Bettel who became Prime Minister in December 2013, told Belgium’s RTBF public television that he was getting married because he wants to accept his sexuality and avoid been unhappy all his life.
“I could have hidden it or repressed it and been unhappy my whole life. I could have had relations with someone of the other sex while having homosexual relations in secret. But I told myself that if you want to be a politician be honest in politics, you have to be honest with yourself and to accept that you are who you are.”The low-key ceremony at the town hall in Luxembourg is being deliberately kept out off the media spotlight and will be followed by weekend-long private celebrations for around 500 guests.
Taaaaaaaaaa God forbid bad thing.
Lmaooo what?
Onyx get in here
Onyx get in here
Good for them.
Congrats to them.
Wish dem well
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....
O wow! Imagine a Nigerian leader trying this? Haa.better left imagined! Congrats
May God strike them at the point of their wedding...shameless sinners
Gay romance
~D great anonymous!
I still don't get why of all the sexy women in this world, a dude will choose to bone his kind.
Asin sticking his D in that shitty hole. Ewww!
it hurts to read this..... Father forgive us all.
End times wedding!
OMG! Wht d heck is dis? For crying out loud dis is PM doing dis then wht does he expect d citizen to do.
Hml to the homos.
Busy Fingers.
Congrats. But 500 guests is a massive guest list and not private at all.
Congrats to them
Who is d bride and who is d groom ehn?wat a world we live in!
Long and lasting union is all i wish them..
Cute couple...wish them the best they wish
Luxembourg's First Gentleman or First Lady? Wonders shall never end, madness rather
Bloody Queers.
Wishin em a painful ass fucking n a sad conjugal bliss.
It's called a partner not a gay partner. Smh
Abomination, God forbid, signs of end time
Miss Linda I no dey c my comments oooo
Another first lady
Hmmmmmmm what can I say? Whatever
Hmmmmm. Wedding your gay partner, sounds odd. Its really disgusting
Sodom and Gomorrah!!!.
congratulations to them.
Another gay first lady
LOVE is all that matters...congratulations guys...#love
May God forgive u,
Oshiomhole is here marrying a beautiful lady, you are there marrying a guy.
Tufiaka. Aruuu!! God forbid evil
Hw can u say a man's skin is sweeter than dat of a woman... I still don't get this sets of people
God save us from sodom and gomorah
it is legal for them.
just pray he meets her as a virgin
just pray meets her as a virgin
Shameless act dat has blindfolded mankind. God help, and save them frm d trap of d devil in their lives.
Too many things happening every day! God said a man and a woman will live together as one not man and man
Disgustingly disgusting.
Sodom and Gommora things.
We forbid This gay souls.
Wtf....Lord have mercy.
End time o....God save us
And the Nigerian leader will now take u as his partner when better,finer pple dey queue before u sef... dee
At least he is sincere to himself. Happy married life to them
Beautiful. Congratulations boys. Best wishes. Haters, die... we ain't giving u Visa... *tongue out*
*** mynameisSkelewu
See their face like pork meat. Anuofia!
...NA ZO
Crazy world we live in..
A step towards extinction.. . It's a pity
KAi..! Me no fit kiss man o....not to talk of sex!
U foolish gay gender cos I can't call u a man......see ur gay face....ode
Lies that the devil make dem to believe. Even animals can't fuck dem selves and they have an undiluted nature. Man belittles him self by engaging. In wat even animals cant do.
Hopefully they don't go to Gambia cos they'd definitely get their throat slit. F A G G O T S are 4king disgusting
na so life o life
This is an express way of bringing the curse and wrath of God upon a nation. The leader of a nation indulge in this evil? Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people, the bible says.
Of course I see a lot of congrats coming from their kinds living amongst us. Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not go unpunished, the bible says. U will all get ur rewards here and after life.God can not be mocked.
Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not go unpunished, the bible says. U will all get ur rewards here and after life.God can not be mocked.
All of you shouting sinner sinner, let he who is without sin cast the first stone. And mind, there is no big sin or small sin, all is sin in the eyes of God.
Big congratulations to these brave dudes jare, wish them a very happy married life.
Goat marry Dog. GG crazy !!! Dis ar Satan Prophesy to stop recreation. E no fit stop, Recreation must continue!
Idiot since u are gay,thats the way to go! Step up ur game and help ur mother. Stop doin backyard ikpo ike.
Odiegu.....it is well with them
Thunder mixed with fire will strike you.
Heheh, egbami. Bone + bone =Rock. Sad. Tooh, it' your life. Ko kan mi
See wat excites you! I'm glad this will never happen in Nigeria
Crazy people
Shut up! If he open nyash now U go enter...mtchwww
I really wanna understand how this Gay shit works,who fucks who abeg. Weird kind of tingy
Signs of end time. Jesus is coming very soon and all souls will surely give account of how they have lived there life on earth. So get prepared
Gays have always been in the open society ONLY pple cover up & pretend alot even still marrying the opp.sex...most men are in this already due to their reckless sexual orientation to sleep with anythg even animals
Whats ur own ar u gay?
Then whose blog is it?
@Anon 5:00, God's judgement is upon both those who indulge and their advocates like U. That U live in sin or have become a slave of sin does not make everyone a sinner.There are people who have accepted Jesus Christ and renounced sin completely and are leading a rigtheous life here on earth. I know this will sound strange to U because ur comment shows U are a slave of sin and so for U, everyone must be in ur shoes. Hey! We don't have to cast stones to prove rigtheousness, take note! And don't missuse the words of Jesus.
U are obviously speaking about urself. To the bad, everyone is bad.
God stated clearly and unequivocally in the bible His abhorration of homosexualism, but there are people who have become more civilized and merciful than God in their own eyes and so engage in or promote, endorse or advocate for homosexualism under the guise of human right. The eyes of the Lord is set against all that disdain His statutes and will visit them with judgement. Make no mistakes about this.
Kikiki. Lord dee Abi warris your name? You sound like an empty unreasonable mentally deranged autistic igbo boy.
Lord for your shitty house and China phone. Mtscheeew
*** mynameisSkelewu
All u hypocritical fools , u think u have the right to judge someones actions and inactions .... U come here acting all moral cuz u sin differently u are no better than them... Wasting ur life screaming at ppl that don't know u exist... While they make their money... Killing urself on choices that do not in anyway affect u in anyway... Drop ur phone and get a life
First it's procreation and we already are too populated for the resources available to be sufficient.... If sth isn't done quickly we would enter into self-generated Armageddon .... So procreation is the least of our problems...
And a leader that commits murder or fornicates brings what... My friend open ur restricted mind... Stop thinking like a child...
Well u should really do ur research be4 u come here and disgrace ur self... All animals have homosexuality in them.... Lion on lion etc... So u should really come out of ur myopic way of thinking ... Read things and u wouldn't b such an illiterate
Good for u
And God said the man and woman must get married... And not all u runs girls passing judgement around ...
Then dnt ... It's really none of ur business how ppl live their lifes
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