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Facebook page: Absolute Miracle Products. or Ink Studios and Spa
Oga ju! Afi miracle na!
Shm. Indeed whitening.
Hmmmm,too bad pls
Wonders shall never end!!!
You girls dont know that it pays to have that ebony beautiful skin.. keep bleaching you hear?
I will say for a fact that the first lady looks gud when she bleached though...
Hehhehehhe dark don get hp,okyyy ooo
Cancer calling.
O ma se o
opin aye ti de tan
Really, anything for a check Linda this is disgusting what you are promoting, you don't have to accept every cent.
Hmmmmmm. Rubbish and nonsenses.
Q: what do u call a thing that changes people from black to white?
A: Its called bleaching cream
Gof forbid,Take it somwehre...i hate bleaching!
Seriously, this is inferiority complex, no more no less!
Black girls have dirty and oily down bellow.....they need d bleaching abeg
Infact nah truly absolute miracle
Choi! That 2nd girl eeh, her name must be bimbo....see her kpomo lips, DAT type wey be say if she dey talk for morning everywhere go de smell like gutter.
Dis one na jik mbok
All u bitches condemning will still go and call dose numbers.. damn hypocrites!
Make a wise choice. Getting white without crossing border...
God is watching in 3D
no natural light skinned girls anymore oh. Na wah oh
Big lie.
The two ladies ain't the same pesin.
So bleaching cream can turn big eyeball to a
small one? Change big nose to small one?
Blaff blaff!! Who una wan deceive self.....
If God has made you ebony black (black is beautiful), bleach and pay the price much later.
Dis one pass me o. But I love my rich dark skin
Laura ikeji shld try dis to clear all that knuckles.
That's how they come to LIB to say God forbid and yet rush and go and buy. I wonder who patronizes these people, since everybody condemns it. Thank God I'm fair. No temptation there. But my black brothers and sisters should sha beware of skin cancer and the likes. Better to be dark skinned and live long than fair and die young. I'm just talking generally and not trying to de-market anybody's product.
Nawao! People are seriously changing their continent.
Lord have mercy
For all your quality and affordable female wears, accessories, handbags and footwear,kindly add us on bbm pin: 2bb40d42, we deliver at ur doorstep thank you.
Hmmmn this is just too much.Girls be playing with their future.
Smh. Una no dey fear to rub all this kyn things for body?
Cancer here I come
Dis one na hypo oooo!
There,s nothing as good as black ebony skin.some whites want to have their skin tanned that,s why they come to Africa on vacation and some of una dey promote bleaching,ogaaahh oo.
hmmm oshi
Good for them. I'm not interested. The people wey Angel Gabriel no go recognize on the last day go really plenty no be small. Linda take note!
Aren't you supposed to be doing very well for yourself? That should make you more picky about the money you accept. Hard alcohol, bleaching creams, you never say no.
Black will always be beautifullllllll
Make I hear nay see any dark complexion person again...
The End Is Near! Give your life to christ
The End Is the near give your life to christ
It is well
Can never patronize any cream mixer again, they are all scams. They do not work or will ruin your skin. I got better results when I mixed my cream by myself with serum from a local supermarket , you can achieve same
Dear Sir/ Madam
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I love my colour, and nothing can make m bleach my skin, hope say all these cream nor dey cus skin cancer
i will buy if it see Linda change to white with any new picture taken at her black gate. for now dont consider me at all.
Hypo ni eleyi ooo. Iranuuuu, abashhaa. No wonder dark gyals don limit for street. Na so so fair ladies. Mtschhew. God go save una o
If grown ups de talk...this mouse henry go de put mouth. Abeg crawl back into ur gutter hole! Uchicha mere ihe eboro oke
LIB addict
So Nigerian women spend this much on skin care? It is well. And now that everyone is saying "God forbid", who then patronizes them? I honestly can't imagine being too embarrassed to show my kids throw back pictures of me. E sha ma pa'ra yin.
Run for your dear lives people! Cancer is real, all that glitters r not gold.
These bitches are still ugly
Na wa o. This is nonsense absolute nonsense.
Self love is important check out this video. It says it all.
Most of u guys criticizing nd passing judgment on pple need to counsel ur mothers first...was at a event in lagos nd I couldnt eat cos the rate at which dos women bleach dir skin ehen is so disgusting,87% of d women dir bleached!nd ofcos u will knw is all dos cheap tube creams.pls get dem beta cream
Am planning on bleaching, infact i have made up my mind already, somebody pls suggest a good and affordable bleaching cream for me......please
Am planning on bleaching, infact i have made up my mind already, somebody pls suggest a good and affordable bleaching cream for me......please
Nothing will make me change my color.its black and beautiful
Linda has it come to this? Do you need money so badly that you will stoop so low as to advertise this kind of product on your blog?
Bleaching disgusts me, it's for people with low self esteem. I'm out.
Your cursed ooh @henry better go for deliverance
Abeg I need this cream in my life.
Wat does it profit u to hv a fair face, nd black down below, u be rainbow?
Vivian you no lie o
This is real wonderment of life...🙈🙈🙈.
Are they related to that talentless musician called Dencia?😳
This trend is crazy and has to stop, but in this case it made the girl fine sha.
Na wa oh
LIES!!! The Absolute miracles people are CON ARTISTS!!! Its not the same girl. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY!!!
As in ehhh
Chukwu aju
Laura Ikeji creams
Not all money are money!
Not adverts are adverts!
This is sickness/health compromise they are selling , yet you collected to sell in exchange for what?
This is disturbing! I don't want my daughter to grow up in a world where you hate the skin you're in! Linda surely u have enough advertorials not to encourage this rubbish
I am yet to see a cream that turns white skin to black
Human Being No Be God
Dis huzzle real sha!
@Linda ikeji, jst fall my hand......All for money shey??? smh
Come to think of it, have you ever seen a white woman want to change her skin to black? Have you ever seen a white girl want our natural curly hair? Yet we go trying to make ourselves look like them by all means. Appreciate what GOD has given I always say it over and over again LORD am grateful for making me a Nigerian.
Nka di kwa risky
Wili Wili what's your beef for d name Bimbo? Olodo like u.
Da Fuck?
Camera360 at wrk
Hey, hey, hey....the end of the world is near. Why are u not satisfied with the colour that God has given u? All covetous people will find themselves in the lake of fire ( as seen in the bible). Am sure u are all aware of how Michael Jackson ended his life after changing his skin colour. He that has ear, let him hear. I pity Nigerians who want to be white. I have white friends ( natural) who cherishes the black colour we African have but they have never changed their skin to black.
And if favor come calling @ your door step but couldn't recognize you because u've bleached, what then will be your faith?
Linda all I can say is dt am so disappointed in u for such ab.all in d name of money really?!!!.linda am askin u.
Don't mind him,he talks like a senseless monkey #ode#
Don't mind him,he talks like a senseless monkey #ode#
Yoruba women, where u na dey. This stuff is for una.
May God touches those bleechers, bcuz they will soon realize there mistake.
Dey r dialling skin cancer no n it wl soon answer dem
Then visit them there na! Ur asking for cream on a "miracle cream" story *smh sum ppl sha!
Called them and its quite expensive, need affordable one
Hydroquinone is a dangerous content in whitening cream, the main cause of cancer.
Broke ass
how healthy are their products..?
Hahaha u re crazy
White is more besutiful
Ori e lo buru. Omaaalee jatijati
Low self esteem makes you consider skin whitening.
Use natural products and see how amazing your skin will look.
I recommend KRITTS Natural products to everyone. Their Black soap is really nice.
Rachael dolezal, I don't support bleaching but I couldn't resist
Na so all this coded olosho they bleach,the likes of tennycoco and useless 20k Bitches i won't mention names ooh but most of this bitches pics don't Match thier old fb pictures,looool some will even say its iPhone6 camera that's making then fair.awon olosho gidi ..
The ladies in the first picture don't look alike at all, the nose and mouth are different
They r going the Dencia Way. They stole her formula. Lmao.
@Royal P. Wetin de wonderful /w those white monkeys we de there. Just no mess /w ur color o, I'm watching u oo.
@chicrystal wetin b that display 4 ur pic sef. If e b wetin I de think, I nogo relax oo, just giv me ur #. Lol.
linda dont accept every advert brought to u bc of money. Some are boko harah to human nature. like this one....hmmmmm
Hummmm..all those of u coming for linda ikeji as to y she accepted doing such advert in her blog for money,pls let her be,its her job she isnt d one selling d cream she is only advertising d products.y tak it on her.its only an advert no body is forcing any one to patronize d product..personaly i hate bleaching,life is all abt making choices, to those dt choose to bleach their skin,goodluck wit dt.soon u will wish to turn back d hands of time.
Hmm smh spending so much money just to look like a yellow paw paw. Artificial yellow pawpaws
Stupid mumu. Don't u know it has side effects. Everything thing has consequences.
As much as I like my skin tone and don't intend to change, half of the men here brandishing ''black is beautiful'' would be the first ones to see a dark skinned lady beside a light skinned one and chase after the light skinned lady... km it's your actions that encourage this shut abeg. .
Black is always beautiful anytime any day.
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