Photos from Gbenro Ajibade and Osas Ighodaro's wedding | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 4 July 2015

Photos from Gbenro Ajibade and Osas Ighodaro's wedding

It took place in New York today. Congrats to them. Continue to see more photos...



AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Aww best wishes to them.

Unknown said...

I hope dis is the official photos so we can rest already...congrats the them.

Andaswap said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Just wish them well in there marriage

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Waoo he has finally cut off the dread?? OK naa.but wait o,how come his main friends ain't present in both traditional $ white wedding dem Uti $ co?!?! Not my business any way.

Anonymous said...

Lovely. Who is this man she married, I don't recognize him. Lol.

Unknown said...

Congrats to them. May God bless their union.

Unknown said...

Vry lovely. Congrats to dem

Amy said...

Where are the babes that went from here naa?

Anonymous said...

Cingrats to them but i dont understand this wedding gown.

Unknown said...

Beautiful, HML

Order for your beautiful bedspread @ 79AEFD3B. Delivery available nationwide.

Unknown said...

So he cuts his hair? Interesting!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Notin special.The body shape of some of those ladies on blue skirt is funny.This is a very CHEAP wedding compared to what MEN are doing in Nigeria.All the materials are cheap, both d bride's & her maids.The grooms men, na dat one worse pass.No swag at all.I am not jealous or angry, am just analysing what I saw.The wedding was too over hyped biko.HML to u both.Live ur lives personally after today & don't bring in d media

Unknown said...

Lovely pics..i love the bridal train outfit..

Anonymous said...

Congrat soji and osas wish you llnp hml

Anonymous said...

Thank God he cut that nasty hair

Anonymous said...

Nice pics..but the pic of d bridal train shaa..why are they all pregnant naa? Clash of stomachs.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to them, he actually cut his dreds . Seee luv ooooo

Anonymous said...

Brides dress is flawless.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations !!!

Unknown said...

Her Congrts to.dem

STERN said...

I don't know why but she looks more beautiful on other regular days than today...what did you do to that face hun? And congrats, I see you had a rainy wedding..

Anonymous said...

Been waiting for these pics all day, thanks Linda

Unknown said...

Nice .. I mean really nice

Unknown said...

He finally cut his hair, y his Uti not seen around him during his trad marriage in benin n his while wedding. I thot he said they were bestie

Unknown said...

That last pic though, lol. Wish this love birds all the blessings of marriage.


Anonymous said...

Wats that red carpet all bout though *sideeyes* did Ubi not see Lilian to re propose? Brb

Kachi said...

Gbenro had to shave off his dread!! I love!! Congrats gus!!

Unknown said...

she's cute buh d dress isn't dat fantastic...congrats to dem.....awww...gbenro cut his hair


Unknown said...

Chubby bride's maid. #ILike!
But why them go do am for new York!? let z see the reception pics to know if money was spent.
Well, #TheirWedding #TheirPlan #MouthSealed

Unknown said...

Ahan! He looks good with the dreads off.Congrats to the cute couple

Anonymous said...

Her wedding gown doesn't work for me at all. And s bridesmaids dresses looks too cheap and stark. Are d bridesmaids pregnant?

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwww bless. He cut his hair..... nice! God bless their home.


♥ ȊƦȋƺȟ ƘƦȋϻ ♥ said...

Awww ma boo is na married #cryin congrats 2 u both...

Unknown said...


Debbie Chelsea said...

Wow....lovely....hml to dem

yawanow said...

Cute couple. Hml

ogeee said...

Very beautifull HML girl

Anonymous said...

Very local

Gaddiel said...

Wow. Happy married life to them. Never knew Gbenro could get rid of his dreads.

Unknown said...

Wish dem best of luck. May dia marriage be fruitful. With bot male and female....... SHALOM

bunmie said...

Awwww,cute thing..i want to marry toooooo:(

Anonymous said...

Seems like they spent all their money hosting the trad wedding. Is this Queens or Brooklyn? Happy married life to them.

Anonymous said...

HML....wish them the best in life. Btw,xup with praise n coloured socks?? He should just come out n breath

LIB chairlady said...

Dry wedding... Not well organised. Congrats anyways

linda onyx said...

Ije love. Hml to them.

Umuze Ochuko Neville said...

They are a lovely couple. They look perfect together. May God bless their Union in Jesus name. Amen.

Anonymous said...

Wow beautiful couple! May God bless their union. Mudy.

Unknown said...

Congrats to both of them.

Mudy said...

The bride is soon beautiful. HML to them.

Anonymous said...

Why os as hire her enemy to do her make up

Adetunji Saka said...


"Slow and steady wins d race"

Anonymous said...

Wow lovely pics, see how cool, cute and more responsible lookong Gbenro is with his dreads off ( say whatever u like )

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Congratulations to dem

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Congratulations to dem

Unknown said...

Wow! Lovely pics, and gorgeous peeps. HML, and I wish them d best thereof. Congrats!

Alma said...

Hml to dem. May the blessings of God neva depart frm ur home

Alma said...

Hml to dem. May the blessings of God neva depart from ur home... cute babies on d way

ary said...



Awwwww, beautiful.....congrats 2 them

Unknown said...

They make a cute couple

Karlsson said...

HML. God bless ur marriage

Anonymous said...

Beautiful...HML Osas

Anonymous said...

Very ugly dress wallahi. God pls bless their home

Unknown said...

Happy married life dearies God bless ur marriage

Cas_paul said...

As dem no want crown for their wedding,carry am go foreign land,see as d place dry.

Anonymous said...

Classical...gbenro luks so good...

IBK OF GOD said...


seyi crown said...

Congratulation, cant really explain d wedding gown...

Allybrownny said...

Nice,congrats..He looks good too with d hair..All d maid of honor get belle??Lol

pwetie j said...

Happy married life!

Anonymous said...

Hml. BUt did he cut his dreads bcos of the church weeding?

Mufliat said...

That stuff is too long abeg,HML tho

#Hajia Mufliat#

Unknown said...

congrats to dem
dey shall liv long togeda Ijn

Anonymous said...

Happy married life to the newly married couples.

Unknown said...

Congrats to them

Anonymous said...

Exactly I wish these peeps know that they should be private most medium always is bad

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Congrat to them

Anonymous said...

What is dis one saying?

Anonymous said...

Congrats to dem but the wedding was over hyped really.

berry said...

Wow so he cut d hair,how nice
But seriusly dat dress isnt nice in my eyes sha

Anonymous said...

Soji cut his dreads awwwww

Miz_wendy said...

HML... pls after today keep ur marriage outta d media.

Anonymous said...

Shut up there. This was a good wedding. What you guys like is that Onyimud wedding that we never got a good view of hubby's tired face. This is true love. Can you afford big wedding? Ewu!

Nky said...

What happened to his dread? Happy married life

Anonymous said...

Pictures not great because the wedding was held in a ghetto part of NY. A lagos wedding would have come out better in pictures trust. Everything just looks over hyped and blehhh. A neutral person would think this wedding was help in makurdi or lokoja judging my the tacky pictures

Anonymous said...

The wedding settings poor sef..The wedding was over hyped sef, A million likes 4 ur post

Anonymous said...

Lovely couple though I don't understand Osas' s wedding dress.. not wow! Glenrothes has cut his hair.. mmmhhhh Osas is obviously the man in this marriage

QL Homes said...

Order for original Raulph Lauren Polo. Male: #2,300. Female: #2,000. Delivery Nation wide. 2754B912, 08130373753

Anonymous said...

This Bridesmaids look like an Army of Pot-bellied Cougar.
Where da Hell did they come from. #FALLINGMYHANDBABES
Anyway wish the lovely couple a HML

Anonymous said...

This Bridesmaids tho...
They All Look very clumsy and Old...
... They all look like after-1-mummies.

#Iamwest said...

Happy married life to them!

Unknown said...

Happy married life to them....

Anonymous said...

they shld av jes done dis weddin in nigeria mbok. derz nofi newyorkish bout it. d environment is ugly, see nepa wire, d church gaan no follow. d wedding gown....#nocommemt...d bridesmaids...i tire...d groomsmen..did zero justice to d blue. niwai weddin haf come n go. dis is jes d start of d journey. make it count.

KWEEN said...

Exactly. The wedding dress is just... I don't know what to say. I hate anything with such a long train. A bride should be able to move freely on her day abeg. Happy married life to them.

Anonymous said...

Mind ur damn business. Lets see ur own "expensive" wedding. Hater oshi. Like u made donations out to them... Poverty stricken being.......

Anonymous said...

Did you impregnant dem? ... Gerrahere with your hate...

Unknown said...

Too much of beef kills......why not try chicken

Fan Emmanuel said...

Why New York? Ugly Bride with ugly maidens.

*Linda's best friend*

Unknown said...

Osas now I knw u bi mgbeke...notin fantastic even ur trad too... HML

Unknown said...

HML, and I wish them d best thereof in marriage life. Congrats!

Unknown said...

Osas my crush. ...


Y do people's happiness makes u sad?

dido said...

Overhyped wedding..tswww! D bridesmaids dresses looked like something any1 can sew, so cheap looking. D bride looks less pretty today, who d hell did her makeup, u fcuked up her face *so angry*

Anonymous said...

mai atafo is very wicked and stupid if u know you want to give osas free wedding dress you should have given her a standard wedding dress not idumota satin you make mouth on ebony life tv about you brand but trust me mai atafo your wedding dress made by you for osas is tacky.

Anonymous said...

Gbenro was uti ex boy friend Alex Ekubo took uti from Gbenro so u shouldn't expect uti at his wedding.uti is his ex

Unknown said...

Pregnancy among the bridal train

Anonymous said...

Cheap or not cheap they re both married

Anonymous said...

I see one of the grooms men (boma)who lives fake life in newyork

Anonymous said...

So funny

Unknown said...

Woooooooow! Her dress is so gorgeous. Linda take note!

Anonymous said...

Dats why its "her" dress not yours. Who cares what you like or dont like walrus

Anonymous said...

Lets see your bank statement so we know how much you donated. Octopus

Anonymous said...

Her wedding gown cant work for you cause you an on the puff puff inyour brain first

Anonymous said...

Lets see your own..... My bad who are you? fucking NOBODY..... Gerrahere mehn

Anonymous said...

This Amaka set,u re a fool very big fool mtschewwwww

Anonymous said...

No... He cut it for your lunch date. DUMB ASS QUESTION!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lets see your own that was held in the choicest part of lagos... Oooopsss WE DONT KNOW YOU!!!! gerrahere dang!!!

Anonymous said...

Cause he cut his hair???? Myopic thinking. Better stop eating fufu.... Ur sense of reasoning has been compromised!!!

Anonymous said...

Too bad she decided to be herself and use her FRIENDS than hire models unlike ur pathetic self

Anonymous said...

I see you fine young wine..... WALRUS... Fuck out of here like you have created a being before...

Anonymous said...

And what is wrong with that? ... Pls close ur dustbin of a mouth

Unknown said...

He took offhis thread????? awwwwww

Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB......

Unknown said...


Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB......

Lolly said...

But seriously joke apart, this wedding wz over hyped. I wz expecting more...anyways happy married life!!!

Lolly said...


Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

Congrats to them.... U want to start up a biz and hv no idea,hv an amazing biz opportunity dat will blow ur mind, call 08033128166

Anonymous said...

Fan milk abi wt r u calling yourself? Am sure u r one of the ugliest men on earth albeit physically n in character!

Anonymous said...

Newyork really.normal stuff joor

Unknown said...

Fan milk show ur wogly face, make we nor tear race for you oh! Smellos

Unknown said...

Hml.... God Bless Your Home.....

Unknown said...

Hml.... God Bless Your Home.....

Unknown said...

I don't like the dress

Anonymous said...

Buh seriously this wedding sha

Anonymous said...

Nofin like beefing ere peeps,libers shuld b able to comment wat dey feel ere about a post sincerely. My 2cent tho,Firstly, d wedding was over hyped,osas is obviously d man in dis union,d wedding venue is zero,wedding dress looks tacky I guess she got it in a vintage store for rent,hair zero,bridesmaids dress zero,arrangements/settings zero. U guys culd av just saved ur money 4 tickets n all orr donate it to charity. Looks like u wedded in d 60s.

Anonymous said...

That's why I hate new york, trashy background houses spoiling the pictures, every where tight n congested in new York

Anonymous said...

mai atafo did not try in dis gown at all hia ...for what .. anyways her parents live abroad soo i guess ehy newyork was d reason for the wedding ...but it doesnt look glamourous ... n d groom shud have left his hair ...his sex appeal kinda gone ....

Anonymous said...

this is the worst celebrity wedding gown have even seen. the whole place looks horrible. so what was the ghen ghen about the wedding. a naija or dubai wedding would have been better.

MY TURN said...

i don't think i like Osas'overall wedding wardrobe. First whoever did her makeup for both trad and white weddings did a TERRIBLE job. Osas has what i call deceptive beauty in some pictures she's WOW in others shes just there. This is one time she should look WOW but she looks very ordinary... i won't go into talking about the wedding dress which is so blah. oh well like someone once said your wedding won't be the best or worst but hey make it memorable HML.

Unknown said...

So colourful...congrats

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