President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan will tomorrow, Saturday, March 7, 2015
lead government officials as well as sportsmen and women on an out-door
physical training exercise in Abuja aimed at promoting sports and fitness in
The training exercise, which will start at 7.00 am, will include a long
walk from the Presidential Villa by President Jonathan accompanied by top
government officials, Presidential aides, political associates, leading sports
personalities and enthusiasts.
The programme, which will also include jogging, physical stretches and
light aerobics, will culminate in a solidarity rally for President Jonathan at
the Eagle Square organized by the Nigerian sports community.
Sports personalities expected to participate in the physical training exercise
and solidarity rally include Mary Onyali, Austin Eguavoen, Kanu Nwankwo, Joseph
Yobo and Chika Chukwumerije, amongst others.
The event will be broadcast live on the Network Service of the Nigerian
Television Authority.
Adviser to the President
and Publicity)
March 6,
1 – 200 of 205 Newer› Newest»They need it to be able to pack their loads back to bayelsa. Lindaobserve
They need it to be able to pack their loads back to bayelsa. Lindaobserve
His point exactly?
Aha mama peace. Nice.
Lmfaooooo can't stop laffing......clueless couple Mgbeke Lwkmd!! Educated illiterate and stark illiterate exercising *Hot Tears* hahhahhahahhahahahahhaahahhahhaha
i don't know how it works but jewelry on?
i begggiiii make dem go sit down...if dem like make dem gym from now till jesus comes. my mind is made up and i am proudly for #change*#
I think she need to hit that Gym as ish has been long overdue.
I love dis man hel no to buhaha
Clown and her clueless husband.
Up GEJ!!!! You have won already!!!
Congratulation in advance
Mr president is aging badly....his nose be like uwaezuoke nose. And the first lady come fat, short and at the same time ugly.........nawa o.......anyways, good to lose some fat. Nice one Mr jonah and mama peace
My man... luv u die
Smart move. Apc will soon release a press statement about this. Buhari should join this fitness program though he may collapse on the way. GEJ till 2019
Chei!!!!!see pure undiluted love......hehehe! Ide una back gidigbam!
Ok ooo
Lmao....Our mama and papa in action..........buhari travel out 4 check up dey both went 2 d gym. and he is back dey also went 2 d gym hmmmm..fit mama and papa...Gej too 2019
Good for dem. It's good to keep fit
Chei!!!!!see pure undiluted love......hehehe! Ide una back gidigbam!
wow look nice sha
look nice sha
Gud for the wife
For a fat oaf who has to keep dabbing the sweat on her with a towel when she's merely walking,surprised she didn't break a sweat while working out.
Vagabond clowns
Linda n this gym news ehn.....
We need you GEJ not the one who sneaks in at night aka booohari! kikikikikik
All d make up for gym? stop wasting time jona u and ur midget wife
This man look frail to me sef.
Linda n this gym news ehn.....
...Misplaced priorities! Where's our Chibok Girls Mr President???
Boohari should come and use the tread mill and the news will be HE HAS SINCE BEEN BURIED ACCORDING TO ISLAMIC RITE.
Their headache, my own is for the election to come & go already biko, make everybody rest. Linda take note!
They both look like jokers
Hahahahaha no b small tin o especially for mama peace
With they uselessass
We respect you Mr president for staying fit, to stay fit, you have to be disciplined... so kudos, we just cant overlook the very bad state of the country while you are in-charge... AND mama peace on treadmill? na to keep quite
I just love this couple, see love abeg. Sai Jonathan.
So mama peace wear makeup go gym.
I just love this couple, see love abeg. Sai Jonathan.
All da name of campaign?? Issokay!
Thank you and be ready to jog to your village after May 29
Igwe! P babe and J bobo, na now una wake up to go keep fit okwaya? Congratulations!
Good for them. They are getting set for the journey ahead.
Otueke is very far from Abuja.
lol cool
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
See mama Peace ooo! No dullin
Abeg, who wears a dangling earring to a gym biko???????
Hahahaha mama p never cease to crack me up
GEJ looking good
I'm glad the president and his wife are exploring other options. They still have a shot at being a bit relevant when they leave office come May 29th. They both can act along side Mr Ibu. Good thing he's been generous to Nollywood.
Buhari 4 President !! Sai Buhari! Sabi man!!!
Please i don't wanna laugh.. i hope there'll be ambulances n paramedics? This is not the time for any senior citizen participating in the elections to dislocate a joint or get burst a vain.. lol.. bye!
Good for them
My presido and Mama peace, make u no faint oooo.
I wish am here with my sporting apparels, I'd join them
Lin Lin my love!
My presido and Mama peace, make u no faint oooo.
I wish am here with my sporting apparels, I'd join them
Lin Lin my love!
dame forming sexy....good though
Keeping fit for another 4 years, e no easy to oversee the affairs of a nation.
Love nwAntiti...
And if buhari tries this ehhhh.... God knows the outcome... He is not fit to rule Us...APC take note
Mama peace fit jonah wella!!!
Patience Jonathan looks ridiculous...
Mumu couple.....who wears jewelries to the gym like mama peace if no be say their mumu don ripe?
Mumu couple.....who wears jewelries to the gym like mama peace if no be say their mumu don ripe?
Some people will faint tomorrow.
LOl..na by force? Just look at Buhari's pics on arrival from London @ MMA...His fitness is effortless and as medical doctor in training I can bet he is fitter than GEJ and Madam Pee combined together,,,and I'm Igbo btw
Linda please come to sokoto make I use this my better big donkey penis bulala you well well. The thing sweet pass kunu o!
He needs to keep fit gan sef
Why didnt they show us Patience Jonathan Falling of the tread mill cos i know she did. Jona's hands no pass him wife waist o. Obasanjo don jones finish, na una turn. Clowns
Mama peace is looking good o! Exercise is good for the body!!!
Mama peace is looking good o! Exercise is good for the body!!!
Ok oooo
Jona is working.
Good.they need it.
Wetin be dis? Nonsense....
Did I see bros J and mama peace forming Obama and Michelle?!! Chei! Wonders will never end. D chemistry is so different.
Good for dem
If buhari tries this he'll just die
The truth behind the story is that....its not all about the fitness exercise, but about election and campaign
The truth behind the story is that....its not all about the fitness exercise, but about election and campaign
Power couple! #agility!
The truth behind the story is that....its not all about the fitness exercise, but about election and campaign
Nonsense PR stunt. Patience doesn't know how to use the treadmill. I can bet on it
Wahala dey dis world oooo, tomorrow APC will match in lagos, Tomorrow PDP will go on exercising chai..... This election shud be over already
By d way oga Jona, no mess for body ooo
My physically fit president.
Akiko uwa! Pls y'all should be arranging your loots including announcer. Hehehe
Wor Wor.com @@@@@ Bia Bia.
This husband and wife r just a joke. Very funny, two stupid ass couple.
Mr presido take am je je plz
Lol...I go love o
She does not only need to loose weight.....she also need to learn how to give speech......how to campaign without raining abuses onpple....
gym ko
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....
Ok oh, fpee deee pfee, kill d pple shar d money.
What's my business with Jonathan and patience?
Jogging for election. What happened since 2010? We hope domestic appendage will jog too and that you have ambulances and crane following to lift the elephant. People decieving people.
Exercise is important
Gay Life of an Anonymous Writer
Fake unnecessary drama. Who are you guys fooling . If they like, they should say the president and First Lady ran and defeated usain bolt.... Who gives a fuck? This country just has foolish old leaders who think we are dumb.
no comment
Lol he looks like he would soon die obviously this isn't a daily regime
Them no sweat oooo
copy copy. must PDP copy the APC. nawao see as patience look confused. useless woman
Yes o! My Presido is fit unlike that kunu drinking fulani man. hehehehehe..GEJ all the way.
This couple wear green white green everywhere smh
linda heard Bobby shmurda is dead,pls find out nd give us details biko
Eh. Continue ooo will u keep woman alone na comedy.
She looks like she gyms everyday. Lol. Dis people are miserable.
This is wot you call healthy!!! Healthy President. Vote for him biko..
Who u 1 deceive, u do 2 mins exercise u dey claim fitness...mschew...
The wife needs this more.
Busy Fingers.
World Most Ridiculed Couple.. Yeye.. they should just jog their way out of presidency.. mtscheeew.. #ill luck #badluck #demons
this two human beings just dae enjoy, i dont blame them sha ...... its their last
I luv u dame
there is something i like abt this power couple...so cute togther
Ds pple don't knw wat der problem is serz mtchew!!! On 2 d nxt News abegi.
Nice one Mr president..
2 idiots.with what the country is going 2ru going 2 d gym is what they can think of.
He looks okay.
She looks ugly.
With jacket on....this woman na case study
they dont look like they have just hit the gym. #stopthelies
Haaaa let madam first lady not go and fall down yakata on the road ooooo lol.
They want to shed all the money they ve gained and eat another. No way!!!
I can see mama.... dancing shoki!!! Aunty Halima is so sighted
Nice one.....
My eye no dey deceive me,mr president looks older than his official age but for mama peace,hehehe! I reserve my comment ooo
If student no pass, he must repeat class - Patience Jonathan
Mr President don fail, you must give Jonathan chance to come back and repeat class - Patience Jonathan.
What is wrong with Jonathan wasting 10 years of your life?
Nothing is wrong with Jonathan wasting 10 years of your life.
Jonathan is ‘bleeding Nigeria to death’. It is time for change - Fani Kayode.
''We are not Bus Conductors that Ask for Change'' – Patience Jonathan.
Stone Anyone Who Wants Change' - Patience Jonathan.
Chai wat a nation what a country all for politics.linda did u notice dat gej is still humble and amiable u just can't help having a soft spot for him unlike his retaard of a wife see her big tummy primtive woman dis is hoping dat she has a heart attack as she jogs foolish woman calllin buhari brain dead meanwhile na she dey brain dead
Good at list the are promoting healthy living
Mtcheeeeeeeew, next story pls.
I said soooooooo
Pls dis is de kinda life we need in Nigeria & not dem sharia shit.
Keeping doin it Mr.President.
Good for them...
Hahahha..this guys too do
HahahahHah...and our first lady had to make up to the gym.,.its alright.
Humpty Dumpty First Lady
mama-peace needs d work-out more
Looks funny but nice. Guess they had fun.
Ok. I will be ther shaa
I think this is not the best way to know who is fit and who is not. It is more of brain tissue which Mr. President have not leave up to for 6 years now. I don't really know who is fooling who here. Have u ever seen Putin doing dis outside, the answer is no. So Mr & Mrs Pe.. I can't entrust you with another for years of lies. May God bless FR Nigeria. All d way from Germany.
Good for their health....I wil also be joggin tomorow
It will be best for Patience Jonathan to work this hard on her English Language, than pretending she's working out, we all know she probably can't read how to set that treadmill, i just dont understand why Nigerians think its ok for illiterates to rule them, but if you think about it half of nigerians are illiterates so maybe they can relate well with a president that is on the same level as them...... i want to come home but i can't, security should be an issue for Nigerians to worry about, but they will rather sell their soul cheap for a recharge card and bag of rice than to make a better choice for themselves.. what can be done in 4 more years that 6years wasn't enough to fix.. be wise Nigerians. Linda if u like dont post my comment, you are now different, very bias, be the same Linda that won peoples heart years ago...
Madam First Lady reminds me of those "Grandma looking" women that you meet at the mall during the Fall/Winter season looking awkwardly dressed.
Keep Fit, Smart And Good Mr President and FG
Keep Fit, Smart And Good Mr President and FG
Jok ke, who wants to kill this woman that looks like a bag of beans. Hilarious. Hahahahaha
Lol. See d woman face sef
9ice one patienc jonathan
see d old fool as he look woman rapa...i remain owolabi eletu aka small alao seniyan
I agree. They look kinda silly!
Mumu couple........
Smh- He didn't promote this for 6 years send he I'd doing so in 6 weeks. A look at his cabinet will tell you whether or not this is campaign joke or serious stuff.
Chai, see people representing a whole Nigeria. Who goes to the Gym wearing make up and wedding ring. Idiot people and simpler PR team.
The president is only fooling himself but can not fool naija for ever.The president with his cliques of corrupt ranting men like fani kayode should jog with the president back to Otuoke. Your time to leave as come. Fools.
der erster schritt ist Korruption zu eliminieren. Dann koennen sie mit ihre oberflaechliches Tranieren fortsetzetzen! Mein Land tut mir wirklich leid
God Bless you joooor, this Couple never cease to amaze me. ..... this is a clear case of MONEY MISS ROAD!!!! Local ignorant Goats at the helm of affairs of our great Country. Why the High Five? Okoro and Mgbeke feeling Funky.
Make dem go address pressing issues for Country rather than show off how Shallow and Ignorant they are! BASTARDSSS!!!
oga Jona abeg no die ooooooooooooooooo. we know all dis tricks. being healthy things
May what you wish for others manifest in your life in Jesus name!
I hope SHE ayim pius ayim would join the race and fitness ..observers take note of him. .He is too unhealthy
I hope ayim pius ayim SGF would take part..He is too unhealthy. ..observer's take note..
Mumu go and find dem na. No b ur brothers carry them. Misplaced noise making. Imbecile
Idiot and his trash talk. Mofo like u with no achievement is talking about people u can't even clean their shoes. A billion idiots like u can't send them out of aso rock, not even ur dying buhari. Gej till 2019
Ur father mumu don ripe. Idiot! That is d president and the First lady. They can choose to wear wateva they like to the gym, no one asked ur opinion. Wat did ur useless father achieve all his life?
No I understand Sound Sultan's 'Orobo' song...Mama Peace should biko not go and collapse o before dem carry her comot again. MBOK!!!
Happy for dem.....
Keeping up appearances.....good!
Mr & Mrs. Foolish
Lol them get time
ThAnk you!!!! My thoughts exactly. Bunch of jokers
D stress wey come wit dat position no b here o....and all of dem wan stil kill theirselves to get dere
They really think the joke is on us.There's still no stable power.Even the one available doesn't last 2 hours & they are jogging on a generator powered treadmill & hailing themselves. How in God's name did these people become our first eleven?
You both should remember to use painkiller afterwards cos am sure exercising is alien to your systems. Oshioda nile pako
Just love GEJ...just love him...see tall straight man. With that his sympathetic look while he goes down in you...*moans*
You are a cursed girl.
May you not get ahead in anything u do
Go and pack it for them nah. Ewu, looser
Hmmmmm Na wa o....lind I have spoken
Den u gona prepare urself to help dem do dat cos if u can't help dem pack d loads is nt gona be possible till 2019.
Troublesome woman!
@lwkmd_naija do u just talk before u reason? Or u reason through your anus, I don't blame u..dull brain like u,
@anonymous, well u don't even hv an ID. U are a condemn illiterate, I wonder the kind of family you come from, is obvious u where not trained. Mugu
Today, na-only Jonah waka-come do workout?
Patience only did rehearsal yesterday and she don finish all sweat for body!
Let's hope she doesn't end in a German clinic tomorrow.
Is it by force to exercise?!
Dis is just a show to disparage GMB who is accused of been too old. Pls is it six packs that will be used to rule? If d six packs dey there why not storm sambisa since? Shuo!
How come they aren't sweating???Obviously, NTA no get better program to broadcast.
How come they aren't sweating???Obviously, NTA no get better program to broadcast.
@Blog Trillonaire. Why insult Christie? Those words are too Deep naau. Come oooon. Not cool at all.
I never see where Dem dey wear cap go gym.
Whoever is in charge of GEJ wardrobe needs to fired seriously mehnnnnnnn.
Just shushhhhhhh you scum.
You can drive your point without insults because by insulting him you look more ignorant and rant like a lisp illiterate.
Some of you ain't reasoning, this family is blessed no need to hate, looking at the circumstances to their lime light is indeed God's luck, wish them well so that yours will come
Social media expert, even he looses this night you an your entire generation may not be able to get half of what they have.
Wole soyinka as educated as you are you follow him all the social network because he is celeb, your hating won't stop them from been the first family till God says otherwise. Education is not a guarantee to sucess
Two bush people i dnt dislike the president but i so much dislike his actions as our present president he failed me
And make up too...I just tire sha
@Blog trillionaire,cursed be the day u were born,the womb that conceived u and the hands that nurtured u, u are not the only one who has a bad mouth,idiot.
Carry him there! Oponu,since going to the gym makes a man a good leader.......SaiBuhari
Wilhemina Moses,i think u need to search for an igbo blog, ur likes are not needed here.... I read Ur comments and I shed tears for your destiny......
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