If there is any group of individuals who can manufacture shock, political punditry out of nothing, it is the All Progressives Congress. They cried out that Jonathan was doing a terrible job as President of Nigeria. They said his inability to run the Federal Government is the reason our country has lapsed into wholesale chaos. He is the reason corruption decimated our population, turned brother against brother. He is the reason our military became weak and our borders constantly breached by Niger, Chad and Cameroonian gendarmes.
is the reason our cities have all lost power and we have reclined back
into the dark ages. He is the reason why thousands of wild dogs/Boko
Haram roam our streets and rip our children apart. With democracy being
an institution where we worry about how many people ‘agree’ about
certain things, APC must be concerned that Nigerians are actually seeing
that Buhari is not the messiah we need. When I wrote that Nigerians
shouldn’t celebrate Buhari yet, a lot of his sympathisers reached for my
scalp with all types of derogatory vocabularies.
Now, just a couple of
days into his regime and even before the flag is hoisted up the pole,
the same people have started singing the same old song that he is too
slow. Just like in the time of Jonathan. Why am I not surprised? When I
talked about Buhari’s age, they said presiding over the affairs of a
country is different from being a bricklayer. Why is Buhari now wishing
he was younger? What has “changed” him? Didn’t he know his age before
“borrowing” money to acquire the form to contest for president?
to APC and President Buhari’s excuses of just being in government for
only few weeks is like watching a doctor on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ pounding on
a patient’s chest until another doctor has to pull him off and say,
‘Sir it’s over!’ That’s what I want to say to President Buhari. Sir,
it’s over! We are tired of having president with excuses. You didn’t
give us these excuses in any of your campaign speeches. Nigerians, it’s
time to move on! There will be other disasters. There will always be
presidents with excuses.
The president will cut down the cost of
governance. He won’t have as many ministers and advisers like Jonathan.
How is approving the appointments of two media aides with the same job
description cutting down the cost of governance? What is the difference
between a Senior Special Assistant (Media and Publicity) and a Special
Adviser (Media and Publicity)?
The issue of applying the rule of law in
certain matters of state that demands immediate and urgent attention is
not why we voted for Buhari. For Christ’s sake, the country is in dire
straits. We are in desperate times as a country and as such, the streets
won’t accept these excuses. President Buhari shouldn’t be telling
Nigerians that he met an empty treasury. We want to hear of measures his
government is taking to recover the stolen funds. This government seems
overwhelmed and confused already like what we’ve had in the past.
He should also understand that not having
his cabinet in place at this point in time is dangerous. President
Buhari should know that he can’t govern this country alone. It will take
all hands on deck to get this country back on track. He cannot be the
president and the minister of defence and petroleum all by himself. He
can’t be at different places at the same time. Being the president of a
huge country like Nigeria is different from being the managing director
of a business.
One does not “run” the Federal
Government. You can run a train and you can run your own small business,
but the Federal Government of Nigeria is bigger than the largest
enterprises of this world.
Equating any portion of the Federal
Government to a business stretches the meaning of metaphor. No business
is attacked by other countries or has to deliberately kill people, or
has a board of 469 National Assembly members, majority of which are
trying to bankrupt the company in order to make the CEO look bad, nor
does any company operate within transparency of allowing thousands of
journalists to pore over their affairs, or carry your opponent’s
opinions as if they were facts, or react to hundreds of lawsuits per day
from its own employees, or thousands of lawsuits per day from third
parties. No private company is responsible for accomplishing its mission
within tens of thousands of laws that deliberately operate against its
No private company has a board that
authorises spending via commitment of financial resources and then
separately approves their payment or its equivalent debt. No business
operates from the need to pass legislation in order to change direction,
or to accomplish its primary objectives, (environmental safety, energy
independence, internet security, university research, election
compliance, full employment policies, taxation reform, anti-terrorism,
healthcare reform, and intelligence gathering). No organisation has the
responsibility to send soldiers to defend its allies or be responsive to
the impact that changed laws, policies, and tax provisions have upon
other nations, friend and foe alike. And finally, no organisation is
responsible for administration and enforcement of tens of thousands of
laws, rules, and regulations against millions of separate entities.
Is President Buhari capable of providing
direction, implementing a NASS approved budget, prioritising and
recommending budget changes, negotiating legislation, submitting
qualified candidates for the courts, appointing and supervising staff
and cabinet members, including the joint chiefs of the military, and
effectively communicating volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous
issues to the Nigerian public? Absolutely, NO!
It's very funny how Ecetera decide to display his stupidity on social media, get a life nigga na.
Ministers list never comot yet
Diz guy shuld seal hiz mouth abeg
Aint reading any trash from this bitter failed idiot.... Next...
Google is his friend
Nna u try but dis tin too long i read small and left the rest later things
Nna u try but dis tin too long i read small and left the rest later things
Do you value your life, I ask?
This one just wants to be heard. Just so you know Mr attention seeker, he's done better than GEJ already. If you tot u were going to get instant solution then think again. Of course there would be bumps along the way but for Christ sakes he hadn't spent 1 month in office yet.
Once again you attention seeker, take chill pills man!
***adult content***
ETC ur opinion doesn't count... The people for him re more than those against him...
Too long to read. All I know is etcetera writes like someone who's brain has been sucked out and replaced with wet tissue.
Etcetera stfu
If you're so clever. Why don't you contest? Retarded kunt
ETC stfu nigga since u dunno What is the difference between a Senior Special Assistant (Media and Publicity) and a Special Adviser (Media and Publicity) then ur brain no correct ewu like u, u r just a nitwit how can u compare Gej's fucked up 6yrs with Gmb's less than a month biko mechie onu if u no get anyfin important to say
Etcetera or whatever dey call u,jst go n take several seat,it is too early for u to start complainin now ,jst watch n see.
It appears I'm gonna have to concur. I never had much confidence in this Buhari led govt from the get go anyways.
Spot on.....
Dnt mind d aboki
I will start judging Buhari after one yr, so untill then sharrap....
Ride on you're on point....his excuses is now more the his campaign promises....they voted for an action president not a president full of complains....get to work sir, and stop complaining bout the past adm!
Rome was not built in a day. Lets give him benefit of doubt before labelling him.
The simply question i care to ask this artiste who seems to have lost all sense of reality (perhaps a depressive state from failing as an artiste), is whether 3 weeks is enough to judge a government's strength and ingenuity? And also whether a governments' expression of the globally attested sad reality into which his preferred 'principal' has plunged our economy...is any way indicative of weakness and fear?
I, and indeed most sincere Nigerians, would agree that the past administration had lied to us about the state of our economy for five years; we will all also agree that our resources were exposed to excessive corruption, and in fact, the presidency was compromised. The first thing any true leadership must do is to first assess and appreciate the level of damage done...communicate this to the people and then commence on an effective strategy to salvage the economy.
How has this administration erred in that regard. And don't forget sir, that they are still less than a month old; they got the full picture of the economy just less than two weeks ago, when the transition committee submitted the reports.
Effective governance is about adequate and accurate information. They are gathering all the necessary information and soon we should begin to see what it means to be patriotic and true to the development of ones motherland. No sentiments necessary sir 'etcetera'
Etcetera is at it again...I dont no why nigerians reason this way tho, we have to come to a realisation that if Buhari suceeds, we all suceed as a country..so instead of trying to pull the presidency down, we should all support him cos he's going to be our president for the next four years!..shikena!!
Didn't bother reading. FYI a dead PMB to me is better than 50 living Gej. You don't judge an administration by 1month he has a 4yr mandate until that expires don't come back here dunce!!
Plz tell him...as old as he is he wntz to run evryting......
you are on point.
My own understanding of the political problem of Nigeria is the deviating from true federalism and the over concentration of power at the center / unitary system that we are operating........ and it is from this understanding that I arrived at the conclusion that it amounts to unpardonable oversimplification to reduce Nigeria’s ailment to the leadership capacity of any incumbent President.....Goodluck Jonathan was not Nigeria's problem..... The system we operate is the bane of contention!!!
Obviously, the man called Etcetera is more confused than any other person on earth. What Buhari has done within the few days has not only alleviate fears but also restructure the polity. Fuel now moves freely at the normal rate, power is more stable, policy making processes are on going , International community believs in us more with all diplomatic structures being re-erected, etc.
Buhari is the man. There is something called Hasty Generalisation in philosophy , people should allow the man to have at least munimu of 100 days in office before critisising him at all.
He has done a wonderful job so far. I am proud to be a Nigerian now.
Buhari became confused from the day one that APC chose him to be the presidential standard bearer, when their are more reasonable and intelligent people like Fashola . Buhari has an analog mentality therefore cannot lead the digital nature of Nigeria. Clueless man that has amnesia has nothing to offer. Buhari is busy going to the united states and travelling about, he wants to bring back the colonial era. Buhari is a very stupid brainless man.
Dumb, this boy has to grow up... really?
True talk he haven't stay up to 6months and complain and fighting splitting of senate and house if assembly ,I said it that this merging together of three parties to make one won't work out cause housas love power and when they get there they won't let go ,I pity those who thinks they are godfathers they will meet their disappointment in big time
Oh shut up you fool! You sat down for 6years and said nothing about GEJ. Keep deluding yourself ...writer gbaakwa oku!
As much as I agree with Etcetera on this article, I refuse to accept the last line of the last paragraph.
I still think the president's sluggish approach is as a result of the crisis rocking the APC.
I think we should not just conclude that this administration will not work. Let's be optimistic, while we pray for Nigeria and our 19th century oldy.
<< LIB Addict >>
Shut your dirty mouth up Etcetera, stop insulting my president u are mad! U fool did u vote on election day? Or u think that all the rubbish u have been writing people re not reading it? U want PMB not to tell Nigeria that GEJ left empty accnt etc? U don't want to face your music right? Don't worry u will end up in jail soon, moron watch nd see what PMB will do in Nigeria.
Etcetera I hail you! You always hit the nail on the head. Well said. APC had a well honed propaganda machine that spewed forth lies every day to destabilise Jonathan and PDP. The biggest lie was the "missing Chibok girls". They will soon be exposed. Now they have power they don't know what to do with it-useless lot!
a failed singer that wants another career for himself...also a failure in that too...smh
Pertinent questions raised and I quite I agree with him as a Nigerian.
However, I still hold my grand that barely a month is still young to castigate, baring in mind he still has 47months to spend as President. And reasons for not being in a haste to elect ministers has been said several times. This isn't time for initial rush and at the end nothing to show for. Afterall some people practised the initial gra gra and we all know wat ended it.
He mad some sense though, # boost your business and publicity with real IG/Twitter followers add 33551665 let's help u out
That's the change his supporters need.
That's the change his supporters need.
The writer's brain is asleep. Simply put.
Im not surprised that this article of critiscm is coming from Etcetera.He's a successful failure and a blabbermouth.He like many others are waiting for a chance to shoot holes into Buharis Regime and would rather close their eyes to his efforts than speak them out.Only myopic minds like him will expect Buhari to clean up a mess of 6yrs in one month.The man promised us change not magic like merlin does.And to my understanding this change can not happen in a hurry.It took Kuan Yew 35yrs to turn singapore into a success story he could write about aftee he was booted out of Malaysia.We gave Jonathan 6yrs to prove his worth.Why are we hanging this man on a tree just after one month? Yes its true a tree cannot make a forest,meaning Buhari needs ministers to run the country.But i dare say that Buhari is a forest on his own.The childish behaviour of our lawmakers that made them adjoined their meeting till next month makes Buhari a forest.Who will approve his ministerial list in the first place? The man is making moves to reclaim our looted funds in swiss accounts nobody praised him for that.He made moves to cut down cost ,he received bashings instead.He made a bold move of relocating army base to borno and even made collabo with other neighbouring countries possible,but what did he get?
Well He's still the president and i believe in him.The polls will decide his fate come 2019.I believe in giving chance.He has his.Lets see what he does
I am not surprised like you. Despite all the excitement and fun-fare, I know that Buhari can not punch above his weight. You can't give what you don't have. Many stupid individuals contributed to ruin the GEJ administration down. You can't go to hell because you want to go to heaven because you might not come back. One thing is certain Buhari has achieved his 16 years of becoming Nigeria executive president, weather he fulfill his premises or not.
This guy talks a lot of crap.. he has not even governed his streeet but he seems to know what it takes to run Nigeria... One word for you etcetera..... retard!!!
Anyway,wen ur career is dying, its so easy to come to a conclusion dt Buhari is a failure after a month.
Very well laid down and said my brother. In fact, this is d first time I would comment on one of ur articles cos it always lengthy buh I decided to read this to see what u have to say and u said it well. I know d likes of bonario, and pro buhari would disagree, hey who cares, u have said ur own na. And no stupid or foolish person come under here to reply or say somethn abt dis.
Hmmmmmm! Father Lord, pls help our country Nigeria to succeed. Don't let us fail as a nation i beg u.
Fullstop Abi what's his name sef. I can't with u o! Let us be waiting for the change Na
wow I actually read this message and for the first time this guy is making sense to me
I don't why ibos just want this country to get destroy at all cost given us rubbish argument when they can c what is going on in Nigeria
You said it all
Etc,i have been a fan of urs since u bexame a writter,...may your ink never finish. talk the talk.
God bless u Eccetra
Listen to fela's army arrangement and ponder on why a military man contested against Jonathan, another military man signed a peace accord with him, yet another military man asked for him to be probed. Another military chief compared themselves and said his tenure was angelic. The youths who are the majority kpa kpa nor get direction, so we de happy say Saraki win, same man that sent several to their graves with the bankruptcy of Societe Generale and Savannah Banks. Oya what can we say about Ali Ndume, who is facing trial over boko haram sponsorship and is now senate majority leader and will make laws for us. We nor de hear word for naija, so we deserve where we are as a people.
You quite right though ... We seem to be hearing a lot of excuses. I believe we should be hearing about the new strategy and implementing new laws etc rather it's " there is no money in the vault! Before u know it he will use 1year to say he had been tracking the lost money while everything else falls apart. Personally this man is too old for this job
Dis guy is sOooo right,buhari is not the right person....
This is the most ridiculous article ever written by an "insane" man! He only got there about a month ago and you are calling for his head already. Its absolutely irresponsible for someone who has no motive to come out and write this, what a shame! A lunatic would know better. I aint ever gon read any piece from this guy bereft of deep thought and idea again. very stupid write up. And for ur info, no one expects buhari to perform magic and turn Nigeria around in a month. We are willing to wait to see developments and which will come.
Better it is to go slowly and steadily,achieving key successes, than make directionless hastes, that eventually achieve little or nothing.
Always making sense and on point.We are waiting.One advice,try to be writing novels,you will be a good novelist/writer.
Splendid write up! I agree with u, only that some Nigerians have refused to see thing from d right perspective.. it's a pity
Buhari is my president, I did vote for him but he is my president. Give him 2 months to re-adjust please. Just 2 months won't harm us die.
Ifeanyi Ike
There was really no point finishing this write up as it was all negativity.... It's jst 1 month in outta 4years. Does he look like magician to u?? He has a long way to go. So have several seats and watch him do what he can do in 4years.. Weather u like it or not he is the already the president and ya'l fools will have to deal with it.. I know it hurt so bad that u won't be cashing out like u were seeing money in Jona's regime ( madam linda) poor thing!! I know the igboness in u won't let u accept BUHARI or APC but it don't matter, no matter how hard u try to pull dis man down it won't work Loool.. So stop being bitter... Ain't nobody gives a rat ass about ya'l Lame opinion and most definitely not d jobless etcetera so move along..
First 100 Days assessment will be a pertinent yardstick.
If he remains a Noisy Compressor that is not cooling then we will be in for a Long Haul
Better it is to go slowly and steadily,achieving key successes, than make directionless hastes, that eventually achieve little or nothing.
Etcetera is partially correct we don't need excuses we need solutions.
However coming to a conclusion DAT he wud fail is being unfair n unpatriotic to say d least
Etcetera, if U knew all these, and more competent than Buhari, U should have contested in the presidential elections for Nigerians to vote for U. Please take several seats. #talk-is-cheap.
Etecetra i have heard people say you are a mad man, u just proved it today.
PMB giving report does not translate to complain. Military men are trained to report at every stage during any assignment/work. This is what the president is used to, that is his style.
Yes he said he wish he were younger but in the same statement he also said he would do all he can. Why are people just feasting on the 1st part of his statement?
Mind you, he is not slow due age, but because unlike you, he is not one to foolishly jump into conclusions. He met a distauted country in all ramification, he is not a magician. If he wants to achieve long-term results, he needs to take the time as needed and not do wuruwuru to the answer.
He hasn't even been there a full month. These things take time oga. It is a nation he is running, not your home
Lol @ borrowin moni to acquire d form to contest for president, anyways, u are kinda right bt WATCH UR BACK before u realize urself in a cool prison.
Etcetera, dis is d true summation of things. Buhari is on a confused path. Noise making apc idiots will come here and talk trash.
U would think BUHARI has been the president for a year and he has not done a damn thing. Damn! Dem send una abi?? It's jst 1 month give the man a break let him take his time and do what he gotta do right!! U want teach how to rule nigeria? Or how to be d president with poor self?? And Bia him Not having ministers in place yet does it affect ur daily meal?
ETC do me a favour please. Fuck off to hell fire Mr ITK... Anybody who had no clue about Nigeria and it's newly Elected President would think the man is already half way through his tenure after reading your bummed up epistle. Just fuck off please you annoying little weasel. .
I would come back later to read. Linda take note!
Who etc don help?? c'mon gerrrrout here joor!
I think this guy is just seeking attention, how can u expect miracles in less than a month? For God's sake this man has not even unpacked his suitcase in asorock.
Buhari has nt been in office for up to 1month and everyone is complaining...
Buhari never promised to perform miracle.....haba
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB......
Applause for u
When I said were going from frying pan to fire they said I was a PDP fanatic,it's soooo clear that APC as a people are overwhelmed,unprepared and confused more hungry for power and money like they said the PDP was,they are on a new level of madness, buhari is confused my brother,yes age has a lot to do with governing any country more so a country like Nigeria,my grandfather can't come and rule he can only advise and that's the only thing buhari is capable of,even a blind man can see that the APC has no plan or agenda,just going with the wind,only God can save us
The writer is very myopic.U are so quick to castigate a govt that is barely a month old considering the huge burden inherited from the past administration. SMH.The writer needs psychiatric evaluation.
True talk! Aboki president is confuse!!
on point.. oya AllPastCriminal blind supporters, start attacking as usual..
Can't read all jare. Got things to do
Ooooooooooh my....!
What a long story.
Ooooooooooh my....!
What a long story.
Etcetera has now finally become a writer.
Usually, presidents are called into early account after the first 100 days into their presidency. Etc must be getting some big checks for this hatchet job of a column that too harshly condemns the presidency a mere not quite yet a month since inauguration.
So much bitterness in etc's writeups. Happiness is a challenge to him.Its a pity
Etcetera has written a thought provoking piece. Nigeria's current situation does not call for excuses but action that will bring about change. APC should note that Buhari is not only the president of APC members but ALL Nigerians and should assist him work and not draw this nation back.
Buhari is equipped with 19th Century ideas, yet he presides over a 21st century nation. I am worried about the age of his ideas. May 29 till date, a president that won election on March 28 is yet to appoint Ministers. It is intentional mischievous attempt to be a dictator. Buhari is not used to working with people so he will do all within his powers to "run" the country as his personal enterprise with the suggestion of his tribe and friends. We must NOT allow this to happen. If Buhari does not appoint Ministers in the next 2 weeks, the National Assembly to enact a law mandating him to do so or face impeachment. Who advise Buhari to disband NNPC, stop forex purchase by over 30 sector importers and disband check point ? These decisions have implications and we need well-schooled persons to debate the efficacy of these decisions by the Daura Dullard. I am pissed.
Finally Etcetera gains relevance. He's correct though.
ETC or what?.... stupid failure fellow
Ehn bc u r senseless like him nau. It's just a month for crying out loud. Aarrgghhh
God bless u dearie.Nigerians, we are our own problem.
It's well ijn..
Shut your dirty mouth of yours up! Moron like u dishing out rubbish from ur dirty mouth. Wen PMB finish with u PDP criminals u people will no that there is a deference between what Nigeria people call Caki no be leather.
Has etcetera ever written an article on how or why he failed and his failing as a musician? When he writes dat I can give him audience on other matters. For now he is a failed musician looking for cheap publicity. This won't get him anywhere.
Are u surprised my comrade?? Don't be jawe,na Pdp handwork be all dis iyoo!
Buh God pass dem wella!! Nigeria wil be great again!
Mr Etcetera, I'm convinced you ran short of ideas on what to write next. It's normal, every writer goes dry at some point. Although I'm surprised at how constructive a writer you are, this piece let you down. Unusually shallow, selfish views, biased judgements. I don't know how you make money from this, but you don't always have to submit write ups if they ain't up to scratch. Choose quality ahead of quantity. Accept the criticism, helps everyone get better. Cheers.
Well said! Thumbs up to you
U made a lot of sense, but u shd not have bothered the guy is dead not ashamed and stupid.
And am thinking dis is d handwork of doyin or metuh.....Buh dem no reach!
As far as God reigneth in his throne buhari wil conquer....And naija wil be great again.......
i dont think uv read the write up before commenting, its only a sleeping brain like yours that comments like what uv put down here. pls try and have a reading culture
Media and publicity is communication
Jonathan failed woefully in this area with the band wagon of okupe and fans Kayode who is currently under Efcc hammer. When people compare 6 yrs of jonathan's administration where nigerians suffered poor publicity "we are onto of the situation". A government that misled and made d people suffer under corruption to a barely 100 days of Buhari's administration that is already witnessing top class Pr and communication management mindless of political brainwashing. All I do is laff at people like etcetera
Make we give this man time to work , Una fit eat beans way no done. Sir pls carry on
It's pretty obvious from recent Occurences within the apc cabinet that they aren't prepared at all,they have no agenda, no plans for the so called change...they only planned for war to tear nigeria apart should they loose, since they didn't trust their rigging, unfortunately for them, goodluck closed the gap for war and they became scattered and clueless...it'll take only time and grace at all for them to stand on their feet...right now they're still blood and power thirsty, so let's give tem more time to settle down...in my opinion Atiku would have been the best presidential candidate for the apc.....p.s open your apc fanatic mouth to insult me and you and your family and generations unborn shall keep dying shameful deaths
No but ONLY giving series of excuses daily and not one line of action will not be tolerated...as at today currency exchange $ is 200 ...tht one example is of sth we were not ready to wait another day with GEJ for..as a business owner now u want me to bear it with Pa Buhari for 2years ?? He said he already has d template to do the magic ...now they just talking ... Is he going to sell any of d 7private jets? alas No...is he going to declare his assets publicly? U knw d rest....these little actions that is not different than choosing to not show up for debate is not fair...At d end of d day,not all of us hv been #Change brain washed
HHmmm, just watch and pray for this country, we are going somewhere men.
HHmmm, just watch and pray for this country, we are going somewhere men.
D president isnt even a month old, u want to crucify him...b4 GEJ went out of seat did we ve fuel, light? Or mayb u don't go to d market at all cus evrything got too expensive... Its all falling in place now by God's Grace....so instead of crcifying someone and making un necessary division in people's thinking...why not just Sit Down and pray 4 Nigeria. Den hope 4 d best. Thnk u
No mind d gal,alwayz commenting from her anus..
Ectera always saying d simple truth. Na siddon dey look i dey.
Okowright,you are so right. Buhari us an old tired bones. More Clueless than the definition of the word Clueless.Buharis time us up as he came in without preparation..APC, Association of past crimunals,they re still present criminals
There was nothing like the Chibok girls, we all fell for it.The principal has bn made a commissioner if education, doesn't this mean that it was well planned. And to think that they involved the international community,i am still shocked how politics could be played.Even the Useless Oby ezekwesili was heavily paid to disrupt GEJ'S regime. God will visit all of them one by one.
Dumb Fuck.
Dude is Dull on his assessment.
Pathetic how he jst wanna make 'a' news headline.
Well said my brother. You have hit it again.
You mean top class or full of lies.You are an olodo.Choose what you want pks
Useless clues party with its common rigging machines.Shame to APC, shame to Buhari, shame to oyegun.
Right bak @ ur pops.mannerless fool.
Its alrite o etcetra poits taken
Don't jump in to conclusion yet, what has he done for u to say he has done better than GEJ? Always learn to speak the truth, it pays.....
Don't jump in to conclusion yet, what has he done for u to say he has done better than GEJ? Always learn to speak the truth, it pays.....
I dey enjoy u well Mr writer, I beg another exclusive on Olisa Adebua Beat FM. The Guy life na comedy ,he is living a fake life.No wife no pikin,a I na Gay in disguise?
Shut up! Ignorant baboon!
Mr Homo how is he failed sir. He has a fundamental right to his own opinions. Are you aware of that? What happened to reading and just passing. I think you should go back to school instead of advertising your pathetic gay body. Ass licker like you
Someone should please slap this guy to shut the "F" up!
Buhari has nothing to offer Nigeria. That is why he wants Fashola in Aso.
I totally agree with the commenter that stated that instead of APC to prepare for how they would govern the country if they win the election, they were busy preparing for war, if they lose or if Jonathan refuse to hand over! Buhari has no excuse whatsoever not to have appointed his ministers by now! March 28th since he contested the election is enough for him to pen down his ministers and advisers! Infact, if he is proactive, he should have his ministers of change on the tip of his finger since 2003 when he started contesting presidential election.
It is only fools and brainless supporters that will come here to denigrate etcetera for this wonderful write up! Even though Buhari is barely a month in office, by the way he is going about, it's highly necessary for people like etcetera to knack him back in line! Buhari has been putting the wrong foot since ascending the throne of leadership, but APC supporters are even worse than the blind to see it! We don't expect Buhari to do magic within a month! No! But we expect him to show us what he is doing right now so that in so so time we should be having constant electricity, massive employment, improved standard of living, abolition of illiteracy and corruption, extermination of boko haram and insecurity! Nigerians needs to be assured and given hope that things will get better in the nearest future! But we are not getting that from Buhari. The only thing we are getting from Buhari are excuses, doom predictions, infighting amongst apc and rampaging Boko haram!
Lastly, let me warn one nuisance here call Irabo boby fera favour or whatever he calls himself! The way you senselessly attack and insults comments that doesn't favour you and your Buhari; If that's how you behave in person, it won't be long before someone put a gun on your chicken-head and blow it off! Be warned!!!
I laugh in Chinese.... Abeg abokiDaWarriBoy tell am jor!!!
@Blessing, u harsh o..... Buh u r right though, his brains has actually been sucked out n really replaced wit wet tissues.
Angry with myself that I read everything. His last paragraph defines the height of his pessimism.
I support u... really retarded. Already boring sef. wonder why linda post trash like dis sef
Gbam... u haf said it.
Exactly the point! You can't read.Your parents sent you to school and choose to become a gay.Onuku igala
*Linda's best friend*
I guess he is confused ...
Aint reading no shit from all the jargons you'v got here. Failed idiot
No naa..Your name is not Otobo Blessing, your name is coursed Otule.
*Linda's best friend
Asi anya ocha. Which people? It must be you and his cows.
*Linda's best friend*
Your father and forefathers are very stupid and brainless! Are u even from this part of d world @all? Your name sounds abnormal @okworite galaxy Asshole!
Smellos......u don't want to no d havoc d past govt did but want Buhari to do magic overnight. #BrainDead
I have to concur a bit with etcetera. lam yet to see a set of Preliminary moves to suggest Something great has arrived. There are somethings Buhari can do short of complain. The complaints fall on deaf ears beCOs the people already knew these things existed, these complaints are the reason he rode on the votes of the desperate Poor to Aso Rock. Rather than complaints which is a defeatist and an "l am overwhelmed" approach, talk about the complaints in terms of well thought out strategy to tackle them. We are ready to work with you. Get strategic! End the lamentations
GEJ or PMB, Bros, you can't perform better than them if you are given the opportunity to be a Nigerian president. just face your family problems at least.
I wonda wat wil deliver ur mind frm its thik blindnes nd ignorance. Lost fool.
U must realy b a dumb ass to put up ds coment
Y nt mak urself clear. Do u min dat buhary wil execute him lyk he did in d past? I hope dts nt wat u min cos if it is...den u ar just much more dan stupid.cis ds is democracy...he has a ryt to speak..just lyk u.
Rememba dt it takes a day to knw a man. More dan three wks is enuf to set crtain necesary balls rolling. I wanda y pipu lyk u ar so patient wit d wrng persn..hu made us bliev dt he wil b a miracle wrker via his campaign speeches
Nd hu ar u to tel sm1 wen he is to make observatns? Imagin u hu ar brainles nd lak forsight, is teling sm1 to sharap until u ar redy to observ. As u tak20 yrs to finish kokoro secondary skul, im tel u say na so skul had am? Rubish
Can someone pls tell dis Mumu of a man to go and pack well jor bcus he's saying rubbish. Jst seat and watch, u will see how Buhari will rule this country in a better way. At least we hope and pray for him to recover all our stolen money abroad. Instead of u to pray for ur count for a better tomorrow, u are there writing rubbish. Olodo oshi. Ewu.
Is it easy to take care of a child? Now you're talking of a country as a whole.. C'mon act like an adult Mr man.
What did he do better than GEJ funny retard like u
As in 100 days never reach sef! Relax my guy, go think about another topic.. If u write this in a couple of years, I'd give u small credit. This 1 Na epic fail
Funny so u mean if there is stable power now and fuel he must b the one that's a lie. It has to be GEJ. Buhari has done nothing. We are waiting
I couldn't help commenting to your comment. Stron words dear
@etc, u couldn't be more precise, u aired my point of view. God bless you sir!
Y person go insult you,u don already insult urself and family with these comments ur idiocity and excuse u make on behalf of idiocity is enough
Can etcetera jst shut his fuckin mouth . He also has somtin to say . Goshhh !
Buhari have metal problem, Biko, na phone error
Very soon Buhari will win award for most flying out president
God bless u @2tyte media n @ anonymous 11:51, put all d blame on ur GEJ n nt PMB. He's jst less dan a month in office so STFU
I believe you don't understand simple English, if you do that gutter of yours that you call mouth should be firmly closed
Guess you are still celebrating the US Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriage
Does this guy ever see anything good in anyone?
Your name sounds like otondo blessing. Meaning senseless blessing
Bros @aboki it seems anything said against Buhari just sound stupid to u.
At least give a reason u feel Etcetera is unreasonable, he just gave a reason why he feels Buhari is bound to fail
The first reasonable response. One man against a billion.
Nigerian youths seem to amaze me. Instead of asking questions and putting the president on his toes, we are shouting down excetera. Its about 3 months since GMB won elections and so far it appears he is still preparing to govern. It took him 12 years to get here and he seem not prepared. When will he get to work! TRULY WE GET THE LEADERS WE DESERVE.
Respect is reciprocal. Don't insult or abuse people on social media. Post a write up and state your observation. You don't know who sees or read your comments. Grow up and lets build a better and more tolerant Nigeria.
it amaze me whow Nigerians shy away from the truth.. Everything this guy wrote is the truth! stil see some comment & people who cant even write a sentence saying trash about it..lets face it! Huhari is not starting well! As the beging of everythin matters
He is confused.com
Some of una comments long pass etc article... funny how this guy thinks PMB is GEJ that he can just run his mouth on....
Bonita u r too much
U must be very stupid for this comment
My Question is: Does Jonathan deserve a second term! No! Was he the worse President we ever had in terms of abetting corruption and being corrupt himself? Yes! Was he the most clueless President Nigeria has ever paraded, Yes! Did Nigeria really need a change of governance? Hell Yea!! The man you are criticising hasn't even spent 100days in office!! Let's be real Nigerians, all we clamour for is a better Nigeria irrespective of whoever is there! Buhari is very credible!! Etcetera, you are an immature writer, please grow up and stop using your pen on un-intelligent write-ups! You r already famous, we don see you! Cock sucker! #copythat
Lmfao..Lili kisses
God bless u @2tyte media...this is how young pple with vibrant brains argue; though I have my reservations concerning points u raised, u've earned my respect sir; u courteously countered him and shared what u feel with respect..
I love u Bonita.
To everyone who did not see sense in dat writeup, we shud shake heads for u. U d exact reason this country is d same. U chose to attack d personality of d writer to ignore salient points raised, so dat u can at all cost not see fault in whatever is happening in the country at d moment! it's unfortunate
Regio, it's "know" not "no". #NoBrain
@ Christie Benjamin: For once you have an opinion. A clear departure of blowing neither hot or cold. Love it. Keep it up.
I agree with you, anonymous however, too much has been said already. Nigerians expect the new administration to get to work. These guys had two months after winning elections before the inauguration. And the media was awash with how they need to hit the ground running immediately after inauguration that Nigerians were seriously counting down for the days of GEJ'S administration to come to an end. We should all bear one thing in mind, Nigerians are more politically aware and active now and also there are lots of expectations from PMB that he cannot afford to fail. APC should not expect the same treatment from Nigerians as given to his predecessor in terms of patience. We elected u to fix the mess and that it will be. You're too old, u met empty treasury is nonsense. What are the action points please? More so, there are other revenue generating agencies like FIRS, Customs, NCC etc are you telling us that there haven't paid in anything for u to start some work assuming that a buoyant treasury is all u need to start work. I have a lot to write but i'I'd rather stop here for now. I pray for all our sake that PMB succeeds as we cannot waste another 4 years waiting for another messiah.
I agree.
Irabo and anonymous go get some education first then maybe u can become part of a civil conversation.
I totally agree. I have also condemned that irabo guy. He needs to be more civil.
And you chose to hide yours and remain anonymous. Obviously your family name is so stupid you'd rather remain anonymous. Foolish retarded fool
You just showedthe amount of senselessness embedded in you. Beast.
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