A woman in Virginia named Kimberly
Jackson, 36, was arrested for having sex with her unconscious boyfriend in a
parking lot in broad daylight outside a busy shopping area in East Virginia Beach Boulevard on Tuesday September 8th. When police was called to the scene of the sex act by mortified passersby, they found the man, Earl Palmer, unresponsive while the woman straddled him. They later told police, they did it because they were drunk...
The sex act while lasted for a few minutes was filmed by passersby and shared on social media...

Speaking about it to reporters later, Kimberly said "I
was in the mood, and that's basically what happened,' and then she blamed it on the excessive consumption of alcohol
Her man later came to her defence. He claimed he agreed at the last minute to have sex but passed out from drinking.
'I'm here trying to clear her name and let them know I consented to that. I just didn't finish the job, as you could say. Everyone wants to do something spontaneous. I'm not being disrespectful to you. Have you ever done anything spontaneous?' he told WTKR:
Yeye couple
#it WiLL oNly gEt BeTTer
#IT mUsT eND iN pRAiSE
They both look insane
~D great anonymous!
All these psycho peeps...2 ugly fools.. it's so obvious you guys are homeless.
both looking gaunt and mentally touched
The whites can be stupid at times.
If it was the other way round,will the woman come to the defence of the man in the same vein Α̲̅πϑ will he be released from jail the following day being "a black man"....these white people will never change
Unconscious boyfriend? Damn you dirty dirty minded woman.....na so the thing hold her?
Tueh! they both looked mentally deranged.
They should be checked.
Anything for cheap ass fame.
Lolz, I swear na oyinbo go spoil dis world. Wh kind yeye mood she dey 4 public? Stupid pple
lol.. drug done end this one life
I wish i be that woman shah.... #NowPlaying ask jolomi: buffalo souljah....
End time things.
See these crace pple, kai oyinbo pple no get sense abeg
Oyinbo and their kraziness
Disgusting filths.
Lol@have you ever done something spontaneous?
Mcheeeeeeew, akuko ndi iberibe. Linda take note!
Mcheeeeeeew, akuko ndi iberibe. Linda take note!
Mcheeeeeeew, akuko ndi iberibe. Linda take note!
She's insane
Linda hw can we get d video, cos dz story s not complete without it..
Wait a min how can one have sex without the penis being erect and in the case of the boyfriend being unconscious how come his penis was erect.
Awon oloribu meji!
Both of them look alike,
The woman needs to visit a rehab ASAP, even d man himself needs it. Two unstable adults
Yeye people
Yeye people
Luk at both of dia fucked up faces
D konji critical *lwkmd!
I love suppy Maggie
She doesn't even look normal to me
Conji naa bad tin
Just look at their faces, two confused pips
it's rape...don't sugar coat it.
Crazy couple.
See their faces
Wickedness in high places...
No be America again, they can have sex everywhere, just watching a movie, were the Reverend father is fcuking a Reverend sister infront of the altar
No be America again, they can have sex everywhere, just watching a movie, were the Reverend father is fcuking a Reverend sister infront of the altar
No be America again, they can have sex everywhere, just watching a movie, were the Reverend father is fcuking a Reverend sister infront of the altar
No be America again, they can have sex everywhere, just watching a movie, were the Reverend father is fcuking a Reverend sister infront of the altar
No be America again, they can have sex everywhere, just watching a movie, were the Reverend father is fcuking a Reverend sister infront of the altar
No be America again, they can have sex everywhere, just watching a movie, were the Reverend father is fcuking a Reverend sister infront of the altar
No be America again, they can have sex everywhere, just watching a movie, were the Reverend father is fcuking a Reverend sister infront of the altar
No be America again, they can have sex everywhere, just watching a movie, were the Reverend father is fcuking a Reverend sister infront of the altar
No be America again, they can have sex everywhere, just watching a movie, were the Reverend father is fcuking a Reverend sister infront of the altar
Thank God they were not spontaneous enough to take another man's life.... what an excuse!
Ndi ara juru na America. A lot of them are supposed to be at the psychiatric ward
Sx demons
C as dey ugly reach! Ndi ara
Ndi ara
Hmmm america na sodom n gomorah...rubbish
So, what should we do with this story now? Ehn linda? Do you know this post is not healthy for this blog? Ehn?
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From all the craters on her face, it's obvious she is a crack, method head. Oshisco.
Lol love
Lmao. Look at them. Look at her eyebrows loool
On to better news..
Gay Life of an Anonymous Writer
They both look insane
The way societal values and norms are being violated in the USA is reaching an Armageddonic stage that in a century to come US citizens may phase out clothing or wearing same in public.
Conji of the highest order.
Madness at its peak on earth.
◇◇◇◇◇◇ If ignorance is bliss, wipe the smile off my face ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇
Chaee see their face sef I'm not surprised. fuckery torri.
That vuvuzela P guy
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Crazy pple.blame it on anything u want,dats crazy mehn
Na so, monkey people.
Na so, monkey them
They are sick. They need to see a psychologist for their case immediately.
This is not just alcohol...meth heads...
They need help
Nawa ooo their are not even a shame
Sexy dogs.
I laugh in 'paragraphs'
Total madness.
Idiots, Linda pls be sharing positive news.
So conje dey hold women too
They don't just look drunk, they look like pot heads..
Feefs anonymous
D both of them look really sick 2me,crazy people
Just see the kind question wey the drunk boyfriend dey ask??? Dem for flog every spirit of sexual madness comot for una body... Na small small rubbish dey take start.....
No be craze dey worry una??? Mtsheeew!!
Whites are crazy!!!! Gosh
Crazy pple
C dia two ugly face. Humans now behaving lik animals
Lib freak
That is rape! LOL crazy people
Linda ikeji is my blog mentor, here is my new blog guys!
High on drugs
Awon gangster lovers
What a spontaneous reaction !!
Let these impunity prone society continue to debase human dignity all in the name of freedom of self expression. Tommorrow, they will start blaming it on innocent poor nations.
Sanity of de highest order. Ass hole
It can happenn to black as well. think they need prayer for GODs help.
Do d right thing these days, no one hears it. Do d wrong one, u make headlines and break d net. Too bad.
Question?????? I sure say linda nor know say u go ask she for go the scene go ask the guy how him dick take rise as he was unconscious mumu oshi... Ambiag dowod
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Lol the two is sick. Look @ their face u will know
Superman & super girl
Crazy Oyinbo
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