Footballer Chichi Igbo celebrated the announcement made by the US supreme Court which legalized same sex marriage in all 50 states in the US by dancing in a video and waving the rainbow flag.
She captioned it "Congrats to my American folks, love won period!! Say anything dumb and get your ass blocked"! Try me. More photos after the cut..
She's a lesbian. Erryone knows
I'm celebrating too by drinking cold online pepsi
Chichi igbo shud change name to Chichi ekwensu
Good for her
No faking
Oyibo don finish oooooo
No comment , just passing by,
Wot is dere to celebrate?? Like seriously girl/boy set ur priorities right and be useful to urself! Stop constituting public nuisance.. dumbo! See how she/he is
Mumu oya come Nigerian make we slice your neck off,bastard idiot
God have mercy on u guys
Tshwwwww. Chichi that looks like Obinna. Looking 4 relevance
Lost soul! Let's pray for her and "them".
Jesus is Lord.
Fool!!....why u dey cover ur face na....shame on d devil dat possessed u
Lol@ get ur ass blocked...
End time tins
His headache.
Mumu girl
Sodom and gomorrah is nothing compared to wat is happening today'...lord have mercy!!!
Hu b dz one kwa!! Wey kip face lyk mgbada,,devilish set of Pple
It's ybrecoz'''
No words
Mumu girl nd. i can see. Where lesbianism came Into nigeria facon Team
No words
She looks like baco Supa sac
Who wants to follow the idiot?
Useless shemale. Chichi nini? Nwoke nwanyi.
Anuohia! No be mumu pple wey get time de follow adaka like u go block? Silly shit!
Am not surprised
Ora sugar!
You have not won nothing.It is not victory if you will still end up in hell.Hell is real.No gays, lesbians ,transgenders will make heaven.Except , EXCEPT a man be born again ,he can not see the kingdom of God.God will not argue with mortal man.If and when you die,you will come face to face with reality.If you are not gay but support and encourage gays you will not be exempt from hell fire.Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around it were wiped out for the sins these evil people are now legalizing .legalizing abomination.legalizing evil,legalizing sin.The way to hell is truly wide.Its up to Linda to publish this truth.
Dis ladyboy shud come out straight n tell d public which Sex she is really made of...ndi mmadu sef.
like i cant deal with dz bullshit anymore diz z total madness too ridiculous to a fault.....i guess Obama was brought to this world by two males or maybe females datz y his deranged brain can legalise such abominable/despicable act.....smh
I knew she was all this while
Is he. Male or female
Is she/he homesexual?
Why the celebration??
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Is this one a she or a he?
the USA is leading d world 2 condemnation and funny enof is what most of us celebrate their activities. d last days is now #REPENTNOW
Who is this one abeg
the USA is leading d world 2 condemnation and funny enof is that most of us celebrate their activities. d last days is now #REPENTNOW
Who is following these kind of people on twitter for them to saying about blocking ur ass. What are people following them for?
...i was watching the series 'empire' today and i observed the Jamal's character was portrayed...a strong,talented, likable gay singer. These gay folks have finally won their fight for acceptance...#Suki
Block wetin?? Who she don help? Apart 4rm her fellow lez...abeg ee
Odiegwu o
Just look at this moron talking about blocking people. People that follows her, what did they see that they want to follow her. Follow her to hell? Is only your likes that will follow you. Useless/worthless child of a failed parent.
Busy Fingers.
Suspected she was gay, oh well.
Hello Obama, may your daughters bring you news of their marriage to women.
May you give that speech on their wedding.
Block ke!! Wetin I wan find follow ds one?
Her headache biko. Linda take note!
Abeg wetin obinna do u
Block ke!! Wetin I wan find follow ds one?
Shut up with your indoctrinated verbal diarrhea! Love has won.
What's d black thing on her face? Just disappointed in Obama, maybe one of his daughter is gay cos d way he took d whole thing hmm, Lord hv mercy n bring sanity back to d human race. In this sense we r worse than animals, at least am yet to hear or see 2 animals of d same sex sleeping with each other!
I wonder, d sick feeling like a celeb!
Na woman be this?
Chichi Igbo , am sure you are from a Christian home and you have come across a bible, please go and read Leviticus 20:13 and 1cor 6:9
lost souls
Well said.
OH PLEASE!! NIGERIANS SHOULD SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH YOUR IGNORANT ASSES AND HELL THIS, HELL THAT. Why would I be born gay(bisexual if we want to be accurate) only to be condemned to hell? I'm sick of this backwardness and ignorance in this country, why the fuck is it your business what I do in my bedroom? We are on the wrong side of history. Bye.
Shameless thing.
FOOLS!!! This one Obama is invited that empty head Buhari to the US, I hope he will not deceive him into legalising same sex marriage in Nigeria. If that happens in Nigeria we will massacre any fool involved in such act. Obama is a BIG FOOL. Why did he marry a woman? Why not marry a man. IDIOTS!!!
Bottom level of hell fire she go chill when judgment day happen
She does nt look female,she is he in a woman's body,tongue out.
Oooooooooo my!
Where is this word heading to? In fact ISIS should behead those who legalize this shit.
Why did she cover her face na? She for kuku comot for open?
Adaka personified, who carry this one commot for cage.opportunist. na nigeria cause am ,if say hunger still de wire you for nija like before,you go get mouth do this shit. ozulereere somebody
ewu, dat is why u resembled man, u wil not marry idiot
monkey celebration. I kw dis re bn going on with falcon players
I wil always b against the rubbish falcons team
Dis is not worth celebrating bcos dis act is sin b4 d living God.
Pls Lord save dis generation frm dis act dat wil lead them frm destruction.
anu ofia better don't come back to Nigeria again
Congrats to her.....
Lust win not love
I'm speechless.....n soo not riteous o but......chai it's too much na
Is dt a person or a yam tuber?
Linda, stop promoting this people. Don't incur the wrath of God on yourself...
They re bastards possessed! All what they re celebrating is nonsense, watch nd see the way they'll start killing them, or they think all Americans re happy with Gay law? Also they'll start sharing H I V AIDS to themselves soon useless people including evil President Obama is a fool.
I weep for America!
Please we are looking for our neighbour. An elderly woman(mummy Vivian!) she has alzheimer's(loss of memory) please if u find any elderly woman please advertise. Thank you
Good for her but if i find out my child is a F A G G O T. I will take him/her out of this world. Thank you idiot obama, this is ur hope & change. America will forever regret voting a black man into power.
I don't know where to start from.. but i ll let you know this.. all of you quoting the bible and critising people over the mystery of this life that you don't understand.. you are no different from the so called ISIS terrorists out there trying to impose their will and lifestyle on others.. you are just as confused as they are.. The Bible tells us judgement is for God alone.. as he created everyone in is own image and likeness so as he instructed us to love your neighbor as yourselves. The worst thing or sin in this world is hatred and death which as become the prevailing trend in this world. It is so bad that nowadays people are kiling their fellow humans and using the word of God to justify their actions. Like I said before God alone is our maker and he created everyone out of Love. Humanity is love, before religion they were men so let's learn to preserve God work by appreciatING humanity more and not subjecting humanity to religion. Region is meant for man not man for religion. And we need to learn that the beauty of this world lies in our unique differences. Besides who is like God how many of you can come out and say they are perfect and has never committed any sin or will never commit more sins. So brethren let's learn to live and let's live with others by showing love. This life is hard enough as it is. Thank you. WORLD PEACE!
So only those 3 sets of pple will be excluded from heaven? know it was the SCOTUS not the POTUS that voted this in...
Why are you lot so lazy!'s a Supreme Court ruling 5-4 vote Nd NOT Obama. Geez! do know the U.S is not the first country to do it. There are at least 15 other countries....including most of the U.K. and our African brothers who have fully adopted same sex marriage laws. At least if you are going to condemn the U.S. do your research properly.
You seem afraid of the truth, I feel sorry for both you and the he/she.
Ewu fulu efu ie lost goat
Leviticus 20:13 - if a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
1Corinthians 6:9 - know ye Not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived: niether fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.
.....may God have mercy on us.
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Don finish? Yet they leading blacks in everyway. Nigeria is just backwards and retarded.
You people will shout boko haram is killing people because of their faith yet you want to kill people cause of sexual orientation. Nigeria is barbaric.
I have been hearing that since time immemorial. Yet we sre still here.
Your stupidity is leaking off my screen. Obama as achieved more than, you will ever achieve. Stupid person with black brain.
So what? Now I understand why Nigeria is a backwards savage country. This country lack intellectual property. You are using your phone or laptop to comment, you know that a gay created the modern logarithm for those right? If you want to protest stop using anything invented by Americans. Go back to the middle ages. Dumb illiterate.
There is no God, there is no invisible man in the sky waiting to judgem Stop been stupid
Thank you. You are the only sensible person I have encountered on this site. All the educated illiterates with fake spiritual superiority complex love linda ikeji.
You will live long .
"The Bible tells us judgment is for God alone..."
Judgment IS for God alone. You are very right about that.
However when you read through the Bible, God also warns people (or groups of people) before judging them. The reason is because God is a very merciless Judge when he is ready to deal with man according to the works of our hands.
When God judges individuals within the LGBT(QA) community, he will remind them that people were sent to warn them of the folly of their ways (and beliefs).
Pointing out what the Bible says about sin is not "judging" someone. It is simply telling the truth according to God's Word.
In the same vein, those pointing out the truth contained in God's Word should do so only if they are without sin. That's in accordance with removing the log in your eyes before pointing out the speck in someone else's eye.
No man is made to b a woman inside or to fall in love wit a fellow men. Dese r jus devices of d one roaming d earth putting dese sorts of feelings n temptations into pple,dragging souls. Some pples temptations n trials r hus greater dn odrs...but pple marry ur bible.
Exactly, after seeing d movie i now understood d genesis of these madness these days. I'm sure obama n most senators saw d movie too n once i saw ds post i rem dat series immediately
Effeminate, EFFEMINATE!!' I'm scared rily
Yeye adaka enwe, she no even fit remove her mask, so she still scared. Make she continue de celebrate U S win. Make she go village go celebrate make we c. Yeye smelly blocked ass.
That is 1st class useless worwor oo. Just look @ her, u go no say somethings r not right, period.
Yeye adaka enwe, she no even fit remove her mask, so she still scared. Make she continue de celebrate U S win. Make she go village go celebrate make we c. Yeye smelly blocked ass.
Chai na wa ooo! D Yankees re d bane of dis world.
"Slow and steady wins d race"
Chai na wa ooo! D Yankees re d bane of dis world.
"Slow and steady wins d race"
Mgbeke feeling extremely funky! BUZZ OFF!!
Very awkard
dis world don spoil tay tay...I cova my yash wit d blood of Jesu..
Imagine??? Oniranu osi rada rada...Obama is nothing bt a total sellout::in Hakeem lyon's voice!!! WTF.. God hv mercy o. Choi how God must b feeling ryt now.
Smh she looks horrible!
~D great anonymous!
I knew she was a lesbian, mumu gal..
Anonymous 1:29 tumbs up u r d only person that talk better since I was reading this comment,did u just knw Nigerians are hypocrite they are talking about Americans n UK but cnt stop doing there why cnt u stay in your own country fool
Netherlands (Holland) have had same-sex marriage law for more than 20 or even 30 years. The sky did not fall. There still are Christians in that country and everyone haven't turn gay. Some of y'all need to take a chill pill. It's really not the end of the world. If you can congratulate a criminal, a cultist, a murderer, an adulterer, fornicators, thieves, and even award them with chieftaincy titles, why is it hard for you people to accept homosexuals?
Shut ur lesy mouth....
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