Pics: Nigerian lady repairs bad street in Lekki using her own money | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 11 July 2015

Pics: Nigerian lady repairs bad street in Lekki using her own money

Media personality and Vlogger Ariyike Akinbobola did something most won't do. She repaired the bad road leading to her home after waiting endlessly for government to carry out repairs. She bought broken blocks and sand and poured it on the road - which is usually flooded after heavy downpour - to make it motorable. What the street looks like before (left) and what it looks like now (right). Well done to her. More photos after the cut...


NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Bless her large heart

Jasmine Joseph said...

Wow good to see there are still humanitarians in dis wrld

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


AC£S said...

Thumbs up dear

Anonymous said...

Leading by example, linda will rather buy all d colours of channel boy bag lol

Funso Samuel said...

Nice move

Unknown said...

Indeed don't wait for wht ur country wil do 4u but do unto ur country wht u can instead of waiting 4d govt.

God bless her abundantly for dis, and I wish her d best thereof. Thumbs up, and more power to her elbows.

SANDRA said...

Shame on our Nigeria govt

Unknown said...

She did well.

Anonymous said...

Am sorry dis is not news in nigeria. When we packed into our house my dad. Did the road for our street, bought nepa poles and wires and connected electricity to our house, we also dug our bore hole..i stay in lagos btw....well thumbs up to the lady

yawanow said...

Nice one.

SANDRA said...

Shame on our Nigeria govt

Anonymous said...

Pretty lady too. Is she going to submit her receipts for reimbursement? It's a bad idea for citizens to resort to fixing public facilities with their own money. Hold government accountable by demanding this lady be repaid for her good deed.

Unknown said...

Dats so cool

Unknown said...

Dis is lady of substance...
God bless her, and I wish her well for dis.

Unknown said...

That's thoughtful of her. Above all, the rich people in the area have money to buy mansions without putting heads together to construct a good drainage system. Thumbs up to her for this tho

Alloy Chikezie said...

Good of her.

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Her head dey dia... Oya do make you finish d oda side ehn!!!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Woow kudos to her

Unknown said...

Lovely of her!

Anonymous said...

More wealth to her

Unknown said...

Great stuff! Its not every time we wait for government.


Unknown said...

Indeed don't wait for wht ur country wil do 4u but do unto ur country wht u can instead of waiting 4d govt.

God bless her abundantly for dis, and I wish her d best thereof. Thumbs up, and more power to her elbows.

Unknown said...

Indeed don't wait for wht ur country wil do 4u but do unto ur country wht u can instead of waiting 4d govt.

God bless her abundantly for dis, and I wish her d best thereof. Thumbs up, and more power to her elbows.

Unknown said...

Indeed don't wait for wht ur country wil do 4u but do unto ur country wht u can instead of waiting 4d govt.

God bless her abundantly for dis, and I wish her d best thereof. Thumbs up, and more power to her elbows.

Anonymous said...

Good. Now let her get ready to be fined or dragged to court by d local government. Y do u fnk many throw their faces away? Govt will fine you for repairing their road cos it wlda been a source of them chopping money. This totally beats me. I know of 2 catholic churches facing prosecution cos they fixed the road to the church. I pray though her case is different. Hoping so... Kudos to ir blessed heart girlie... U did it for ur car sake!

Unknown said...

God bless your beautiful heart

Unknown said...

If she build her house there she no gt choice. My dad did d same so its nt news

Anonymous said...

God bless you

Unknown said...

Good citizen.

Anonymous said...

Dis is old news now linda. When all blogs don forget d news,na now u dey bring am come ur own blog. U need to step up dis amebo work oooooo.

Unknown said...

That's cos her street isn't flooded

Anonymous said...

This is no news linda. Before state government came to work on our road, for 6 years, we paid people to come and work on it. We bought transformer, etc. It s just no news.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly ! Ifele mee gbuo ndi na achi anyi

Anonymous said...

We are talking about your age mate. . A lady for that matter and ure talking about your daddy. Grow up.

Unknown said...

God bless her for doin this. Lord replenish her pockets ijn

Unknown said...

Good one

Anonymous said...

Was government supposed to buy wires for electricity connection to your house? Lol. And the borehole? Who for dig am? Government? Lmao

Anonymous said...

Wow God bless her richly...i remembered ages ago when my father was doing the same thing.Naija govt bad gannnnnn...anyway no council tax being paid,so DIY..kudos to her.

Eze said...

Do u know how many Nigerians Linda has helped......even Nigeria government never do half

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nazareth Abidemi said...

God will surely reward her.

Anonymous said...

Thumbs up to her, but sincerely, dis shoudnt be NEWS.....People are doing this everyday na..In Satellite Town, we fix our roads our selves, buy Nepa Poles/Transformers our selves..So why is Dis News? I Live in Site G..

Etsako Pearl said...

How Nice...God bless her much.

Unknown said...

Act of bravery....God reward her.

Unknown said...

God bless her.

#Iamwest said...

To be sincere we don't need to wait for government to everything for us, the little one you're capable of doing. Its better you do it after all this our country and we are government itself. I appreciate her effort and I pray God will continue to bless her. I hope some rich people will emulate her action, believe me it will really help improving the nation!!!

Anonymous said...

she could get arrested for this in this foolish country

Unknown said...

She should go and repair the ones leading to other peoples home in abule egba and akute..if u fix the road leading to ur house u dont deserve media aknowledgement

hrm paul ojeih said...

See me c wahala bfor nkor she for no repair am no b her house no make she sit down dey wait for government. A lot of folks fix their roads sink bore holes in their communities carry out humanitarian projects yet they don't brag bot it or put it in social media dis one buy block of 10,ooo take patch her road we no go hear word rubbish

Anonymous said...

What is good about this? If u wan do road do am well, no drainage just yeye cheap sand and you are praising yourself! Mcheeeww rubbish

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My dear she better pray they leave her alone cos she will be dragged to court. Its actually illegal to use ur money and repair roads can u beat that?????

Anonymous said...

Lol im sure u are a small kid. So govt should dig ur personal borehole?? Who do u think does all that?

Anonymous said...

It is better for her to fix the road now or fix her car later,this is not news,

Unknown said...

She did well

amy said...

If she comes out for the next election i will vote for her

Unknown said...

Nice one girl

Gosip said...

wow ... inspiring to anothers ..

Unknown said...

The road Is leading to her house . But that's nice anyway

Anonymous said...

This is what most rich 9ja refuses 2 do. With this we can achieve a better n beautiful lagos. God ll uplift her above her desire expectations.

Unknown said...

Ppl do it,buh dey gt arrested cos dey r doin d govt's job

Unknown said...

Same thing I was thinking. said...

And some people will say Fashola was a legend. I tire...I just tire.

Anonymous said...

Thats ma cousin repping... Thumbs up girl..

Meenah_wakil on instagram

Unknown said...

Godbless you darling, and may he replenish your pocket!!! This is so humanitarian

Anonymous said...

Lol. Don't you know that when you build your house you would need to get all the things re mentioned above done?

Anonymous said...

Eeya! Nwa daddy!! Hope daddy feeds you too-*pouts* Lol

Unknown said...

Kudos to her

Anonymous said...

Who is your daddy? said...

Lol, Naija my people una too much, u really ask the guy well who will buy the whires nd dig the bore hole, maybe na Fashola fmer governor suppose to buy the whires dig the bore hole 4 them before. Lol said...

Lol, Naija my people una too much, u really ask the guy well who will buy the whires nd dig the bore hole, maybe na Fashola fmer governor suppose to buy the whires dig the bore hole 4 them before. Lol

ary said...

This is what we should do instead of complain, fix what you can and not add to it. said...

Wow what a commendable act! Shows that we do not need the government to bring about change in some areas. We keep talking about change but have we brought about change?

Lewis said...


Unknown said...

Before kwanụ. Ọ chọburu ịpasa jeep na ezi?

Mabel said...

Please ds is not news naa...dnt do it naaa, na ur car go spoil....hissss!

Anonymous said...

You are an idiot Laura brown.

Unknown said...


Good,may God bless her for her little contribution towards bailing out the people in that area from that horrible road and this is what every privilege well meaning nigeria should emulate.

Unknown said...

That's is what is called a woman of substance, not all those attention seekers. Go girl

Anonymous said...

Lmao. Looking at the pictures, ask I can do is laugh.

Unknown said...

Pple do it here steady. My mum fills d street every 4yrs. God bless her and bless my mum too. Yeye chairman wey we dey get, dunno their job. Ndi oshi!

Iam_Blaise said...

That's what you get for relocating to a bush

Anonymous said...

My thought exactly .. dis is nothing compared to what pple do at ago palace way okota .. my former street at owolabi lord bstop was graded and tarred by just 1 man .. and i mean the whole street

Anonymous said...

all these will soon wash away as there is still no proper drainage. kudos to her though.

Anonymous said...

Pls I didn't see anytin jare d road is still lik dat so bcos she put broken blocks we shud praise her abeg! Bia linda y re u always puttin ur designer bags on IG is childish bliv me u re jst money miss road bitch, hope u knw wit d way u showing off no man go marry u mumu

Unknown said...

Good to know that people like this still exists. Kudos ma'am, God bless u.


Unknown said...

So what about the other side of the road? and by the way that road is only okada-rable lol... big
ups to her tho, we await 2019 when u would
come out to run for a political office nah so
Desmond id!ot take start...

Unknown said...

She made her point duh!! Poles are meant 2 be mounted by govt....nice one lady!!

Adetunji Saka said...

Thumps! Kudos! Personality of d yr.

"Slow and steady wins d race"

Adetunji Saka said...

Thumps! Kudos! Personality of d yr.

"Slow and steady wins d race"

Anonymous said...

My country nigeria,its a big shame. This is lekki o. Let every rich people that have a house there donate money together and fix these roads. Afterall people dont pay taxes on houses there. The govt are busy stealing national money so they wont come.unless one of them owns a house there.

Unknown said...

God bless her ministry.

Unknown said...

woooo....that nice of her!!!

Anonymous said...

She shouldn't do more than that ooo. Cos I hear that when you tar a road, you are fined and have to pay the government

Anonymous said...

This woman should be honored for taking the initiative that most of her higher income rollers never took. Imagine what naija would look like if these mansion owners invested their additional taxes her. They live their mansion and enter a street dump in exotic cars. D government is you and I....gosh when will people understand

Anonymous said...

It should be news cos we dont hear such except complains and complains. Its like how we complain naija churches extort money but we never hear about those who dedicate their cause to charity. Government need to be brought to accountability and citizens need to be made aware, so we dont continue the process of blind people leading the blind

Unknown said...

Royal IdiotHood must u comment 4 times to pass ur point across. Ode

Unknown said...

God bless her jawe.

Anonymous said...

Na wa ooOoooOoh

Unknown said...

Nne God bless you abundantly. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Nne God bless you abundantly. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Abeg as u r tru wth that road,come okokomaiko.

Unknown said...

Wow! I guess she read my comment here when I said that the residents in an area with bad roads can effect the change themselves. I mean, why live in dirtiness and squalor when you can turn things around? Its not our duty but the govt cares not. She really tried

Anonymous said...

Choi see lekki really terrible

Unknown said...

Anon 10:06 y u no put am for lib? Linda for don make una popular nw.

Anonymous said...

God bless her

Anonymous said... carful before you know it...Lagos state will charge you for doing construction of a road without getting a permit.....the people are terrible..singing....The election jingle...Ammmmmbo...Ammmmbo. APC...they are criminals. Well done madam

Anonymous said...

Well done madam...but be careful before you know it those Lagos state Government theives will charge you for Construction without a permit. All APC rogues...Tinubu, Fahola, now the baby the election jingle song went......Ammmmmmmbo....Ammmbo! Well done madam. I salute you. As we know we have to be our own local your own water,light, and now roads. Meanwhile they will tell you to pay tax. May God punish them all.

Mrs said...

Better pikin

Unknown said...

Reasons why this lekki is expensive baffles me a lot. Swampy areas is built by government and mortgage companies so they provide accessible roads and electricity not random individuals building anything anywhere all over places. How on earth industrial projects built in a residential areas is mind disturbing

Unknown said...

She is a very good example..

Unknown said...

She is a very good example

Numerouno Princess said...

Thumbs up

Unknown said...

Why do guys hide under anonymity to talk rubbish..... at ur age u are still talking MY DAD! Ibe gi amuchaala umu lol.... gerrof this blog my friend... ndi dad hahahaha

Unknown said...

Ndi dad.... lol.... talk about u and leave dad


Good Heart not just for her alone but for the benefit of people living around her. #SweetPussy

Anonymous said...

Una go hail aba residence then.because this is a norm in aba.ppl do it every year.lik is now a ritual which you must perfperform.they fix their road on their own every yeat

Anonymous said...

U try sha

mira cookie said...

Anyways she did a gr8 job, she has d funds 2 do so...u dnt xpect unemployed graduates with Lil or no money 2 carry this out do u?

Unknown said...

God bless her

Anonymous said...

She should be made governor of Lagos. This is the kind of human being we need in Naija. And she's beautiful too. Choi. Sexy thing, you do well. I can't stop being happy for what this woman did.

meggy said...

Good citizen.

dadonzee said...

Beautiful lady.. God bless u

J3nnif3r said...

She's not d first to have repaired a road. My sister also repaired a road without making noise abt it. 😲😲😲😲🙌🙌

Unknown said...

God bless her

Unknown said...

Ehya! D nxt thing u will here now is dat Government has sued her! Its so common in Nigeria. Nice one ma'am!

Anonymous said...

I applaud the effort but that isn't fixing the road. She made it more passable and God bless her for that. The govt needs to tar that joint ASAP

Unknown said...

Bayo lawal n olaomo lawal ur sister is working kudos to her.

Mrs said...

Linda I didn't see my comment. Haba!

Anonymous said...

Nice but the road needed a drainage much more than the sandfilling. An earth drainage I.e just excavation would be better

Amy said...

The problem with most island residents is that they are live for themselves. I don't see why streets cannot task themselves to make their roads motorable. They pay huge zonal levies. What a he heck do they zones use them for? That is what is killing all of them over there. You will see very fine structures but no access roads. Everyone feels driving keeps will save them from the road problems. Day never break sef. Very soon, the cars will not see roads to enter sef. That's where Magodo residents better pass this areas. Their money works for them. Money miss road individuals. At least this one here know sey Na road she for hang of nothing is done. Meanwhile she will do it and other motorists will drive with ease on it.

Unknown said...

Nice n good for her...its beta to use d money to repair d road dan to always take ur car to mechanic for repair u mite even spend more

Anonymous said...

Aunty is looking for endorsement.

Unknown said...

She did well.

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