the gate pass to heaven?
Someone who clearly still drinks garri will have the guts to tell a rich successful woman to go find herself a husband.
Worst are 2 females who I have NEVER read any positive lines or words from.
You come on this blog to insult people. Why?
Those ones that say nudity is bad. Yet they are the first to open the thread of Maheeda's nudes photos or Kim's photos or Rihanna's nipples and then still insult them.
Oh! I forgot the 2 'self acclaimed Bishop and Priest' on this blog.
They hate nudity, but open to look at it and maybe have a hard on and then type Bible verses.
It's like this.
I'm not a fan of politics, whenever I see a political story I don't 'read more' by opening it because it's not of 'interest' to me.
But I noticed the hypocrisy on this blog.
You all claim it's against 'god' 'africans' to wear revealing clothes but you open the post/story to view these photos and still insult them.
How do you sleep at night?
A woman dresses in a bikini to the beach. And self righteous humans say she's a married woman and shouldn't be seen that way. Why?
You call Rukky, Ini and a host of other celebs runs girls. Why?
Even IF they are. What's your business?
You sleep with men for chicken fee. How many cars have you bought?
Such negativity.
If a woman chooses to bleach her skin, it's not your business.
If she chooses to change her boyfriend, never your business.
Maybe you all don't know, but Linda sent a msg to those ghost people under Anonymous that come here to back bite and slander people.
Hatred and jealousy.
On the Billionaire Chima story, such hatred. Some arguing he's not a billionaire and a douchebag telling us he borrows money from you.
Hian! Why do you feel you need the public to know that?
Pls have conscience.
The negativity on this blog is outrageous.
Insults upon insults
Slander upon slander.
Today, if you all don't join Linda herself to insult Kylie Jenner, you join her to shade Toke or Tonto.
Just know they are humans like you and they have feelings.
You always have that instinct to fight back when you are insulted but expect celebs to just sit and watch. Why?
Pls humor me by insulting me after reading this.
Finally. Hallelujah to that nd i wish dem all d best.
Congrats to them, women are always resilient through 'Ă number of situations '. I hope he'll do the same for her.
Congrats to them
#It WiLL oNLy gEt beTTer
#iT MuSt eNd IN pRAisE
Engage today marry tomorrow an divorce next tomorrow what a sham marriage.
#sad indeed
Nice one
Good for him!
Happy for 'em
Wow congrz 2 him
Lib freak
I don't know him sha. Congrats to them all the same.
Nobody humored her? Could that mean people don't care and her opinion and epistle don't matter? Shocking.
@Effiong, nobody cares!
Congrats all d way to them andi wish them all d best.
Babe u get time, u really need to get a life ASAP
Babe u get time, u really need to get a life ASAP
Are u liveing unda a rock???
Wow congrats to them, really wish them all d happiness in d wrld
Wow congrats to them, really wish them all d happiness in d wrld
Wow congrats to them, really wish them all d happiness in d wrld
Wow congrats to them, really wish them all d happiness in d wrld
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