Troubled singer Chris Brown is trying his best to be a good father by overindulging his only child, Royalty. Brown, who grew up in a violent single-parent household, did not have a good foundation to learn good parenting skills because his own mother lacked good parenting skills. Like most uninformed parents, Brown thinks spoiling his daughter with expensive gifts takes the place of good parenting.
But all it really does is create a narcissist who grows up expecting special attention from others. She will likely expect to get anything she wants — and she will throw a fit if she doesn’t get it.
Like most narcissists, Brown is very ative on social media, where he posts photos of himself, his toys, and now his daughter’s toys.
Child experts say the best way to raise a narcissist is to overindulge or over value your children.
Excessive praise such as telling children they are cute, pretty or handsome is equally harmful because it gives the child a false sense of self.
“When narcissists don’t get the special treatment they think they’re entitled to, they become angry and aggressive; they lash out at others in an aggressive manner,” Brad J. Bushman, PhD, professor of communication and psychology, Ohio State University, told Medscape Medical News.
“Convicted thieves, rapists, and murderers have some of the highest levels of narcissism,” he said.
World people! See me see international wahala o. This Sandra girl must be high of brukutu!
Jobless blogger
People sha!! Abeg is it a crime for a father to love her baby girl
I somehow agree with her write up o....
But Linda it's true. Wit d way u reason atimes it seems ur folks gav u gals so much freedom n now anything u think is mordern day n fashionable is right. Shower ur kids wit gifts like dis n they'll turn around n bite u wn u dnt giv dm wot they want evn kill u. Life is not a bed of roses, they earlier kids learn dat d better,else they bcom weaklings. she suppose dey wash plates by now
***adult content***
I agree... No wonder dis girl I took to KFC emptied my pocket, she was probably a narcissist....
Oh puhleaseee...aws dt ha prob...tchew
The blogger is very wrong. I am married to a girl from a poor family. But she is a narcissist. She is very rude and want you to do everything for her. A girl from a well to do family can never be so rude, disrespectful and narcissist.
Her opinion.
Everybody to their own
Wetin concern her? As if she too won't buy expensive stuffs for her child. Who wouldn't anyways?
The blogger is very wrong. I am married to a girl from a poor family. But she is a narcissist. She is very rude and want you to do everything for her. A girl experienced love and care from her family can never be so rude, disrespectful and narcissist.
How is it her business? AMEBO! ATTENTION SEEKER!
How is it her business? AMEBO! ATTENTION SEEKER!
Lol @narcissist. If you no love your child na wahala, if you love am na wahala. Wetin person do wey world people no go talk?
thats just a stupid stereotype, if he doesnt buy for his kid people would say he can slurp on her and he has money then tag him a bad father. Just becos he puts everything on instagram and online doesnt mean he is buying too much or raise a narcissist, do you know what beyonce buys for blue ivy, or what kim spends on north...........SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH< JEALOUS MUCH
Ok. That is way too much. Sandra Rose is stupid and jealous. She is still a baby and all we've seen him do is to buy her stuffs. We don't know how he treats her behind closed doors. It is still too soon to assume
She maybe right but I think its rather too
early to start judging him.
Jealousy,go get urs u heard.if I decide to provide everything my child needs and more its none of ur damn biz kk.Fact.Go boy @chris brown.
Ds s so true...he shud watch it!!!
Leave CB alone Please..
Go mind your business!
Bad belle
What's her business??? Linda take note!
Okiie, notice to all LIBERs. Didn't want to do dis before but I gex I just have to do it as a disclaimer. One idiot on dis blog stole my identity, my name & signage. So please any negative comments on dis blog is not coming from me but from the thief cos I would neva say anything bad about someone or wish anyone evil. So I have gone back to using my old pix & my email address is (julie3er@gmail.com). Linda take note!
This is called A1 hatred, I hope she get well soon...
He's just obsessed ni jare
Nooo, dis is aa sad concllusion..she is just a child..
Giv ur kids expensive things? Not a problem. However spoil ur kids wit expensive things....dats where d problem arises. Itz evn trivial, thank goodness u used d word SPOIL
Give ur child the world and call them pretty ,wahala cos they will become narcissists, don't call ur child pretty or handsome and don't spoil them then they grow up to be thieves with low self. Esteems'..pls FOH I'll choose the former!
I agree with him because too much of everything is bad, when u over indulge in something, the result is the opposite.
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Saying Chris's mother lacks good parenting skill makes her a narcissist herself.
Who made her an expert? From my experience nobody had PhD in Parenting.
However, parents have to be responsible and equip their children with value, moral and Godly principles.
Well she is not wrong linda, I thought so too when you posted this last night.... He's doing too much and we all know it will lead to that child getting really spoiled
Well,she's gat a point but is not applicable to every child.Children grow differently.
my vocabulary word for today is Narcissist
Attention seeking biatch.
D day she'll ask 4 a gun to shoot someone...
She's mad. That's all.
This us blogger should go take several seats. Bad belle everywhere.
Hmmm fink she's ryt
I hear
Nna this will no doubt go along way to shape chris brown parenting...
No one is perfect, at least his trying his best to give the kid what he didn't hav while growing up. She shud chill jare, n d murderers are out der, berra write something abt the Charleston massacre.
Na she sabi... That's her own opinion and I don't think it's counts.
Its raining
Leave this hommie alone.... TF
Linda u raised an issue like that here once, nd u were complaining that a father was spoiling his daughter with very expensive designer items. Av u changed Ur mind already? I can't vouch for Chris Brown, buh spoiling your kids with good stuffs is not bad, so far you equally raise the child right morally. People have diff parenting skills sha. I had everything I wanted growing up buh nt without a good dose of beating if I did smetin wrong. Dat definitely set me right.
He should listen
Gifts galore does not make you a good parent
Listening talking to and having quality time for them is far greater.
Abeg she should park well! Agbaya! Jealous of a small girl. Its natural for parents to give kids their all depending on what they have. Cuz chris is flaunting it on social media. How about blue ivy and her likes that already have and play with diamonds. Tsheww. Make pikin enjoy biko.
Na she sabi, not my cup of tea. Na him pikin wetin concern u madam aproko. Not like his gonna care bout all Uv written
And that's why we have armed robbers and prostitutes...most of 'em grew up wit a silver spoon and when grown and the luxury is no longer there, they go into all sorta bad things just to live big.
Can U imagine how he described Chris Brown n his mother. People ll say shit abt things that does not concerns them. Sandra Rose go get a life pls!
Yeah dat's true
Whats ur bizness madam sandra..mtcheeèw😈😈😈
But its true. Buying all ds stuffs cant make u a good father
"Expensive gifts can't take the place of good parenting''. Word!
I agree with Sandra. She is right. Don't over indulge your kids.
Sandra Blogger, is right she's very very right. People that are commenting nonsense are senseless people here.
Sandra has point but the practice is so common place these days among celebs and other rich people that I wonder why she's singling out Chris Brown for the lecture when no one mentioned anything about all the Millions showered on baby Blue Ivy by her parents just to mention one example.
Rabbbishhh! Mind your business
She made little sense, most of u here comment before reading nd u dat said u are married to poor gal how are we sure u re married.
Majority of u speak without thinking
Don't forget it's an individual thing. A girl that experienced love and care could also be demanding so stop with d comparison and deal with d actual thing.
You lucky say you nor use curse words here I for finish you.
Jobless blogger you say Vicky Darling or whatever you call yourself...if you know Sandra Rose well you wont say that nonsense...you sound ignorant!
Karlsson, thats even good. You need to see how she sometimes describe Beyonce...lolol
Even if what she says is right, she should not use his own upbringing to judge him. It wasn't his fault that he was raised by a single mom and all that. He just found himself in that bad situation as a child and he still came out to be a talented young man. I bet he is even better and richer than you, so park well and keep your parenting tips for your kids.
She may not be entirely true, buh she does make a valid point...#myhumbleopinion
What bobby irabor said....dont over indulge kids its pointless. It gives them a false sense of belonging
I think she is right, but she don't suppose to describe CB mum that way,,,,, is rude of her
"Spoiling your child with expensive gifts can't take the place of good parenting"
Every parent +intending parents shld knw this
there's no logic in what she's saying, pple become narcissists if it's just their nature and not upbringing, this dude is a celeb and there's no way he ll eva spend enuf time with that child, pple see things on social media n talk/assume like fools with no sense of reasoning forgetting pple only post what they wnt u to see, frm what she's saying all American kids are narcissists because their laws don't even permit parents to raise kids the right way, smh dat girl shud take several seats, this kind of condition arises out of certain peculiarities in the brain so she shud stop talking rubbish and supporting it with ironic facts smh
Hmmm... Life.. Well, der are lots of examples of people out der who lavish money on their children and no complaints abt dat.. 1. david beckham's wife do spend a lot on her kids while shopping. 2. Kylie jenner was bought a house worth $2.9million..a semi-18yrs old. And so on and so forth... Chris is doing wat he knows best as a father ryt now, jst encourage him don't criticise him. Coz I knw I wud av been a different situation if he's not doing all these.
Which 1 is she is right .....Na wa oooo...Royalty is the only person that is making Chris really happy ... after all this break up ish ... So u think now he is a bad parent simply he is spending money on his own kid .... is it your child madam Sandra ..... R u in their house to know how he rasing her .... people just wake up to write shit just to please them self .... now mind your business it his money , his child , their toys .... not yours ...crazy blogger
smh, a child at dat age? , washing plates?, u must be high on malt to be predicting the future of this innocent kid dat doesn't even talk yet, I grew up with expensive toys, got everything I wanted as a child but as I was growing into a teen and mingling with other kids my age my parents became firmer, reduced the privileges and funny enough became even more friendly, am not saying am the best child but heaven knows they r super proud of what I ve become. So plz stop judging parenting skills, sometimes it's nature over nuture
D gel is lil wat does she knw??? + d last time I checked giving ur child attention n expensive gifts doesn't mean ur nt a good parent
Moreover it's nt yt time 4 chriss to start working on parenting,she is still little...d Moda has a lot to do now...
Once she is growing n talking..chris' job is to listen to her,advice her,'give her Watever she wants" ,b Her friend
Wat she said abouh chris n his mom is very rude!
And north west is what??
So what is Kim Kardashian or anyone else who feels the need to post their pic on social media????? Are we not all narcisists in some way?
No u are actually d most senseless fool in dis world!if u dont like pples opinion,must u insult dem?foolish being
Very true
Ehen most poor grls demands n wants wot dey neva had!I know sooooo many!so shut dah fuck up
Dat z hw u wee neva gve ur children anytin n dey endup as runz grls!shame on u!pls go n see wot celebs spend on dier kids!jealousy
Cheq again big fool!all d broke bitches n cultist imma skool are 4rm a very POOR HOME!yes rich pple sumtyms stray bt most broke pple are d 1ce who do dese tins so shut dah hellup!most f dem grew up poor n swears 2 get woteva dey neva had wen growing up!foool
Na wa for these white people though she is making sense sha
Parenting is not an easy task,,, may the Lord help us!!!!
When it is black people it is over indulgence, when it is white people it is love.
She is not white. She is blacket than you. She is black American.
That is too much for a kid that her age.We all need to train our children in a good way not this.
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