Single ladies vs Married ladies - The comeback. (must read) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday 20 March 2015

Single ladies vs Married ladies - The comeback. (must read)

The millionaire CEO who wrote the article yesterday in response to the single ladies vs married women saga from a man's point of view (read here), is back with another response after reading your comments. And ladies, he went in...choi...and told some hard truths. Read below...
So I come in by 11pm, take a cold shower, cook, eat, relax for a while and alas, I remembered I posted an article on the very sophisticated Linda Ikeji’s blog, it was about time to read (and unread) the comments.
Nna mehn, I never believed our country’s educational system was THIS bad, I could tell that some drama queens, (even if you’re married – or you believe you are) are so embittered with the hardness of life in their lives, I feel so sorry for you, with all the hate you put that small spaghetti-like muscle of an energy into missing the point, how then can you have a life with a man?

Can’t you see you need to be cheated on!? If as a woman, you’re going thru pain now cos of my last post, it’s either you were blinded by infatuation or the elders in your community rushed you to marry or you’re just that bad in picking your man. *Yoruba sigh*

I will be as precise as I can be so as to break it down for y’all, this is my second time posting an article on this “single ladies vs married ladies” ish where both parties joined forces to put us men in the centre and as the nucleus of their confused minds. I read the comments and I was convinced that it’s either the angry girls could either relate or they were just proving how empty their skulls were. I am in my 30’s – true, unmarried BUT NOT SINGLE. You might be wearing a wedding ring – or not, live in the same four walls of your house with yo hubby but that does not make you married? (Your first flop for not thinking about that and a reason why you must be cheated on) and by the way, getting married isn’t by age.

My CEO status has nothing to do with your hate, I call the shots, I ain’t gonna be at work today, CEO’s here know what I’m talking about…just relax you hear? Na turn by turn, or maybe never in your case with this attitude.

I laughed out so loud, I could swear I heard myself fart, some of you girls and some boys aka live mannequins are so hilarious, your hate was supposed to be filled with hate, not comedy skits. Anyway, let’s get into it, shall we?

Because I’m not married doesn’t mean I don’t have the excerpts of the views of the married folk hence, I have them as friends, I witness the ups and downs of their married lives and I see so much I wish I didn’t. I’m not perfect, neither do I have all the answers to why we (as men) do the things that we do and in all honesty, WE DON’T CARE either, the problem is that you do. You don’t have to be a super woman to make us not cheat, I agree that if a man wants to cheat, he’ll cheat but here’s what you don’t know – you give us that room to do so. Ladies, we are 5 seconds behind your 6th sense, a lot of us aren’t brilliant to spice up a relationship, too much of the same thing becomes boring at some point hence, cheating might just be our way out of the boredom.

My article yesterday was based on experiences and observations of what I have seen and been through. Whether you like it or not, we men will cheat on you, just like how you ladies will cheat on us, the problem is not ‘the cheating’, it is the rate at which it is done, we can afford to sleep with fifty women in a month and feel like champions, to us, it is a feat, we are wired that way, we love fruit salads but you ladies can’t try it (or maybe some of you can), the maximum number of men you can sleep with in one month (if you are in a relationship already) will not be more than five, why? Guilt and emotions, you ladies don’t want to be tied to the word ‘sluts’. The painful part is that you felt you were smart when you were in your teens, you reject our innocent nerdy ways and go for the so called “big boys” only for you to reach 29 now and then become very serious and state your specs on your ideal man, no sweethearts, karma has introduced intercontinental options as the new menu.

Do you think we enjoy the fact that you give out your numbers to a total stranger you met at a supermarket all cos he made you laugh, no honey, we get hurt by that move, so a rich man gives you a lift and drops 50k and instantly, you’re in love? You compare us with your bff’s guy and how he bought her this and that or…or…or…is it the fact that you nag at us (I hate that but I love the look on your faces tho’ especially when you’re angry - epic) or we take you out for lunch and catch you checking another dude out via your small mirror of your make up kit…….my point is this, we didn’t just wake up to cheat on you, you triggered something in us to do so. Do you think we can’t be your kanye? If I grab a full scoop of your juicy bouncy behind in public and you get mad at me, guess what? Amma start thinking of ‘the other woman’, just cos guys swoon over you doesn’t mean we don’t have some numbers on speed dial. So, here are my views on how to fight urges of cheating, I hope this helps some people.

1.       Get her best pictures all over you, her passport in your wallet, her faces as wall papers and screen savers on all your gadgets, hard copy prints in frames and place them in your office and home, surprise her one day by putting a large 10 x 10 banner of just her and use it as a wall piece hanging in your home. I guarantee that you’ll have this kinda smile on you whenever you stroll past that part of the house. She in return will caution herself (unless you’re dating a serial psycho cheat) when she is being flirted at, she won’t want to lose you cos guys like you with these gestures are hard to find.

2.       Learn how to cook, asides that, make out time like twice every week to go eat out, it doesn’t have to be a restaurant, Mr Biggs will do just fine and if she complains cos you cut your coat to your size, guy, go get yourself a regular dolapo or damilola or gift…..and enjoy your life.

3.       Chocolates, dude, that ish works like magic. Get Maltesers, or Cadbury bars with them nuts, Bounty too is nice then get a large bucket from Coldstone creamery and store in your fridge. Caution her ration so she doesn’t get fat unless, she’s ready to lose weight in the bedroom.

4.       Take everyday as if you’re just meeting with her for the first time, forcefully develop that cheating urge (FOCUS ON HER ALONE) to sweep her off her feet. Send her romantic texts by 5am right just before she wakes up (trust me, this part is very hard but the more you do so, the more likely it’ll be a part of you)

5.       Use her pix as your dp (for no reason, you don’t have to write anything on your pm), leave that for 2 days max

6.       Send her airtime, even if its N100, its not about the airtime but the motive for doing so

7.       Talk to her about the future with her in it and while doing so, remind her on why you feel blessed that she chose you, whenever she gets the chance to speak, interrupt her with the words I LOVE YOU then ask her to carry on, if she remembers where she stopped at her speech, guy, she doesn’t love you to that point.

8.       Sex, sex, great sex, we don’t cheat cos we want to discuss world hunger with the other woman, we fantasize a whirlwind of bed Olympics, guys, even though we love sex as much as the ladies do, please, up your sex game, ladies don’t like a one minute man, if you masturbate, nna, stop, that’s why you don’t last in bed, delete all your porn stash, call her, talk dirty, let her abuse you but continue, tell her how horny you get when you wake up without her, these ladies are not animals na, they understand this part of us very well. Foreplay is also a key factor, don’t just strip her and get into the main course, explore her inside out, munch that kitty-kat with happiness (you’ll enjoy this if she keeps it clean), slurp on that area till you see your reflection (ladies? Shave is the new ‘turn-on’) Go for the butt-hole too at random, spend at least 7minutes slurping and making her see her ancestors (if you’re done and she has a straight face, oh boy, speed dial the next chic) then when you’re in there, try lots of positions and make it last, be sure to always think about her while doing this and chances are that she’ll be on your case everyday (well maybe not everyday but you get the point). Understand that you’re not banging her to just cum, you’re trying to understand her sexual appetite, don’t be asking if this or that hurts, let her tell you herself, dominate her, pull her hair gently but with a little bit of aggression, tap her behind, touch her in sensitive areas while at it, kiss her in the mix, you’ll be amazed by the time you do 21 rounds within a day. Yes, I know this.

1.       Same as 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8 but here’s an added twist to it. As for the food, if you don’t know how to cook, learn please, not rice oo, I’m talking about soups and local native ‘smash hit’ delicacies, you’ll be surprised at how he licks up the plate. Also, be creative in the kitchen, scream his name so loud as if you saw a snake, when he shows up, tell him to taste this and ask for his opinion, if he loves it, kiss him and ask him ‘how about this?’ When food is ready, watch him eat and smile while at it, not that kinda smile that’ll make him think the food is poisoned oo, a kinda innocent but lustful look.

2.       Ladies, gush about your man on social media once in a while, start light so people don’t really notice who you’re talking about except him, if he doesn’t return the gesture, that’s your cue right there.

3.       You know those phone calls we hate when you pick the phone and use a different tone or you excuse yourself or you talk like it’s a girl you’re talking to when we know its ‘him’, STOPEEEET.

4.       Give us that bomb sex we didn’t even see coming, blow jobs are compulsory 4 unit courses, treat that stick like a legend and be flexible in most of this exercise, don’t look surprised when he thinks he’s done after round 2, blow job his brains out, even with your cum, make it drip, make it nasty (my friend, stop looking at your screen with that ‘eeeew’ look), you don’t want us to cheat ba? Then woju oo. Ladies, just like how money makes most of you stay in a relationship, good ass bomb sex does the same to us, some of us don’t know that when we kiss you standing up, you want us to give your bum a good ass soft squeeze. Guys, thank me later.

Now ladies, yes I know that irrespective of this, we tend to still cheat, if your man cheats after all of this, 2 things are involved, either you got lazy at some point or you were just too dumb and blinded with infatuation not to have known right from the start that this guy is a no – no. secondly, accept the fact that he has cheated already (even if he hasn’t) and you’ve forgiven him before the crime, do this to give yourself less heart-ache (I’m not saying he will cheat or he has cheated) I’m saying, love him till infinity, chances are that he will love only you no matter what them thirsty bitches be trying to do with him. You wanna know a bitter truth? We, the men are dumb most of the time, we take your love for granted sometimes, when you give us your all, some of us think we super-fly and then flirt, do you know what to do when you nab us flirting or worse - cheating? Nothing, do absolutely nothing, make yourself extra hot, wear them killer heels, pick our calls but with a straight face, answer with one word answers, if you live together, don’t smile, scoff if you must but don’t you ever raise the issue cos we have stupid excuses to give, since you’ve caught us, let us finish ourselves – ISIS style but whatever happens, DON’T DO THE SAME AS AN ACT OF REVENGE. Solve your issues within a very short period of time and ask if he loves you, if he says yes, ask “till when”? If he gives you an answer immediately, he’s a moron, if he’s speechless, kiss him. Tell him to talk to you about things he wants for the both of you not just him alone oo. Don’t give him sex immediately, tell him to chill, if he complains, don’t sleep in that same house, if he agrees to be starved, girl, turn around at 2am and give him the sex of the year that morning.
I hope I was able to strike a chord somewhere in you. You need to know how we are wired to do the things that we do. I don’t expect y’all to agree with me totally, these are my views.  For the ladies who agreed with me in my last post, you’re the beautiful ones who deserve the best in a relationship, you rep real independent women *now looks to the left* And as for those who sent hate comments in my last post and probably will in this one too……um….
 Thank you for reading, enjoy your day,


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Anonymous said...

You are sooooooo on point!! Seems like Richard is the angry one!!!

Unknown said...

Hmmm, diz mind blowing truth. Like seriously I hv to get ma finance to read dis. Wishing all dis will perfect in ma daily life as married or even as single. I hv learnt a lot frm u (dear richy) am ignorant of some facts u stated. Buh now trust mi! Trust dat I ll apply them 100%m so wish ma boo will get in here and feed his taught. These truly are my fantasy. Ma kinda of relationship I argue #FÕr. Gentle men and ladies, . Plz learn don't abuse. Believe mi 80% of us LIB are ignorant of.' if but one. :* so plz spare mi d abuse $ get ur ur love life spiced up. ThankU all

Anonymous said...

@anonymous Welcome to the discussion Richard's mumu girlfriend who's on her knees 24/7 giving him bjs while cooking awesome dishes with the other hand. Please do and go back to what you were doing before he vexes and cheats on you.

Unknown said...

Hmmm, diz mind blowing truth. Like seriously I hv to get ma finance to read dis. Wishing all dis will perfect in ma daily life as married or even as single. I hv learnt a lot frm u (dear richy) am ignorant of some facts u stated. Buh now trust mi! Trust dat I ll apply them 100%m so wish ma boo will get in here and feed his taught. These truly are my fantasy. Ma kinda of relationship I urge #FÕr. Gentle men and ladies, . Plz Learn!!!don't abuse. Believe mi 80% of us LIB are ignorant of.' if not, but one..!. :* so plz spare mi d abuse $ get ur love life spiced up. ThankU all

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

Marriage is bigger than,
distinct from, but inclusive of sexual union.
Absence of sexual activity will never unmake a marriage, nor will its presence alone turn a relationship
into a marriage.
Marriage and sex are related but they are not the same.

Anonymous said...

This episode was too long couldn't read to the end.
This is my 1st comment on all the bruhaha of married,single,unmarried,independent and all.
A man that will cheat will cheat same goes for a woman that will cheat. It is not going to be because of anyone's fault but because the person cheating could not resist the temptation to cheat.
For instance what is the excuse of the husband of that beautiful ex actress that is a mother of 3 and is still looking smashing and has her own business, why is her husband cheating on her?
My 2 kobo opinion on all these though.

mel20 said...

Dude be talking like he does half of the nice things he said,, all those things we you count so ur mamy do am your papi??..lmfaoo..

Unknown said...

I was not so impressed with Richard when I read his response yesterday. However, his post today makes more sense and I like his advice to both men and women. I think people need to remember that relationships/marriage is no walk in the park; you have to work hard to make it work.

Anonymous said...

Richard welcome oh. Yes she has eaten. Learn what it means to hate before feeling important. You must not have been hugged enough as a child, the way you're desperately trying to force your opinion down everybody's throat. Everyone musnt agree with you. Learn to accept that graciously and stop making a fool of yourself.

The RealOne said...

Loool!!! I laaavv this post. Dude is so on point.

The 'EX' does this alot - You know those phone calls we hate when you pick the phone and use a different tone or you excuse yourself or you talk like it’s a girl you’re talking to when we know its ‘him’, STOPEEEET.........u heard STOPEEEEEET we always know when its another dude.

Anonymous said...

I love you Richard,i understood all you said and it is based on your experience and not thiirs,and you are entiltld to your opinion,and I love your write verrrrrrry welllll......people should stop criticizing,anyways don't mind them,their level of understanding is verrry low so pls forgive them..and be my friend pls...

Suwa said...

Hugs and kisses my darling Richard

rhodajc said...

Mr CEO you are just a hopeless romantic, it is so obvious that some ladies have broken your heart in the past but please give someone a chance. you aren't supposed to be single.

Nanu said...

Hmm..Interesting read but i dare say that these are just rhetorics. The writer is clearly chauvinistic and obviously has no regard for women and the sacrament of marriage. It is really unfortunate that the world has cheapened the concept of marriage. A man is allowed to cheat with or without provocation while the woman struggles to keep the home together. Please, this thing called 'temptation' is not exclusive to men alone. Women get tempted. True strength in a man is in exercising self control. There is nothing sexy and appealing about a man who drools after every boobs and ass he sees!
I see ladies here with low self esteem and skin deep intelligence gladly accepting the stereotype, but will readily fight another woman over their irresponsible cheating husband.
As for the writer who claims to be a silent millionaire..hmmmm my dear, stop deceiving yourself, you are simply looking for a job!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree

Unknown said...

Hello Richard! Well written/said. :)

Anonymous said...

Richard is coming under various alias and praising himself. Buffoon

Anonymous said...

Dat line got me laughing real hard, lmao

Anonymous said...

This piece is so damn good! But all I can think of is meeting you, you sound like you know what you are about... This will help me in a long time. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Dat d problm with dis country, filled with fucking hypocrites, so u ain't vin sex right? Leave d big man alone 4 once and live a little

Anonymous said...

50 shades of Grey...

Anonymous said...

Well said

Unknown said...

Imnt saying "men dont cheat" but if u are in love..n he loves u.. What he said is the basic truth...
Ladies before y'all come for me,kindly sit back n really rethink it all... Imnt saying hesnt going to be perfect... He is going to aim for perfection with u...n try to keep himself...
Men will always be men but not all men are the same!

Unknown said...

Imnt saying "men dont cheat" but if u are in love..n he loves u.. What he said is the basic truth...
Ladies before y'all come for me,kindly sit back n really rethink it all... Imnt saying hesnt going to be perfect... He is going to aim for perfection with u...n try to keep himself...
Men will always be men but not all men are the same!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Swrthrt ..he is 80% right. Read with open mind

mimi said...

Bitter leaf.

mimi said...

Lol...people like u end up alone...ure quite too bitter over nothing

Anonymous said...

Royal Pissed, please calm down. That was his opinion, truth be told he is on point to an extent. 60%. Please dnt gt pissed

I'm juliana said...

I swear,there are two things. Involved it's either u just got dumped or u just an Attention seeker.

Anonymous said...

Dear CEO, I read your former article and now the latest. I am happy you talked to both genders in the latest.

1. Just to let you know that no woman's body remains the same after childbirth so when you marry and you have children then nature itself will teach you some lessons just like you have taught us women in your articles. After 4 kids I work hard to keep fit for health reasons and to look good too. I am succeeding with my husband's support and I thank God for such men like my husband who will help their wives remain "sweet" because it is not anywhere in their plan to go after 'strange women' just for a maximum of 10 minutes fun.

2. Have you ever experienced your children badging into your room in the middle of a hot sex session with your wife!; ha ha Ha! O boy, experience is the best teacher. So if you guys can create a more relaxing atmosphere like some quality time with your wife in the Bahamas (for those of you who would do that with your so-called b**ches) you will see that your wife is hotter in bed than Kim Kardashian!

Till then, well done Shaa!

Anonymous said...

wow, true talk mr Patrick

Anonymous said...


BEEBEE said...

Tnk u so much, he is just bin egoistic...I can't deal abeg

Anonymous said...

This tender dick nigger has too much time on his hands for a ceo and secret millionaire. CEO of a cool aid stand maybe. He aint shit..Thats all.

Anonymous said...

Dear CEO, I read your former article and now the latest. I am happy you talked to both genders in the latest.

1. Just to let you know that no woman's body remains the same after childbirth so when you marry and you have children then nature itself will teach you some lessons just like you have taught us women in your articles. After 4 kids I work hard to keep fit for health reasons and to look good too. I am succeeding with my husband's support and I thank God for such men like my husband who will help their wives remain "sweet" because it is not anywhere in their plan to go after 'strange women' just for a maximum of 10 minutes fun.

2. Have you ever experienced your children badging into your room in the middle of a hot sex session with your wife!; ha ha Ha! O boy, experience is the best teacher. So if you guys can create a more relaxing atmosphere like some quality time with your wife in the Bahamas (for those of you who would do that with your so-called b**ches) you will see that your wife is hotter in bed than Kim Kardashian!

Till then, well done Shaa!

Anonymous said... know he actually went hard and made some interesting comments and for me I think he has a point because women feel they are too smart and it gets them in a lot of trouble. .men will be men you just have to decide if its you hes coming home to every night calling you all the time and thinking abt you 247...also every relationship needs trust if there is no trust u assume hez doing stuff even wen he isnt..ladies have attitude not in a bad way tho...but be so in charge that you keep your man on his toes .he wont want to do anything to hurt you..adont let everything be abt you, let it be abt him as his football team and watch the game with him sometimes if he likes that , play his fav sport with him, do something s he likes doing and be his bitch, friend, sister, mother, and wife and he won't go nowhere cz he got the total package.....from b.

Unknown said...

Hmmmm i wish dis guy can continue true talk jare!!!! Ladies plsss learn oo!!!

Unknown said...

Noted. Nice one Richy

Anonymous said...

You av said the simple truth,be faithful to he will perfect ur marriage a living witness

Anonymous said...

I really Luv dis Richard.....most esp ur diction. Ur advice has been well received....ataim

Anonymous said...

Well said Richard...I agree with u totally and infact I laughed a lot while reading ur write up. I must add tho' that all the adventure u described in ur writeup should be within the confines of marriage (my belief as a Christian). So many relationships have failed 2day before and after marriage b'cos when the couple were supposed to concentrate on studying and learning about each other, getting intimate was rather a priority to them which blurred their vision as to who their partners were. Spend ur single hood learning about ur partner and knowing what u can accommodate and what u can't, talk about ur visions, etc and explore the explorable after u're hooked in marriage. #my2kobo

Unknown said...

Hmmmm i wish dis guy can continue true talk jare!!!! Ladies plsss learn oo!!!

Trish Baby said...

Thank you Richard. This post is so on point👍👏

Anonymous said...

i read ur post...the 2 for the first time...and am all smiles... cool writeup though. but LIB READERS, Take a chilled pill...thats the way he sees it... some men dont even like babes taking charge... dey like to be the dominant in bed and all that... so if ur man is someone like richard, follow his advice, if he isnt, then cook up something to make ur relationship work. ladies are as tempted everyday like guys are with other ladies. even as a married woman... my husband worships me... and i sure as hell no he aint cheating! just do what you gotta do to keep your man. and if he still decides to be a jackass, invite God into your home... its juicy when God is your foundation.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, C.E.O is right on point. Couldn't have been better said. I love the way He's just so crude about it. Enough of the heartache already. Luv up Boo, Just love and y'all stop been in all these mad sexual denial. If you must have sex then completely please each other and stop pretending.

Anonymous said...

Thank you ooo, this is life, reality. We r my in a Disney land. All this rubbish he wrote is cartoon life were very thing is perfect. I don't know if my husband is cheating ooo, nd I don't care to know. One thing I know is 1. His family wants nd needs comes first, 2. No useless pregnancy from any bother or wanted baby. Nd if I catch him. Oh lord av mercy. I will make his life a living hell. Mr CEO maybe u shuld get married nd apply all this advise to ur own marriage. Let's see the outcome den we cn follow. Ishhh.

Anonymous said...

100% correct

Anonymous said...

U nkor ur penis no be tokunbo swear when or if u,re married she's the first ur dead penis has gone into idiot.

Anonymous said...

Mr Richard, abi CEO or whatever you are, thats in your own pocket, so keep it to yourself.

From your writeup, its quite clear who you are.
I am a man, and married, and all I see is a once Nerdy student, that got dumped while in school, girls never gave you chance, blanked you all the time, its quite clear from your writeup. deny it or not, I know your type right from school.

This is my first time commenting, your shallowness is what got me talking....a real CEO wont have time to say such trash as you have just said.
CEO of what, provision store?

Trish Baby said...

@Royal, you are such a learned illiterate. What exactly are you writing? You have written so much nonsense grammar and vented off irrelevant steam, that are so unnecessary. What's your point or beef? Have u eaten today? Then stop hating?

veronica said...

i love this write up. dont know why y'all cant see that hes telling the plain truth

Subomi said...

He has good points. I personally don't like when peeps beef on here and go back and forth with diss but he is entitled to his opinion, he gave it, you can take it or leave it. Its a wacky world we live in, some are lucky some are not, some cheat some don't, some go the extra mile to maintain their marriage some could care less, its what it is.

Ma Fla said...

Lorll! I read Jeremiah Ogbodo write up "Teach them to be protectors that respect women, Don't just tell them." Why are men constantly telling woman how to be?" It Made my day beacuse He spoke realistacally

Unknown said...

seriously!!!! u get it Richard... although its not all that easy. i wish men would read this and take note.....

OIL said...

So as old as u r u dont know d right thing... anyway wat works 4 A doesnt necessarily means it will work 4 B

Anonymous said...

This Richard guy is so stupid and annoying...mumu Ceo

Trish Baby said...

Most people never appreciate the truth. They'd rather be lied to, that's why u have more mistakes in relationships and marriages everyday. Single and married women shamelessly trading blames like that will change the lives of the men involved. Rather than take steps to curb the rate of cheating in their men, and invariably save themselves the pain of surviving each cheating episode. All Richard wrote are true, seems too straight but that's what's best for we the women. Dunno about u all but most of all he mentioned have worked for me, when I finally get married, I'll learn the art of giving mad ass sex because I'm wise enough to know this is an important aspect in marriage. No need forming holier than thou for my husband. Most of u all ewwing at your screens are the ones giving the married women the chase for their hubbies. Nonsense Falila Ketans

success igbinoba said...

Wow tanks dearie I really enjoyed d article although am reading it with an empty stomach but I knw have learnt something from dis. N would luv to meet u some day as" frds".

Anonymous said...

Dear Richard, if your current relationship doesn't work, I'm single and available. I hope you're good looking,...and no its not cos you have money. It's cos your brain works! Linda will give u my mail if u want it...

SisiTiti said...

Richard okocha is that you???? Hmm proud delta boy..

OIL said...

Synthetic not artificial

Anonymous said...

Men u wrote well bt ur remedy is not absolute!! U 4got the porvety factor and demonic factor.....bros formular no dey this tin.

OIL said...

So u also decided 2 write an epistle. .

Unknown said...

Well said

OIL said...

Richard all what u av said doesn't make sense.. Get married 1st then advice married ppl..For now u are liable to advise only d singles.

Unknown said...

Seriously enough of all this rubbish

D'Arc Ed said...

Thank you! That is the simple answer to cheating. FEAR OF GOD! Nothing else. I mean which other positive standard is to stop a natural man from tasting all over?

Anonymous said...

my oh my...this article could make a pope backslide. i almost backslided. lol...aint a pope tho'. (facebook name--SUCCESS EBILOMA ALADIN--) said...

Well said.. Truth is bitter.. said...

Well said.. Truth is bitter..

Unknown said...

Richard thanks so much u just impacted a whole lot into me...I will work with ur list (wish me luck)

Unknown said...

Pls u don't have to involve whoever raised him in this matter...if u have issues with him face him directly

Dazey Diamond said...

Biko who is this Richard???I just love this guy and his sense of a woman but everything you word you wrote is simply the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...#e dey our hand#

Unknown said...

Don't fool urself mumu mr CEO said his is unmarried but not single Ewu

lynda slick said...

Thanks Bro, if he really feels he has all the answers then let him get married now. Silent millionaire my foot. Please drop the stupid chip on your shoulders

Unknown said...

Ooleeeee which number? Come and steal it na....richard is not in need of a new girlfriend

Unknown said...

All the way Richy, am you biggest fan. I wouldn't cheat tho, am not wired that way, but i love ur piece die. Independent and repping all d way

Unknown said...

A nice write up really, funny and true too, I enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

Well one doesn't need to be married to know about marriage.....This piece is very insightful and touched on a lot of details. Rather than hate,i just believe some of us here should at least put some of his comments to practice and have some change in our relationships/marriage (no one knows it all).

In all, nice one Richard. And a big shame to some shallow peeps little wonder some would still remain the way they are.....Spice up your relationship and careless if your man/woman cheats.

Anonymous said...

He was clearly badly hurt. Kpele it is well.

Anonymous said...

Na so! Bcuz u don ceo na yur type of man! Oponu

Anonymous said...

this dude is a bloody shit stain. And I don't give a shit about his lame comeback. he's speaking from a lustful point.

and hey Mr. FAKE CEO KIM K is not even as skinny as she used to be. SHE IS CONSIDERED FAT BY MANY. do you know how many radars she has fallen off of? YET Kanye still went ahead and married her. why? he truly LOVES her. something foreign to a braindead poor potbellied fat black short ugly face me i face you squatter like YOU!that's the woman he has wanted to be with. Something you will NEVER experience in your poor, miserable life. Also you justifying cheating by men is so sickening. your mom should have dropped you from a 10 ft story building when you were born that would have saved us all from reading this trash. your dad should have used a condom. your parents obviously showed u no love thats why you're still bitter and you take out your frustration on blogs. besides are yo gay? trashing women like you're in competition with them. sorry o. dick sucker. shit eater. your bf didnt fuck u in the ass well last night thats why. CUNT!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


BumBum said...

WOW, am overwhelmed.. shallow words n some shallow responses. Wetin person no go read online. Pple dat think they know so much know little to nothing.

Anonymous said...

for this one mind he's Christian Grey. that movie was shit anyway.

fake ceo living in face me i face you. ceo of what I wonder? ceo of the lizards and rats in his boy's quarters, FOOL!

Unknown said...

Spot on!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bonario is jealous. Someone is about to steal your shine you think? Don't worry, you are our favorite hmm? No need for hating. Loool

Unknown said...

omg, i love this writer. There wasnt a thing he said that wasnt right. if you are hating, you probably dint read this post and if you did, i bet you dint finish it. its quite long. i enjoyed every beat of it.

Anonymous said...

Loving this Richard guy already...


Oh my God its been long I read somtyn this good. Dude am married and I agree with all u said. U made federal sense.women be like #watdoesheknw.well he addressed some serious issues and gave serious insight. Like he said it is not easy to keep all this up but marriage takes work.ladies keel an open mind nd learn.Richards tell ur babe she is a lucky girl. Those writing long Epistles to insult linda,if u have forgotten dat this blog not only gossips but gives information and helps to learn den stop reading it.

Unknown said... relationships are all about the romance, and the sex....and more sex....There's got to be more than seeing each other as surprise tumble partners...

Unknown said... relationships are all about the romance, and the sex....and more sex....There's got to be more than seeing each other as surprise tumble partners...

Anonymous said...

Abeg go sidon 4 dirty, u sabi like write dis kain essay nia u nor contribute 4 d article.

Anonymous said...

Nice ....

Anonymous said...

Please I need his contact!!!

Anonymous said...

true talk God bless u my brother

Anonymous said...

thanks i like ur first n this post...very educative.

Anonymous said...

May God continue to strengthen u bro,u will find favor before Go,bible said he who finds wive finds favor.

Anonymous said...

I know dis kain person. E must cheat. E fit even dey irritate person.

Unknown said...

Lmaoooo EPIC! !!!

Anonymous said...

And I been dey think say na Bonario. See the way e yab the guy. E still fit be Bona o because men smart. Person nor dey know finish.

Anonymous said...

3. ONLY HATEFUL HUSBANDS DONT APPRECIATE GOOD WIVES. CHECK MY FIRST ANONYMOUS POST FOR THE REST AND LIKE I SAID THE Fear of God is what constrains a man even a woman too because the BIBLE says the world we live in is full of weary!!! that woman who is not your wife or husband that you are humping because the SEX is outta this world is a classic evil and the last kiss is Hell's gate.

Unknown said...

It wasn't matured being rude in the first place but it's a nice piece though. He's actually right if a have a guy dat treats me this way and am happy i'll never think of cheating.

Anonymous said...

Better than first one. Now the real question is why arent you married if you know so much?

Dee said...

Well said Rich! I am happily married, and I know spontaneity is very essential. Thanks for sharing

JustPorsh said...

You just had to ruin a perfect essay by first unleashing an 'asshole-y' part of u.
The fact people have an opinion that's different from your doesn't warrant ur egoistic insults.
I don't know y Linda's enabling u. This is like ur mini-playground n it seems like u r having a ball.
Good for u!

Your points were well stated, given; but face reality, there's no hard n fast rule to making it work.
Sometimes, it just works out when u least expect it.
Well, I see that u refer to relationships( your forte), n not marriage.
So bye!

P.s: not hating, but when did CEO become the ultimate achievement?!

We'll all get to the peak of our lives despite what u think (y Wud u even say that most peeps Wud never...?)

Babious said...

Who will cheat,will cheat. Just be yourself and let the right person come along.
Getting married to someone you don't know/understand could lead to a lot of things. Everything this guy mentioned here are just 10% or less to stop a man from cheating. It's beyond that (being a chef,wild in bed n social media display)...

Anonymous said...

I need ur number then NKY.

Unknown said...

Lmao.....Richard you are so damn good...I couldn't stop laughing ...seriously thumps up...u jst hit the nail...I hope u treat ur girlfriend the same way u adviced men to.......i njoyed reading your opinion in this trending issue.....

Unknown said...

Lol...Richard u are so damn good...I couldn't stop laughing....but I hope u treat ur girlfriend same way u adviced guys to....thumbs up....i totally enjoyed ur opinion on this trending issue......ladies dnt hate him too much...k...*winks*


Anonymous said...

As in, serious ewu toddler! What's up with men in their 30s being such babies?! God help me raise my sons well biko!

Anonymous said...

Well said dear!the guy is just useless!and Linda m highly dissapointed in u bcoz u agreed 2 post of Keke napep compnay!bastard!

linda said...

Den leave d blog any1 holding u...mstchew pls shift lemme read oda comments on dis mumu post

Anonymous said...

Like seriously, this guy is so so immature! But the sad thing is some peeps would chop his advice like suya and be killing themselves for people that are not worth it!

See, a guy/girl would cheat on you no matter what u do cos there will always be someone out there who would be finer, smarter and more interesting or more adventurous than u!

So that means these cheats will automatically sleep with the whole of Lagos then abi? Because this Oga's article is seeking for perfect partners which no one can be!

What matters in genuine love and consideration for your partner. If you don't have that for them, please don't get into a relationship or marriage. Shikena!

Anonymous said...

Nice article, well I've done and will continue to do these things It's like you read my mind.

Anonymous said...

Weather tru or not I learnt a lot tanks CEO..

Unknown said...

True talk

Unknown said... relationships are all about the romance, and the sex....and more sex....There's got to be more than seeing each other as surprise tumble partners...

Anonymous said...

I so love this dude.

Priscilla Ade said...

I don't want to believe a CEO would write this up. I was expecting a Prestigious Elite Personality with a better I.Q. This is just to shallow....too shallow. What a shame.

Unknown said...

Honestly I couldn't stop laughing like 80percent of people dt comment on dis post didn't even read it, lol Nigerians really need to grow up and stop this hypocrite behaviours, dis inspired me a lot and one of d best article I have seen dis year, thanks bro keep it up

MY TURN said...

Thank you VERA EGELEMBA, this fool is a joke...

CEO wey get time dey write epistle on Linda Ikejis blog i hear anyway Oke down the road wey get chemist shop sef go call himself CEO.

Hot n spicy said...

Please stop asking why Mr CEO isn't married, he has been looking for his missing rib and here I am.i love this article and love you Mr CEO. People don't understand there is only a little difference btw relationship and marriage so u don't have to be married to understand this ish

Garriville - Cruncy Sandfree Egba Garri - 08130897890 to order said...

Wow! Talk of hitting d nail on d head... an insightful piece

ziva1990 said...

oh Richard, i loved ur previous article......part of this i liked, bt u blew it when u started blaming women for the infidelity of that is just wrong.....sometimes men don't need a reason other than cheating is what is in vogue now....please remove that theory from ur mind, it isn't right.....why men or anyone cheats we will never know, just the cheat that knows their reason, nd believe me, a lot cant even explain why it happened......i really hope u r one that does what he says nd all this isn't just about yapping.....u really dint av to announce that u r a CEO AND BILLIONAIRE REALLY? that is just stealthy to me.... but u write like an intelligent person so please don't spoil it by saying, women r the reason men cheat........

ziva1990 said...

oh Richard, i loved ur previous article......part of this i liked, bt u blew it when u started blaming women for the infidelity of that is just wrong.....sometimes men don't need a reason other than cheating is what is in vogue now....please remove that theory from ur mind, it isn't right.....why men or anyone cheats we will never know, just the cheat that knows their reason, nd believe me, a lot cant even explain why it happened......i really hope u r one that does what he says nd all this isn't just about yapping.....u really dint av to announce that u r a CEO AND BILLIONAIRE REALLY? that is just stealthy to me.... but u write like an intelligent person so please don't spoil it by saying, women r the reason men cheat........

Busyfingers said...

Lol... U sound like a love-frustrated bitch

Busyfingers said...

I smell sever heart breaks... Stop transfering aggression... wit dis attitude, am sure whoever is dumb 2 ever date u will be cheating on i now.

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful! The bitter truth.. I hope my other half reads this. Nice work, Richard. You write well.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Richard.. I am not hating but u see all this strategies u mentioned for guys are what my ex use on me... I was madly in love with him... It felt like heaven gave me a hug.. Was on his dp for weeks, all his gadgets had my pics.. But hard, soft and even semi hard soft copies.. Hehehe .. My brother this love Mr.F.I.E showered on me.. Omo no other man matters... We even shared the same bday month.. On his bday I was far away in Benin could not make it.. He had a party in Abj.. I own a small business, after his bday on the 2nd mine was 15th so on the 12, I gathered money from my little business bought him some very expensive gifts ( bros, trust me the bill shake my income).. Traveled to abj to surprise him... Then I was at his house till my bday... I wanted to be with him alone n my Mr. Heart rob both cold hard cup cakes 4 pieces as my bday cake n present... I no complain.. After I went back home to Benin and on the 1st of the next month... My smooth operator sent me a DM via fb telling me to move on with my life.. That he does not want to slow me down.. Well I ended up in the hospital for 1 week.. Called and begged like a child for forgiveness for a sin I know nothing about.. 3 weeks later I went to abj to visits folks and he ask me to come.. Can u believe this smooth operator I never even drop my handbag, he was already pulling off my cloths.. I was perplexed... I ran out of his house and that was the day I lost my sense of loving someone.. E no get watin guy go do way go make me fall ... #Dairy of a broken maiden ..

Unknown said...

If this write up is true, y are u still not married Richard? Or ur ceo position is taking too much of ur tym coz u must have too many free time to wryt dz up, u also sound lonely get a life nd stop sounding like Alpha

Anonymous said...

Oga God bless u... Dream land ooo na most of our youth dey... All through the article I no see the place where Him say his pray for him babe...

Unknown said...

As in. negro pls.
U obviously have waaaaaay too much time on ur hands for this totally senseless write up. Or are going to read this now and write another text boOk?

Unknown said...

I agree with u. Rude crap

Unknown said...

He obviously cannot handle criticism. Not evryone Wil agree with ur views. Do what works for u and carry on with yr life.

Unknown said...

Lmao....Ruchard...really....i couldn't stop laughing...your girlfriend must be really lucky that's if u do same to her....nice write up nd I can feel ur intelligence from ur write up

April rose' opinion

Being Tochi said...

Some foolish married women will disregard this post believing their husbands are God fearing or have better things on their minds and he wd be cheating on them. This is the truth although I don't accept that the man should cheat in the absence of these but they are very necessary. I relationship should be spicy not boring. Married and prospective married women...takenote!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


sarah said...

Sweery, u just spoke my mind. He is a zombie

Anonymous said...

My darling Richard, people do not like to hear the truth! And just because you threw it out there, they just cant handle it. Women are sometimes to be blamed indeed because just like men they FAIL TO DO WHAT THEY USE TO. I enjoyed BOTH of your blogs. For this one I ALMOST SAID 'I LOVE THIS GUY'(in terms of your post) and i like how you put it out there that you ARENT MARRIED BUT YOUR NOT SINGLE. Your are intitled to share your opinion and i respect that! haters gon hate! In future i hope you practice what you preach.

Best of luck in your feature endeavours.
Marissa A. R.

Abdul Adepetu said...

Everyone's got point. Listen to Richard and read Vera Egelamba's response. We can't do without each other. Compromise. Men are like children. Manage us well. Our mothers will tell you and you will tell your daughters. Biko, emabinu. Peace in the Middle East. Telemundo and Indian Love

Anonymous said...

...and he isn't single :(

Damochedxb said...

Come again?????

Anonymous said...

Lmaooo I found this article very funny, and the previous one too. So to keep a man, I have to be a lady in the streets, Albert Einstein, have a killer body, freak in bed, super mom and masterchef. ...and if he still cheats on me with all of this then I should forgive him so I can play my role as a wife? Lol. Here's the thing, I don't have a problem with all what he has said because I can be all that, my only problem is being all that just to keep a my own opinion my purpose /aspiration in life is not to please any man. I work as hard as any man, I make my own money, I'm not going to objectify myself just to keep a man. A good man should love me and work as hard to keep me, if the act isn't reciprocal then I'm not interested.

I don't believe all men cheat, I'm not one to generalise, I also don't believe marriage equals happiness, I am in my late 20s and I'm not thinking of marriage, the funny thing is I want babies, I love kids and that's what's going to make me happy right now, not marriage. In my almost 30 years, I haven't met anyone I can spend the rest of my life with, and i am not going to settle....maybe one day, I will meet that person, maybe not.

Our society puts too much pressure on the girl child and it's unfair, I believe both men and women should have equal rights and be treated the same, they say some women sleep with men for money, so what? Men do the same thing, they call women whores when they sleep around, what of men that do the same thing? We should learn to be fair in our judgement, and mothers please raise your sons to be respectable gentlemen, not egomaniac chauvinistic ass holes.

Marriage is not for everyone, we should all focus on what makes us happy, whether it's a man, woman, money, material things, kids etc don't compromise, live for yourself and not anyone else.

*(His reference to Kim K is hilarious because she hasn't been able to hold a man down, let's see how long this Kanye West fiasco lasts)

Gabriel said...

My sentiment exactly,One of the most brilliant right ups, have read(about relationships) in a long while. This dude is so damn experienced. Hes been a player for longer than necessary. No ordinary dude can be this articulate. Everything this bitches need to know to get and keep a man is in there, i hope the lil brainy once will pick up one thing or 2 rather than allow their dilapidated ego kick in. Dude if you can read this, i'd love to follow u on twitter or something. a few more women has got to see this. drop off your handle or follow @leirbagayn

Gabriel said...

My sentiment exactly,One of the most brilliant right ups, have read(about relationships) in a long while. This dude is so damn experienced. Hes been a player for longer than necessary. No ordinary dude can be this articulate. Everything this bitches need to know to get and keep a man is in there, i hope the lil brainy once will pick up one thing or 2 rather than allow their dilapidated ego kick in. Dude if you can read this, i'd love to follow u on twitter or something. a few more women has got to see this. drop off your handle or follow @leirbagayn

Anonymous said...

Sorry writer but ure a big Fool!

Unknown said...

On point

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