Waje's daughter, Emerald, turned 16 today March 28th and the proud mum took to instagram to celebrate her and share a touching story about how she gave birth to her
. Read below..
had gone to the hospital earlier but the doctor said my due date was
April 4th so my mum took me home and left for lagos that day. At 11pm,
lying in d living room which was my only comfortable spot in the house,
labour started, grandma said (don't worry, false alarm) then it became
frequent, I couldn't scream but I felt like killing someone and my bro @officialbk6
was a great candidate for that murder but they were all trying to make
me feel better. Cut the long story short , labour was for 4hrs and this
queen was born.

My prayer is that Gods grace and Favour will envelope u,
God will direct your path, in everything you do u shall prosper, you
shall be called great amongst your peers and your well will never run
dry. You are above REPROACH!!! No one will dare tangle with God by
messing with his chosen.nothing can drive a wedge btw u and christ, as
the sun rises so shall u arise and shine. You are born of God and great
shall be your testimony. And to every teenager I use u as a point of
contact, you all shall Ve victory over death, in d day of trouble u will
be delivered,he has set his love around u, He will be your refuge and
His kindness shall not depart from you. The LORD shall fight for you,
and ye shall hold your peace. Welcome to a new year of greatness,
excellence,gentleness, success,Favour,discipline thru Gods grace,nothing
shall by any means hurt u. Your family and friends are blessed! You
will bring joy and not sorrow to those u come in contact with, you shall
be the first and not the last, God will be expressed in your existence
and people will testify of Gods greatness in your life.im so proud of
you. For every parent, may God fill our lips with thanksgiving for the
joy of this gift He has given us knows no end. For those yet to become
parents, may the lord prepare u for the miracle and equip u. Our
children! Our pride! Happy
HBD TO HER.. Lindaobserve
Awwww...nothing like mothers love!! Heart touching!
HBD and LLNP to her.
Happy birthday girl
What a beautiful prayer....mothers rock
So waje is old enough to be a grandmother o, kai, happy bday baby, pls dont be in a hurry to "explore" oh, lest u turn ur young mother into a grandma
Happy birthday girl.
Amen to your prayers! Happy birthday, Emerald.
Aww the struggles and joys of motherhood.I appreciate the feeling.HBD to the teenager
Show us her full pictures so that we will know whether she is fine or not!!!
Happy bday election baby
She kinda ugly.
She try small
Happy birthday to the girl
Hapi bday cutei
Hbd dear.... u are so pretty. May the light of God continue to shine upon u and may ur new age be richly blessed, Amen!!! Don't fail to make ur mum proud.
Waje has a daughter who's 16? Wow, I didn't even know she's married.
Great mother
HBD gurl
Hbd to her
16 wth this make up already???
And we keep bashing kylie
The prayers of a loving mother. Priceless.
Wow so touching Hbd may God bless ur new age
Whoaaaa very Touching, hapi Emerald WLLNP. Preti gal.
More to come.........HBD
Awww... amen. She's so pwettie.. Happy birthday darl.
Happy birthday Emerald, you will fulfill destiny in the name of Jesus, Toady is our day, I was born today also.
wow so touching. hbd dear
Luv this
She looks caribbean ..who's her dad?
Waje is a prayer warrior oo...happy birthday to her child
Stunning... Need google adsense account? pin:2869895B
Fine girl! God bless her!!!
Aww so touching ... I love the content of what she wrote... Sweet momma hbd to her
Happy birthday to u...always loved ur mum
Amen to all your prayers Waje. Gosh your daughter is so pweety..
Amen happy birthday to Emerald...
HBD to her........God bless
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....
The gal is cute...Hbd Emerald
Was she married then?
Happy bday to her*
Amen to all the prayers and God be with my children too. #proudmum#
How sweet. HBD to this lovely young lady.
Pretty girl. Happy birthday to her.
Happy birthday sweet 16, here's an AMEN to ur momma's sweet prayers
Hmmm loaded indeed, happy Birthday to Wake princess,happy birthday Emrald,wish her all the best life can possibly offer Ogochukwu is 16 years today hurray
Wow! She's so beautiful
Hmmm loaded indeed, happy Birthday to Waje princess,happy birthday Emrald,wish her all the best life can possibly offer Ogochukwu is 16 years today hurray
Hmmm loaded indeed, happy Birthday to Waje princess,happy birthday Emrald,wish her all the best life can possibly offer Ogochukwu is 16 years today hurray
I say big amen to that....Happy birthday Emerald! Wishing u many more fruitful years
All this makeup for a girl of 16?and am sure she must have bin wearing it at 15..before she come carry belle like her mother again
.Haba waje..you shouldnt allow her wear dat Much makeup till she is 18.
Ohhh wish I never aborted,my child would have been 13yrs now.Lord pls for give me.RT
She is all grown, pretty gal. Happy birthday dearie
Lovely. Congrats Waje and daughter.
HBD Emerald
Amen!, strong prayers works.
Waje has a 16 year old?!
HBD lovely
What a damsel you are.
She's so cute...happy birthday to her!!
Happy birthday to a beautiful girl..bid u heavens best..
She is all grown, pretty gal. Happy birthday dearie
She's very pretty
Wooooooow, she's such a beautiful girl. Happy birthday to you girl. LLNP! Linda take note!
Good wishes to her too hp birthday
Wooooooow, she's such a beautiful girl. Happy birthday to you girl. LLNP! Linda take note!
proud mama
proud mama
Awww pure piece straight from a mother's heart,Amen to ur prayers waje and happy 16 to Emerald the beauty!
Woow..nice one waje! Happy bday to her.
Happy born day
Awww so sweet hbd dearie,mother's love
Wow, happy belated bd. Ur mum has said it all. May ur light neva go off. I tap into dis
Cute girl wish her a happy birthday
Awwwwww! So Sweet...And She's pretty #HBD cutie
Cute girl
Wow. Am touched. Its a gud tin/feeling being a parent. And for everyone trusting God, ur time of joy & answered prayer is now!
was she married then or was it baby mama things
Aww so sweet.beautiful girl
How interesting.
Didn't know she had a daughter.
Gay Life of an Anonymous Writer
HBD. Joy of motherhood. Can"t wait to have mine.
She's indeed a Queen.... cute gurl
Awww,touching...My daughter shld do quick n grow jare...hbd darl
Unconditional love from a mother to her daughter. Well expressed
Wow! Happy birthday girl. Waje this is powerful and I remain your number one fan. God bless you for the prayers.
Wow! Happy birthday girl. Waje this is powerful and I remain your number one fan. God bless you for the prayers.
Wow! She is really beautiful n older than her age. HBD 2 her
Beautiful girl
Amen HBD cute gal
HBD to her, may she live to bring more joy to her mum and family.
Pretty Emerald happy birthday
Wetin Consain u for that one now. Silly judgemental Nigerians. I'm sure the children u have aborted will nearly be her age mates.
HBD gurly.....
She is really pretty
Prayers of a mother, I'm all teary. Btw Emerald is a really cute daughter!
Melly u know get sense, u just type nonsense. Happy birthday emerald n God bless u and ur mum waje
Wow, ao sweet, joy of every mother. HBD princess, LLNP
Nice gift. She'll cherish that gift more than any other gift she'll get.
Happy sweet sixteen!
Beautiful...&Amen to ur prayers Waje..Hbd to ur lovely daughter.Xoxo.
I couldn't stop the tears in my eyes from flowing as I read this,a very proud mum and am sure the daughter is also proud,happy bday dear
Thank you oo, linda no ser that one talk. All d biased people... Mtchewww
Lmao,you just made me laugh 😂😉😂😉
HBD girl. Joy of every mother I tap into dis
Unlike Genevieve going around doing fine girl but no relationship with her daughter nor ever show how much she loves her. ..our children need love to guide them to do right
God bless the young lady.
lol @ I couldn't scream but I felt like killing someone and my bro @officialbk6 was a great candidate for that murder
HBD to her but Christianity has made our people selfish and self-centred people, why say she will be greater than her peers and this selfish prayer is what is killing people in our society
Amen Amen Amen..... HBD 2 her
Omg so touching
Awwwwn so pretty happy bufdae babydoll
Awwwwwwww......this is so touching. A proud parent she is. HBD cutie.
Cute lil one....... Awwwwwwwwwwwn touching mothers words
her dad wu MPA gi..yes MPA gi..mscewww
Yes to your grandpapa
make up makes people pregnant? Your biology teacher should be given a public whipping! Ugh
big mouthed question asker...park well
Showing 'love' on social media does nt mean anytin if u don't hv real love for the person. Genevieve doesn't need to act for u dat she loves her daughter. Stop being a fake ass
hbd dear, all d make up @16. watch it plssssss
HBD dear she is so cute
Haven of Imagination
Event Mgt and decoration is my business
Eeeeyaaaah she flaunts her daughter jare and it's a gud thing!!
Waje, a big congrats to your beautiful daughter as she turns 16. She is truly a sweet 16, pls take good care of her.
Lol @ Christianity has made people selfish
na onyinbo be her papa? she's cute
HBD to her
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