The world is not coming to an end afterall.:-). Her name is Frances Payton and below is her testimony
seeing other share their story I finally got the courage... I'm not
ashamed of my past. My mom always told me it would be apart of my
testimony , all for gods glory. Everyone has their struggles .
Everyone deals with something in their life. At a point of my life, I
let a lot of hurt control me. I didn't know how to love myself.
quickly turned to different things for that love and affection.
I let the thought of my mother being raped hinder me from loving a man.
Depressing had a hold of me but my mother taught me to pray and I did.
As I began to pray God started to mend my heart .
When she was a lesbian - with her girlfriend |
convictions caught up to me and I ask God to change my heart , change
the way I think and renew my mind. I knew I could become new in him..
I'm far from perfect and I fall short daily but as long as God walks
with me I won't be afraid. The joy that I once lost, I had found again.
So here I am starting this journey and becoming the women God wants me
to be... #ChangeWomen #MakeMeOverAgain.
But I prayed to God. I prayed to God for healing . I was lost...
This one never turn finish
Remain small
But congratulations in advance
Because she never complete her turning
This one never turn finish
Remain small
But congratulations in advance
Because she never complete her turning
This one never turn finish
Remain small
But congratulations in advance
Because she never complete her turning
This one never turn finish
Remain small
But congratulations in advance
Because she never complete her turning
Lol nice development, more of such news.
Can't wait to have some one on LIB share his story. You're a man, you weren't meant to be Onyinye.
This one never turn finish
Remain small
But congratulations in advance
Because she never complete her turning
Make I send one sexy girl come seduce her now.. D animal in her will come out. Out Abu ezi!
To God be the glory.
I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Heaven is rejoicing for you. God will never leave you. Enjoy your new life
Thank God for you.
Abeg e done do! Lesbianism is not in ur dressing, so if u drop d trouser and put on skirt, it doesn't change anythng! First change ur mind set!
Finally, some good news. Thank God.
Not every tomboy is a lesbian. I am a tomboy nd i luv big dicks. So all des lesbians by circumstance, am happy u guys av met Jesus. But stp makn it look like all tomboys r lesbians nd into girl. Its sucks.
Good for her that she turned away from her previous evil ways.
God Bless Her; and she is such a beauty
God she is so fucking beautiful.... A man should go and wife her up no tym...
The sarcasm from the first sentence...Linda just stop ...may God actually forgive you "the world is not coming to an end after all"...what is that....whether or not people are delivered from whatever, the world will still come to an end one will do or say just anything to be politically correct even if it means ridiculing God....anyways you are making money so it's okay right?...who cares?? Haha
Wow! Praise d Lord! Thank God for dis miracle.
Happy New Month!
Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. Isaiah 60:1
Henceforth doors r opening, u r moving into a season of open doors. Every door u stand b4 shall b opened b4 u IJN!
God bless Linda Ikeji, all LIB reader's and ur household's! Sweet kisses and luv y'all.
Welcome 2d month of August!
Long Live LIB!
Why r they always ugly?
Dohhh thnk God say u don change assumin we catch u for warri sha na pepper we for turn for ur body by that time u go change by force
More person...
Lindiway better no deceive yourself, we are getting to the End of Time. Thank God for her life sha. Linda take note!
Lindiway better no deceive yourself, we are getting to the End of Time. Thank God for her life sha. Linda take note!
Chai,n she damn pretty
All these fake people all in the name of Notice Me now trending on social media that they have changed their mindset in terms of sex. If you are no longer a lesbian or gay, you don't need to announce it, people will see for themselves. Personally, I believe it takes a spiritual renewal by accepting Christ into your life before the true change will come. So stop this madness of publicizing false conversion
This is the type of news we ought to be seeing... unlike all those nonsense transgender BS u been posting.... There is hope for this world though
Gold will grant ur heart desire. Amen
depopulating the kingdom of hell
I pray the strength of God and HIS grace abide and uphold u as u take this bold step of living according to the will of GOD for ur life . I must remind u, that challenges will come to test ur new stand, but the Bible says he/she that ensures to the end shall be saved. JESUS CHRIST loves by. Stand by Him
Wow! Great news thank God we have won this over
Most times when we walk into big malls, boutiques, supermarkets, we never question their prices. We pay exactly what we see on the price tags and even hand out tips to the staff.
But the moment we are out of these shops and want to buy banana, our bargaining game gets off to the roof. Poor widow with 12 hungry children at home tells you banana is N100. She even takes out her time to explain how difficult it was for her to even buy it, how the economy is so tough.
But we insist that if it's not N50, we are not paying. Some of us even step back into our cars and make to drive away. But because 'half bread is better chin chin', this woman is forced to call you back and sell to you at little or no gain. In her heart, she cries, she's worried about how she'll survive with her children. She silently reassures herself that 'It's well.
God will definitely provide.'' While you happily chop the luscious banana. Take some seconds out and think about this, guys. Please don't bargain hard with small vendors like this. They do business not to buy designer bags, Gucci shoes but to LIVE and EAT!
Africans and their superstitions..saying u not gay anymore is like saying you've changed your DNA makeover..
For your grade A items(ladies clothes,shoes,children wears)contact 2B1F42C5
Hahahahahaha, I don't blive dis tin at all, once a lesbian will always be a lesbian, if u like repent and get married, if u see a hot looking girl ur body go still do u somhow
Good for her
God be praised.
Congrats dear,God is your strength.FrancesChidera!
Nd u l nt go back 2 ur vomit ijn name such a beautiful young lady.
Truly His mercies are new every morning and his faithfulness is ever sure. I sincerely thank God for these testimonies. Its a struggle and real courage to come out of such a life, to embrace God and to testify. I pray for more testimonies such as these everyday.Linda good job for publicizing them.
Awwwww this is nice and she is so pretty.
Thank God for you. Such a pretty girl. well now u have changed here is my email. contact me i am seriously ready to spend my lifetime with you...
Such a beauutiful young lady I pray u ll neva go down dt road again ur free indeed.
She was lost but now she's found....hallelujah somebody!!!
Awwn, where is Kenny Badmus and others, there is a cure in Jesus!
All these women reformatting their system! Hmmm
It is good. It proves that gay is a choice. No one was born Gay.
To God be indeed all the Glory!
Thank GOD for her oo.
Glory be to God
Halleluyah! Thank God for Grace.
Kindly click
Today's Single Woman: What Men Expect From You and What You Should Give in Return - Episode 2
NICE,May you start receiving prick IJN!
God is Able he changes all bad situations to be good
I love News like this.
There is a whole movement them of them on instagram. Linda stop posting one a day to gain readership. It is not new. They are plenty and we are happy for them
This is not the same person. The tom boy has the tatoo of a chain around her right neck. the babe does not
Thank God for her soul
Abi one man fucked her really she is testifying that the Lord is indeed lord.
Good for her
And God who made them Adam and Eve judge you for saying satan's works are stronger than the power of God.
Wow. Another proof that God heals hurts.
My research and discussions with people living the lesbian lifestyle (I don't want to call them lesbians) show that many of them have issues to contend with especially history of abuse, bitterness and hatred, many others were lured into it by peer pressure and curiosity.
Because perceiving sexual stimulus has nothing to do with the source of the stimulation, once the stimulus is received willingly or by force, the result can be the same. So if for any reason (e.g. after getting drunk, during a rape incidence or even during play ) there is a stimulation of sexually sensitive parts, the pleasure sensation can still be experienced. Raped people can experience orgasm because of the same reason- it doesn't mean they enjoy being raped but because the sensation is involuntary and the body responds. It doesn't matter the source of the stimulus- same sex, different or even no sex!
Some who were exposed to sexual stimulus or events, depending on how their minds interpreted the situation, turn away emotionally from or turn excessively towards sex in general, sex involving the gender in question or outrightly turn away from or towards that gender both in sex and non sex related issues. Many don't even remember the real event because their mind tries to protect them from the memory of the event.
Some of these people say they are homosexuals. No, they are not. They only live and act like one, that's not what they are. THEY NEED HELP!
Thank God for u! They've have all come to realise that Bruce jenner is insane and abnormal.
It's cold it's cold all is cold
A lie.
Glory be to God. And not only tomboys is lesbains ooooo. So lesbain is not by look dis days
Lol...ikr, most of them after a couple of months become gay again
That's good news...
Are u talking out of experience??
"Once a mortgage, always a mortgage"...something to think of.
Chichi sing with me #u are next in line for a miracle#
God continue to arrest them
God continue to arrest them
Thank God for ur life dear
Thank God for her, shez such a cutie
Na Bisi need this cure pass. Him just carry LGBT for head as if na work....
You're an ignorant dumb fuck, been gay means you have issues you don't wanna deal with, it's not in the blood Olodo!
Absolutely yes! Ain't nothing our God cannot do. He changes people's heart, blood group, genotypes and even DNAS. You need to have a taste of God.
No one was born gay dude. It's a choice. Thank God for her life. I pray many more would be delivered from that curse.
It is true, I am also a living testimony, now the tot of being with a fellow woman irritates me. I am now married to a MAN btw
Actually they're right, this gay thing is a choice. I'm a woman now but while growing up I felt attracted to girls. The feelings you get when you see a man, I got them when I saw girls. I couldn't even bear to see my fellow girl undressed for the feelings it would stir within me. One day, I had a deep discussion with myself. I didn't want to be a lesbian. I wanted children, I wanted a family, I had two brothers for crying out loud and no sister, I'd always felt I would be safer having a man around than a woman. Like my brothers, a man could protect me far better than a woman could. As much as I felt "turned on" by women, I WANTED to be with a man. I prayed for God to help. I was alone in the whole thing, didn't know how to tell my parents and had no one to talk to except God. Eventually I decided to ignore the useless feelings and live my life the way I wanted. I wasn't going to let unstable and inconsistent feelings that are like this one day and change the next day control my life. I wasn't going to be a lesbian. It took sometime, but with God's help I made it. Now, I know longer feel that way for girls, just men. In fact, I love men now - their bodies, their attitudes, everything about them (ok, maybe not EVERYTHING) I'm totally straight and sometimes I look back and almost can't believe it. I'm completely grateful to God. I couldn't have done it without Him. And I know some of these gay advocates say this gay thing is who you are and you can't run away from it and should accept yourself, but in my case it definitely WAS NOT what I wanted to be nor would it ever have been.
gud for her.
So Linda dear this is the latest stuff now abi, seems to me that they are doing this to get noticed... see o. Ok na if no be one tin na I for say me I don turn gay before and after so that u go post too. Smh we will still see more.
That vuvuzela P guy
They shouldn't go back o, if this is real then glory be to God
That vuvuzela P guy
Sub at Onyx? Hahahahahahaaa
true talk dear..
Hmm Lili, there is a question to ask that lady, did she repent alone or with her girlfriend. E be like say dem Wan dance another Galaga new dance.
Onyx abi? Ok oh.
Nice one. She's not there yet, but I know she will be. Such news gladdens my heart.
They are trying to be like you!
Mumu. Are these Africans?
Very dry joke bonario, dis is y little children insult yu on dis blog. Wonder wen u'll hav sense. Old papa youngy, be here on dis blog, onyx will soon becum sumbody in lyf n ur here dragging 100k. Silly fool
Hahahahahaha. God created Onyinx, not Onyinye... rotflmao!
This is goodnews we Nigerians want to here,and less of kaitlyn jeni-jeni . at a time I thought lib was promoting transgender too much as against our culture but thank God for this great development Linda. God bless you... We Africans, let's stand and defend our culture and mind of our youths, even if it means standing alone.
Hmm end time tinz. Next!!! Wow is on fire. Go check up the posts and see for yourselves. Who is the owner??? Wow really on fire. I like this and that.
Good! Now we can rock those boobs the way they are supposed to be rocked
I support your comment 100%. Linda is a liberal. To her, anything goes as long as she is the best at what she does. As long as it continues to generate a lot of money for her and make her more popular. She doesn't have good Principles though to say this is what I would put in my blog and this is what I can't . I commend her though for giving the Nigeria people a platform to voice their various opinions
If only some women are honest with themselves to own to fact that they swing both ways- sleep with both men & women- bisexual. One on one female sexuality preference ( supe in Igbo). Stop all this born again Christian hip pretence.Most men are more honest then some women yet women then to blame men for everything. It is fundamental right for anyone to choose their sexuality . Don't judge.
Pls tell them oooo!!!! I'm a tomboy and I love dick don't know why people think its by what u wear....
Indeed God b praise and d world is stil coming to an end...
Happy New Month!
Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. Isaiah 60:1
Henceforth doors r opening, u r moving into a season of open doors. Every door u stand b4 shall b opened b4 u IJN!
God bless Linda Ikeji, all LIB reader's and ur household's! Sweet kisses and luv y'all.
Welcome 2d month of August!
Long Live LIB!
Get your head out of your ass
Are u talking out of experience??
Glory be to God!!
Thank you Jesus for this Soul, send and receive money from Uk to Nig in 30min and from Nig to Uk in 30min and u can also receive from any part of the world contact us today UKM GLOBAL LTD 08107902000, 08083641119 God bless u as you call.
Thank God for her o! To God be the glory. I pray for more stories like this.
Good for her and best decision made
Being gay isn't a phase for most people though. Why focus on this tiny minority when most gay people stay gay like most straight people stay straight? These stories reinforce the belief that some choose to be gay. In a country like Nigeria that's already strongly homophobic, reinforcing that thinking with these posts can only make life more difficult for people who are gay and not experimenting with it as a lifestyle like these folks.
Your gay boyfriend Onyx Godwin you mean?
I really thank God for her,see fine girl like dis wey for waste
Thank God for her
Ekene diri chineke, may God take all glory. Ginger ur swagger dis weekend wit guinness malt and peak milk. Lolo1
This really nice
If we must die
slow news week? noone cares
To God be all the Glory
Wow congrats to u dear, may God continue to strengthen u Frances Payton. Amen.
Glory to His name
Lol funnY guy
Thank God 4 her......and she is so pretty
God be praised!
Wow! Please check out blog guys
Lol linda's 'lookalike'
~D great anonymous!
New trend on LIB! Linda cake don finish??
well...well...well, there is still hope for Onyx(self acclaimed Linda Ikeji's son). Goodnews. Chers. Don Casey
Onyx they dere they form effeminate, u beta accept God, & change ur Gay ways, if not a dick would stuck in ur ass one of dese days #onyxgay
Onyx they dere they form effeminate, u beta accept God, & change ur Gay ways, if not a dick would stuck in ur ass one of dese days #onyxgay
Onyx they dere they form effeminate, u beta accept God, & change ur Gay ways, if not a dick would stuck in ur ass one of dese days #onyxgay
Onyx they dere they form effeminate, u beta accept God, & change ur Gay ways, if not a dick would stuck in ur ass one of dese days #onyxgay
am really happy for dis change...i pray u kip it up without turning bk again.
God is awesome....wat a testimony...
rather a boy..
Why the change ! Let them continue with their rubbish life.
Make dem dey deceive themselves
Once a lesbian, always a lesbian
If u like send the whole world before and after picture.... You know you are not sincere
Remember, you broke someone else heart just to come out and say this gibberish of you are now "straight" bla bla...that itself is a sin
So,I see ,this is the trend that @Tb Joshua is using to increase his fan base
Your love BIG DICK and your talking about JESUS
Homosexuality has always been a choice, nothing more!
Thank you Jesus! This new trend of gays turning straight must continue in Jesus Name. Others will soon follow suit. I keep saying that most lesbians were hurt by men, developed self esteem and turned gay due to cowardice and fear of continuous jilting by men.
AWESOME; More are on the way. Its a new era. The demonic scales are beginning to fall off.
Thank u so much, this is the most touching story I've read this year, ur story brought me to tears, men don't cry but the law had been broken, because this Story is just one with a million thought.
God be praised for this Yh? When hitherto you always praise that gay ass Denrele when he does his things because he's your friend. I love you yh but I hate how you can be biased sometimes .
Hope pple lyk innocent njika and co will do same and become straight....., nd stop ruining his lyf
May God forgive you '@Galore'. If you don't believe in a change of heart then U're doom forever. #Repent!
thank God for her, but she didn't say the actual devilish act she was liberated from..
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