According to Wang Chaojun, Xiuzhen’s son, the growth started about 8 years ago
"My mother complained about this mole-like growth on her head that itched all the time. We found ways to cure her itch using traditional Chinese medicine, and then left it be."But two years ago, the mole turned to a growth...which rapidly grew into this horn in about 6 months.
"Now the horn hurts my mother and prevents her from sleeping. It also bleeds from time to time." the son said.Doctors in China say it's "cornu cutaneum" (cutaneous horn), a keratinous skin tumour that has the appearance of a horn. Often small and benign, the growth can in some cases be much larger and malignant. The doctors say they can remove the growth through surgery but her family have reservations because of the woman's age
"My mother is old, and the horn is on her head which is a very sensitive area. I’m not confident in the idea of surgery. If something goes wrong during surgery, it would be terrible." the son said. He also said they are considering other option.
Choi I can imagine her pain.Biology keeps amazing me everyday
This is bad, wish her luck
#it WiLL OnLy Get BettER
#it MuST eNd IN PrAiSE
Na wah, nothing person nor go see. Good Luck to her, hopefully the final decision will be better for her health
Hopefully it goes well
Nna different type of illness everyday......
Na wa
Owo aye tinz... lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Hmmm, na wa o. Wot type of thing is Dis?
I think she should have it removed and enjoy the rest of her life. Best wishes ma'am. Magicblackxxl@gmail.com
Some people are seriously suffering, successful surgery is all i pray for.
are you kidding? never heard this before ooo
That stuff looks like snail
Her son is right thou Surgery is risky for her because of her age, may God see her thru!!!
What kind of thing is this again
It is well
What other options are they considering?
Choi, this is scary. Imagine seeing someone like this at night. God help her.
All the best to her. Linda take note!
All the best to her. Linda take note!
All the best to her. Linda take note!
Lord have mercy
That thing is scary!!! Wouldn't it be dangerous?!
Na wah oooo... wonders shall neva end..
Wow. Strange tins happen daily. If its afrika now dey wld say she has d mark of d devil
Hmmnn Strange!
#Strange Stories!! LORD HAVE MERCY!
A unicorn horn!!!......whats all this
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Na wa o
Dis kind of thing always happening in china,wishing her a successful surgery,its a pity........!
Creepy sh*t
This reminds me of that story in my pry 4 "alawiye" yoruba text book "alade wu iwo" I wish her a successful surgery
Indians and Chinese with there over board illness, GOD help her, the hard part must for her kids knowing she might not survive this...
Kiaaaaaaaaaa its well.
All d best is what I wish u 4 mama
God will see her through IJN
Wishing her successful surgery....
Das sumfin else wish her a successful story
Hmm d end is here! Repent and give ur life to Jesus. Wishing her quick recovery
Very strange!
Won't the surgery kill her?
in nigeria they will say na amosun, in united states of america they will say na illuminati.lolll
Damn! God is God..
I pray God heal's her
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eeerrrrr... is it just me or is this a tad Anti - Christish????!!! horns really?? is this not very reminiscent of Hell boy
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