Mourners including her father, Grammy award winning singer Monica and actor Michael Jai White her father Bobby Brown and Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, Tyler Perry amongst others, but one very notable absentee was Bobbi Kristina's boyfriend, Nick Gordon, who found her unconscious in a bathtub at her home nearly six months ago, they all gathered at an Alpharetta, Atlanta church today to say goodbye to Bobbi Kristina Brown, the only child of Whitney Houston and R&B singer Bobby Brown.
Her hearse was escorted to St. James United Methodist Church by a huge police motorcade and her coffin was carried into the invitation only service by four men dressed in black suits as family members arrived for the 11am start.
Eight police motorcycles escorted three stretch limousines carrying mourners to the church ahead of the service. A procession of dozens of cars followed. Security was tight at the church.
Despite pleading with Brown and Bobbi's aunt, Pat Houston, Gordon was told he was not welcome at the funeral - which is believed to have a Sweet 16 theme.
However, it was not clear if Dionne Warwick, the cousin of Whitney Houston attended after reports she is furious with Pat Houston for deciding on the 'inappropriate' theme.
Bobbi Kristina's funeral was interrupted Saturday morning by an outburst from Leolah Brown, Bobbi's aunt, who was swiftly removed from the church with the help of Tyler Perry.
This happened as Pat Houston was getting ready to speak when Leolah began screaming, "Pat you know you are wrong for this!"
We're told security descended on Leolah and escorted her out. Tyler Perry followed to help diffuse the situation.
As we reported, the Browns and Houstons are feuding again. Several members of Brown's family are upset that Pat Houston has solicited funds instead of flowers for her charity.
A furious Leolah Brown left the service half way to tell the gathered media, 'Whitney Houston will haunt Pat Houston from the grave.'
Dressed in brown and dressed in a white hat and jacket , Bobbi's great aunt said that everything was going well until Pat Houston started to speak about 90 minutes into the service.
Addressing reporters outside St. James United Methodist Church, Brown declined to say exactly what Pat Houston had said that so incensed her, but did say that she felt compelled to get her frustrations off her chest.
'This is going to be a long drawn out process,' said Leolah.

RIP Kristina
Oghene biko.... rest on.
Enough already. Hope she's in a better place now, RIP
Rest well Bobbi!
Rest in peace Bobbi
Rest in peace Bobbi
Deris nofin to keep them togeda again n dey Culdnt even respect d dead @least 4 d last time
Rip Kristina
Rip luv!!!
May her gentle soul continue to RIP.
U people should allow this little gal to rest in peace,where were u people when she needed a good up bring.foolish relatives
May her soul rest in peace jare. Linda take note!
Such a pity....may her soul continue to rest on!
May her soul rest in peace jare. Linda take note!
May her soul rest in peace jare. Linda take note!
Y will dey av issues... dey shld lay d poor gal to rest,may her soul rip
This Leolah woman is too vocal, needs to chill & give Pat Houston a break. Truth is Bobbi Krissy never stood a chance when both of her parent were drug addicts. When I watched the video ' Being Bobby Brown' reality show, Whitney Houston was constantly high on drugs, couldn't make sense of her utterances which in any case didn't make any sense. This poor child was s victim of her parent making. Leolah should shut up!
Na wa o
May her soul rest in peace. Amen.
They shud keep on shaming themselves....RIP bae!
May her soul rest in peace
Most times when we walk into big malls, boutiques, supermarkets, we never question their prices. We pay exactly what we see on the price tags and even hand out tips to the staff.
But the moment we are out of these shops and want to buy banana, our bargaining game gets off to the roof. Poor widow with 12 hungry children at home tells you banana is N100. She even takes out her time to explain how difficult it was for her to even buy it, how the economy is so tough.
But we insist that if it's not N50, we are not paying. Some of us even step back into our cars and make to drive away. But because 'half bread is better chin chin', this woman is forced to call you back and sell to you at little or no gain. In her heart, she cries, she's worried about how she'll survive with her children. She silently reassures herself that 'It's well.
God will definitely provide.'' While you happily chop the luscious banana. Take some seconds out and think about this, guys. Please don't bargain hard with small vendors like this. They do business not to buy designer bags, Gucci shoes but to LIVE and EAT!
She didn't ask to be born to go through all she went thru. She's in a better place now
May her soul rest in peace
Rip young lady! It's a pity that the greatest love of all lineage has ended this way!! Smh
It's cold it's cold all is cold
Vanity upon vanity. Like a vicious circle death is claiming people should be living and affecting people and the society. Whitney and bobbi gone. Wish they didn't end up like this but lessons need to be learnt.try your best to learn from the best. Whitney sang how she learns from the nest but she never lived it. Be careful how you live your life, what goes around comes around. Rip Bobbi
Vanity upon vanity. Like a vicious circle death is claiming people should be living and affecting people and the society. Whitney and bobbi gone. Wish they didn't end up like this but lessons need to be learnt.try your best to learn from the best. Whitney sang how she learns from the nest but she never lived it. Be careful how you live your life, what goes around comes around. Rip Bobbi
Rip luv!!!
R.I.P Bobbi
Haaa! So sad! The only link btwn the two families is dead instead of burying her quietly, they r fueding? Hmmmm, Bobbi pls say me HI to whitney!
Make dem allow her rest abeg mtshewwwww
Rest in peace dear.
May soul rest in peace
May her soul rest in peace
Rest in peace.
◇◇◇◇◇◇If ignorance is bliss, wipe the smile off my face◇◇◇◇◇◇
Life don end be dat o.
May God rest her soul....
Oh my God# RIP* to this young soul.
Rip to her
it is well
A life wasted !
RIP young Christi
RIP young Christi
Ha,i really pity Bobby brown
May her soul RIP....
Black people are d same all over d world. They love trouble and all this sort of family drama. Damn! What a race we are
It is so obvious Bobbi K was surrounded by self-centred adults during her life time. Little wonder she lost her way and got sucked down the rabbit hole. Poor child. I hope she made her peace with God and pray she rests well.
May her soul rest in peace #flipshair
May her soul rest in peace, amen. Wat a tragedy.
Such a pity!
Such a pity!
RIP Bobbi Kristina. It's quite sad that she ended up this way. A lot of people spoke against her relationship with Nick, but she never listened. Now what a sad ending. Whitney would be so disappointed.
Nawa oo,pls they should allow this girl's soul 2 rest in peace jor.
Rest in peace
In peace may her soul continue to rest
In peace may her soul continue to rest
What a life! May her soul rest in peace......
Rest on sweet gal
Lib freak
I knew this is gonna happen,disagreement between the Browns and houstons is inevitable.
Hmm rip bobbi
So sad... May her soul rest in peace
So sad... May her soul rest in peace
Accept my condolences
RIP bobbi Kristina...
Rip bobbi k
Hmmmmm. Aha! May we never b cut short b4 our time IJN. RIP to her!
They are only intrested in her money she inherited from her mum,nothing else,useless family!
Rip booby Kristina.
May her soul Rest In Peace
It is well with her soul
Rip bobbi swty
RIP 2 r
whatever you do don't settle for one child, if nature doesn't permit go adopt.
All these fanfare for a Crack head?!
Omg Bobby Brown's swollen eyelids and under eyes tho...Aawwww :(
The pain! *sigh*
Rest Peacefully Bobbi.
May her young soul find rest in God...
May her soul RIP
Na only 1 million I want ooooo
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