President Obama got to his father's homeland Kenya today. He's the first sitting US president to visit the country. From Kenya, he will be going to Ethiopia. Obama's security made him skip the armed forces and traditional dancers and the State Pavillion in Kenya. He will also not be visiting his father's home town because of security reasons. His family came to the state capital to meet him.
President Obama being greeted by his half-sister Auma Obama at the airport
Lunch with his extended family...
with his sister and grandmum |
83 comments: place like home
So touching. I'm crying.
I'm out ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Thats love,i like that,Proud of you OBama,atleast you made History ,Enjoy your son Kenya!
Nigress is black sha
Wawooh, nice one...
Awwwwww dat's so sweet,but dey suppose allow him complete d visit by goin to his father's house,hw can sm1 stay so long without visiting his father's house.
D diff is clear btw him n his half sis o chai! Coke n fanta to bad
Good for him
That is his buzness,just don,t like this ungodly man.
Nna see hugging... I need that his half sister number bcos she just won my heart over big tym....
All I lovee about this visit is the way the news report itself. It says 'obama's security made him... not that Obama skipped or ignored but if it's our president or former pres Jona pple will say he refused to, he ignored... Africa shld learn o
At least he didn't deny hos root. Welcome home son! But when will you visit Nigeira?
Nairobi is not his home
Crying? Oriegwu!
Will not be visiting his home town bcos his is d president of american,he is a goat(ewu)over power is bad
Aww....sweet moment.....
your black to @applelipx not cool to call people Nigress or Nigga and you can diss me but dont it is not cool most people should use their sense in commenting on this blog respect people.
American president don't have d right to dictate there own movement, there security is incahrge of everything and they follow the rules to the core......if anything happens to him they would all be spending there remaining lives in max prison
Where do I send your Kisses to? You couldn't have said it any better
Family always no matter what!! Good one Obama
Aww somuch love Obama, his people most be so proud of him.
Lib baddoo
Meehnnn! Dat lady is dark!
Where is his half brother,not there because Obama is a scam.
Nigress is blackness not just black, choi....kenyans can black n wowo sha
I shall be celebrated globally in my life time in Jesus Name Amen
Where is his half brothers,obama don't care cos he is a scam.
Shez a nigress too so yea, itz okay to call her nigress!
@Henry our presidents do same but we don't respect protocol. We as Nigerians shldnt abuse democracy. We speak ill of or President, Country/Nation at will. Let's learn the act of unity. The world is watching
Learn to type well,at least spell nigeria
Na for airport dem give am table??? Linda take note!
Ndiojo di too much. Terrorists r everywhere disguised as citizens
Awwww ! Xo touching , am very happy 4 d family , am also proud of Obama despite his shortcomings , he made history and it wil 4eva be a source of inspiration and motivation dt notin is 2 big 4 us 2 achieve , even racism gave way 2 a black president in d USA .....may U encounter Jesus Obama 2 complete all diz.
if he really loves buhari as some Nigerians want us to believe, why wont he visit Nigeria?
His sister looks ugly and hungry someone needs to feed her asap
East or West home is the best
Take note of what, why are you always saying that. Did Linda set up the meeting??
Why are u soo disrespectful?!
To the one that said Nairobi is not his home, home is where your family is! To the one that said his sister is ugly and hungry, please said her food na, moron, he loves her still and you wish your brother was even a councillor in your community
Juliet Iwuno, exactly my tot, Anon 9:54 pm, go and feed his sister now as u said she's hungry... U people will just com on this blog and start commenting rubbish! Mtcheew!!!
Family is everything indeed!
Am so happy for the family. They are blessed.
Next time, na Nigeria go become president in America, believe me.
Awww I admire that hug. Truth be told the sister doesn't look like someone related to a president. Upon all the money....look at.
That's so nice and humble of him...
I really like him
Amen he will encounter Christ!
Simplicity of the highest order. I love this. See how the family members are dressed down and the dinning room looks very nice but simply decorated.
They r so black, I think the only fair person is obama
Waoh!!! See d look on d grandma's face (8th pixs)......... she can't believe it yet.
Aawww look at his grandma in that pic! Touching!
Home swt home, he's d only lantern in d darkness (among his family members)
Saint Favour
Walahi if I be Obama sister, dem go hear am for this world.. Gragra
Purists Americans would be like WTF?!
D securities in Kenya wil b so tight lik never b4 as if Jesus Christ is d one visiting them. I wish all of them well and thumbs up to Obama.
Shut up, how is he ungodly? You rule over those who do not believe in your Christian values must u deny them their civic rights? It is when the church is forced to marry them and he agrees that you will call him ungodly....he owes every American their basic human right to choose their sexuality...
Love Obama. I'll be that great someday
@velentine I hate everyone who tries to copy out ko am dead ni... Moron!
Blacks in America dint give a toss about blacks in Nigeria or Africa as a whole I care less if racism kill them all. They see us as inferior forgetting they were all from Africa even the moronic weed low life lazy idiots from the Jamaica etc.
He has no business with Nigeria
What a great reunion
He is not visiting his home town because his security says it's not safe and whether he likes it or not he must obey them you big fool.slut
Ugly Kenyans
Your comment is very stupid. I'm sure you look more hungry and uglier than she does !
@priceless your comment is contradictory o! Our presidents do same how? They dictate where they want to go and security struggles to ensure their safety. What are you talking about.
Our comments about them ill or not has nothing to do with that decision making process. Haba
@favour, become president Na make you go visit Nnewi. Smh
Gutter! That's what you are. Don't know any better. Maybe when you grow up
@ future is now,'e no pass security check. Wetin be ya own. Hater
I beg is any one seeing the look on grand ma face? Caption please
@henry eze, stop disturbing mature guys on this blog with your childish comments
You are a dirty little wannabe American stfu
He n his half sister seem kinda close dats nice
Lolz γ̲̣̣̥♡̷̴̬̩̃̊u̶̲̥̅̊ av al spOkn wel buh d fact d̶̲̥̅̊t d said pres didn't visit is fathers hmtwn is 4 securitY reasns, cOs us ss ar more securitY conscious mor dn anytyn dey believ on safety first, n obama aint visitin nigeria dOsent chanGe d fact d̶̲̥̅̊t d insurgent in nigeria wl b scared awaY. Wђã† rili matas mOst nw is 4d us tO gv nigeria an helpin hand in fighting ds terrorist
Lolz γ̲̣̣̥♡̷̴̬̩̃̊u̶̲̥̅̊ av al spOkn wel buh d fact d̶̲̥̅̊t d said pres didn't visit is fathers hmtwn is 4 securitY reasns, cOs us ss ar more securitY conscious mor dn anytyn dey believ on safety first, n obama aint visitin nigeria dOsent chanGe d fact d̶̲̥̅̊t d insurgent in nigeria wl b scared awaY. Wђã† rili matas mOst nw is 4d us tO gv nigeria an helpin hand in fighting ds terrorist
was his his food also brought from US?
See dat grandma shaa. D woman dey luk am sey, shey na my grandpikin be ds? She neva still believe shaa
Does he still speak his Kenyan-accent, so that he won't feel embarrassed when grandMa is talking to him? No place like father-land shaa! Enjoy your stay sir. **Saint IJ**
Atleast, learn how to use proper grammar before calling the most powerful man in the world a goat. Stupid!
U and I know this!!!
Rightly said and the truth dear!
I can't stand the majority of them!
Obama's only sister is a professor in her own right.The whole Obama family espcially Mama Sarah visit the white house as often as one can imagine,so they are not wondering about this being their own. they see him often enough.
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