While crying, Kennedy tells her mum: "Daddy says I can't have a boyfriend."
And when her father tells her she's not allowed a boyfriend until she's 50, the precious little girl slaps her dad on the arm. Lol. The video has since gone viral.
Watch the video below:
Who's responsible for what we teach our children, is it the Internet or stars on television? There's fire on the mountain in Asa's voice. Issokay
Funny people every were,at this age what a world.
#sad indeed
Wow shez cute...funny n wierld tho
Lolz, see her face!
#iT WiLL OnLY gEt BettER
#iT MusT eNd iN PrAiSE
Ashawo pikin
lol there's nothing child of God won't see in this our world, who taught her about boyfriend, lol
2 year old knows what boyfriend is, na wa o!
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Lol........see dis smalli o
she had found her first loooove? a two years old girl? what does she know about love? spoilt brat! mtcheeeew
Nuffin wey dem nor go see for dis life..small pikin still dey find lover..wonder shall neva end..#kollinsbanks
Hahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaha....funny,,,,dix world don spoil finish nah
***odikwa risky nd tyt***
Lol. Omolomo
Hehe the world has gone bananas for long
Are you kidding me??? This world has ended already, its so obvious. Linda take note!
wat does she nid a bf 4?
Are you kidding me??? This world has ended already, its so obvious. Linda take note!
It's a crazy world! U wud want to ask what does she knw about Boyfriend? Well, she has an idea though not totally.
Are you kidding me??? This world has ended already, its so obvious. Linda take note!
Very funny girl
road tp redemption
enh.... so
If i slap this toddler eh, what does she want a boyfriend for? Like seriously? Not even a girl friend, see her face, lol.
This child is acting on wot she hears n sees in her immediate environment. She needs 2 be in a baby friendly environment. Hilarious though
Stupid child nd dy r laughing
Omg she already wants one. awww my dear you better not go there cos its never a good feeling so forget about it hun.
Aunty linda
Looool! America's wil neva kil me oooooo
Lol,very funny.What does the little girl know about having a boyfriend?
pure innocence of a child... lol.. i just hope she doesn't grow up to be a thot like MOST American girls are...
OMG!!! Hahahahahahahahaha Dis is so cute .Hilarious
Lool....all dz oyinbo pikin dem sef...
hmmmmm! and d parents are laughing. SMH
This is what the world has turn into, 2yrs for that matter
Hahahahahahahahhaha... Nothing we no go hear......
Orishirishi.. LOL!
Lmao! The kid is so cute.
Kids of nowadays..she already knows what having a boyfriend is.
See me laughing out loud. What does a toddler know about having a boyfriend...
<< LIB Addict >>
Oyibo have been spoiling from inception since 01 AD!!!
nothing wey person no go hear
lol... she wants a boyfriend. how about a brother instead.
Your video ain't showing, it's jammed.
d littl gal is mean oo.
How will she communicate with her bf, she cant even speak clearly! #okbye!
very funny; our kids these days are something else.
very funny, our kids these days are something else
Lol. Oyibo sef.
very funny, our kids these days are something else!!
Oh lord ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
very funny, our kids these days are something else!!
Lol 2yrs old kwa!!!
Funny and adorable
Lolz, very funny, see her mouth... Cute baby does she even know what boyfriend means...
Lol see smallie wanting boyfriend
~D great anonymous!
Why no download link......?? Rubbish....
Lol, does she know what boy friend is all about
Lool! See dis girl o.
Lolz, dis video no funny @ll o
Lolz, dis video no funny @ll o
Deris one I saw on youtube d oda day..d lil gel was cryin becos d boy was gon move out of d area
what does she want to do with a boyfriend at that age sef?
Uwa nmebi.
hahahaha aye ti pare o! 2yrs! wonders dey say shall never ever end. cute girl dou
Wat's dis world turning in2?. A 2yrs old girl saying she has a BF. D parent of dis little child 'ld be called in 4 questioning. Wat re dey xposing dis little angel 2.
Some things are difficult to believe
Hhahahahahhahahaha so hilarious
Lolz crazy child
Awwwww....only if she knew wat she ws saying...lol.wit a very serious look on her face.lmao
See as she spoil mouth like when Linda chop shit!
Oh my goodness........dese white kids are just something else I tell you!!! Hahaha
Owk small gal
Lib freak
at this tender age she has gotten a boyfriend,what an ending world
Hahahahaha! Very funny kid and parents
That means she sabi evry
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Funny girl!!!!
In this case, the dad is very wrong. Quit telling a two year old that she can't have a boyfriend. Does he want to give her high blood pressure? Lol. Kids are so fucking funny.
Lol, lil spoiled brat
Lol if she where my daughter still thinking on wat I would ve done to her, bf ko bf ni
Hahahahahahahaaaa…Are you not too young???!!!..Hahahahahahaa..
Na curse, till she is 50 k.
Huh? like excuse me!!
This must be a joke.
Jesu. What is dis world turning into. Father preserve dis generation of children. Chai
Bizzare and unbelievable.
Lol..... So funny & lovely.... Rily lovin d child
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Lol.....boyfriend kwa? At just 2yrs old? Okay of.
This is hilarious
What a precocious child; she's so assertive and cute too! Honey, until you can properly pronounce 'boyfriend', then you do not need one. As you grow older, you will soon come to realize that you have 99 problem, and a boyfriend isn't one.
The Austinite... Love is God is Love
Lolz, really cracked me up..cute girl dnt worry wen is tym u'll surely get one..hahaha
At 2yrs and she already know what a boyfriend is? Not funny
The child is innocent. The parents should avoid her watching adult films and knowing the teenagers around her.
Pls let her have a boyfriend ooo.
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