Found this article on Breaking Times titled 'Buhari breaks campaign promise as Presidency releases official portrait of First Lady'. Below is what the reporter wrote. Read and tell us what you think...
Barely 24 hours after his inauguration as President and Commander-in-Chief of Nigeria, it appears President Muhammadu Buhari may have broken a campaign promise to scrap the office of the First Lady. An official portrait of the wife of President Buhari with complements of the national flag of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to match her new office has been released by the Presidency.
1 – 200 of 216 Newer› Newest»Dey shld chill n observe na
Na dem know jare. Let them just deal with the problems of Naija.
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Pretty woman
Story,if u are waiting on him to fulfill all he promised, you are on a long thing.
Where did they hear that the first lady has been a new office.
Mtcheeeeew! Why won't Nigeria have a First lady? That's pure shit!
People should let this man focus and work. They shouldn't distract him mbok. Why will Aisha Buhari's case be different from what the other first ladies enjoyed. Na wa o
Lol jokers, if this is the way they planned driving their opposition in Buhari's administration, its dead on arrival.
First they questioned his going for Jumat, now the portrait of the first lady.
All these issues and the arguments are laughable.
In Nigeria, impossible is not a word, impossible doesn't exist, everything is possible. Anything and everything goes. I still don't see buhari as our element of change, just barely 24hr, he is already breaking promises.
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No promise was broken, and people should stop crying fowl over insignificant issue.
He didn't say he's going 2 scrap d office of d 1st lady o, he said he didn't c any reason 2 v d office n if he does, it must nt b run wt d govt money simple. Dey shd go n listen 2 d campaign stuff again n stop blabbing
And so?
He didn't say he's going 2 scrap d office of d 1st lady o, he said he didn't c any reason 2 v d office n if he does, it must nt b run wt d govt money simple. Dey shd go n listen 2 d campaign stuff again n stop blabbing
I support Buhari however, I have to agree with this. I was a bit dumbfounded when I saw the picture yesterday. Anyway, maybe that was just Buhari's way of shading mama pesh.
Both Buhari and his wife are hypocrites. During the campaign Aisha personally said she will not want to be called first lady but wife of the president. Mr Buhari on the other hand said he will scrap the office of the first lady. So what's the official portrait for? Did Patience Jonathan used any official portrait? All this local hausa people with their uncivilised mentality need to have their own country immediately, I can't stand the way they will mess up Aso Rock with their kunu and dirty behaviour.
So? Some people will just be making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Jesus is Lord.
Both Buhari and his wife are hypocrites. During the campaign Aisha personally said she will not want to be called first lady but wife of the president. Mr Buhari on the other hand said he will scrap the office of the first lady. So what's the official portrait for? Did Patience Jonathan used any official portrait? All this local hausa people with their uncivilised mentality need to have their own country immediately, I can't stand the way they will mess up Aso Rock with their kunu and dirty behaviour.
why some of us mumu like this, does official portrait signifies an office?, for heaven sake, this is the wife of the President, and media will carry news about her doings, hence a specified portrait is needed, it must not be related to official office holding, but it could be ceremonial or any charity work...!
He said there will "office of the First Lady"he didn't say there will be no pictures
Make una no go face real issues. In this administration, you'll only see irrelevant things like this to criticise. The relevant question is, will she be paid salary like peshe?
This is not an issue.
However he must defeat bh.. provide jobs n light.. water.. etc
Nka wu ka mbido
Let's wait to know wats next
Buhahahaha! Campaign wash wash... Blind bats!
Na today? I just dey here dey watch! Plenty promises shall be broken! No be d same naija we dey?
It's true.
I have a lot to say but I cannot articulate my thoughts. Are this people alright? Where were they when mama Piss was making a mess of the office given to her? Aisha releases a photograph and they are making noise. Go and hold Gej in otuoeke for the light he promised you in 2011. Idiots talking rubbish. This people are really really mad.
Let our President be. He only "changed" his promise!
Mayb he 4got. Let's nt blame him, let's blame his age. D man too old. Dnt wori I wuld remind him of his promise abt dat. Ladies Add up=271F58FD Tnk me later.
That was a lie,he didn't say it
Can you just shut up if you have nothing reasonable to say? How does her picture increase your bank balance? You have been noticed.
No buhari did mot say his wife said that ,she then retracted a statement saying she meant only of the constitution allows it she will have an office ,if its not within the Nigerian constitution she will not
What does scraping or retaining the office of the first lady has to do with what buhari's government is going to do for Nigeria? smh...some people just want to talk! GTFOH!!!
Just btw the campaigns and the present, see how chubby she looks.
~D great anonymous!
It doesn't look like an official portrait to me. It doesn't have her name nor her post written.
Hian...her office is not the issue, he should just start working on building a better Nigeria
Is portrait same thing as office? This people should just get over it and move on. Even without and office, she will have rolls to play as a first lady.
How sis he break a promise?Having a portrait,does it mean he gave her an office as the First Lady?Abeg they should leave this aman alone and move on.He is our president,wether you like or not.So let's all pray that he salvages our Nation.
Does this look like an official portrait in your eyes? Stop copying and pasting information do some research madam. This is why you had to report the inauguration from you living room chair because you are not a bonafide journalist. Change your game, its weak... Gosh
Loool. Naysayers already looking for loopholes in the new government. Bad belle is allowed. If e pain una, pack your asses out of naija! Hahahaha!
Mr President is just a normal Human Being who's not perfect... it's only Our Heavenly Father, God Almighty that never break His promises... Every other persons promises na Story for the gods
Who cares about that
The deed has been done
They should rest Joor
Releasing an official image does not mean there is an office. My opinion. I think it is only an image that should be used any time she is being talked about, or when she is a subject and a picture needs to be put up. :p.
Being the president's wife, nobody can take away the fact that she is a first ady but would she be seen running public shows, taking her husband's seat when a voice needs to be head from the presidency is the question.
She is the First Lady; we should come to terms with that.
Ejo Le fe ro jare.. una don dey find excuses again.. thought we should be more concerned about d progress of Nigeria rather than start looking for excuses
Did Buhari say his wife will never take a picture again? Because all I see is just a photo of the first lady.
What do y'all all expect *fingers crossed*
LMAO....that's part of the change pple want.
Wetin this woman chop wey make her fat overnight abi she don carry belle?
World pple oii kia dem must talk abeg iiiiiii leave Mata 4 Mathias oooo so funny.
Wetin this woman chop wey make her fat overnight abi she don carry belle?
This will be the beginning of the end of your blog,you are turning it into a political blog and it's loosing the appeal it had earlier.Just an advice for you,restrain from it,cause you are definitely loosing grip.Getting really boring here with all these politicking.
Its too early to be talking of broken promises
~Linda na me~
Obviously yes! In fact GMD broke the promise when observing the protocol preceding his inaugural speech by referring to her as Her Excellency!!!
I think people should wait for a while before jumping into conclusions about the presidents actions....we have better tins to worry about in this country than to sulk over de presidents wife's and her portrait and her office
Shows a woman is very powerful and can always get what they want... dee
People are so jobless..so if there is no mother and first lady who is going to speak for the women of nigeria??
The writter of the article shud go and sleep..........Promise broken ko
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB......
I wondered too,too early to go back on words.
I think it's highly frivolous for some people to bring up the office of a lady issue, jx becos a portrait of her was released. I smh when people think upside down n read meaning to everything cos they want to be noticed n heat up the new government
Yes, that crossed my mind too. I thought the office will be scrapped? How come she's closing down her businesses to focus on the position?
This just d begining. Lol
He said those things just 2 win d election nah.. make una leave him
Abeg find better thing do than find fault with the president always.
Don't mind d desperate old man... he is congratulating Gej 4 conceding defeat while he refused 2 concede defeat when he lost in 2011.. Amaechi also refused 2 concede defeat yet he said he is here for change..
We are still waiting for d outcome of everything.. mouth sealed yet
Dear reporter, Pls STFU. U missed d point. There's no where in the world where there's a president and there won't be a first lady. They are the No1 citizens of the country. The point president buhari tried to portray is that the seat of the first lady shouldn't be abused Cuz there's no mantle alloted to being a first lady. Like our ex first lady who believed she was higher than Governors of d state.
I even said same abt d pix yesterday. He seems to hv forgotten all wat he promised during campaign. Too bad
Una never see anything.. Una go still see the one wey senior biaty..
Believe any of those campaign stories then u can believe anything.. This woman am seeing, will be power intoxicated very soon.. Mtchewwe! Ndi ara!!!
Abeg people should go take several back seats. Of course there would always be a First Lady (Abi President no go get wife?), the thing is that she is not expected to operate from any office nor receive funds, neither would she be paid any salary. Linda take note!
Aisha Buhari this ur make up is 2 much nah.. pls learn from D new Rivers state first lady or even our own Linda 2 teach u how 2 wear a decent/nude make up.. u are too old 4 a loud make up
Don't mind these desperadoes. .
Releasing the pic is against sharia which Buhari is the chief advocate.
Minor trangression
Well, d potrait might not be real.
Trust people. They have started finding fault with Buhari. Take it easy people.
Mama your good and beautiful. at least we now have a good English speaking firstlady
Can we start getting serious as a nation. Of all problem we should start with this distraction.
I don't really get it! Smh
Ndi anya ufu! Jee zuonu ike joor!
I guess this is just the beginning of his numerous promises to be broken. Why so many have so much faith in a mere mortal is what i cannot understand.
Why would he scrap the office of first lady? This is not a Islamic nation where women are irrelevant, this is Nigeria
...The doc
She didn't break anything biko.. She Is the first lady.. Just that her make up is much and she looks fat....
Celebration Over! President Buhari Settles Down To Work (Photo Speak)
Am confused Linda pls enlighten me....how did they translate portrait of the new first lady to office of the new first lady??? abeg people should relax and stop jumping into unnecessary conclusions.
Hi Linda, what can be done to post a comment on your blog or is there a ransome to be paid to enable that? Unfortunately, time without number i will write and even beg you to post, yet you ignore it but some comments from some libers appear twice and above. You can mail me if anything is required from me via - aschrstabelc@gmail.com
Make them Shut Up! The office of the First Lady is an iconic one.. It should always be upheld
No 1 fuckup.we are stil waitin.unto the next one
Abeg they should free the man, every1 is just waiting to condemn him.
The reporter is just jobless, how is portrait a Big deal.. All the report want is cheap publicity
Hi Linda, what can be done to post a comment on your blog or is there a ransome to be paid to enable that? Unfortunately, time without number i will write and even beg you to post, yet you ignore it but some comments from some libers appear twice and above. You can mail me if anything is required from me via - aschrstabelc@gmail.com
Hahahahahhahahahah una neva get shocker of ur life's, I laugh is Urhobo
Una never see anything' God must and will surely punish those that voted MB, It has started with Bonario because his father will soon die,
Linda how is this an official portrait?where is the nigerian flag?
All I see is a beautiful woman
Kai!!Buhari get eye for good thing.see her skin meeeeeennnnn!!
What's wrong with the portrait of the first lady?? It's for media purposes na. Abeh make una park!!!
Abeg people should go take several back seats. Of course there would always be a First Lady (Abi President no go get wife?), the thing is that she is not expected to operate from any office nor receive funds, neither would she be paid any salary. Linda take note!
Shey they want CHANGE??? Ntoooorrr. This is just the beginning of failed promises. *sips my slimming tea*
I don't get all the official first lady pictures...its not an elected position.
Having a First Lady is not the same thing as having an OFFICE for the first lady. Being married to the president means she IS the First Lady!
This is very petty of PDP. If they keep ranting over trivial issues like this, nobody will take them serious. All this distractions and pettiness is how they overlooked real issues and got distracted and subsequently abandoned the need of the people.What is wrong with the First Lady releasing official photos? What a bunch of morons. Y'all better focus on fixing your useless party. I hope the president and his team ignores this. These are distractions. Useless PDP. So happy to be done with your foolishness.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I mentioned this also in the post, where Linda said the first lady had to close down her shop. Lol
I want to correct an impression here, a portrait ia an artistic representation of a person especially the one dipicting the head or face and shoulders. Famous people usaully have, cerebraties go on with unique hair style for attraction and recongnition. If you think you are famous enough you can do yours. For the fact that she is a wife of a historic president she diserve it.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! I mentioned this also in the post, where Linda said the first lady had to close down her shop. Lol
He might not b d person hu posted it, u knw d way body dey catch so journalists and oda paparazzi.
My people they call it change ooooo can't stop laughing! People just promise what they can't fulfil just to get somtin!
What does releasing of a portrait of the new first lady have to do with her having an office? When he said he was going scrap, you people were the same people that complained. Humans can never be pleased or satisfied.
Its just a portriat biko nu
D same way God has been punishing u and ur great grand fathers ... stupid horny maggot
Change is constant. Buhari is still delivering his campaign promise. Yesterday, no office of 1st lady, today, he comes up with it. Haba, that is CHANGE!
This is just an official photo of the first lady. Can you point to any part where there’s a seal with the “Office of the First Lady” on it, like Patience Jonathan? Or did Buhari make a promise that his wife will never take pictures again? if this is what you think opposition is, you have a long way to go. #B.O.B
Dumb comment
My dear ehn...
Plus, the makeup artist should be fired. This type of cakey makeup in this decade ke?!
Onyi grammar! I'm reading your own,you need Comprehensive English.
Useless idiot, I wish u n ur entire family d same. U don't want progress 4 dis nation n u won't b der wen r goodies arrive. Oloriburuku.
D person who wrote ds article must b a PDP member... Dis is d is d reason dey lost to APC... Instead of dem doin beta finz for d country, Dey rather go ahead, seeking faults in Buhari...
Buh wetin mke ds lady kon over fat like dis??? Cud dis av bin Post-election enjoyment ? Did I Just Comment ???
Nigerians have problem of misconception of English nd dts why we ar stil behind.Simple English turns several meanings simply cus dey ar too busy finding faults rada than understanding.Pray for a better nation Pls nd stop d judging,it takes us no where.Rem,nobody is a perfect soul
Pls when did he come up with it. Educate our sef and stop hating.will she varnish to the air because she is the wife of the president? She is the first lady but their won't be office of the first lady. Obama wife get office? Is it in our constitution?NO. Pls leave them alone.
Linda, few days back, I corrected you when you addressed her ad First Lady. I wonder why they should get any. It's only normal if People hold him responsible for breaking his campaign promises. He specifically said " Their will only be Wife of the President". I feel many more promises will be broken and people will realise the so called "change is a scam". Cheers. Don Casey.
Shut it already!!! Go hug the next available transformer in your street. Pained mofo
All this propaganda. Its just a picture !
Some people can like to reason through their anus,how does having a portrait come up with being a first lady?this writer should jst stfu..we've got more pressing issues pls........
Abeg help me tell the useless TANoids. .. ndi ara. .. so as she release picture now na wahala. I pray the useless party collapses completely. is this the foolish opposition them Wan do?
LOL this is a little white lie, it won't hurt anybody.
You are really a big fool. .. why don't you go and use your time for something more meaningful
Another foolish igbo rant. .. Onye iberibe
Linda be careful of wђã† γ̲̣̣̥♡̷̴̬̩̃̊u̶̲̥̅̊ post cos ds is jus bt rubbish γ̲̣̣̥♡̷̴̬̩̃̊u̶̲̥̅̊ posted, wђã† concerns γ̲̣̣̥♡̷̴̬̩̃̊u̶̲̥̅̊ with d first lady portrait A̶̲̥̅̊₪d̶̲̥̅̊ wђã† s wrng wt, if d portrait ws been released cos I dnt Æ ̴̴͡.̮Æ ̴̴̴͡ anytyn bad in it, afta al buhari portrait is already out S̶̲̥̅Æ¡̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ wђã† U̶̲̥̅̊Å™ fuckn concern abt hs wife portrait linda I cn see γ̲̣̣̥♡̷̴̬̩̃̊u̶̲̥̅̊ av begining to put personal interest on U̶̲̥̅̊Å™ posting I feared it myt stain U̶̲̥̅̊Å™ reputatn as wel as U̶̲̥̅̊Å™ blog. Pls b warn
Irrelevant criticism dat doesn't amounts to anytin significance. Let them park well pls.
If they are going to criticise irrelevant isssues, hope they react same way io more critical issues. Joblessness
This is Rubbish. There is no nation in the world where a first lady have to release an official pictures. It has never happened in Nigeria bf now. We cannot tolerate this in this nation. Even if she is to have her office. We don't need any official pix. Was she elected into an office.? She us just there to operate silently at the background and promote women related programs. Why releasing an official pictures to who whole nation? This is rubbish.Mrs Buhari us kindly advised to to stay within her bounds. Only p sycophants can support such arrogance.
@ anon what is political about this blog? She reports from politics to entertainment to ashawo crimes social whatever etc why r u chasing shadows ur just biased
Aisha B go like power no be small
Is she as fat as Patience Jonathan? Anyway,she may be fat but beautiful and intelligent unlike mama peace
Please verify ur facts before exposing ur ignorance about Islam. It holds women in high esteem.
Is ur father that will die
she looks like somebody apart from sai baba is servicing her sef. schew
Whoever did her make up did a bad job. The make up didn't do justice to her face. She is beautiful without make up. A light make up would have been it.
Linda abeg educate ur Igbo brothers and sisters about this portrait. They are only jealous of her beauty cos they are not used to seeing beautiful women in Igbo land. Beauty runs in fulani/ north blood,nobody can take it away from us. Whoever doesn't want to see these beautiful faces for the next four years should go on exile. We endured five good years of ugly faces of Jonathan and his wife. Let's experience change.
Lies lies lies. Stop the lies ogwuson. They categorically told us during their campaigns that the office of the first lady will be scrapped. So don't try to fine tune it.
Hmmm...to fink dat ppl are actually waiting for Buhari to fail..if he fails, it will affect every Nigerian..So as u sip ur tea, kip in mind dat his failure wil affect u.
I don't think this photo was released with President Buhari consent. It must be the handwork of some over zealous politicians looking for Favour from the first lady and trying to be relevant for her. They are p sycophants looking for favour. By the President body language, he obviously won't tolerate this advertisement of first lady's office. Bcos no president has ever released official foto or his first lady in the past. Even Preside Obama wife did not release an official photograph
Change is constant. And Nigeria will change, that's all
Change is constant. And Nigeria must change, that's all
Haha! This is just getting started buhari. They will hold u by your words
Dey ave started finding faults
Blantant lie. This blog is one of the blog dat brought Jonathan 's govt down. We shall use it to br assesing buhari's govt. Linda carry go noshaking. Am sure u are Hausa.
Buhari saying the office of the first lady will not be active doesn't mean the office will be scrapped it simply means the madness patiwnce exhibited will not be entertained in this our government poko
Why u so bitter? Pls take a bottle of fanta
U stupid faggot. See ur face like back of penis. U talk like u have not checked linda ikeji's blog like 10 times since u posted this rubbish. I am sure this is d kind of brutality buharist will bring upon us. This blog will outlive u and this administration. Maluu
They should let d man be abeg
Anon 4.26pm, you're a bloody cunt! Whether you like it or not, change is here. If you don't like it, you can slit your own throat or take your leaky ass out of this country. Fucktard. And Linda, you didn't post my 1st comment, if you like, use this one to pick your teeth as well. Msheeeew!
How will dis b her official portrait wen dis was d cloth she wore yesterday. Linda be careful oooooo odas re copying ur blog abi na u self dey copy pple
Hmmmm. We are waiting for others to happen. If he doesn't deny it now
seat and sip.....and waiting for change....Bros B time don start to dey count oh....
That was a promise buhari made and need to fulfil if not he will continue 2 break all he has promised during his campaign
For this woman called Aisha to close down her business because her husband is the president means Buhari and his wife are ready to steal with total concentration. Buhari the saint who does not steal but allow people to steal for him, I think the wife can do the looting very well. Hausa cows! I hope they don't mess Aso Rock up with their dirty behaviour.
Please help me ask oh
Does that mean to keep quiet wen somethings wrong are noticed? Cmon play fair...don't just Sai Buhari without brain...r u guys like robots or what? ...geeeez
Fools..."all u see "good...but can u read too??? It is not just a picture..an official protrait was released to complement d office of d first lady which was used to steal our votes....hence pointing it out
Shut up. He said he will scrap the office. Na the same formula he go take talk say dollar can higher than naira
Fuck off ... U want her to talk Abt kim abi .. Pls we need important gist
True story. But she has already lost her grip. Didnt u see all d tribal drama b4 d elections? It can only go downhill from here. I just hope it doesnt get dangerous for her. Me i come here to hear what igbos are saying. They usually speak b4 they think so u hear everything.
Oh please shut up wat ar u talking abt? Was she d writer of d article? Grow up nd be reasonable. If u dnt want to visiit her blog pls dnt. At least she is objective enuf.
And a terrible speaking president
Pained fool! She post Hollywood stories ya'll said it's too much, she's copying from mto n tmz. Now she's giving ya updates about ya country bitter soul will still complain. Some pple tho can't deal!
Have u tried reading and understanding before commenting?? Please save yourself the disgrace by trying that thanks
What an advise, when Linda posted so many things about d past administration u didn't complain, nao dat it's Buhari, it's getting boring abi? I pity u, Llinda is just doing her job... Keep feeding us with d gossips Linda
PDP idiots, what exactly do you want from Buhari? Is there anything wrong in the President having wife and the wife taking photograph or the masses seeing the photograph? Haba Nigerians, I son tire. Abi make Buhari divorce his wife because he becomes President? You sons and daughters of Lucifer, hell is awaiting you.
PDP idiots, what exactly do you want from Buhari? Is there anything wrong in the President having wife and the wife taking photograph or the masses seeing the photograph? Haba Nigerians, I son tire. Abi make Buhari divorce his wife because he becomes President? You sons and daughters of Lucifer, hell is awaiting you.
U don madt I swear down.Ewu canada
Nne why u so pained biko hapu buhari na nwunye ya aka inugo
Shut up biko dats hw childish u are
Idiot nutin will happen to those who voted gmb onye Ara biko go sit ur Ike nsi na ala
Ewu gambia
People are so daft ndi Ara how can releasing a portrait pic of a wife of newly elected president become an office of the 1st lady omg smh damn some jobless pained pdp n gej supporters needs total brain overhauling wtf
Can young and old people of Nigeria stop taking CURSES to their unborn children and families. Stop enving the First Lady and obey the word of God that commands Uuu, to pray for Leaders and not to curse them. Dora
Wats dis nigga talking ha biko shut it okay, in as much as I am a buhari supporter doesn't mean u will talk thrash about igbo babe's, nigga igbo babe's are more beautiful so keep ur mouth shut look at who's telling Linda to educate ppl about portrait smh
U people should calm down , let us just wait and see wot is going to happen
Lmao@ hausa cows
U r d biggest cow!idiot dan shegiya kawai!!ubanka
WTF are you talking about. You just sound like an illiterate.
What curse is invoked in raising a rational observation?
Thats why Africa is backward. We dont dare to think outside the box. We would rather be cocooned in restricted traditional dogma.
What stupid curse is this idiot referring to please?
Obamas wife has an official potrait. Shes in a black sleeveless dress. Its even on d whitehouse website. STOP LYING.
Keep sugar-coating the truth.
~D great anonymous!
Its a shame that Nigerians are so ignorant. Here I was thinking some of us have common sense at least. Apparently, some of us don't. Some of you don't know anything else other than to copy negative behaviour from western countries, and insult strangers on Linda Ikeji blog. You people forget that LIB is an international blog and what you comment here is a reflection of all Nigerians.
The first lady closed down her shop for obvious security reasons. If, now that her husband is president, she continues to run her business like she did before, don't you all see her life and that f her family are in danger? What if bad belle people plan evil against her or her relatives? What if they kidnap her staff and ask for ransom from her? If she hire more security than usual, una go complain say she don finish Nigeria money. And to those saying she promised to scrap First Lady office, how is this an office? Someone post picture all of una begin shout. If she just sits down at home cooking for her husband, won't you all also attack her for not being a proper first lady? She has already said she is not going to have just one pet project, but when the time comes, she will focus on issues as they arise. Na wa for una ooo. Your parents nor try for una at all because some of you just have brain for decoration and nothing else. No wisdom, no knowledge or understanding. NO COMMON SENSE!
Linda post my comment. You didn't post the last one...
Dey there. This is how it starts. One small broken promise and the rest is history. We watch n see
God bless you!
She is the wife of d president which automatically makes her d first lady dis has nothing to do with an office, a salary or anything u people should try to think before blabbing
My friend will you keep kwayet!!!!
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