Did they really cut a woman's breast in Calabar because she stole? (graphic photo) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 14 March 2015

Did they really cut a woman's breast in Calabar because she stole? (graphic photo)

I can't verify the authenticity of this photo. Someone just sent this to me and claims it happened in Calabar. A female petty thief was allegedly attacked by a mob and then they cut off her left breast. If this really happened, then big shame to these people. And look at a fellow woman walking behind her. What a shame! See the full photo after the cut...(warning - graphic content)


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7F098C19 said...

I hate criminals, but this is totally wrong and evil. Now her bf can't suck her boobs no more. Engr Emy

Cute G said...

Good grief! I won't be surprised if this happened. The hearts of many has been replaced with stones. *arrghhh*

ogeee said...

Oh gosh! I dey feel for am,abeg no steal again

Unknown said...

Kai! My lord,,,, what is dis world turning in to? Enh! Chai

Unknown said...

I dnt wanna believe in as much as am looking @ d pic.....and she's still standing, walking straight n strong???? Naaa!

Unknown said...

Kai! My lord,,,, what is dis world turning in to? Enh! Chai

Unknown said...

Hmmm..... Na wa!

Anonymous said...

Oooops!.. Linda u strong oh. But people do really wierd things this days.

Anonymous said...

smh............marry me linda

gossip girl said...


Anonymous said...

Linda...april never reach n deyr playin u April fool...that picture is not real...if this happened, tgey wud def strip her naked, but cut off?? nah!!
It doesnt happen in calabar.
Are u seeing her face?? How can she be soooo calm bearing sooo much pain??? Cut off one breast?? Thats not a face of pain, its shame
Whoever sent this is toyin wit u.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Oh my! People still found in bizzare act like this? No matter wat she might have stolen, she doesn't deserve this. Really a shameful act!

Davido's driver said...

Hmm can't say. Lindaobserve

Unknown said...

Blood of God! This is so uncalled for :-( how much did she stole? Go and fix her breast back I'll pay the money, we need the boobs biko

Walata said...

Omg dis is absurdity

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Oh God oooooo *crying* see i am absolutely tired of u people in this country fa! Must u people be so barbaric? ? This is insane!!! Oh God..

CELEB said...

Oh my God!


This is not good at all no matter what she did. Haba

Foreverslim said...

Oh no what kind of life is this...people steal millions every day without cutting one strand of their hair.

Unknown said...

Ooooohhhh Jeez!!! This is disheartening, those pple must not go unpunished

oloksy said...


Unknown said...

OH MY GOSH!!.....{Shocked} why are pipo
So wicked like this? I just can't believe this.
They cut it off and she's walking majestically
Like there is no pain? Pls verify well.

CELEB said...

God please may my family and i never become so embittered by the evils of this world to the extend of turning evil ourselves.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

All those poverty stricken, blood thirsty Akwa Ibom people in Calabar.

Anonymous said...

If this is real... May God judge over the mob!!
The woman looks like she has found peace with her&God.
If she has stolen something for sure not out of pleasure but poverty. Politicians are busy getting pot bellies while the national is anorexic!!

This world is full of evil spirits...

oloksy said...


obiora said...

Awww this is so bad...that's if it truly happened.

Unknown said...

No, not again! And these same people will prostrate flat on the ground for those bigger thieves in Abuja! Despicable act indeed.


What a shame that in 2015 we still have people that live in this mentality. I pray the civil society in Nigeria will stand up and pursue cases like this to a conclusive end. I pray that they will fish out all the people that Sid this to this woman. God help us all in Africa.

Unknown said...

Dis is just inhuman. They people shud be brought to justice

Unknown said...

Nawo dis cnt be happening what a world

Anonymous said...

Horrible things happen when ppl take law into their hands... Its sad.

Gay Life of an Anonymous Writer

AlexSmartt said...

Jesus christ!!

Unknown said...

WickEdness of the highest order

Anonymous said...

What in the world? She doesn't look like she'll survive it. Man, I don't care if she stole a human being, the brutality of what they did to her is unimaginable. This is how they brutally killed ALUU4 and have murdered others in their thirst for blood. This is why I'm saying Fuck Nigeria, FUCK the animals that live there. I'm done with that country. They can all rot in the self destructive hell they live in.

Unknown said...

Na wa oooooo

Anonymous said...

What in the world? She doesn't look like she'll survive it. Man, I don't care if she stole a human being, the brutality of what they did to her is unimaginable. This is how they brutally killed ALUU4 and have murdered others in their thirst for blood. This is why I'm saying Fuck Nigeria, FUCK the animals that live there. I'm done with that country. They can all rot in the self destructive hell they live in.

Unknown said...

shet!!! These pple are extremely wicked

Unknown said...

How can a woman's breast be cut and she is still strong and walking this way? Graphic boy are @ work here.

Anonymous said...

It shall not be well with all the people involved in this nonsense! i don't even care if it happened in calabar or wherever,Who ever did this to this woman will suffer!!!

INK_HER said...

Is she not hurt at all? Her face though

LIB chairlady said...

Dis is wickedness of d highest order... Very bad, Mama Peace look into this matter

Unknown said...

Oh my! What is this world turning into huh?

Anonymous said...

Why? Why? D world is so wicked....equating human life to som article

Unknown said...

Father lord

Thatigbobabe(Lilyflower) said...

This is wickedness...

Unknown said...

Anyway I live in calabar but I never hear such news since today but is 2 bad if is true

Unknown said...

Jeeezzzzz what wickedness. May God help us.

Anonymous said...

SMH.....dis is rili bad cos no human deserves dis

Anonymous said...

Ooooooooooh! Why is this world soo wicked like this? Whoever did this to this woman will never know peace in their life.

Unknown said...

What a wicked world we live in

Anonymous said...

Big shame??? Linda did u just call this a criminal mob act shameful. O Lord, this is butchery! We shouldn't even do this to a failed suicide bomber. My people are total savages! We are complete animals!!!! See mob unilateral mastectomy. #OMG. Damn!

Anonymous said...

Linda, this can't be true. If is the breast truly cut off, she cant be walk painless. Her facial expression and body movement is saying otherwise

Anonymous said...

Always verify ur stories before posting, this happened in ekiti last year august, she escaped from ritualist, she was unable to talk, and died few hrs later in d hospital

eka said...

Good Lord
so Barbaric...

Unknown said...

Jesus Christ...

Unknown said...

Like i said...Am afraid of humans dis dayz.....dis is inhumane......

Zamani said...

Ewww... what did you say she stole??? Pls visit rellaidiovo.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

This is inhumanity to a fellow woman, i mean how much did she stole?

Unknown said...

Oh No!! Dis is The height of wickedness...if they really did this to her cos she stole God will destroy all their families Gosh!!

cynthia said...

I say no to MOB justice in Nigeria. The National Assembly should enact and implement laws to prevent such despicable and barbaric act in Nigeria. Those guilty should be given severe punishment and life imprisonment. No one should be allowed to take laws into their hands.and no one is above the law.

Bims said...


Amaka said...

This photo looks fake.

Juleslouis said...

Oh my God. This is bad. They could have just handed her over to d police why cut off her breast na? Chai!

Anonymous said...

this is too much and unfair

Unknown said...

Jesus!! The evil dat men do...!! So inhumane.

Unknown said...

Too bad. How can they do this evil act? God help us.

Anonymous said...

this is a beastly act!!! its not just fair!!!


L.A said...

Oh My God!!!

Seu said...

What a hopeless society?!
Jungle justice in 2015!

Certainty said...

Fat lie. This happened in ekiti sometimes last year. The sender is a victim of his or her own hallucination

Anonymous said...

The formal justice system in Nigeria is very weak. This is a shame to our police force, whoever did this to this girl should be prosecuted and jailed with hard labor. I am ashamed of this being a section of Nigeria. Education is really bliss

Unknown said...

Jesus Christ!

Unknown said...

Them want chop d breast like dog meat foolish people God will judge all of una wen get handfor the iissue

Unknown said...

but why ,this is too much

emmyfabzibekweblog said...

Lindy she does not look like some1 who s in pain if that's what they did to her

Anonymous said...

Haaaaa dis is barbaric oooooo........han han

Tendency oby said...

Choi; God have mercy

Anonymous said...

looks like a photo shop.......the facial epression does not show someone whose breast was cut.

Anonymous said...

Very cruel and primitive,later the so called wise and educated southerners will insult or castigate others for something

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Eeeeya...wat's d gain in cutting her breast?

Anonymous said...

VERULe says-gud to kn.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

wow Wht a wicked world humans ar continually wicked this people this did this to this woman should be brought to book plz banana republic

benniebee said...

Oh my God!jungle justice

Anonymous said...

But they clap for our politicians that steal billions.

Unknown said...

Oh God! End time ooo

Unknown said...

WTF! If they could do this to a petty thief,what then will be done to our politicians?

chichi said...

Why are people so heartless

Unknown said...

omg cos she stole..just unfair

Anonymous said...

no,dis is barbaric nd bad

Blackgold said...

This is the first graphic picture that has ever got me worried. No crime is worth this. Yet we condemn Shekau. The perpetrators are as good as dead.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

stealing is not good but THIS is way too much.they are heartless.

Unknown said...

this is babaric. what! #Animals
check out www.awomkenneth.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

Dz'z evil of d highest order..

Unknown said...

Awful. Barbaric.


Some people are just mofo's

Anonymous said...

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help people from falling victim.

Unknown said...

Christ!what kind of world is this?

GloriousOsas said...

Jesu, this is serious

Watch and pray for the evil days are here

Anonymous said...

Jehovah ! Lindooo ?

Bunny said...

I'm in Calabar and I've not heard.

Anonymous said...

Oh no. This is completely unacceptable. We can't continue to take the law into our hands this way. The authorities should please do something. Poor woman.

Anonymous said...

Its a lie... It happened in Ekiti last year and it wasn't due to the fact that she stole something... Ritualist did that to her and she escaped

Shalley said...

Its a lie... It happened in Ekiti last year and it wasn't due to the fact that she stole something... Ritualist did that to her and she escaped

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

The evil men do these days surprise the devil him self


moe said...

this is quite wicked and unacceptable. we are seriously turning to savages in this country, where nobody gives a fuck what happens to you

70mack said...

haa...... what a sad story.. too bad..

Unknown said...

Ma Abasi!

Unknown said...

Terrible! Jungle justice

Unknown said...

this is absolutely unacceptable! what a shame!

Anonymous said...

So bad, y nt hand her over to police? Wicked ppl

Hypertek IshOlawale said...

If this is true then.....i have lost hope in humanity. People can be heartless at times. If Men where God then the whole human race would have been extinct.

Unknown said...

haba dat is vry wickedooooooooooooooo

Anonymous said...

N if it happened in d north u ppl ll call us monsters.but u r d real monsters jst lyk hw u killed those 4 innocent boys in Aluu.mtsss

Bsals said...

Hw can ple be dis wicked Jesus

Anonymous said...

I don't believe this story. It can't happen in Nigeria talk more Calabar. I pity d woman#sad#

Unknown said...

We live in a wicked world...

Unknown said...

No expression of Pains on her face..4 those who watch without any attempt 2stop dz Act doubt pains ll rest on them..

Anonymous said...

Diz is heartless!

@Osirmah said...

Hhhhhmmm, cut off his breast n she z still walking confidently without much tears on her face? Abeg e, dis isn't real jo! ......but if it is real den dose Pple Dat did dis to a fellow human being for stealing, not Dat she killed anybody o, just for stealing n u cut off her breast, den dose involved must be crious cowards! #No Apologies!

FF on IG n Twitter @Osirmah

Anonymous said...

Linda, walahi talahi stealing is stealing but if this story is true, then we are in for trouble in this age of ours as this is broad daylight and in a town where I will presume the police could be reached very easily.
How can anybody in the right frame of mind do this to felow human being because she stole?
This calls for investigation and justice.
Meanwhile, there is need to take care of the woman so that she will not die. May God forgive all of us. Toks

DGBASKY said...

This is bullshit!

Unknown said...

This is barbaric

Anonymous said...

I saw this pic sometime last year . I am not sure if she was a thief or not . But this is bad sha .

Crystal said...

Thiis is not right at all...whatever her crime was, she doesn't deserve dis lifetime torture. BIGGEST SHAME on ALL who agreed to do dis. It's soooo unfair

abass said...

Very bad, very bad. It is in Nigeria that we praise politicians who steal trillions and kill, cut, imolate our people when they steal things that might not even be up to 1 thousand naira.
Check my bbm channel for funny pictures

Anonymous said...

That's a big lie I ve seen that pic b4 lik 2years back!confirm the story plss

Anonymous said...

linda u always end up spoiling my day whenever i visit dis blog,be careful with d type of news n graphic photos u post on dis blog.......tnk u


Wow!!naija is getting bad by d day oooo.

Unknown said...

What a shame... Lawless state

Anonymous said...

Lie!!!dis incident happened in Ado-Ekiti last year n it was not even a theft matter, it was a case of kidnap n ritual's attempt

Anonymous said...

Diz realy bad

Unknown said...

It's fiction,Linda.
She didn't act it well at all
She doesn't look pained.

Unknown said...

Y nah? Even as dt...this is inhumane.


Unknown said...

nah ah doubt..she'd be in tears if they really did

Anonymous said...


Vee said...

they cut her breast and she's still walking without any help and an expressionless face? No sign of pain at all....i'd say FAKE REPORT!

Unknown said...

Animals in the jungle, how on earth?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lindaaaaaaa!!!! Ds is a lie of d century! Dt above picture is dt of mentally unstable woman dt cut her breast by herself in ADO-EKITI sometimes last year! Don't allow stupid pple to spoil LIB for us jooor.

Anonymous said...

Lindaaaaaaa!!!! Ds is a lie of d century! Dt above picture is dt of mentally unstable woman dt cut her breast by herself in ADO-EKITI sometimes last year! Don't allow stupid pple to spoil LIB for us jooor. TeePomping.

Miss Ferragamo said...

Haba Linda! How them go cut person breast and she still dey waka like who dey do campaign? I'm in calabar ATM and I haven't heard the gist.

Unknown said...

God..... What sort of wickedness is this nw.. May God punish all those that did the act.....

Unknown said...

Lie ..... Read this story sometime last year.... She escaped from kidnapper den

yawanow said...

WTF!!! cruel and barbaric.
How come she's still walking

narcis said...

Those pole dat did dis are worst Dan the lady. They can kill. I wonder if a woman has ever exist in their generation

Beautiful wifey said...

Linda, dis brought tears from my eyes. May God almighty punish whoever or those behind this. This is wickedness. They shld av killed her instead. Why are we blaming boko haram then? Or ISIS if this can be done in calabar- Nigeria. Ah! Oluwa O!

Unknown said...

people get mind o, hian

Linda's bae

Best said...

what is the world turning into?God please end this world.

Unknown said...

What a world....what hv they done to politicians stealing real big!! heart of men are soo wicked and evil. Who knows her reason for stealing. #sad

Unknown said...

There is nothing new under d sun though it really heart breaking seeing act lik dis b commited under d pretence of jungle justice. They commited worse crime than d one she d. Too bad!

Anonymous said...

You don't do this to your fellow human being, no matter what the person did. We humans are turning into something.

Anonymous said...

She could die,this is bad. God please take control.

Anonymous said...

You don't do this to your fellow human being, no matter what the person did. We humans are turning into something.


OMG ! This is so disturbing. ...when will jungle justice stop in our society?

Shweetgistz said...

Omoh, did she steal blood diamond? Omg, man is not different from animals, even animals can't b this brutal.

Unknown said...

It's just not fair....

miz bonita said...

this is a joke right? it has got to be a joke. ishhh

Manuel Kunmi said...

WTF!!!!!!!!!! This better not be authentic ooooooo cos the girl no even get sweat for face or any reaction showing she in so much pain

Unknown said...

Hmmmmm....terrible! Btw, where in Calabar did this happen?

Ethel said...

Jeez! Calabar if this is true then am ashame of my state capital. What d heck! If u can do this to a petty criminal I dare u to go out n cut the dick of the governor who is a bigger criminal n all these politicians. Damn! I am so vexed rite now, all those responsible shuld be jailed for life!!!!!!!.

Unknown said...

Dis is terrible.....Linda watch!!!

Anonymous said...

This is real wickedness,no matter wht she did,dey shu av taken her to the police station

Unknown said...

Dis is terrible....Linda watch!

Unknown said...

Dis is terrible....Linda watch!

Unknown said...

If dis is reali true...shame on calabar pple..,shame on Nigerians...! How I wish u can go 2campaign grounds and b givin jungle justice to politician who stole and are still stealing our money!!! Linda watch!

Unknown said...

O this is bad

Unknown said...

Dis is terrible....Linda watch!

Unknown said...

Dis is terrible....Linda watch!

Unknown said...

Dis is terrible.....Linda watch!!!

Amy said...

Aah no! This is not fair at all. I don't support this. What nonsense. Not good at all.

Unknown said...

Subuhannal! I dnt fink dis is real jeez!

Mma Efa said...

Jesus oooo.....

Anonymous said...

This is soo inhuman


Unknown said...

Haaaa, dis is horrible, dey shd arrest d pple involved o. Big thieves walk freely bt petty thieves r bn dealt wt, vry bad

Unknown said...

Lynda, this is photoshop... U can cut off a woman's breast and d pain will allow her walk d street... her face doesn't even look like that of a woman in pain

Anonymous said...

Linda wetin happen to fellow woman walking behind her... that's a wrong statement to make... do u know if it was dat woman dat saved her from pple killing or lynching her... answer me? You jux jump into conclusion like u jumping into the people... wat if it was d woman that came to her rescue..

Unknown said...

Mehn! That's too bad. What did she even steal?

AMIJEZ said...

What a shame. The person that cut the breast has been into ritual killings before long.

Anonymous said...


Chinwe Onugwu said...

That's just too bad! What sort of barbaric tendencies are we still exhibiting for Christ sake?

Starting a snail farm is easy and lucrative if you know these few tricks!

Unknown said...

Merciful Jesus!, of all fyns to do to ds pretty young lady na her breast dem cut... Smh. Anyways, I pray d kind breast s in safe hands cos guys r not smiling.

GALORE said...

this is bad mbok...no no no

My people why this?

This is beyond Jungle justice




Unknown said...

Its nt possible joor....n she doesnt look like she is in pain...loooks photoshopd

Billionaire wife said...

Damnn WTF

Unknown said...

Haaaaa! This is wickedness....What is this country turning into?

Anonymous said...

What is dis country turning into, people enjoy carrying out barbaric acts God help us!!!

Unknown said...

Oh My God, why?

Ritzybaby said...

Imagin dz, dis ppl are inhuman, God ave mercy

Anonymous said...

God forbid. May God help Nigeria

TWITS said...


Unknown said...

Oh God,wot did she still to deserve dis

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