Sandra and the child foundation is committed to rallying support for the less privileged children in the society.
Her zeal to serve and impact lives positively has touched the lives of many and has put a smile on the faces of children who seek love, care and support from the society.
Sandra and the child foundation has not only enjoined the society at large to help improve the standard of living of the under privileged children but the foundation kicked off by visiting some slums nationally and internationally. The recent visit to Makoko was impactful and the children loved and received her warmly. The foundation gave packs of toiletries, health care materials, educational materials and food items. The children who have lacked all these resources were filled with joy and most grateful to the present and presence of Sandra and the foundation crew.
The foundation will officially launch project 3000 on December, 2015. Project 3000 is aimed at rallying support for less privileged children through project 3000 campaign. This project is aimed at sourcing shelter, quality basic education, food, clothing and love for over 3000 under privileged children within the next 5years.

Our contact numbers are 08187939736 and 08114547220.
Let us give to the less privileged because God loves a cheerful giver and he will repay.
Good of her.
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Shez looking good..
Glowyshoe blog
Awwwww tnk God 4 her
*lib's namesake*
Good to know
Aunty linda
Good to know
Aunty linda
Good to know
Aunty linda
Is it only charity organizations all these beauty queens know how to do
Thumbs up
Sandra, trying so hard to belong, nne get a life and do something for yourself please
Good job Miss
More power tho her elbow love people like this
Aunty linda biko
#sept7 birthday boi
Nice one, very thoughtful of her. I wish her all the best. Linda take note!
Nice one, very thoughtful of her. I wish her all the best. Linda take note!
Nice one, very thoughtful of her. I wish her all the best. Linda take note!
Hope she doesn't plan enriching herself through this medium..u know the heart of man is evil
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DISCOVER Top 12 Cancer-Fighting Foods
Na only Aboki get less privilege, this ppl don scatter this world sha, pls take or NGO to another location, those Abokis don't need anything good, Aboki=suffering......... But the babe no fine sha , very tiny and no boobs, plus her eye colour
Na only Aboki get less privilege, this ppl don scatter this world sha, pls take or NGO to another location, those Abokis don't need anything good, Aboki=suffering......... But the babe no fine sha , very tiny and no boobs, plus her eye colour
Must she wear those stuff neh... I see show off but since the kids are getting something is all gud.......
Ok, good for her
Pls what was d age limit for dis miss globe because this sandra babe is not a kid.she should be 28/29 yrs.
Is it from their hearts??? These foundations use the less privileged as baits for money making.
~D great anonymous!
This girl is just pretending to love kids so people will say she has passion for kids,mtchwwww this girl who sees others as excrete,rude,abegi I don't deem you fit for this,from when I know her in Uniben till date,i can't fall prey for dis sh**t
Very nice and thumbs up girl
Hater park well oooooo u sound so pained! She sees u as excrete because u probably look like one lol. Thumbs up nne! A beauty queen dat is doin somtin good with her title not sitting at home looking
Time to start approaching big men for money (Project)! SMH! human heart!!!
This girl is just pretending to love kids so people will say she has passion for kids,mtchwwww this girl who sees others as excrete,rude,abegi I don't deem you fit for this,from when I know her in Uniben till date,i can't fall prey for dis sh**t
If she does her reign without doing somtin with it they wil say she didn't do anything with it, now d girl has done somtin with it Na una dey stil cum run mouth for here dey say she dey do am for show u can never please human beings sha! U go n do ur own for show too Na. Ride on miss! The Lord will give u d strength to carry on with this vision u have started. And I'm sure ur friends are d ones cumin under anonymous to hate. Women are their own worst enemies.
Anon 4:30 my friend sharap dia I knw dat gal very well she's not up to that. Na u be her mama ni or were u dere wen they gave birth to her Y so bitter? Or She snatch ya boo? Take some novocane for d pain ok? Lol!
I love you Sandra for this beefers go and hug transformer
I love you girl
This girl when my billionaire cousin won die follow and she just dey their dey love one boy that lives in parkview rubbish
Nice of her..
*cute bree*
good for here
Somebody's name is Amen?! LOL. Beautiful girl though
Anon 4:30 is right. Sandra is not a small girl. But what the heck.its Nigeria.anything goes. Kudos to her
Nice one.... Pretty girl too.
Sandra My padi padi, I'm so proud of you girl. When i think back from where we started and where we are now i cant help but smile. God has indeed been good to us and i pray he continues to give you the strength and the resources to help others in your own way. More grace to you my dear friend.
Sandra is that you????....Lmao
She's beautiful. That's a unique name sha. Amen.
@anon 6:31 Abeg tell that your billionaire cousin I'm single and available oh! Since she is in love with someone else and does not need the love I need it urgently. Post your email address let me send my pictures I'm pretty and slim and tall too. Thank you! Thunder fire the thumb of anybody that yabs me here.
She and my younger cousin were classmates in school and he will be 26 in December so she's not up to dat. @anon 6:31 dats how girls are oh? Instead of them to follow the one that loves them and has money to throw they will allow love to be blinding them I'm sure the one she even loves is just an average guy sef my dear Sandra u better borrow sense
Lol I think it's coz She started modeling since secondary school dats why it would seem that way she's a smallie she was my junior in high school
Sandra is an amazing girl! Met her twice and she was so warm and down to earth! Well done girl, God bless you.
May God. Continue to strengthen her
Even the said Sandra is here posting comments here as anonymous,
Anne y so bitter? If that's even your name sef. Coz Shes got friends n family that wil defend her in situations like this unlike you who nobody loves. Do yourself a Favour and go drink some haterade. Hater! Anne fire.oloriburuku is a more suitable name for goats like u
Was expecting people to ask her where they can drop household things or food or clothe they are not using again. So she can pick up to add to charity work. But no. We are busy dropping negative comments. Trying to bring her down. Am ashamed to be a Nigerian. We need to change our way of thinking. Pls
Why are we always negative when someone is trying to be selfless or impact lives in a positive way ? There are so many ways for beauty queens to make money. like someone saying its a means for her to make money. That's a lie. Believe me or not , I don't wanna imagine how much of her personal money most have gone down the line for this amazing project. I have been there as an ex queen. So I know what it takes to channel this kind of a beautiful project that will last for a long time been an NGO. let's stop looking for ways to bite her or trying to insult her with negatives comments . Speaking of her age, size . Etc. why don't you focus on the project rather than looking for how to destroy her work with negative comments? OMG. I know so persons dropping negative comments can also support a project in a little way in Nigeria. But no. Some people believe it's Government responsibility to do all. Common guys support good intention. Stop the Hate. / Insults are welcome. Because am sure some persons will insult me. But not too worry. Your insults will not take of £1 from my account. One love. Igene beauty sandra. That's full name. Before someone will say again. It's Sandra Amen .o.
So proud of you @ Miss Globe Nigeria. aka Sandra A .O. You are unstoppable. I see u around the globe and the good work u have started not just in Nigeira. . I pray and wish God to supply all that u need to continue to help the less privilege. And also God to recommend good people that share same vision to assist in taking this amazing project to the next level. Am so impressed and speechless seeing some of your projects with my eyes not just about giving Food to the needing. But a lot of structures in Place. Bravo gal.
Sandra more grease to your elbow, don't let haters make you feel bad. You will get a lot of this on ur part to greatness, do get ready for them. But haters, this is why you will never go far, you are always bitter. If you love yourself be happy for others and you will see yourself go far in life. All the best Sandra aka Ms Vanilla
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