My name is Moses SilokoSiasia. I am a young successful Nigerian businessman who has decided to run for office of the Governor for my home state of Bayelsa, Nigeria. The age limit to run for the office of Governor in our constitution is thirty five. I have waited patiently for a chance to change the political environment in Bayelsa and on June 6th of this year, I turned thirty five and I am ready to run. I am a native of Bayelsa and a self–made successful businessman who until 16 years ago, was a street vendor who scrounged for money and food to survive.
Determined to take myself and family out of poverty, I worked day and
night literally to gain a foothold in the very challenging private Nigerian
After consulting with my family and friends, and based
upon the tremendous outcry from my home state for help, I have decided to run
for the office of Governor of Bayelsa. For far too long, my people have
suffered from political oppression!
Despite being one of the wealthiest states in Nigeria, with an abundance
of natural resources, Bayelsa has one of the highest unemployment rates in
Nigeria. Our children do not have modern
schools or tools to educate them. Our students abroad are stranded without
resources to complete their education. Our infrastructure has been neglected resulting
in dangerous impassable roads, lack of portable water, and basic human hygiene. Our older citizens have
been abandoned and left to die in poverty and poor health. Our young, internationally educated young men
and women have been denied the opportunity to run for office, and told that
“the office of the Governor is not for boys”. Young citizens of Bayelsa who
today seek change are being threatened and intimidated for speaking up against
the current regime. Fear mongering and intimidation has no place in Bayelsa and
the time has come to end this madness and take back our state from lying,
thieving, self-serving politicians.
Since Bayelsa became a state in 1996, there has not been any
private economic growth. Our people rely solely on the allocation of
Government funds to survive, but the money never trickles down to them due to
wastefulness, mismanagement of funds, a lack of leadership and self-serving
agendas. Our people have been cheated, lied to, misled, neglected, and held in
political bondage for far too long and it is time to set my people free. My
name is Moses, and I will lead my people to the Promised Land! I am running for
Governor because it is time to take back our state and usher in a new era of
leadership and prosperity for the people of Bayelsa. Today, the youth of
Bayelsa is crying for real measureable change. The future of Bayelsa is in dire
straits. Our youth, the custodians of our future are here to take back our
In July 2015, I will formally declare my campaign in
Bayelsa, and on Election Day, will make history as the youngest elected person
to the office of Governor in the history of Nigeria. It is time for us,
the educated, proven successful business minded professionals to lead. The
office of the Governor is NOT a trust fund for individualistic self-serving
agendas. It is the highest office of the state charged with the responsibility
of its people. As a successful businessman, I will govern the state with a firm
grip on accountability and charge all those who will work with me with great
responsibility and high integrity. I will bring in much needed international
investments and create sustainable and meaningful private sector jobs. It is
time for all foreign contractor who come here year in and year out to reinvest
in our state. No longer will we allow the world, and our current leadership to
take advantage of us. I aim to give hope to the hopes and give voice to the
voiceless. The time for real measureable
change is now! I am Moses SilokoSiaisiaand I am running for the office of the
Governor of Bayelsa to lead my people out of political bondage and to a land of
Good luck Moses
Good luck. Inspiring life
Interesting...good luck to him.
Nice one...God's grace
I wish him the best.
Wish you success in your governorship race.
After election?!
Good may the Lord see you through. Continue to be incurrupt. James 4:17
God bless u brother and may He give u victory.
Ok, intention to start touchn political money he meant
Good for him
Ok, intention to start touchn political money he meant
Good for him
Wow! Dis is great, and nice. I wish him well, and God bless him abundantly. Thumbs up, and more power to his elbows.
Hmm he shd join apc
~D great anonymous!
Wow! Dis is great, and nice. I wish him well, and God bless him abundantly. Thumbs up, and more power to his elbows.
What does this mean?
Wow! Dis is great, and nice. I wish him well, and God bless him abundantly. Thumbs up, and more power to his elbows.
Good luck but bro oh, the unemployment aspect of it is nobody's fault. Your people re lazy set of people that prefers staying @ home drinking kai kai while de wait for govt to release money. So even if u provide work for them, de ain't ready to work jack
All the best to him.
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"I once had no shoes" by Goodluck Jonathan....
This is another self acclaimed youth from Bayelsa with similar story to tell. Who knows, he can be President some day...
Oga Siloko, tell us another story. A short one. Can't read all that you have written now.
Interesting,I hope he wins..the youths are suppose to be d leaders of today not tomorrow.Enough of old cargoes in political offices already!
Seen, we wl c wat u wl do wen u gt der
Seen, we wl c wat u wl do wen u gt der
Best of Luck!
Aii... I hope ur dreams come through!
Best of luck
None of my cup of agbo!
U still de run? I think say d marathon race don end oo kk na ngwa jisike nna
Handsome dude tho... Did I Just Comment ???
All the best...Remember Jonathan is not relevant anymore.Dickson is the man of the people
Another Shoeless person from Bayelsa. Must they come from Bayelsa?
Story too long
But i wish you well
Ok. I wish you all za best.
<< LIB Addict >>
Didnt bayelsa just elect a governor or what? Men I'm confused o. Dave
These are the type of people we need in our government.
I think I like this guy...
Go make us proud son...
Which elections??
You need anything from the UK? Contact me. I can do the running around and make sure your goods get to you for a lil' amount. Contact me on bitai2015@yahoo.co.uk
That's good, oya over to bayelsians
Sharp guy, u don dey campaign good 4yrs(?) ahead of time.
If ur STORY is to be believed, do give us a systematic breakdown of how U rose through d ranks frm abject poverty, many will like to follow in ya footst.eps
Lonly lady,am in lag:bigcharles43@yahoo.com
Go guy!I gt yah back.
You for try state house of assembly first. Good luck sha
Youth is strenth, enthusiasm, reform and fresh ideas. Just what we need.
Sweet mouth... easier said than done!
Wish u well tho. YES U KAN!!
Good luck
Amazing Photos of Man transforming into the Kardashians/Jenners including Caitlyn(SEE HERE)
Youth is strenth, enthusiasm, reform and fresh ideas. Just what we need.
Youth is strenth, enthusiasm, reform and fresh ideas. Just what we need.
Great. Wish you success
This is indeed the dawn of a new era. Wind of change is in the air. Wish you all the best
Good to know. Linda take note.
I applaud your courage in this crazy political era dominated by our grand fathers. May the Almighty crown your efforts with success.
Lol. I knew this was where he was going. Best of luck though!
No. There were about 6 states that didn't hold elections this period. Bayelsa is one of them.
What are his credentials? How did he become a successful business man? Oil bunkering? Where is your certificate
All the Best
Nice ambition. But you can actually start helping your state even without being the State governor. So that your good works would speak for you. I wish you all the best.
Some Nigerians sha.. how is this story too long..kai..The Reading culture needs help..
Some Nigerians Sha.. How is this Story too long.. Our readng culture needs help ..Kinda like the guy tho.. seems sincere. Hope He wont verify the idiiom that all that glitters is not gold.. Politics and promises
U have my vote. Even though am not from there. Just wish it's that easy, cus those political godfathers no go gree. But I will pray for u to succeed .
Goodluck #AmOut
Election will hold later in d year.
I am in Full support of your ambition ...The Youth must begin to position themselves to take over. From Imo State I shall throw my support through whichever way I can because at 35 I also intend to run for the office of the Governor .I am very confident and positive that you will win and the best I will do is to show support that the precedent may be laid for me and many others out their to come on board..Bigups! and may God grant you your wishes..TC
Moses siasia is an exceptional and dynamic leader. Everyone who have encountered him can attest to that. What he has done with Nigerian Young Professionals Forum is amazing. Bayelsa state will be lucky to have this young, vibrant, ebullient and visionary man as their governor. God be with you Mr Moses!
the way they admit the ills of the state/ economy and condemn each other's administration when vying for offices is amazing when juxtaposed with their eventual body language after they assume office. it kills me when they automatically become blind to the ills they hitherto saw glaringly
*** mynameisskelewu
I think its time,these old blood leave the political stage of this country for the youths,for so long,they have been entrusted with leadership n for this long,we are yet to see any meaningful change .i support you moses but,don't let us down,when you get there!
Sir, please are you related to samson siasia, if so what are your contributions to the dream eagles
you dont need to be a governor to impact change. Start from your community, society, lga, state.
Then we can be convinced. DOnt be a joker - attention-seeker.
Great news.
Long sermon
The lord is ur strength my brother at list some of the youth's who ran away from home Bcos of poverty will return home,
Wow! Dis is great, and nice. I wish him well, and God bless him abundantly. Thumbs up, and more power to his elbows.
Awww...he sounds intelligent and full of life. Wish u all d best in ur aspiration.
Wish u luck but start from were u are to change things bf u will go to d top.one luv!!
Yeah, U did ma dear.
* * * Linda's 1st Daughter * *
Go for it. God shall grant you success. But the exorbitant sum charged by party executives for forms, is not in the constitution. National Assembly and State Assemblies must remove it and make it illegal.
Text Fortune to 33020.
Moses, this is a good move and I must say I respect your courage. I know its too early to mention or map-out your program. However, I will advise that you get your team and begin to map out strategies and programs on how to institute viable agenda's on how to push the state forward. Itemize some key point on were your leadership will follow-up to improve the lots of the people. The electorate (the people) do not want to know how good looking u are, or how much education u have attained, or how much u have in the bank as a business man. They only want to know your strategic programs especially on creation of jobs, on education, welfare, transport and utilities, security, to mention but few. They want to know your leadership qualities, how passionate and intuitive you are to the people that u want to lead. They want to believe in you in as much as u believe in yourself to mean well for them. So, u have to start consulting the best brains into your team as soon as possible.
I'll stop here and will like to follow the political trend of our lovely Izon state as it unfolds. This is the real change we want. The time for young vibrant men and woman to mount political positions has come. I wish you well and good luck to you.
Bradford trained lawyer .... joe ogobor
That's what they all say, until they get there. Anyway, goodluck with ur political ambition.
HMmmm. Evrybdy wants 2 hav a share of public fund and prestige. Tank God d President is abt reducing d salaries n allowances of political leaders. I'm sure afta dat,we wil no longer hav crooks fighting their way in2 power.
Moses, this is a good move and I must say I respect your courage. I know its too early to mention or map-out your program. However, I will advise that you get your team and begin to map out strategies and programs on how to institute viable agenda's on how to push the state forward. Itemize some key point on were your leadership will follow-up to improve the lots of the people. The electorate (the people) do not want to know how good looking u are, or how much education u have attained, or how much u have in the bank as a business man. They only want to know your strategic programs especially on creation of jobs, on education, welfare, transport and utilities, security, to mention but few. They want to know your leadership qualities, how passionate and intuitive you are to the people that u want to lead. They want to believe in you in as much as u believe in yourself to mean well for them. So, u have to start consulting the best brains into your team as soon as possible.
I'll stop here and will like to follow the political trend of our lovely Izon state as it unfolds. This is the real change we want. The time for young vibrant men and woman to mount political positions has come. I wish you well and good luck to you.
Moses, wait for your time. Its not really about your age. What have you contributed to Bayelsa that you want to go straight into the governorship, not even House of Reps, House of Assembly or Senate? George Turner who you were best man to has done a lot for his people and has more money and connections than you. But he hasn't declared for anything, though he can easily win at least for the state or federal legislature. What structure do you have? Almost all those that have money in Bayelsa or outside the state wouldn't give you money cos its too much of risk. You organised two or three seminars (how many jobs did they create or how many entrepreneurs did it create) , had a few press mentions and you want to be CEO of a tough state like Bayelsa. Maybe you want more popularity. Maybe you want Dickson or who ever wins to take note of you when its time for appointing commissioners. Ben Bruce tried to be governor even with much more success as an entrepreneur. But he had to settle for the Senate when the powers that be looked his way. Tony Elumelu established STB which later acquired UBA at 35. Why not emulate him? Stay off politics. Look at what his foundation, creating thousand of entrepreneurs more than ten govs put together. yet he is still among the top 10 billionaires. If you too dont just want to chop Bayelsa money, prove your worthy as a young investor, first and try again in the next 10 years. Or you would just end up boxing yourself into a corner.
All I want 2 knw is how u became a self made business man.
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